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With 3 out 4 CYL units I promised myself not to summon anymore but with 60 orbs in hand Brave Roy was really tempting... and so it started...

A!Tiki, Hana, Seth, Barst, Eliwood, Fir, Draug, Athena... and a couple of 3* 


5 Star!!!! Pity Breaker...

Caeda (+ATK/-HP)

...back at 3% really going to save now.

I dont need Roy...

(I really should be happy with 3 out of 4, before the event started i was woried not gettinf Lyn/Ike. really feel greedy at this point while both my sister and gf are stuck at 4% with no 5* pulled at all...)

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

@Rezzy I finally pulled your girl (Titania)! Bad news is, she's -Spd. So she's being set aside for now. I'd prefer a better one.

Is she 4* or 5* and what's her boon?  -Spd puts her at the okay, but not great 31 Speed, which boosts to 37 on a Horse Emblem Team, which can be 38 with a Seal.  If she's 5*, I'd still train her for a spot start on Horse Emblem teams, but if she's 4*, I'd wait for a better one.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Is she 4* or 5* and what's her boon?  -Spd puts her at the okay, but not great 31 Speed, which boosts to 37 on a Horse Emblem Team, which can be 38 with a Seal.  If she's 5*, I'd still train her for a spot start on Horse Emblem teams, but if she's 4*, I'd wait for a better one.

4 star. And her boon is HP. :/

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Just now, Anacybele said:

4 star. And her boon is HP. :/

Eh, not ideal.  I'd wait for a better one.  If you want, you could train her to 40 and learn her skills, then merge her into a better one when you get one.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Eh, not ideal.  I'd wait for a better one.  If you want, you could train her to 40 and learn her skills, then merge her into a better one when you get one.

Yeah, I might do that.

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

But it IS someone new, at least, and a Tellius character not named Ike, since for so long, he was the only one I ever got.

Same with me and Magvel. I have Tana, and that's it... (and Valter, but he doesn't really count).

I have all the same Tellius units you do, and I've been meaning to train the greens, but I haven't gotten around to it.

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9 hours ago, Dayni said:

Wait is this true? What's the source? 

I'd love to hear that, if only so that I don't feel like I have to pull as much as possible now. I already had to get to 4% to pull a hero (a -Att Ike, but still Brave Ike).

I'm pretty sure this has been the general consensus on the forum. The wording on the banner wasn't like the seasonal banners and more like the general ones. So from what I've heard, they'll be sticking around. However, there hasn't been an offical announcement or anything like that.


Was looking through the banners and realized I didn't do one of my free pulls. Got a 4 star Gunter. Good fodder. Pulling gets a little less exciting when you're only missing four non-seasonal characters, .

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I'm pretty sure this has been the general consensus on the forum. The wording on the banner wasn't like the seasonal banners and more like the general ones. So from what I've heard, they'll be sticking around. However, there hasn't been an offical announcement or anything like that.


Was looking through the banners and realized I didn't do one of my free pulls. Got a 4 star Gunter. Good fodder. Pulling gets a little less exciting when you're only missing four non-seasonal characters, .

it says in the game "after this summoning focus ends, these new heroes will continue to be available through summoning"

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6 minutes ago, unique said:

it says in the game "after this summoning focus ends, these new heroes will continue to be available through summoning"

Never mind me then. XD It's official. They're here to stay. Let there be much rejoicing!

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The temptation of the Mini Tempest banner is too strong. Let's get dangerous.

  1. 4* Est: Bleh. She is +Atk/-Res, so she could be really nasty if I promoted her to 5*, but then I have Tana, so...
  2. 3* Corrin: Yay, Hone Atk 3 or Draconic Aura.
  3. 3* Donnel: Meh.
  4. 3* Florina: An FE7 character, but not one I want.
  5. 3* Hinata: I've been getting a lot of you recently...

That was not worth it. Two good SI fodder units, but with four blues I was really hoping for Ninian.

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Well, I broke down and bought 75 orbs, bringing me up to 81 to try for Ninian again. As for how well it turned out... let's just say I won't be lacking in Darting Blow 3 fodder for a while, yet my Fortify Dragon supply is still running on empty. Let's go over some highlights:

  • Exactly one-fifth of my summons (four out of twenty orbs) were Florina. These include: 3-star +Def/-Res, 3-star +Atk/-Res, 4-star +Def/-Res, and 4-star +Def/-Atk. All of these are in addition to my current 4-star level 40 +Def/-HP, and another 3-star that's +Res/-Def. I'd like to build a Florina someday, but none of these are particularly grand, except for maybe the +Res/-Def 3-star.
  • Four sessions gave me no blue orbs at all, so I went with colorless when I could to avoid a different focus, and red the two times it was just reds and greens. These orbs held a 3-star +HP/-Def Palla (fodder, basically), a 3-star +Atk/-Res Lissa (really putting those points where they matter), a 4-star +Def/-HP Serra (surely no physical unit can harm her now), and a +Spd/-Atk Selena (frankly awful, but I appreciate the Reposition fodder).
  • Gwendolyn, Oboro, and Lukas all appeared with alright boons/banes (+Res/-Spd, +Atk/-HP, and +HP/-Res, respectively). I already have a +Atk Lukas at 5-stars, so I might just send him home for feathers, but the others may actually be kept to replace my current versions of them.
  • I got two 4-star Mathildas, adding to the one I had previously. I was hoping one would be a bit better than my current +Atk/-Res version (mostly just with a different bane)... but they're both -Atk. +Res and +Def, in order of acquisition. +Res gives her some very respectable magical bulk, but I'm not sure that it's worth losing 6 points in attack.
  • I did get two decent fodder units, one of which I was actually really hoping for: Odin and Subaki. Neither one has great boons/banes, but the most important thing is that Subaki is my first version of him at 4-star, so he can give Quick Riposte 2 to Xander without a feather investment.

I've got 11 orbs left now, with a 3.75% pity rate that should go to 4% with one more poor summon. As soon as I get tomorrow's orbs, and probably some from the Tempest Trial... I will return.

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And my luck gets even better!  Sorta.


So on my first (and only) session for the E&E banner, I managed to pull me a 5* Eirika.  Yay!  Not so yay are two things - one, I wasted my free pull on a 4* Laslow prior to getting her, so she cost me 5 orbs, and her stats are less-than ideal.  She's got a Def bane and a Res boon.  However, I'm not gonna complain much because I FINALLY HAVE A 5* EIRIKA WITH HER WONDERFUL BUFFY SIEGLINDE HAPPY DAY!



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Sweet! I pulled Boob-Lady 5*! (Not sure what her name is and frankly, don't care enough to look her up.)

Guess who is going to be sacrificed on the altar to give Cherche her Brave Axe+ she so deserpately needs? (Don't know what her boons and banes are. And frankly don't care.)

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After all the daily orbs and one run of Tempest Trial, I had about 22 orbs. First session had two blue orbs: the first was a 4-star +Res/-HP Est, and the second was a 3-star +Spd/-HP Sully. Not terrible, but I already have better boons/banes for both, and neither give the best skills (Sully may have Swordbreaker, but 2,000 feathers for the second level is a bit much). That left me with 13 orbs, so I decided to do a few more runs of Tempest Trial to get up to 17 orbs, in case there would be four blue orbs. There was three, so I guess it was a waste of time. Opened the first orb, and it's...

5-star Reinhardt??? Okay then, not anything close to what I was expecting (or hoping). +Def/-HP, so a far cry from my 5-star +1 +Atk/-Spd that I currently have. I... guess he'll be Goad Cavalry fodder. That felt weird to even type out.

Next two orbs were less exciting, with a 4-star +Atk/-Spd Donnel and 4-star +Res/-Atk Oboro. Donnel's good I guess, but I'd rather use him as fodder. Well, I have enough to open one more orb, both choices red. I could back out now and save what I have left, but since my pity rate is now broken, I may as well see if that 4% pity rate got me anything besides Reinhardt. Let's see...

...5-star Tharja??? And she's +Spd/-Res??? How have I pulled two off-focus 5-star Tharjas in this game??? I don't even like her! Where's Celica and Katarina?!?

Sorry about that. This was not how I expected my experience with this banner to go, but at least I got... something out of it.

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I have those same stats on my Lucina, and she performs extremely well as a tank support.  I gave her fortress and she reaches around 39 defense I think with my set up.  Still plenty of attack even with fortress and a great supporter.

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Tried again for Ike on the Brave Banner with the new Tempest orbs. Got a few units, including a new Athena (I was also giving Roy a shot), but the big deal was my fifth summon.


+Spd -Res 5* Boey.

...I'll take the hint.

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Still trying for Lyn after getting a *5 Eliwood my first pull.

*3 A!Tiki, *4 Palla, *4 Seth.

Good fodder day, Bonfire and Moonbow which I needed and they both had bad natures so immediately sacrificed, Seth's a new unit. +HP/-RES which is garbage but he is from a game I love so I'll hold on to him.

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Managed to get up to 20 thanks to the Tempest Trials mini. First I picked a blue since I wanted Lucina. And Boom. That just left Roy Missing. So I picked a red and down on the floor was my Jaw. I was curious what was up with my luck so I went ahead and finished the pull even though I no longer needed any braves. Though a new Roy would be appreciated. Our boy Roy has let me down. -Atk/+Def. Why Roy? Why not take a hit to your res instead? Not sure if you have what it takes to take Eldigan's spot if you are going to be that, Roy boy.The Kagero is +res/-hp which sure beats my -atk/+def Kagero. Nowi is +spd/-def so she can be merged into my current Nowi. . . whose boon/bane escapes me at the moment(I wish we could check boon/bane even if they aren't max/1). Of course the best news here is +spd/-hp Brave Lucina. She is the one I really wanted and she also has a solid boon! I think that is it on this banner.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

What? . . . you were expecting me to say something about the useless one? I can't even say at least she wasn't five star since there was no pity to ruin.

Edited by Usana
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