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15 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

So you got 7 (because Soren right?) five star characters from less than 70 orbs. That's some INSANE luck. I mean I have a friend that basically gets a five star or two every summon. >.> I need to worship whatever god demon you're talking to.

Yeah thats 7.  It makes up for the 7 Celia and Arthurs i have appiece 

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With the bonus Orbs and the ones from the Ursula quests, I took a last shot at the Male Mage banner.

Pull #55:



Nope, no luck. Oh well, at least I got some nice skill fodder out of this.


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2 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I need to worship whatever god demon you're talking to.

Well I can tell you some secrets:

1. Sharen/Anna sacrifice. Anna likes live animals (except steak) and sharena will take anything that isn't live (also likes cake)

2. Rezzy to take off the -Atk curse (also likes steak)

3. Build a shrine to Nintendo in your bathtub

That's what I do anyway

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Well I can tell you some secrets:

1. Sharen/Anna sacrifice. Anna likes live animals (except steak) and sharena will take anything that isn't live (also likes cake)

2. Rezzy to take off the -Atk curse (also likes steak)

3. Build a shrine to Nintendo in your bathtub

That's what I do anyway


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So, decided to go for Female Mages in another attempt at Linde, plus the chance to get more Julias.

First set had only greys and reds, so pulled a 3* Draug and bailed.

Second had one blue, the rest red and grey, so in I went. Lo and behold...


IVs are +Def/-Atk. The latter is unfortunate, but she relies on doubling anyway, and the former is a +4 boost, which makes me feel more confident about putting her up against archers and Kagerous.

With Julia, Linde, and Lilina all 5*, I could make a nasty magical triumvirate... *plots evilly*

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I was searching Robin for a while now, got my first 5* in the Male Mage Banner.



She's not a male, nor a mage... But her IV is great and I like her too ! (+Spd -Res)


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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Well I can tell you some secrets:

1. Sharen/Anna sacrifice. Anna likes live animals (except steak) and sharena will take anything that isn't live (also likes cake)

2. Rezzy to take off the -Atk curse (also likes steak)

3. Build a shrine to Nintendo in your bathtub

That's what I do anyway

I'm taking a pilgrimage and climbing a sacred mountain this weekend. (Surely that will please Celica and Lucius, right? Gotta' be kind of pious to attract those priestly characters.) If that doesn't improve my luck, I'll bake a lemon cake and offer it to the RNG gods that be. I hope Sharena is more merciful than Anna has been to me... 

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I pulled on Radiance. I got a lot of 4*'s, but no M!Corrin or Klein (I decided to pull a few colourless).

Hinata and Selene came alone - Fury and Reposition fodder. All's good there. Two Raighs... both 4*... just to annoy me. Clarine, 4*, came along. It's like... not you. Bring your brother, please!

I did get a 5* Tharja (natures currently unknown). WRONG BANNER THARJA! I'd much rather she be Karel or Eldigan xD Oh well. Another 5* doesn't go amiss, especially when I currently only have a 4* -spd version of her.

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22 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I pulled on Radiance. I got a lot of 4*'s, but no M!Corrin or Klein (I decided to pull a few colourless)

I saw your name in the topic preview and I said "She better not have pulled!"

I thought you were saving your orbs? Weakling

I hope your Tharja still has -Spd like your 4 star one is good though!

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Just now, ArCAWnite said:

I saw your name in the topic preview and I said "She better not have pulled!"

I thought you were saving your orbs? Weakling

I hope your Tharja still has -Spd like your 4 star one is good though!

I deliberately pulled. I was annoyed at the 3 girls to 1 guy ratio of the next banner and don't really want any of them anymore. And, since the colours are equal on the next banner, it means I've got less change of getting reds, so it was better for me to pull on this one and try to get Ike, at least. Or so I figured. I didn't do the maths ^.^

So yup. Conscious decision xD If Conrad or Atlas had been on Celica's banner, I'd've held off ^.^

I wonder if my annoyance will see me through to the next side of the upcoming banner, or if my need to pull will come first. Exciting times ahead!

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3 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I deliberately pulled. I was annoyed at the 3 girls to 1 guy ratio of the next banner and don't really want any of them anymore.

You'd think that becaws you're a girl you'd actually want more girls on the banner, but you don't

Humans are weird

But.....but....... Ragnarok.......

5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I wonder if my annoyance will see me through to the next side of the upcoming banner, or if my need to pull will come first. Exciting times ahead!

If you can hold all of your orbs for two weeks and not spend any for the next banner at all, that will be something to see XD

I currently have 61 orbs so I can pull at least 12 reds on Celica's banner so far (and I still have quests to do). Can't wait for the Ragnarok hype!

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4 minutes ago, ArCAWnite said:

You'd think that becaws you're a girl you'd actually want more girls on the banner, but you don't

Humans are weird

But.....but....... Ragnarok.......

If you can hold all of your orbs for two weeks and not spend any for the next banner at all, that will be something to see XD

I currently have 61 orbs so I can pull at least 12 reds on Celica's banner so far (and I still have quests to do). Can't wait for the Ragnarok hype!

Nah, I like guys. I like playing with pretty boy male characters ^.^ It's my one motivator for any game I play, pretty much xD Does it have pretty boys? Yes? I'm playing!

Yes... I nearly managed through the FE7 banner (although in the end, the breaking there was good since I pulled Sheena, who I needed to complete the armour quests), and that's the closest I've yet to come.

Honestly, with the banner, the main thing that worries me is if it will set a precedent for the special events. Like, they were good giving us two guys and two girls for the bunny banner, but what if for future banners, they start leaning more towards one (or the other, but usually it's the one in these sorts of games). So yup, now I'm worried for this June bridal event (I was excited for grooms) and it's left me a bit disheartened.

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8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Honestly, with the banner, the main thing that worries me is if it will set a precedent for the special events. Like, they were good giving us two guys and two girls for the bunny banner, but what if for future banners, they start leaning more towards one (or the other, but usually it's the one in these sorts of games). So yup, now I'm worried for this June bridal event (I was excited for grooms) and it's left me a bit disheartened.

I wouldn't be too worried. Especially for the potential marriage banner since brides and grooms come as a pair after all, so even split only makes sense for that. And I think they recognize they've got enough female husbando-hunter players they can cater to, which they demonstrated by not making the bunny banner just all bunny girls. I expect we'll see half bikinis and half shirtless/swimtrunks for the inevitable summer banner too.

Now I don't know whether to blow some orbs trying for Celica or just keep saving them all for the likely bikini Lucina and Camilla..

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22 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I wouldn't be too worried. Especially for the potential marriage banner since brides and grooms come as a pair after all, so even split only makes sense for that. And I think they recognize they've got enough female husbando-hunter players they can cater to, which they demonstrated by not making the bunny banner just all bunny girls. I expect we'll see half bikinis and half shirtless/swimtrunks for the inevitable summer banner too.

Now I don't know whether to blow some orbs trying for Celica or just keep saving them all for the likely bikini Lucina and Camilla..

I really hope it's not the same people again.

I'm trying not to worry too much. I see it happen a lot in games, though, so that's why I was always glad this seemed pretty even ^.^'' But yup, the bunnies give me hope :) Oh well, just have to see what happens ^.^

Good luck with the pulls, whether you blow some now or on the bikini Not!Lucina Not!Camilla (I can't imagine they'd use the same ones again) ^.^.

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Decided to pull on the Mage Gauntlet banner one more time before I start saving for Genny and Boey.

I pulled a bunch of skill fodder and feathers...

And a 4-Star Caeda! I've needed her for a while (my Flier team needs help defensively, and Ward Fliers should help there), and it was starting to bother me that I hadn't pulled her yet. Not sure how good +SPD/-DEF will be, but I'll make her work, if only because my flier team needs Ward Fliers.

Also +SPD/-DEF 4-Star M!Corrin. Not sure how good that is, but hey, he could probably run Desperation decently at 5-Star, yeah?

But now I'm at 4% 5-Star chance on that banner, so I'll keep pulling until I get a 5-Star or the banner ends.

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After a lot of attempts at getting Tharja on the female mages banner and getting 3 Sanaki instead, 5 star Caeda, and a repeated 5 star Maria (because there were only colorless on that session -.-) and a bunch of 3 and 4 stars mostly Lonqu, Olivia and M Corrin and Henry , I got a 5 star Ryoma with a great boon of +speed-def!!, I hope the - def doesn't hurt too much but at least is not a -attack or -speed.

I'm set for a while until the next limited heroes come out.

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1 hour ago, charmedx3 said:

After a lot of attempts at getting Tharja on the female mages banner and getting 3 Sanaki instead, 5 star Caeda, and a repeated 5 star Maria (because there were only colorless on that session -.-) and a bunch of 3 and 4 stars mostly Lonqu, Olivia and M Corrin and Henry , I got a 5 star Ryoma with a great boon of +speed-def!!, I hope the - def doesn't hurt too much but at least is not a -attack or -speed.

I'm set for a while until the next limited heroes come out.

Spoiler alert: It does, a little.  You pulled my Ryoma.  I'm a terrible person that gave him Vantage in the B slot.

Congratulations, and have fun with your pulls~!

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Hello there, friends... It has certainly been a while.  Due to a combination of factors (primarily low motivation due to end of term exhaustion), I have been slacking a fair amount in my forum posting duties; as a result, I now have a month's worth of pulls that I need to document all at once :sweatdrop:

Obviously, this may run a little long. So, for ease and convenience, I'll include a tl;dr highlight section right about here:


5* Hinoka [+Spd, -Res]

5* Xander-Bunny [Neutral]

5* Camilla-Bunny [+Def, -Spd]

5* Faye [+Spd, -Res]

5* Lukas [+Atk, -HP]

5* Azura [+HP, -Atk]

5* Azura [+Def, -Spd]

5* Ike [+Spd, -HP]

5* Sanaki [+Res, -Atk]

5* Hector [+Def, -Spd]

4* Sakura [+Res, -Spd]

4* Olivia [+Spd, -HP]

4* Barst [+Spd, -Def]

4* Virion [+Spd, -HP]

4* Subaki [+Spd, -Res]

3* Florina [+Spd, -HP]

3* Cherche [+Atk, -Res]

3* Saizo [+Spd, -Res]

3* Laslow [Neutral]

3* Lon'qu [+Spd, -Res]

3* Henry [+Atk, -HP]

And without further ado... More spoiler tags!

Spring Festival Summons


Alright, before we jump straight into the pulls, I feel that it is worth recalling that these following summons represented a watershed moment in my Heroes career: I left the plebeian lifestyle behind, and officially became one of the influential Fire Emblem Cetacea.


Well, somewhat.  Most of the other whales of limited means can back me up on this, but we are still fundamentally powerless before the icy indifference of RNGesus - some of us just choose to tango with him a little more often than others.  In fact, back when I had ambitious plans for this run-through, I was formulating a high-class meme to address the disconnect between my new whale identity and the f2p ethos that I still hold to in my heart (it involved lazily slapping Wailmer pictures over a classic tune).  Regardless of the scale of the change, it is still something worth commemorating, hence the slightly more play-by-play summaries of the summons listed below.  Oh yeah, and I believe @ArCAWnite and @Cute Chao expressed a tiny bit of interest in the results of my whaling - hopefully the anticipation hasn't been too hard on you :P:


Anyway, I set myself a few limits prior to pulling, to ensure that my new investment would be well spent.  I would pull only Green and Blue orbs (since this was the easter banner, the reason why should be fairly obvious), I would stop as soon as I obtained a 5* (with some potential bit of wiggle room if that 5* was a repeat), and upon pulling a 5*, I would finish up that summoning session.  All leftover orbs were to be saved for the SoV banner.

Simple enough?

I thought so as well.  I clicked the button, the orb selection featured 1 green and 2 blues, and it was off to the races.



Round 28 [Spring Festival]: 4* Fae [+Spd, -Def] || 5* Hinoka [+Spd, -Res] || 5* Xander-Bunny [Neutral] || 4* Seliph [+HP, -Spd] || 3* Lon’qu [+Def, -Atk]

  • Manakete natures confuse me immensely, especially those with mixed defensive potential, as there is no stat I'm really happy reducing.  Fae and Nowi seem to have similarly salvageable Speed stats, so +Spd is quite nice, but I'm not sure if -Def is a deal-breaking bane.
  • I'm quite pleased with Hinoka, as 30 Speed on a brave user is tremendous for a vanilla unit, and her sheer presence makes subsequent mono-flyer quests a little more tolerable.  She's the peppy pegasus that I never knew I needed.
  • I'm also happy with this pull as well - Bunny Xander is definitely not an amazing unit (he's kinda a better version of vanilla Draug - he takes physical hits for days, but can't do a god-damned thing in response, except with 3 movement rather than 1), but he easily has the best art of the easter units, and dirty jokes about his carrot give me life :lol:
  • This Seliph was a minor improvement over my +Res, -Spd one, so that's cool I guess.
  • This Lon'qu was not an improvement over anything at all.

Well, my quest certainly finished up earlier than expected... I guess I'll see you again in the World of Shadows section.  I totally didn't continue pulling in the hopes of getting a new Bunny waifu to accompany my husbands.

















Yeah, I decided that I wanted one of the two bunny ladies, considering they are a) adorable and b) might actually serve a combat purpose, as I have terrible luck with mages in this game.


Partial Pull #1 [Spring Festival]: 3* Florina [+Spd, -HP]

Partial Pull #2 [Spring Festival]: 4* Beruka [+Res, -Atk]

I forgot to take a picture of Florina's session, but as you can guess, these were the only Blue/Green options in both.

  • I have actually had fairly incredible luck when it comes to Florina (minor spoilers ahead).  Out of the 4 Florina's I have pulled, the very worst I have gotten is a 4* Neutral; the others have been +Atk/-HP and +Spd/-HP.  That being said, Florina isn't amazing (though she's a little better than Est at least), but I still appreciate her concern.
  • -Atk is actually kinda sad on Beruka, as she barely does damage with neutral Attack to begin with, so this lost out to my +Res, -Spd variation.




Round 29 [Spring Festival]: 4* Corrin-F [+Spd, -Res] || 4* Hawkeye [+Def, -HP] || 5* Camilla-Bunny [+Def, -Spd] || 4* Azama [+Atk, -Spd] || 4* Sakura [+Res, -Spd]

Yeah, I was just as flabbergasted about my good fortune as you are.

  • Although this Corrin has arguably the best possible nature for her, I got this one right after I finished training up a 3* version with an identical nature.  Given the possibility that I will partake in skill inheritance, the extra SP seemed more valuable than 2k feathers, so I upgraded the 3* and never looked back.  Corrin is fantastic though, so I am perfectly content with an extra manakete.
  • This nature is kinda eh... Given Hawkeye's appeal is his surprisingly respectable mixed bulk, reducing that further seems like a fools errand.
  • Yep, I got myself the mythical flying mage.  This nature is a little unfortunate for my vanilla bunny goddess, but as I believe @eclipse mentioned a while back, this nature is pretty amazing for a potential Gronnraven+/Triangle Adept build, which sounds like my idea of a fun time.
  • This Azama is almost humorously bad.  Almost.
  • And yah, I got myself a Sakura finally!  The nature isn't amazing and she is a little outclassed by Rehabilitate healer, but I look forward to using her.

And with that (and 30 some-odd orbs left), I decided not to push my luck, and waited the extra 15 minutes for the SoV banner to appear.  My inability to get Bunny Lucina hurt a little, but it wasn't worth throwing away additional orbs chasing a fool's errand - I can only hope she returns next year.








No seriously, I actually gave up here - I'll see you at the next spoiler :wub:

World of Shadows Summons


Welcome back, my dear audience - In case you skipped ahead, I ended the last banner with roughly 35 paid orbs remaining, and I figured I would take a few stabs at this banner, given all of the characters seemed interesting to a certain degree (in Claire's case, entirely so I could potentially pass on Hit and Run)



Round 30 [World of Shadows]: 3* Olivia [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Hana [+HP, -Res] || 3* Sophia [+Res, -Def] || 3* Cherche [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Setsuna [+Res, -Atk]

Now, this may look slightly unremarkable to most viewers, but this is actually a fairly interesting pull.  To be specific, this is the first time I had ever gotten five 3* in one summoning session, not only on this account, but also over the course of 34 re-rolls.  I guess it had to happen eventually, but it is still quite a shame.

  • This might actually be a fairly good offensive Olivia (maybe -Res would be a little better).  Unfortunately, I'm quite happy with my +HP, -Atk variation, so I don't have much of a need for this particular dancer at the moment.
  • Believe it or not, this is probably the best Hana nature I've ever gotten... Yeah.
  • Effectively Neutral Sophia is certainly alright enough.
  • That's more like it!  It'd take a slightly ridiculous amount of feathers to get Cherche to her maximum potential, but it is great to know I've got an optimal starting spot for when that time comes.
  • Speaking of optimal, this is not.  Seriously.


By the way, all of the previously mentioned summoning sessions happened within a half hour of one another.  At this point, it was roughly 3 am, so I decided sleep would do me some good.  After a relaxing slumber, and scrounging up 5-6 more orbs, I got back on track.



Round 31 [World of Shadows]: 3* Corrin-F [+Atk, -Spd] || 5* Faye [+Spd, - Res] || 3* Azama [+Atk, -HP] || 4* Barst [+Spd, -Def] || 5* Lukas [+Atk, -HP]

And what a way to get back on track!  I ended up getting the two characters I was most interested in on this banner, and with decent nature's no less.

  • 'Tis not an amazing Corrin by any measure.
  • I was really excited to see how the Firesweep Bow ended up working in the field, so I was hyped to have gotten Faye as early as I did.  Unfortunately, it turned out to be a little on the finicky side and requires a whole lot more work to effectively utilize compared to Windsweep/Watersweep, and Faye isn't quite strong enough to be truly terrifying with that power.  On the plus side, I adore pretty much all of the aesthetic aspects of her, so that is lovely.
  • This is actually a useless Azama.
  • Yet another 30 speed brave user, and although Barst hasn't turned out quite as well as Hinoka (he is a little on the weak side), I have enjoyed using him a fair amount.
  • I actually quite like Lukas.  He functions quite well as a slightly weaker (rip Death Blow) and frailer (no Wary Fighter is quite unfortunate) Effie with extra movement, and I would argue that he is a tiny bit underrated on the whole (he should probably be A tier).  I also happened to get a fairly good nature on him, which may have colored my impression of the guy.

And with that, I had gotten my fill of the Echoes banner, so I decided to wait and see what the next banner would contain.

World of Radiance Summons


And since the next banner ended up being Tellius... Well, that was a little bit more exciting than trying for Alm :P:

By this point, I had saved up roughly 60 orbs, so I had quite a lot of ammo to hopelessly throw at the banner.


Round 32 [World of Radiance]: 3* Saizo [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Oboro [+HP, -Spd] || 3* Sully [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Corrin-F [+HP, -Atk] || 3* Barst [+HP, -Spd]

Yep, this is definitely the type of start I like for new banners :dry:

  • This is certainly an intriguing nature for Saizo.  +Atk would likely be preferred, given he has typical dagger offenses, but I won't pass up doubling the majority of the non-boosted meta.
  • This Oboro nature also seems alright?  She doesn't quite have low enough speed to make a -Spd nature preferable, but it's better than reducing any of her defenses in my eyes.
  • All the rest of these natures are pretty bad - I could see an exceedingly niche set with -Atk tank Corrin, but none of the rest are appealing.



Round 33 [World of Radiance]: 3* Bartre [+Def, -Atk] || 3* Gordin [+Res, -Spd] || 3* Tiki-Adult [+Atk, -HP] || 3* Olivia [+HP, -Res] || 4* Tiki-Adult [+HP, -Atk]

This pull was straight up not particularly good.  I could see some situational usefulness from the Tiki's and possibly Olivia, but nothing else is worth discussing.




Round 34 [World of Radiance]: 4* Robin-M [+Atk, -Res] || 4* Draug [+Def, -HP] || 5* Ike [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Laslow [Neutral] || 4* Marth [+Def, -Atk]

Well, that was certainly surprising.

  • Although this is a tremendous Robin nature (+Spd is a little better, but still), I've already got one of these Robin's trained up, so this is a little unnecessary.
  • Eugh, it's Draug.  It isn't a bad Draug really, but that still isn't enough to make me feel better.
  • Hey, it's Bulky Ryoma - cool beans!  In all seriousness, +Spd is quite excellent on Ike, as it saves him from being doubled by a fair amount of scary units, and he still has enough attack to trigger Heavy Blade pretty frequently, so I was quite pleased with this pick-up.
  • This is also the best Laslow I've gotten so far, so I will happily mess around with him.
  • 'Tis not a great Marth.

I was all prepared to horde up some orbs and jump back into this banner, but thankfully I found out about the Hero Festival banner and appropriately saved orbs.

Hero Fest Summons


Now this is what we call a tempting banner - the only unit I had been lucky enough to get ahead of time was Hector, and mine was a rather irksome -Atk variation.  Combine that with the boosted focus rate, and there was approximately zero chance I wasn't going to pull at least once.



Round 35 [Hero Fest]: 4* Virion [+Spd, -HP] || 3* Lon’qu [+Spd, -Res] || 3* Subaki [+Def, -HP] || 5* Azura [+Def, -Spd] || 5* Azura [+HP, -Atk]

... RNGesus be praised.  That is all.

  • I see why eclipse likes Virion so much.  He has just enough attack to deal some solid chip damage, doubles a fair amount of units with 34 speed, tanks physical hits just well enough, and Seal Speed can be pretty fantastic if you play your cards right.
  • I mean, it's not like Lon'qu really needs more speed, but at least this one isn't -Atk.
  • I finally got a non-neutral Subaki... And not going to lie, this one isn't really that much better than neutral.
  • And finally, it is my pleasure to welcome you to my new lakeside resort.  Might I recommend selecting the right-most attendant, as her voice is just a little bit nicer than the others (and -Spd Azura makes me cry just a little)?

And believe it or not, that was the last pull I did on the Hero Fest banner...

Let me explain.

By this point, I had obtained two of the featured heroes: Azura (who I desperately wanted, both due to overall appreciation for her design and the desire for a little extra dancer variety) and Hector (who, if I'm being honest, is perfectly usable with -Atk).  I joked about it earlier, but Ike really does fulfill my need for Ryoma quite well, and Takumi, while very appealing, just doesn't set my heart aflutter like a certain recently announced banner.

Female Mages Summons


And here it is, the answer to my prayers and dreams for better mages (not that I'm implying that Tharja and Nino are bad or anything, just that they slightly constrict my team-building options if I want to use them).  Specifically, I've really wanted Linde ever since starting the game (and regretfully passing her up while re-rolling), Julia/Sanaki would be amazing to help patch up some of my main team's low Res issues, and despite Tharja not particularly clicking with me in this game, she was probably my favorite Awakening character, so I'll always take extra copies of her.  The Male Mages banner also looked pretty tempting (mostly for Leo), but there is no reason not to work away at this one while I can.


Round 36 [Female Mages]: 3* Jagen [+Def, -HP] || 3* Gordin [+Res, -Def] || 3* Bartre [+Def, -Res] || 3* Corrin-F [+Def, -HP] || 4* Florina [Neutral]

Well, in keeping with tradition, this is not what you would call a "good start".  I guess Bartre and Florina are pretty alright, but there was such potential behind all of those blues.


Following the highly underwhelming pull that proceeded this, and feeling a little in need of someone to train up (yeah, I know it is a pretty stupid reason), I decided to splurge a little bit and bought a 23 pack of orbs.



Round 37 [Female Mages]: 3* Lon’qu [+HP, -Def] || 3* Henry [+Atk, -HP] || 5* Sanaki [+Res, -Atk] || 3* Bartre [+Spd, -Res] || 5* Hector [+Def, -Spd]

Luckily for my foolish self, I remembered to select IS' patented Pay-2-Win Orb Package, and I managed to get another double 5* pull.  Seriously, this is the seventh time that has happened to me, and it is starting to get a little disconcerting.

  • Meh, that is one alright Lon'qu.
  • Thank god I don't have to train an -Atk Henry again - that shit was agonizing, even with Raurraven helping him tank an absurd amount of stuff. I'm not sure if this one is quite worth the reduction in bulk, but I'm willing to take that risk.
  • Alas, I too was handed one of Rezzy's summons by mistake - thankfully Sanaki's attack is still pretty ludicrous even with -Atk, and Triangle Adept and +Res gives her literally absurd special bulk, which was pretty much what the doctor ordered.  Even with the questionable nature, I'm extremely pleased with my new empress.
  • +Spd doesn't solve too much about Bartre, but this one is at least better than the +Spd, -HP variation I trained up.
  • And just like that, I got a slightly better Hector.  I will probably still use the other one as an extremely soft check for mages in Story maps, but this one is replacing him for any arena combat.


Fast forward a couple of days, and with the Fortune orbs, I decided to try again for Julia and Linde.


Round 38 [Female Mages]: 3* Gunter [+Def, -Spd] || 4* Laslow [+Def, -Res] || 3* Stahl [+Res, -HP] || 4* Shanna [+HP, -Spd] || 4* Subaki [+Spd, -Res]

I didn't succeed, but thankfully I got a rather excellent Subaki, an intriguing Gunter to go along with my +Atk variant, and a potentially decent Laslow (is +Def, -Res better than Neutral? Please discuss below).

And that's it.  This took the better part of this afternoon to finish up, so thank you for reading through it.  Hopefully y'all enjoyed it decently enough, even if it started dragging a bit near the end.

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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guess who got the worst Henry possible?



-atk +spd. (my heart hurts a little bit, just a little)

The thing is that I love henry, but damn the -atk REALLY hurts him. I have no idea what to do w him for now lol

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12 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Nah, I like guys. I like playing with pretty boy male characters ^.^ It's my one motivator for any game I play, pretty much xD Does it have pretty boys? Yes? I'm playing!

Yes... I nearly managed through the FE7 banner (although in the end, the breaking there was good since I pulled Sheena, who I needed to complete the armour quests), and that's the closest I've yet to come.

Honestly, with the banner, the main thing that worries me is if it will set a precedent for the special events. Like, they were good giving us two guys and two girls for the bunny banner, but what if for future banners, they start leaning more towards one (or the other, but usually it's the one in these sorts of games). So yup, now I'm worried for this June bridal event (I was excited for grooms) and it's left me a bit disheartened.

Boey is pretty boy enough to carry this Banner.

15 minutes ago, Maymeimai said:

guess who got the worst Henry possible?



-atk +spd. (my heart hurts a little bit, just a little)

The thing is that I love henry, but damn the -atk REALLY hurts him. I have no idea what to do w him for now lol

I had to make him - Atk for trying to hurt my Leo.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:


Boey is pretty boy enough to carry this Banner.

I had to make him - Atk for trying to hurt my Leo.

Your curse didn't affect Sanaki, but affected Henry, well played.

I will train him, though, I'll probably never use him on arena, but he might be useful in GHBs and defense maps

Or in case I need a raven tome p:

(I am tempted to just give Julia G tomebreaker already lol but he learns this skill at 4*, his tome is more valuable)

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Wow, some great pulls there. I was going to say most of your 5*'s have great natures but then the Azuras came along. One -Atk and one -spd - ouch. Thankfully, she's not really a front lines kind, so it shouldn't affect her usage too much. My Azura is one of my most used units (with only Reinhardt beating her).


After seeing some of the others guys in FE2, he doesn't even come close to being pretty boy enough xD I shall not pull on this upcoming banner. I don't need a bonus charrie for the arena since I presume Xander will be amongst them and he's already a staple for me. I decided to even replace my Ryoma because of the defence tiles. Xander just laughs at so many characters trying to kill him (Soren polishes off the Reinhardts and Lindes... Ninians and Azuras... they tend to be the ones I've mostly come across that Xander doesn't like).

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Man, I've done several full pulls on the mage girl banner with no shiny 5 stars to show for it *sigh*.  I'm up to 4.75% on that banner now.  Hopefully I don't get all the way up to 5.75% again like on the PoR banner, haha. 

At least I got 2 new characters?  Pulled a Maria and Beruka (×2) for the first time... 

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