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Congrats to everyone who got the beasts they wanted and sorry for those who didn't get anybody.

My free pulls from the Laguz banner (I have much more ambitious plans in mind):

  • Red/red/red/colorless/red: Top red gives 3* Eliwood
  • Red/blue/red/green/green: Blue gives 4* Shanna!
  • Blue/blue/blue/green/red: Top blue gives 3* Shanna!
  • Green/blue/green/red/colorless: Blue gives 3* Sully (budget Swordbreaker and Draw Back for TT units)
  • Colorless/blue/red/green/colorless: Blue gives 4* Catria (Luna!)

No 5* heroes for me, but I got good fodder, so I can't be that disappointed.  The chances are much better that you don't get a 5* than get at least one.  Time to save for April's legendary banner for OG Fjorm and L!Hector merges again - I hope to have at least 1000 F2P orbs by then (currently at 120 now, should be around 300 by the end of January).

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I know I said I wouldn't be posting here much anymore, but I gotta say, as someone who wants to get every unit at 5* rarity, this banner was at least great for getting plenty of off-focus rare units, but not really for getting the beast units themselves.

I only managed one copy total of Naesala (+HP -Def), but managed 6 of Tibarn, 3 of Leanne, and 4 of Reyson, as well as various other units, most notably +Spd -Def Sonya, who I didn't have until now, +Def -Atk Hardin, a very welcome change in asset and not really a miss in flaw, and +Spd -HP Ayra, who was Neutral until now. Not to mention various other 5* pity breakers, most all of which were no better than the ones I already have trained up.

I'm getting low on 5* normal summoning pool units that I don't have yet. The only ones left are Adrift Camilla, Adrift Male Corrin, Lene, Loki, Maribelle, Male Grima, Surtr, and Zelgius. After that, it's just new heroes (who, you know, I can't have if they don't exist yet), Legendary Heroes, and Seasonal heroes.

That... is relieving, to say the least. The collectors blood in me can soon be calmed.

Edited by Xenomata
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Got these since last pulls, not counting free units:

  1. Ophelia, +Atk -Def, now my girl is perfect and she's at +4, where's Lewyn when we need him
  2. SF!Nino, +Spd -Atk, merged my previous +Def -Res one with it
  3. W!Eirika, +Def -Atk
  4. W!Fae, +Def -Res
  5. Fjorm, +Atk -HP
  6. Eldigan, +Spd -Res
  7. YT!Olivia, +Def -HP, the opposite of what I had
  8. NY!Gunnthrá, +HP -Atk
  9. NY!Laevatein
  10. NY!Fjorm
  11. Siegbert, +Atk -Spd, Finally got him on my free summon
  12. Tibarn, +Spd -Atk, got him in the same session as
  13. Reyson, +Def -Res, coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!!
  14. B!Lyn, +Spd -Def, merged my free one to it
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Yay, last laguz ticket.

  1. 4* Roy: Bleh.

And now for the sword banner of swordness. If there's no reds I'm going to be pissed.

  1. 3* Oscar: I'm pissed.

My luck really has been awful lately.

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Free summon:


Already have her but hell I'll take another one for free! Especially since her weapon seems to be good on NY!Hrid, who I don't have yet but if I get him this is just meant to be :D

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I must have amazing luck today or something. Sees Helpful Chrom come back on another banner but he is sharing colors with other units once again and thought for sure I wasn't going to get him this time either. I get ready to do my free summon and only see one red orb, decide to pick it and...


I got Chrom for my free summon! One of the few lords I like in Fire Emblem and I have been trying to get this alt of Chrom since his release. He has a +Def/-HP nature which is decent enough and now my cavalry team finally has a unit that can fight dragons. All I am missing now is Linde, Flora, Sumia and Maribelle and I would have all my favorite characters.

Edited by NSSKG151
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I decided to only use my free summon on the all-red banner. I don't have Lene, and Ayra is still on my hopes as pitybreaker. Got a dancer, but the wrong one.

4* Olivia (already 4* +10, so whatever, I might turn her into feathers)

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Well the 2019 NY banner continues to be a gold mine of 5* units for me:


My third off-focus unit from this banner but didn't really have a pity rate going on yet so aren't really mad. Already had a Sothe though and he doesn't have much interesting SI, I mean I got enough 4* of him for L&D and don't have many units that use it. Maybe I'm destined to +10 him, this one at least is neutral which is better than my previous -atk one. Guess I'll just keep them in case I wanna +10 him in the future.

As much as I haven't minded the off-focus 5* units so far, do also give me the focus units please, dear banner?

Edited by Mau
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I am so annoyed with the laguz banner, I got at the beginning a Tibarn and that's alright and now I am at 4.75 pity rate and nothing. I am focusing more on blue and colourless but all this time not a single good fodder (Sheena etc) or my merge project (Tailtiu) only subaki sully and this kind of stuff.

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Look, it's the most predictable and irrelevant banner! Hell, I liegit just got pitybroke by one of them. I also have one of the others, so this will be a bit of a boring pull.

2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue

4* Chrom (Wrong... Chrom? +Atk/-Spd, I mean, it could be a good option over -Res but mine's already got a merge), 4* Stahl (I need to stop being curious. +Atk/-HP)

Well that disappointed.

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Got someone I forgot (either Combat Manual’d or sent home) on the Sword Valor Banner.

Meanwhile I pulled Myrrh #3 on the third Ticket for Beast Banner, and while I kinda wish it had been Reyson just in case he stays 5-Star-locked I’m always happy to get merges for best girl (she’s +ATK/-HP, same as my current one).

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Sounds like a bunch of luck on free summons today! Congrats to all with good pulls!

@Dayni It is like the Gacha is mocking you when it gives the low rarity version of the character to you, isn't it?


So first I was like "Why are they all red." Then I realized that sword valor can only be on red units. Ooops.

So My one pull has one red and some others. The one red is a

Original Celica. Odd. I don't think she has sword valor.

She is +ATK/-RES. My current base is +ATK/-DEF. Also looking at the fact that this will make her a +4, that means this is the FIFTH time she has pity broken me. I don't think I have ever gotten her when actually pulling for her. She just likes to surprise me. Wait. Does it count as pity breaking if it is on the free pull of a banner you don't plan to pull on and only did the freebie cause why not?

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I free pulled red hoping for a better IV Gray to replace my -Atk one.

Game: Have a fourth horse Chrom instead! And with the same exact boon as the one you have (+Def), but with -Spd instead of -Res!

:/ Guess I have merge fodder or Aether fodder. Not sure who I would give Aether to right now though. But how many times is this stupid Chrom going to be in my face whenever I pull red on a banner that he's on? -_- I pulled three of him trying for male Morgan in their debut banner, now this. I don't like Chrom, I wish he'd go away. I've been stuck with a -Atk Gray forever. :(

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Free pulls on Sword Valor, on both accounts, were blah 3-stars with no useful SI.

Alt went back to try for NY!Hrid. This time, he arrived +Res -Atk. Luckily I saved the manual I made with the +HP -Atk copy, and will take the Res refine. He, along with Nina +Res -Spd, will be unbenched when the merge updates take effect.

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I had to agonize over which red to pull for the free pick in the Sword Valor banner: Red/Red/Colorless/Red/Red (starting from the top and going clockwise).  I picked the top red and got...my second 5* Gray!  Sadly this copy is +HP/-Spd; my first is +Def/-Spd.  I get a feeling I might be inheriting Sword Valor on Flying Olivia soon for training sword units...

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1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Got someone I forgot (either Combat Manual’d or sent home) on the Sword Valor Banner.

Meanwhile I pulled Myrrh #3 on the third Ticket for Beast Banner, and while I kinda wish it had been Reyson just in case he stays 5-Star-locked I’m always happy to get merges for best girl (she’s +ATK/-HP, same as my current one).


Kirby: YAH for best girl!! I am +2 Myrrh myself (mine is +def/-spd), I don't know what the third one was, but i basically stuffed almost every single skill i could think of and trained her up by hand. so basically now all Myrrh needs is Aether and Atk Smoke). i dunno what will happen if i get +atk Myrrh, if i wanna stay with the def. (but boy now with DC, is she every unfair now). Hrid died an honourable death for Best Girl. 

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Well free pull was Lene who I merged with my first one since I like her and use her a fair bit.  Sitting on a rising pity rate on the Laguz banner, but I am not too worried I have plenty of time.

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