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Spent close to 90 orbs sniping Reds this morning, and spent some money.


And I regret absolutely nothing.  Yes!  He appears to be +Res/-Def, which makes 7/8 5* Heroes I've pulled +Res.  I'd say this is reaching curse levels, but I'll gladly take it over @Rezzy's -Atk woes.

Everything else I got:






















































































Boon is listed first, then bane.  I'm real happy to pull Roy as well, he will get promoted some day.


Edited by DLNarshen
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Pulled only reds hoping for Ike, got 2 3* Henrys, a 4* Eirika and the wrong 5*, +HP -Spd Alm. No idea what to do with him, though I finally have a Falchion user I guess.

Edited by AuraGuardianR
Wrong IVs woops
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Oh yeah, I just realized. In my red spam for Ike, I pulled THREE 5 star Falchion users (Marth, Alm, and Chrom). And in only a few summon sessions. That's kind of crazy.

I'm going to look at the Marths I pulled (one 5 star and two 4 stars. Game must want me to get a powerful one lol) and see if the new 5 star isn't actually better than the one I already had (and he wouldn't have to do much given that my current one is -spd).

Of course, I'm training up Ike first, so you'll have to wait a bit, Alm my man. As for Chrom...meh, he'll sit around and do nothing unless for some reason a quest requiring him pops up or something.

I also pulled a 4 star Seliph, two 4 star Eirikas, and two 4 star Eliwoods. I have every available sword lord except Lucina now, I think. lol But thank goodness, because I despise her more than all of them.

Edited by Anacybele
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20 orbs, let's go.



Okay. Worst pull ever. I don't like Jakob (+HP -Atk in top of that), I have already hundred of Cecilia and the only one I can care is Matthew (+Atk -Res).

Game still hate me.


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So with Lunatic maps and quests finished, I gathered another 25 orbs. Here I go in search of Titania!

Pull 1: 3 red, 1 grey, 1 blue — 4⋆ Raigh (25→20);
Pull 2: 2 green, 1 red, 2 blue — 3⋆ Cecilia, 3⋆ Nino (20→11);
Pull 3: 2 grey, 2 red, 1 blue — 3⋆ Hinata (11→6);
Pull 4: 1 red, 2 green, 2 grey — 4⋆ Cecilia (6→1).

⋆⋆⋆⋆ Raigh   +Spd −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Atk −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Nino   +HP −Spd
⋆⋆⋆ Hinata   +Spd −Def
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Def −Atk

Just no.

Edited by Vaximillian
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"Hmm. My name? I am the mage Soren. Now, I have a question for you. Is Ike here?"


Just burned through my 240 orbs today. Most pulls were really underwhelming. A ton of Eliwood and Olivia etc etc, don't really need to go into the details.
Managed to grab two Sorens, which may become nice custom Ninos someday. And an !Azura! as well (yeah, best thing of the banner came out of a blue pop, who could say?)

I didn't give up hope, though. Still got 10 orbs! waiting for the next full session ;):


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43 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh yeah, I just realized. In my red spam for Ike, I pulled THREE 5 star Falchion users (Marth, Alm, and Chrom). And in only a few summon sessions. That's kind of crazy.

Oh, so I'm not the only one. Before pulling Ike I summoned a 5* Chrom. Also a 5* Ryoma. Very good stuff.

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9 minutes ago, Pikappa93 said:

Oh, so I'm not the only one. Before pulling Ike I summoned a 5* Chrom. Also a 5* Ryoma. Very good stuff.

Man, I would've rather had Ryoma instead of all those Falchions. Especially instead of Chrom, because I don't like him and his bane and boon are shit. Alm's isn't great either, but at least I'm okay with him.

My new 5 star Marth is better than the previous one though, so I merged. I'll have to level him up again, but still.

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So i cleared the maps on NM and did a session. My first session and I instantly get Mist lol. She's +HP -Atk. Pretty lame I can't give her Saizo's Poison Strike.

I'll do the Hard and Lunatic missions to gather more orbs along with the daily ones and make another complete pull to see if I get her brother!

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3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

So i cleared the maps on NM and did a session. My first session and I instantly get Mist lol. She's +HP -Atk. Pretty lame I can't give her Saizo's Poison Strike.

I'll do the Hard and Lunatic missions to gather more orbs along with the daily ones and make another complete pull to see if I get her brother!

That's actually a nice Mist, congrats. I know healers aren't usually something to go crazy about, but at least she's got good skills and nature :lol:

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This started off pretty alarming. I had spent about 60 orbs and only gotten lame repeats, plus two Hinatas (I didn't have him yet and I like him, but he's no Ike). Then I got Eirika, who I was also missing, though only at 4*.

I was starting to sweat, and then...

Ike! AND Soren! And then Camilla, two Ninos, and a repeat Kagero!

I kept trying a bit for Titania but alas... she will have to wait.

Super pumped with the results in the end!


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What the hell...

I only got orbs for three summoning sessions and in every pull I get a five star unit....

1: Abel +ATK -RES

2: Mist +SPE -ATK

3: Soren +HP -RES

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Um... So which if you is actually correct? I hope it's you Vax... Even though yet another -res bugs me a bit. @Rezzy if your curse is -atk, mine is -res, I swear.

Curse? More like a blessing if you ask me since -Res is considered the best possible bane on the majority of characters in this game :O

In any case, +HP/-Res is a great nature for a guy like Ike so congratulations!

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Curse? More like a blessing if you ask me since -Res is considered the best possible bane on the majority of characters in this game :O

In any case, +HP/-Res is a great nature for a guy like Ike so congratulations!

Seriously? When there are a lot of mages and dragons in the arena? I swear I face multiples of them in almost every battle. My -res people keep getting annihilated.

But yeah, I do like it for Ike as I had said. Glad he'll be decent! In fact, he'll almost be like a sword-wielding Frederick without a horse. XD

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Seriously? When there are a lot of mages and dragons in the arena? I swear I face multiples of them in almost every battle. My -res people keep getting annihilated.

But yeah, I do like it for Ike as I had said. Glad he'll be decent! In fact, he'll almost be like a sword-wielding Frederick without a horse. XD

You just happen to have a lot of units with naturally low res, and for those units -res is best because you have to have something as a bane, and it's best to get rid of something they don't need. Even if a unit like Ike or Frederick were +Res, they would still die to most mages. It's best to dump that and instead focus on something else like making them stronger, faster (well, maybe not in Fred's case), or physically tankier to capitalize on their strengths. 

You generally won't be countering mages and dragons with the likes of Ike or Frederick anyways, so it's best to have a dedicated mage killer and let Ike/Fred take care of physical threats. 

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

You just happen to have a lot of units with naturally low res, and for those units -res is best because you have to have something as a bane, and it's best to get rid of something they don't need. Even if a unit like Ike or Frederick were +Res, they would still die to most mages. It's best to dump that and instead focus on something else like making them stronger, faster (well, maybe not in Fred's case), or physically tankier to capitalize on their strengths. 

You generally won't be countering mages and dragons with the likes of Ike or Frederick anyways, so it's best to have a dedicated mage killer and let Ike/Fred take care of physical threats. 

I understand all that, but with so many -res and naturally low res people, I don't really have a good mage killer. That said, my new 5 star Marth is +res so he might do well enough against green and red ones.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I understand all that, but with so many -res and naturally low res people, I don't really have a good mage killer. That said, my new 5 star Marth is +res so he might do well enough against green and red ones.

All 4 units on my arena team are -Res, but I'm doing just fine. Positioning skills and dancers work wonders.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I understand all that, but with so many -res and naturally low res people, I don't really have a good mage killer. That said, my new 5 star Marth is +res so he might do well enough against green and red ones.

From what I remember of your team, Klein's the best you have. 

He won't be able to tank mages on enemy phase, but on player phase he can annihilate just about every mage in the game :D

I don't know if you're planning to pull any more on this banner, but Titania seems to be a very good mage killer (she has more than double the Res of Frederick), so you could try going for her. 

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9 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

In other news...

Alm and Faye stay as 5*-only drops.

Lukas and Clair are available as 5* and 4* drops.

This news makes me sad. And do you know what I get from my pulls. Another Leo...Cavalry just love me too much.

OTOH, I got more Hana, Hinata, and Frederick dupes. So it's not all bad. I'll roll a couple more if they give out orbs.

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40 orbs today got me a Titania, a +Atk/-Res 3* Barst and a bunch of other blah units. First Barst though, which is cool because he's my first Brave Axe user

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