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4 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Weekly Revival: OG Lucina (+Spd/-Res)

Oh boy... merge or save her for Aether fodder...

Merge her. Sealed Falchion + double Brazens will add up her Speed tremendously if you just invest it, and that asset/flaw combo could not be more perfect (unless you have better).

Besides, Chrom is 3/4 star. Just promote him if you need Aether.

Edited by Xenomata
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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Save her. Sealed Falchion + double Brazens will add up tremendously if you just invest in her, and that asset/flaw combo could not be more perfect.

Besides, Chrom is 3/4 star. Just promote him if you need Aether. Speaking from experience, it is NOT worth it to off the only Lucina you may get for a long while, even if she just be merge fodder for an existing Lucina.

Should've mentioned this but it's actually the 2nd time I summoned a +Spd/-Res Lucina, lol. (Still have my first copy of her)

Edited by Roflolxp54
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5 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Should've mentioned this but it's actually the 2nd time I summoned a +Spd/-Res Lucina, lol. (Still have my first copy of her)

Still think the merge is better. Again, Chrom is more available (especially now that lucy is rarer), and if you really need Aether he can just be promoted.

Not like there's many cases besides building an Arena team where you'd want Aether over Luna.

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So many fantastic banners! Going to start by taking blues on the BHB banner and hope Morgan shows up. 138 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Peri: Meh.
  2. 5* M!Robin: Not what I was hoping for, but nice to have all the same. Unfortunately +Spd/-Def is lousy, but there's always promotions to get a better asset.
  3. 4* Odin: SI fodder.
  4. 4* Femui: More SI fodder.

Quick 5*, but not the one I wanted. Trying to get Morgan with Robin on the same color is asking a bit much, so I'm probably not coming back here. Now, to the main prize, Weekly Revival 6. Reds and greens for Lucina and Julia. B!Lucina's already +2, she can wait. 126 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Selena: Reposition fodder.
  2. 3* Draug: Feathers.

Decent start. 122 orbs left.

  1. 5* Ranulf: Off-focus again? Well, +Atk/-Spd can be merged into my +Def/-Atk copy for maximum tanking capability.
  2. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder!
  3. 3* Ogma: Feathers.
  4. 3* Raigh: Worthless.

Plenty of 5*s, but nothing I truly want. Time to keep going. 105 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: Meh.
  2. 3* Seliph: Eh.
  3. 4* Lilina: No thanks.

Disappointing. 92 orbs left.

  1. 4* Camilla: Bleh.
  2. 4* Raven: More bleh.

Julia's so close to +10. Throw me a bone, Feh. 83 orbs left.

  1. 3* Chrom: Feathers.
  2. 4* Seth: Ugh.

No luck yet...74 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hawkeye: Bleh.

I feel bad for all of the blues I'm skipping. Well, I have to set priorities. 69 orbs left.

  1. 5* Deirdre: Okay? I've been hoping for you for a while, but I'm looking for your daughter right now. +Atk/-Def is quite good though. Another Divine Naga can't hurt either.
  2. 3* Fae: Meh.

Another pity-breaker. One I wanted quite a bit, but it's still irritating. 60 orbs left.

  1. 3* Frederick: Nope.
  2. 5* Siegbert: What? +Def/-Spd is kind of bad, but more to the point I'm getting tons of 5*s and none of them are the ones I'm actually looking for. Still, welcome aboard.

This banner is being very strange. 51 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: Eh.
  2. 3* Ogma: Feathers.
  3. 5* Lucina: Finally, the girl I've been looking for! +Spd/-Res, which is just about perfect, but you're getting merged into my original +Atk/-Spd copy so she can finally be rewarded for three years of sterling service.

Fantastic for Lucina to finally get a merge and remove that atrocious flaw. Now to keep sniping for Julia alone. 38 orbs left.

  1. 4* Arthur: Feathers.

Let's see if my spectacular luck holds. 33 orbs left.

  1. 3* Cecilia: Meh.

It feels bad to skip so many reds, but Lucina's gotten her merge. 28 orbs left.

  1. 4* Boey: SI fodder.

Running very low. 23 orbs left.

  1. 3* Nino: Nope.

One more attempt. 18 orbs left.

  1. 5* Julia: Boom! +9 now! Only one more merge to go!
  2. 4* Sheena: I was genuinely hoping for another Julia...Oh well. Might as well take the one blue here just for fun.
  3. 4* Shanna: Perfect. I need Desperation fodder for Julia.

That was absolutely fantastic. 133 orbs for 6 decent-to-great 5* units, plus a few good SI fodders. Now to try stocking as many orbs as I can before the week is over.

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Got a 4-star Donnel on the Morgan banner, but the weekly revival gave me a free original Lucina! That brings her up to +3 merge for me, quite nice for a free pull. Glad I went with the red orb.

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I wanted to pull blue for both free pulls. Didn't get any in either session! What the fucking hell game. This is the millionth time this has happened recently. I just hardly get blue in my fucking free pulls anymore! Sorry, but this is just really really annoying. (For those that don't remember/know, I need blue to try for the remaining Silas merges I need. And if I don't get blue, I can't do that! >_>)

Though on the flipside, this happened.


I can finally fix someone who's been sitting in my barracks with shitty IVs getting zero use for like a year now. Though this Minerva is also -Atk. 😕 At least I can get rid of the previous one's Atk bane.

Edited by Anacybele
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Lucina banner have me a free M Morgan, I won't compliant since mine is at +2 already.

I was surprised the Morgan and Morgan battle and banner were already here. I was disappointed when I saw Robin sharing a color with F Morgan.

Then on the second circle...

@Rezzy @TheSilentChloey @Anacybele

And she got the boon I wanted too!


Edited by Nym
Weird bug happened on my phone.
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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No, still doesn't work. Weird.

I think I fixed it? Otherwise if you don't see her, she +Speed -HP

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9 minutes ago, Nym said:

I think I fixed it? Otherwise if you don't see her, she +Speed -HP

It works now. Don't care about female Morgan though, so meh. Nice that you got the IVs you wanted though.

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PFFFFFFFT yeah screw you too, Heroes!

In my quest to get Summer Lyn (because I have to have at least one of every Lyn), I was pity-broken by Nailah. Okay. Good fodder. I'll try again later. So I try again later...and get pity-broken AGAIN, this time by Kliff.

Yeah screw you too, Heroes 

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51 minutes ago, Nym said:

Lucina banner have me a free M Morgan, I won't compliant since mine is at +2 already.

I was surprised the Morgan and Morgan battle and banner were already here. I was disappointed when I saw Robin sharing a color with F Morgan.

Then on the second circle...

@Rezzy @TheSilentChloey @Anacybele

And she got the boon I wanted too!


Congrats, I can see the picture okay.  It's always funny when they stick 5* exclusives on the same color as 3-4* units.

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Haha oh man. I tried getting Lyn but I got pity broken twice by Shiro. He doesn't have any worthwhile fodder so I'm gonna merge and hope for a refine T-T 

I'll try again after getting the TT and monthly orbs.

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I've tried on the last banners for Julia, since I don't have her and her refine looks useful. Today was more or less my last try for quite some time. 

In 37 orbs I got two 5* units, which is a great ratio. First this:




+SPD/-ATK. Will be merged in my +0 Lucy, who is my to go infantry GF unit. 

And then:





:- ))))


@TheSilentChloey how is your hunt going? Any Lucina luck yet? 

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I've tried on the last banners for Julia, since I don't have her and her refine looks useful. Today was more or less my last try for quite some time. 

In 37 orbs I got two 5* units, which is a great ratio. First this:

  Reveal hidden contents



+SPD/-ATK. Will be merged in my +0 Lucy, who is my to go infantry GF unit. 

And then:

  Reveal hidden contents




:- ))))


That's awesome, great Assets too! Congrats on getting what you wanted.


I got a circle without any blue stones while trying for Summer Lyn today. I pick a red one and...



+HP -Atk Summer Lilina. I've gotten more red pitybreakers than blue on this banner despite trying to summon blue. Not that upset over Lilina because at least she was a focus unit and I kind of wanted her, but her IVs are as bad as all my other recent pulls which I'm not happy about. Hopefully this means that Lyn will be good if she eventually shows up, but I'm worried she'll be the exact same as Lilina...

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6 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

PFFFFFFFT yeah screw you too, Heroes!

In my quest to get Summer Lyn (because I have to have at least one of every Lyn), I was pity-broken by Nailah. Okay. Good fodder. I'll try again later. So I try again later...and get pity-broken AGAIN, this time by Kliff.

Yeah screw you too, Heroes 

You and me both~

I been broken by F!Berkut, Ishtar, B!Hector, and F!Celica so far~ The latter two were at around 5.0%~

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48 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

That's awesome, great Assets too! Congrats on getting what you wanted.


I got a circle without any blue stones while trying for Summer Lyn today. I pick a red one and...

  Reveal hidden contents


+HP -Atk Summer Lilina. I've gotten more red pitybreakers than blue on this banner despite trying to summon blue. Not that upset over Lilina because at least she was a focus unit and I kind of wanted her, but her IVs are as bad as all my other recent pulls which I'm not happy about. Hopefully this means that Lyn will be good if she eventually shows up, but I'm worried she'll be the exact same as Lilina...

Thanks! Lucina was a nice bonus, her merge base is +SPD as well. 

Congrats on Lilina! Bad banes are annoying, but I've come to ignore them on units I'm not going to use all the time, like most seasonal units. In most modes (like TTs) they don't make a difference anyway. 

Still hope you'll get a good Lyn soon! 

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Freebie pulled Julia. The real surprise was on the BHB banner - a 4 star Silas. So he does exist...? It's been...1 and 1/4 years and I have finally added him to my collection. Also he's an optimal +Atk/-Res nature for promoting. The game knows what I want.

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