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So I decide to do a pull on the female mage banner to see if I can get Sanaki (or Linde, but preferably Sanaki).

Got one red and two blue orbs in the session. But I didn't get anything good out of it. Only more dupes and a Ninian. I had a screenshot, but I must not have saved it even though I could've sworn I did. I don't need or care about boring Ninian, so she'll probably eventually go home.

Edited by Anacybele
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7 hours ago, L9999 said:


@shadowofchaos  I know nothing about this game ammirite? Told you he would come back.

Let me reiterate my previous point: Saying units are garbage means you don't know how to gacha game.

The point never was about you pulling him again. He is a resource and a source of low level axebreaker.

I have 12 Donny from pulling blues and they're a great source of drag back and Brave Lance.

And pulling him a lot isn't uncommon. You sound like you're cursed or something.

He is one out of 11 pullable 3 star swordies.

Assuming you get a red stone 3 star and get a swordie, you have a 1 in 11 chance of getting him. That is a pretty decent chance. So, no. From the way you're implying that you're cursed to get garbage units on your pulls: You don't know how gacha games work.

How many Japanese gacha games have you played?

If anything, on the illogical and superstitious side of human gambling thought, you probably get "garbage" because you treat the stuff you have as garbage.

eclipse said:

Maybe you should stop calling your pulled characters garbage.  Then you're more likely to pull good things.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't need or care about boring Ninian, so she'll probably eventually go home.

Ninian is cool, useful, and cute. As a blue dancer, her niche is different to Olivia's. As a manakete, she checks Res-deficient people (who aren't Falchion lords).
Don't throw her away on such a whim.


With the defence maps and quests cleared, my orb supply climbed reasonably high again for pulling three orbs in search of Julia.

Pull 1: 1 red, 2 blue, 2 grey — 3⋆ Palla (17→12). Thanks, game. Not even a green orb.
Pull 2: 2 grey, 2 green, 1 blue — 3⋆ Cecilia (12→7), 3⋆ Frederick (7→3). Fuck you too, game.

⋆⋆⋆ Palla F +HP −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Cecilia C +Res −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Frederick C +Def −Spd

8 Cecilias in the box, 7 Fredericks. Yeah.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Ninian is cool, useful, and cute. As a blue dancer, her niche is different to Olivia's. As a manakete, she checks Res-deficient people (who aren't Falchion lords).
Don't throw her away on such a whim.

She's boring (both character and design-wise) and useless to me. I have a blue dancer in Azura already (who is a way better and way cuter character imo). I also already have dragons in female Corrin and adult Tiki. I don't care much for Tiki either, but she's better than Ninian, imo.

There's no reason I shouldn't ditch her. I get feathers!

Edited by Anacybele
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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

She's boring (both character and design-wise) and useless to me. I have a blue dancer in Azura already (who is a way better and way cuter character imo). I also already have dragons in female Corrin and adult Tiki. I don't care much for Tiki either, but she's better than Ninian, imo.

There's no reason I shouldn't ditch her. I get feathers!

Whatever floats your boat then.

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So remember when Ana was cherry picking units and couldn't beat GHB because she sent home units she didn't like as a character, dismissing them as bad units?

Not to mention dancers, which are essentially godsends when doing arena? Having an option for a blue and a red?

Pulling 5 stars and sending then home like you were a whale.

You can see why people who try to help her with calculations and beating maps scratch their heads.

Aqua and Ninian have a different niche.

You should really replace your usage of "useless" every time as "I don't know how to use them".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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5 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Aqua and Ninian have a different niche.

Not really. The only difference is that one hits defense and the other hits res. Ninian has advantage only over red units, and I already can get that with male Robin if I want to target res and if I want a blue dragon, I have female Corrin.

My choices are my choices. I'm tired of people complaining about them and trying to force me to play the game in ways I wouldn't like.

Also, I never sent home any 5 stars. Nor did I ever call any units bad simply because I didn't like them as characters.

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Yes, your choices are your choices.

But maybe - just maybe - people get tired of your pointless whining?

"But I can say what I want to say! Other people do, why can't I?"

You're right, but if you're in a discussion thread, you might want to do a bit more of the, y'know, discussing part?

For everyone's sake. Please.


In the interest of giving, this post more content:

I'm trying to get all the free 3* to 40 in order to give myself more of a challenge (since everything is pretty easy if I cheese with 5*'s), so this 1.5x EXP event is godsend.

I re-rolled my account two weeks after the game came out, though, since I decided a bit late that I wanted a Lucina. So I missed Narcian's GHB. IS, re-release when. I need my compete mkv collection, hehe.


Edited by Fruity Insanity
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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Not really. The only difference is that one hits defense and the other hits res. Ninian has advantage only over red units, and I already can get that with male Robin if I want to target res and if I want a blue dragon, I have female Corrin.

My choices are my choices. I'm tired of people complaining about them and trying to force me to play the game in ways I wouldn't like.

Also, I never sent home any 5 stars.

Yes your choices are your choices. But when you are constantly complaining about a game and the units you get in a thread where people have more experience, you should expect to the crap you get here in the heroes forum.

You're speaking about unit evaluation for Ninian with a tone of a person that shouldn't have any trouble with this game. Innate Escape route is good for the fact that you don't like to SP grind, and targeting res makes her a good counter for sword armors to enable her to teleport dance on the offensive unit.

Unless you gave Aqua Wings of Mercy, she can't give you that either.

Kamui can't give you that. Positioning in this game is everything.

As for "sending home" I meant that you giving up a 5 star unit for skill inheritance or feathers instead of using their value as a unit.


Units you dislike as characters are different when it comes to gameplay.

If you wanted to eventually send home 5 star Ninian because she's "useless" to you without getting grief or getting corrected, you shouldn't have posted in a discussion thread.


Sometimes I feel like part of you wants the attention and grief you get from posting your baseless opinions on a discussion thread. Make a blog in that case.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

Yes your choices are your choices. But when you are constantly complaining about a game and the units you get in a thread where people have more experience, you should expect to the crap you get here in the heroes forum.

No, I should not. Just because I'm not as experienced doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be disappointed with some things.

3 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

You're speaking about unit evaluation for Ninian with a tone of a person that shouldn't have any trouble with this game. Innate Escape route is good for the fact that you don't like to SP grind, and targeting res makes her a good counter for sword armors to enable her to teleport dance on the offensive unit.

Unless you gave Aqua Wings of Mercy, she can't give you that either.

Corrin can't give you that. Positioning in this game is everything.

I already have T-Adept Swordbreaker male Robin and Ike to take care of swords.

Azura doesn't need Wings of Mercy. I like her the way I have her.

Female Corrin still targets res and red units like Ninian does.

4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

As for "sending home" I meant that you giving up a unit for skill inheritance or feathers instead of using their value as a unit.

Then I only did this once and that was ages ago.

4 minutes ago, Fruity Insanity said:

Yes, your choices are your choices.

But maybe - just maybe - people get tired of your pointless whining?

If I'm whining, then so are a whole bunch of people. The only "whining" I did was voice disappointment in some pulls.

How about we not argue and derail the thread for everyone's sake?

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12 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Sometimes I feel like part of you wants the attention and grief you get from posting your baseless opinions on a discussion thread. Make a blog in that case.

You're not the only who gets this feeling, I'm pretty sure.

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13 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Sometimes I feel like part of you wants the attention and grief you get from posting your baseless opinions on a discussion thread. Make a blog in that case.

Why the hell would I ever want anything like that? I actually hate getting a lot of attention at once, if you want to know the truth. This is why I've never made a blog despite my parents' suggestion to do so.

Think before you go assuming shit about people.

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2 minutes ago, Maymeimai said:
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Aaaand I got her! My favorite tellius character (along w soren)

She is +res -spd (its not -atk, so i am totally fine with it. thanks rezzy for not cursing her)

Haha. At least she and Lilina have the highest red mage attack in the game on average nature.

It feels like Rezzy is a meme with -atk natures for every other member.

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I've been gone a while.

My horse account has been pulling for Titania for the last 3-4 weeks.  I've gotten pretty unlucky.  Just got my second Soren, resetting my bonus chance so I don't know if I'll get enough free to play orbs to get her by the end of the event.

On the other hand, my other account enjoyed the hell out of the Hero Fest.  Despite my lack of interest in Hector, I got 2 of them so I can skill inherit at least one (perhaps both) on to future characters.  If cormag is defense and resistive, I will be putting Close Counter on him for a few reasons.  First, no one will expect it and probably attack without realizing they'll be taking damage.  Second, I expect him to have good defensive stats so he can survive a lot of hits while he counters.  Third, he is my favorite character in Fire Emblem so even if he isn't the best character to give Close Counter to, I will anyways.  If he's horribly bad, I'll save it for another character like Ephraim. So, haven't really got any characters I love recently (wasted all my orbs failing to get Lukas) but two Hectors is going to be great for food. 

Dunno if I want to feed both hectors because I do have potential for an armored emblem as I also have both Zephiels and 5*Effie.  Missing Sharena but she's worthless anyways.  Maybe if they give us the black knight I'll keep Hector for an armor emblem.

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41 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I already have T-Adept Swordbreaker male Robin and Ike to take care of swords.

Azura doesn't need Wings of Mercy. I like her the way I have her.

Female Corrin still targets res and red units like Ninian does.

I just want to point out that you're comparing three different roles one by one here, instead of seeing that Ninian does all these things at once for you whilst only taking up a single character slot.
Since your main team is so heavily physically lopsided, isn't Ninian perfect for you? Blue dancer that hits res, warps, and has a high res stat. Yes, Azura is both blue and high res, and does have better all-around combat, but if you're using the version of your team without Robin, Ninian can do something that you're lacking in.
I'm not exactly trying to change your mind here, but I just want you to know how good an option Ninian is to have for your team, and may allow you to be more successful with a Ryoma/Ike/Frederick party and beyond that, in crafting more versatile B-teams. More options is always a good thing, I feel!
No worries if you really don't want to use her though.

EDIT: on topic, I managed to get what I was looking for out of the mage banner (Sanaki) after four full pulls! She's +Res/-Spd, which I'll settle for. Really happy to finally get her! Now back to saving for Celica.

Edited by Dotty
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5 minutes ago, Dotty said:

I just want to point out that you're comparing three different roles one by one here, instead of seeing that Ninian does all these things at once for you whilst only taking up a single character slot.
Since your main team is so heavily physically lopsided, isn't Ninian perfect for you? Blue dancer that hits res, warps, and has a high res stat. Yes, Azura is both blue and high res, and does have better all-around combat, but if you're using the version of your team without Robin, Ninian can do something that you're lacking in.
I'm not exactly trying to change your mind here, but I just want you to know how good an option Ninian is to have for your team, and may allow you to be more successful with a Ryoma/Ike/Frederick party and beyond that, in crafting more versatile B-teams. More options is always a good thing, I feel!
No worries if you really don't want to use her though.

Yes, but the physically lopsided thing is why I made Azura my mage killer. She has high res and blue Tomebreaker, so she can take out red and blue mages. I can usually handle green ones with Ike.

Despite what you say, I personally can't think of any use for Ninian. Especially if she has a bad bane and boon combo (not saying this is everything, I'm aware that some units can work regardless).

I'm lacking in high res and mage units. Which I'm slowly getting more of. I don't believe I need all three dancers.

I get that you're not trying to change my mind, I don't think you're being rude or anything, I'm just saying my decision is final. I haven't sent Ninian home yet since I'm not playing the game right now (taking a break), but she will go home whenever I pick it up again. Though who knows when that will be.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yes, but the physically lopsided thing is why I made Azura my mage killer. She has high res and blue Tomebreaker, so she can take out red and blue mages. I can usually handle green ones with Ike.

Despite what you say, I personally can't think of any use for Ninian. Especially if she has a bad bane and boon combo (not saying this is everything, I'm aware that some units can work regardless).

I'm lacking in high res and mage units. Which I'm slowly getting more of. I don't believe I need all three dancers.

I get that you're not trying to change my mind, I don't think you're being rude or anything, I'm just saying my decision is final. I haven't sent Ninian home yet since I'm not playing the game right now (taking a break), but she will go home whenever I pick it up again. Though who knows when that will be.

Gotcha, no worries

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

Let me reiterate my previous point: Saying units are garbage means you don't know how to gacha game.

The point never was about you pulling him again. He is a resource and a source of low level axebreaker.

I have 12 Donny from pulling blues and they're a great source of drag back and Brave Lance.

And pulling him a lot isn't uncommon. You sound like you're cursed or something.

He is one out of 11 pullable 3 star swordies.

Assuming you get a red stone 3 star and get a swordie, you have a 1 in 11 chance of getting him. That is a pretty decent chance. So, no. From the way you're implying that you're cursed to get garbage units on your pulls: You don't know how gacha games work.

How many Japanese gacha games have you played?

If anything, on the illogical and superstitious side of human gambling thought, you probably get "garbage" because you treat the stuff you have as garbage.

Mmmm, I already learned this weeks ago? Now that I train the GHB characters lots of fodder is nice (I still don't use axebreaker). Thanks for giving me the numbers and proving that I was going to pull him again. 

Edited by L9999
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52 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Sharena isn't worthless, thank you very much!

Lol!  You have no idea how many times I do that in my head.  I have to check every time.  Didn't check this time - obviously.  However, Sharena would also be worthless in an armored emblem so I'm going to pretend I didn't make a mistake and everyone is going to believe me o.o

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I like to think that Ryoma joined my team only because I upgraded Xander to 5* and gave him Swap and QR2. But in his haste to join my team since he was having a grand Hoshidan feast earlier, Ryoma didn't put his armor on properly, hence his having +HP/-Def.

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