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40 pulls from the Forging Bonus rerun banner, pulling all colors for orb efficiency:

  • 1 Laegjarn
  • 0 Fjorm (+1 spark)
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Dieck

41 pulls from the Remix banner, pulling red then colorless:

  • 2 Altina (+1 spark)
  • 2 Marth
  • 1 Florina

Not going to bother with analysis due to the small total number of pulls, though the Remix banner was obviously quite a bit above average.

I'm dragging my feet on the Engage banner and will get to it eventually, but that will not be today.


This week's Arena ticket gets me Mareeta. I've switched over to prioritizing red so that I can go for Ruptured Sky now that both of my regular Byleths are +10.

  1. Brave Veronica
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta


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Weekly Arena Ticket - Vanilla Loki! I surprisingly haven't been able to pull one yet, so I'm really happy with this. Now all I need is Askr and Otr, and I'll have the vanilla forms of all of the Heroes OCs released!

I decided to Spark on the New Heroes banner instead of the New Year's one (although I may use some of my reserves to get enough to Spark on the New Year's one if Askr/Embla really is as good as people say and as the TT+ made them out to be). I was hoping to get at least either Alfred or Alear before Sparking. Fortunately, I was able to pull Alfred and Chloe before Sparking for Alear. Overall, it was a good choice. All of the free tickets, two of which I haven't even earned yet, mean that I have more orbs saved for the aforementioned New Year's banner than I originally predicted. 

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I really ought to actually clean out my barracks like I keep saying I will. It's such a pain being able to only pull 10-15 units before having to turn things into manuals.

106 pulls to get both sparks and then clean up my pity rate... which clearly didn't go so well considering that was 26 extra pulls, reaching a 4.75% pity rate on a double-focus color.

  • 1 Alear (+1 spark)
  • 2 Alfred (+1 spark)
  • 2 Chloe
  • 1 pity breaker
    • Fallen Male Corrin

4.7% focus rate is slightly more than 1 pull below average. That said, even if I had stopped at the spark, I still would have had only a 4.9% focus rate, which is still almost a full pull below average. 5.7% total 5-star rate would have been below average even if blue weren't a shared color and is more than 3 and a half pulls below average in actuality.


I'll deal with AHR later.

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Went into the Engage AHR with exactly 155 orbs, which worked out nicely. Used the two free picks to get my main targets of Sigurd and Micaiah, and in the meantime picked up Halloween Corrin, my first copy of Elice, and duplicates of Valentine's Lucina, Ophelia, Hardin, and Byleth F. Ended with an 11.50% rate since the two focus pulls were both in the first session, but whatever. Only other units I'm missing on the banner are Lyn and Eirika, so there's no more relevant color-sharing to make use of.

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So, I chose Sumo Lyn as my free pull so I could give Godlike Reflexes to Elm. BUT he can't learn it because he flies. Well, at least I can give him Spd Smoke 4, but that really throws a wrench in my plans... I already gave him a Chad tome, too, so he already has Spd Smoke 1-3. Oh well. Guess I'm just using her for passing down only one skill. That special is really premium, too... BUT Elm gets priority. His mom's not paying attention to him, so someone has to.

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I should have waited to free pull until after I summoned on main, pulling blue and green gave me a lot of copies of Lyn and Byleth after already using Lyn as free unit, but she has my favorite build of these, so it could be a lot worse.

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Well, the Engage banner was generous enough to give me Alfred. So I'm done with that banner, no orbs going into that. For my free pick on the Engage AHR banner, I picked Sigurd, I've been trying for far too long to get him and I wasn't gonna let this opportunity pass me by. I'll save up my orbs for the month and maybe come back to it to see if I can grab some other characters from it.

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A bunch of pulls for the first session of the Year of the Rabbit. First grey for Hostile Springs.

  1. 3* Jeorge: No.

Green for the AHR Engage banner.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Roy: Lucky me! +Res/-Atk is awful, but I already have him at +Spd/-Res, so merge time.

Any reds on the Iceberg banner.

  1. 4* Sophia: No. 100 orbs on hand.
  2. 3* Guy: No.
  3. 3* Hinata: No.

Ugh. Maybe I'll come back here if I can get the Khadein banner over with. Blue for Weekly Revival 5.

  1. 4* Cordelia: No.

Red for Weekly Revival 48.

  1. 4* Nanna: Or not.

Blue for the Engage banner since I have no plans to spend orbs here.

  1. 4* Mamui: No.
  2. 3* Valbar: No.
  3. 3* Miriel: No.
  4. 4* Phila: No.
  5. 4* Donnel: No.
  6. 5* Alfred: Great! My first Arcane unit, although unfortunately he's +HP/-Atk. Still, happy to have him.
  7. 4* Tatiana: No.
  8. 3* Luthier: No.
  9. 5* Selena: Awesome! Also +HP/-Atk, but I've already got a +HP/-Def copy to merge into.
  10. 4* Marcia: No.

That went wonderfully. Now back to digging for Linde and Sara on the Khadein banner. 92 orbs left.

  1. 5* Leif: Another 4* Special. +Atk/-HP is good, so I guess time to merge my +1 neutral copy in.

87 orbs left.

  1. 3* Merric: No.

82 orbs left.

  1. 4* Boey: No.

77 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tanith: No.

72 orbs left.

  1. 3* Silvia: No.
  2. 3* Seliph: No.
  3. 3* Palla: No.

Figures. 59 orbs left.

  1. 4* Odin: No.

54 orbs left.

  1. 4* Caeda: No.
  2. 3* Caeda: Really?

45 orbs left.

  1. 3* Selena: Reposition fodder.

40 orbs left.

  1. 3* Ogma: No.

35 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eirika: No.

30 orbs left.

  1. 4* Atlas: No.

25 orbs left.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.

20 orbs left.

  1. 3* Seliph: No.

I hate this banner with a burning passion now. I got a 4* Special Leif right at the beginning, then absolutely nothing of value. I'm up to a 4.25% pity rate again, and after spending 77 more orbs (bringing me up to a whopping 399 total) I still have zero copies of Harmonic!Linde and only one of Nino. It seems like all of my luck is ending up in the free pulls.

Speaking of free pulls, time for the two freebies. First, grey for the weekly Arena ticket.

  1. 5* Loki: Okay, not bad. +Atk/-HP is certainly better than the +1 +Def copy I currently have.

And for the AHR unit I think I'll pick Celica, both for the floret and because she's in colorless hell.

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No greys once again, but a good consolation prize in that five years on, I finally have a better boon than +HP for my Peganino, who is now +Spd and +3.

1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino

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Four full circles on AHR so far. After three full rounds of absolutely nothing, the fourth circle finally came through. Pull #16 is +HP -Def Siegbert, pull #17 is +Def -Res Flame Lyn and pull #19 is +Atk -Res Ascended Celica.

Pleased with that. Siegbert is new to me, as is Flame Lyn. It is somehow my fourth copy of Celica despite her being a unit I'm not particularly interested in, with the prior copies being +Res, +Res and +HP, so finally getting a new base is welcome. I don't know what to do with the other two copies though: +1 feels like plenty for a unit I only use occasionally, but her fodder is decidedly underwhelming too.

The other upside is that I'm now guaranteed my top three units from this banner, assuming I go on to free-pick Roy and Corrin. A theoretical fourth and fifth pick would be Leif and Eirika, but I don't care enough to do anything about it, just keep doing full rounds and pray.

Edited by Humanoid
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This week's Arena ticket gets me Phina, who I forgot existed to the extent that I had to look up how to spell both her localized name and her official Japanese name (I use those on my spreadsheet so that I don't have to try to remember the localized name when reading a Japanese name on my phone screen).

  1. Brave Veronica
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina


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So, I realized I had a bunch of free summons stocked up since they don't just go to the front of the banner list anymore.

Irony in summoning:

- in the Emblems banner, pulled a 4* special original Ephraim

- in Heoroes with Iceburg, I got original M!Morgan when I opened a red node instead of his fallen form (he's also 3*)

- Not very ironic, but I pulled a free Myrrh from the weekly revival 5 banner (maybe she was following that copy of Ephraim I got.)

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So i pulled on the remix banner to get A!Florina, hoping to grab a Gunthra too.

I got 1 colorless 5*, and 2 green 5*s. none where the ones i wanted. sparked Florina, walked off.

Went in on the Engage banner, again hoping to catch either the green healer girl or Alear than spark the other.

I got nothing. Sparked Alear, walked away.

I didn't want to spark on the MHR but i wanted Corrin fodder. It would have been great to pick up a Lyn.

They never showed up. Hardly got any blue, actually. Picked up 3 focus units, nothing i really cared out. Sparked Corrin.


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No luck getting any of the colorless mythics so far, but for the first time since March 2018, I'm now caught up on a game's unit roster!

It's TMS, but still. Been hoping to pick up Eleonora for a while, to complete the set.

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I am extraordinarily mad at the Engage Hero Rises banner. I've pulled on it 35 times and gotten absolutely NOTHING. Not one single 5-star unit. I'm five units away from sparking it, and it's given me NOTHING. Screw this crap. I was gonna finish this and then go onto the Double Mythic banner for Gotoh and Fomortiis, but I'm sure I'll get NOTHING there, too.

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Blue for the Voting Gauntlet A banner.

  1. 3* Miranda: Or not.

Naturally the circle had two reds and three greys. Focus? What's that? Anyway, blue again for the B banner.

  1. 4* Thea: And of course this circle has four blues.

Red for Weekly Revival 6.

  1. 3* Athena: No.

Grey for Weekly Revival 49.

  1. 5* Caineghis: Nice. +Res/-Def isn't great, so merge fodder for my +2 +Def copy.

One full circle from the Mythic banner since I'm missing most of the units on it. 76 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Ogma: No.
  2. 3* Catria: No.
  3. 4* Gordin: No.
  4. 5* Fomortiis: Hah! Finally a good Anima Mythic. Of course he's +HP/-Atk, but that's a minor issue.
  5. 3* Kaze: No.

All of my 5 most recent 5*s have had their asset and flaw in HP and Attack. It's strange. Anyway, time to try yet again on the Khadein banner with 61 orbs.

  1. 4* Ogma: No.

56 orbs left.

  1. 5* YT!Olivia: This is the second 4* Special copy of you I've gotten from this banner. +Res/-HP isn't even good. +3 now.
  2. 5* Y!Tiki: I wonder if the game is deliberately messing with me. +Spd/-Res is mediocre on her, so merge fodder for my +2 +Spd copy.

Neat, but not at all what I want. 47 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: No.
  2. 3* Ogma: No.
  3. 5* Harmonic!Linde: Finally! It took way longer than it should have, but I finally have her. +HP/-Res is good enough, and at least it's not -Atk like before. I'll take the one green for fun since there's no way I'm coming back to this banner.
  4. 3* Camilla: Nope.

My luck finally appears to have turned around. 31 orbs got me 4* Special copies of YT!Olivia and Y!Tiki, plus Harmonic!Linde at long last. Combined with the free Fomortiis I did well today. Lastly, what will the weekly Arena ticket give me?

  1. 5* Phina: Not bad. +Def/-HP isn't good, but I've already got a +Spd/-Atk copy that would love a merge.
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Finally after four weeks, another grey weekly arena orb. Content with getting another Kinoka and she goes to +3. Incidentally I went to look up who'll be added to the 4*SR pool next month and the prediction is available here.

1. Veronica
2. Mamori
3. Sad Tiki
4. Innes
5. Katarina
6. Green Olwen
7. Lyn
8. Peganino
9. Kinoka

I think I neglected to post that I was weak and did a full circle on the Mythic banner, which just yielded a Delthea merge, not worth it.

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This week's Arena ticket gets me Gray.

  1. Brave Veronica
  2. Leila
  3. Luke
  4. Leila
  5. Innes
  6. Flying Olivia
  7. Mareeta
  8. Phina
  9. Gray


Also did 62 pulls on the Double Mythic Heroes banner for the time being just to get the spark for Gotoh for Aether Raids and then pull a few more merges. I'll do more pulls sometime later:

  • 2 Gotoh (+1 spark)
  • 0 Fomortiis
  • 3 Arval

8.1% focus rate is basically average. As usual, the rerun unit really likes me for some reason.

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Finally, FINALLY on my 39th summon on that stupid AHR banner, I got Halloween Corrin. And then with my free spark summon I got Valentine Lucina. Now I'm done with that banner, thankfully, because I was about to reach into my phone screen and strangle it. Sheesh. On to the Gotoh and Fomortiis Mythic banner.

Weekly Arena ticket:

  • Week 1: Horse Chrom
  • Week 2: Luke
  • Week 3: Lewyn
  • Week 4: Maribelle
  • Week 5: Velouria
  • Week 6: Takumi
  • Week 7: Nah
  • Week 8: Mareeta
  • Week 9: Brave Veronica
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First round of Hero Fest went swimmingly, with pulls #1, #2 and #4 yielding 5-stars. (I always pull clockwise from the top) The Mareetae are +Res -Atk and Neutral. By interesting coincidence, my two old ones are those exact natures, so two sets of twins. Charlotte is +Res -Spd, which is disappointing because my old one is +HP -Spd, so neither is good. But to be honest it hardly matters because I dislike her so she's not getting that merge to fix the bane.

As for the seasonal freebie, I'm holding off until at least I'm done with the Engage AHR banner, which I still intend to spark despite being only 20 pulls in. Hmm, 20 more pulls required on that, 35 more on the Hero Fest, barely 40 orbs, and not much time. I'm digging myself into a hole here, aren't I?


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The Engage lords banner apparently hated my guts. The only thing I got from it was Brave Marth, who was probably the one I needed the least. Sparked Ike and Byleth with some orbs from the anniversary.

Free seasonal summon was Leila, whom ... yeah, I didn't have her and she has a decent nature so I'm fine with this.

Hero Fest gave me absolutely nothing, but I already had everyone here so I can't say I care.

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