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5 minutes ago, immatx said:

Wow congrats, I'm still trying to get my first.

I wish you good luck in that regard.

5 minutes ago, immatx said:

I would use the -hp/+res, atk is way too important and the +res may come in handy

The thing is that -HP ruins his bulk defense wise, and +Res just brings his magical bulk back to the same thing. I understand it may save him like 1 or 2 more points normally against WTA battles, but it really sucks. Though in the end I suppose it's better than losing 3 Atk for just 3 more Def, so I'll have to end up going with Magic Hector. Really mad because the first Lilina I got that stole Hector's spot is +Atk/-Spd, which would've been perfect for LA Hector. Hopefully I can pull another LA Hector with better IVs this time.

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Free pull was 4* Nowi, I have her at 5* and now I have 3 4*s of her sitting in my barracks until I figure out what to do with them.  I am about to the point with Heroes that I will only spend orbs on seasonal and legendary banners since I tend to have better luck on the seasonal banners with getting 5*s I want.  

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Free pull from the BHB banner, go!

  1. 4* Marth: SP fodder.

Don't care about Azura and I already have Mamui+1, so back to Love Abounds.

  1. 4* Oboro: Worthless.
  2. 4* Stahl: Meh.
  3. 3* Est: Also worthless.
  4. 4* Catria: I've pulled you at least 8 times by now.
  5. 5* V!Hector: Excellent! I was really hoping for Lyn, but he'll do very nicely. IVs are +Atk/-HP, so he's an absolute killing machine. Now to pair him up with my +Atk Zelgius...

I've got two of the focus units. I don't care about V!Roy and I want to save orbs for the future, so it seems like V!Lyn will have to wait.

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6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Actually, since Sothe barely uses HP and Res, your Sothe could be pretty much considered neutral. He arguably the best dagger out there, so I would say keep him.

As someone who uses neutral Matthew, Sothe actually has the same RES and HP as him with this nature just about, just with 8 less DEF, 1 less SPD and 11 more ATK. I'm going to sit on him though, 20k feathers on a sub-optimal nature Sothe? Nah. He's one of my favorites, but I can probably wait to promote him.

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I just pulled a second LA Hector! And this one's +ATK! (and also -SPD, but Wary Fighter'll negate that so really I only care about the ATK boon here) YES!

It took me to 4.75% pity rate though, and after that I am done with this banner! Now to save up for that all-Falchion banner (and also possibly the banner starting on the 21st, depending on who's on that one).

Now I just need to figure out what I'm gonna do with my +SPD/-ATK LA Hector...

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I have all these units, so I think I'll shoot for a chance at Kagero.

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Nope.)

3* Subaki (QR fodder's nice)

I have no words for this to be honest.

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Did you send her home per your policy or keep her?

I… revised my policy, clarifying the definition of seasonal. Seasonal are those whose appearance is based on RL events. Under this definition, the four PA dancers are fair game.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I… revised my policy, clarifying the definition of seasonal. Seasonal are those whose appearance is based on RL events. Under this definition, the four PA dancers are fair game.

Which is why I originally pulled for the four PA dancers, because their existence could be justified outside of a holiday. I guess I don't care much anymore, since I started pulling on the New Years banner and got a summer Xander.

That brings me to my next point. I have a 4.5% on the movement banner. I have a 3.5% on the LA banner. The high percentage on the movement banner gets on my nerves, but I can't even be mad because I got regular Azura on the BHB banner.

Just ... if I can't get Tana and Elincia can I just break my pity rate

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Well, I got her! My rate only had to climb to at least 4.50%, that’s all. The game was even kind enough to give her a +Spd/-Res combo.



Too bad it wasn’t kind enough to give me anything else, Sakura aside of course, worth a damn.


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After more than an entire year of not getting a single 5-star green armor unit, I got LA!Hector! I am freaking out at how happy I am right now! The curse hath been broken! No more just red and blue/sword and lance armor units for the monthly quests! No more having to be annoyed by not having a green unit that can counter from any distance! AAAAAAAHHHHH

Phew. But yes, I don't even care that I got a Merric, Jagen and Bartre in the same summoning session. Hector was my third pull with the blue and colorless orbs left. I still wanted Lyn, and just for giggles decided to pull the colorless as well. Was not disappointed with Klein!

LA!Hector is +Def/-Res incidentally, which is fantastic!

Funnily enough, the last 2 Orbs that I got to reach 20 were obtained by completing Lloyd's Grand Hero Battle for the "all armor" quest. Black Knight ftw, now he has another training partner!

My endorphins were going into overdrive, I tell ya. Fi. Na. Lly.

And of course, I wish you all the best of luck on your future pulls!



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I couldn't hold my self control any longer, so i spent all my orbs on the TT banner in an attempt to get Kagero, who I've been trying to pull for many months since the game first released.  Instead, I got a random 5* Genny :facepalm:

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My summoning on the Valentine banner has come to an end. I was hoping for a Hector (because he's OP) but ended up pulling Lilina. Still not too bad as I needed another horse mage. I saw +Atk and actually got excited because I haven't been getting good IV's recently. Then I saw -Spd, and its a super bane. *sighs* Oh well, I'll probably still use her as currently my only trained up horse mage is L'Arachel who has a pretty bad nature.

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So after three pity breakers and then getting back up to 3.75%, I got Hector! Cool, but I want Lyn the most. But then my first pull in my next session is Lyn! Once I get the 5* Eliwood from TT I'll have all the 5* versions of all the FE7 lords.

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I finally pulled every unit available at 4*/3* with Hawkeye and L'Arachel. Kind of funny that I didn't pull Hawkeye for a whole year and then I pull him twice during my hunt for Hector, first as +SPD -ATK and then as +ATK -SPD. I almost feel like building the latter because I love his voice so much.

Unfortunately the shiny new Hector I pulled has boring neutral IVs (just like the original Hector I've got) and then to top it all of I pulled -ATK +HP Lyn too (and now guess what IVs my original Lyn has). I also got Lilina from that banner, but with +DEF she's just not very useful either - except buffed in TT.

In other news, I pulled Olwen with shit IVs as a free pull on the TT banner. Hopefully she's going to be a bonus unit in a possible Thracia 776 TT, so I have a reason to use her.

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My God this banner is such a heartbreaker... barely any green orbs at all, mostly blue but Lyn is a thing so sure I'll pull them.. and then....


...She's even -ATK again... but +HP instead of +RES. Even worse than last time. This hurts so bad right now I can't... I just want Hector and Lyn...

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@Zeo Ouch. At least she has Res Ploy and a Dual Rally for fodder?

My 4% Pity breaker was a session with only a single stone that was a focus color. 5* Hawkeye(+DEF/-RES) was waiting to welcome me. I knew I should have pulled one of the off color stones. Oh well. No more pulls on the Movement banner. I just have a strong aversion to leaving a pity rate behind. And any further pulls at this point will likely lave one. So no Tana for me.

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Ugh. Got a 5-Star Faye as a pity breaker on the Amelia/Tana/Elincia banner. -_- No green orbs, literally all colorless and one red, and my pity rate was super high, so was afraid to pull a on focus banner unit.

Just wanted Armor March for my Hectorrrrr. His move is so limited!

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So I had both Azura and Kagero at 5* so I decided to go for M!Corrin since I only have him at 4* for my free pull. 

Got three red orbs so decided to pull all. 

First: 4* Swap Fodder (Stahl).

Second: My third freaking Young Freaking Tiki!!! (I don't particularly like her... I dislike her voice the more I use her - especially the map quote where she falls asleep and then wakes up). I suppose yay 5*... but still >.< She'll just be merged in. 

Third: 4* TA + Repo fodder (Selena). 

I'm actually happier about the fodder than the 5* but oh well. I hope Young Tiki bogs off, now. There are plenty of red units I still need at 5* and she is not one I even use overly, despite the fact that I believe she'll now become my highest 5* merge... 

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Well I tried again for Vector, no luck but I did get my first 4* the Rachel +atk-def so I can work with it.  I will wait and see what the new banner is before I try for Vector again.

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Wow, fuck the movement banner. Got my pity rate to 5%. Never mind getting Elincia or Tana, I didn't get ANYTHING at ALL.

This has been the worst banner ever.

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