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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Gosh, I'm so jealous.  I really want Leo.  I Pulled just Reds with my saved Orbs, and I did get 4* Eirika, which is something.  I guess I can raise her up a bit.  Now watch me blow $100 and still not get Leo.

I knowwww TBH I thought of you and felt bad knowing you wanted him ;; I'd have much rather gotten Ephraim but gotta take what I can get *^*

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Used 40 Orbs to do two 20 orb summons with the Sanaki squad. Didn't get either of them, or any 5-star for that matters.

What I got:

4 Nowi (+def -res)
4 Fae (-spd +res)
3 RobinM
3 Barst
3 Donnel

4 Fae (+hp -def)
4 Donnel
3 Subaki
3 Cherche
3 Saizo

I think that Nowi is pretty good and could warrant feather use whenever I get to 20K again? My first 1-2 range counterer too. 

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Yeah, I'm surprised to be back here so soon, but between the Xenologue maps and the March quests (IS have really been kind to us as of late), I was able to scrounge up sufficient orbs a couple days early.  

This also left me in a curious position in terms of the possible banner options; assuming I run into enough cavalry units to beat that lunatic quest, I will have enough orbs for one more summon before these banners expire.  With that in mind, I made the difficult choice of going with the Princesses banner, mostly because: a) I had a fairly low rate-up for the Sibling Bonds banner (3.25%), b) every single one of those featured units would be nice to obtain (Elise would arguably the best healer for my current semi-defensive main team, Eirika would open up a whole new world of aggro play the likes of which I could scarcely imagine, and Lucina is still an excellent unit), and c) I'm on Team Elise, and we could use all the help we can get :P.

Round 14 Pulls



Round 14 [Princesses]: 4* Marth [+Atk, -Res] || 3* Arthur [+Atk, -Spd] || 4* Shanna [+Def, - Spd] || 4* Est [+Spd, - Atk] || 4* Clarine [+Spd, -Res]

When Marth's movie popped, I thought for just a second that I'd hit the Lucina jackpot on my very first try, but alas, it was not to be.  On the whole though, this wasn't a bad set of summons.  

  • Est was the only new acquisition in this group, and while the nature is a decided mixed bag (goodbye excellent attack, hello doubling a few more targets), a Flier with Shove just sounds delightful.  
  • I've unfortunately got Marth at 5* already, though this nature is a decent step-up from +HP, -Res.  
  • Out of my harem of Clarine's, this is the first 4* and considering she has the second best nature of the lot (?, +Def, - Atk seems better for a tanky set, but +Spd might be more appreciated on an aggro team), I'll see what she can do.  
  • Reduced speed might not be too terrible on Arthur, considering Lancebreaker keeps from getting doubled for a little while, though it is obviously far from ideal.
  • That Shanna's pretty terrible, tho.  Thankfully I've got another one, even though +HP, -Res is also quite bad for her.

Assuming all goes well, I'll have to work out which banner to pull from near the end of the week as well.  Do you guys and/or gals think that I should stick with the more-targeted-to-my-team's-needs focus (Princesses), or should I switch back to the OMG-I-want-shiny-new-toys focus (Sibling Bonds)?

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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I liked the look of the princess focus and hadn't pulled in a while, so decided to throw up to 100 orbs at it.



1st set: 3* Adult Tiki, 3* Lissa, 4* Odin, 4* female Corrin and 3* Bartre

2nd set: 3* Selena, 3* Odin, 4* Catria, Lucina and Eirika


Since I got what I wanted faster than expected and was feeling lucky, decided to pull princes too.


1st set: 3* Eliwood, 3* Felicia, 3* Beruka, 3* Shanna, 3* Gaius

2nd set: 4* Stahl, 3* Beruka, 3* Hinata, 3* male Robin, 4* Lon'qu

3rd set: 3* Bartre, 3* Cherche, 3* male Robin, 5* Chrom, 5* Hawkeye

Was considering pulling more in hopes of getting Leo, but I set that orb limit for a reason. Plus 4 5* characters is already incredibly lucky, I'm afraid of Anna's wrath.

I'm quite happy, to say the least! Still need to check their boons and banes tho.

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I wanted to get a Chrom with new focus since I already have Lucina(want to wait for her alt art before trying to get more of her)and with sitting on 160 orbs I though give it try. This is what I got.

3* Selena(my third 3 star of the character), 3 * Jagen, 3*Bartre, 4 Star Cherche, and drum roll please Chrom.  Sadly he was 4* and not the 5* version.  While I would have loved a 5 star my pull did work for desire character I was looking for.


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One pull each in princes and princess banner.

On princes banner: 4* Marth (Marth, you're not even in this banner!), 4* Wendy, 4* Draug, 3* Olivia, 3* Frederick

On princess: 3* Nino, 3* Cherche, 4* Arthur, 5* Lucina, 3* Hinata.

Very happy. I now have enough armor units to do the lunatic quest, AND I got Lucina! Unfortunately, she's -SPD/+RES, which is a rather unfortunate nature, but it's alright.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess -SPD, +DEF isn't the most optimal natures for my 5* Lilina? In any case, I'm still happy to have her, and I'll likely make room in my team for her. I think I prefer Eirika as my red sword user, so I'll probably kick Roy.

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My rolls lately -.- 

I have two accounts. On my main account, I pulled four three stars and a four star Est. EST! My third EST in a row. This game knows I hate her. 

On my secondary account, I've pulled my fourth five star female with no males in site. Welcome to the team, Sanaki. I guess I need a red person to go with Camilla, Julia and Hinoka xD 

My rolls are weird. I'm not unlucky - I have too many five stars for that, but Ryoma and Leo have ensured that I'm never going to get another male I want for the rest of my Fire Emblem Heroes Life. I just want Ephraim, Reinhardt, Klein and Takumi -.- (and Cain and Jeorge... I really want Jeorge :( )

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Well, I received the ransom note this morning, that Heroes had my son Leo, and that if I gave them Orbs, they might give Leo to me.  After several $13 increments, 2 Chroms and a dozen Hinatas, Pallas, and Selenas, my boy was finally returned to me.



Well, it took a while, but I finally got my Leo.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I received the ransom note this morning, that Heroes had my son Leo, and that if I gave them Orbs, they might give Leo to me.  After several $13 increments, 2 Chroms and a dozen Hinatas, Pallas, and Selenas, my boy was finally returned to me.

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Well, it took a while, but I finally got my Leo.

Congratulations on your pull! May your +HP, -SPD Leo serve you well.

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11 minutes ago, Sire said:

Congratulations on your pull! May your +HP, -SPD Leo serve you well.

Thanks, usually -Spd is bad on pretty much everybody, but Leo's Speed is so low that he gets doubled by pretty much everyone anyway.

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Was really hoping to pull Reinhardt from sibling bonds but instead I pulled Erika meaning I have 3 5* sword lords and still no decent blues ah well could have been worse 

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Yasss. I got annoyed when I saw there's only one blue orb as I've been pulling for Ephraim specifically but I got my bae and backed out immediately after. My sibling duo is complete and I can save more orbs for Effie/Nino next banner. <3 He's +Def/-Spd so not amazing but he's pretty slow anyway and I guess his boon will help out with tanking double hits.


Edited by hunty
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Last weekend I scrapped together the free orbs from the March Quests and made my third and last attempt at the Sibling Bonds banner. I was hoping for Sanaki and despaired when I only got one red orb.



I was so happy I didn't care about the duplicates!

Today, I was tempted by the new banners so I attempted a pull at the Princes one.



Not a lot of luck this time. Nowi turned out to be +Def -Spd so I'm still considering using her. Because of her IVs I think I might better stick to my +Spd -Res F!Corrin.

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Decided to put 18 Orbs into the Princess focus. I didn't want the blues and colorless I was getting in the first session. Pulled my third 3* Selena there too but...



+Atk/-Spd... not ideal but at least it's not like +Res/-Spd. -Spd will hurt him but not like I already play with a +Atk/-Spd M!Robin already.

And then I joked about how he was in the Princess focus, considering how many romantic supports he got from his own game.

My search for the elusive Laslow continues. At least the Selena's might be useful for skill inheritance later... right...?

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Well, my armor problems are over. I pulled Wendy. Two of Wendy. In the same session. One is 4-star, so I'll merge the other one into her. I am not even going to attempt that 4 armor lunatic one, they're such a pain to lug around.

Everyone else is going to be sent back for feathers. Don't need Serra when I have Clarine (don't care for her either), don't need Severa because she's a 3-star swordie when I have too many swords, and Matthew is ... yeah.

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Now that i've upgraded my phone I am finally able to play this game.

My first draw consisted of a level 3 Oboro, a level 4 Hawkeye and a level 3 Henry. My draw after that was a 4 star Raigh.

I don't know whether or not the units I pulled are good or not in the grand scheme of things, but so far they do their job pretty well. Oboro is a tank, Hawkeye hits like a truck and Raigh brings utility with his cavalier slaying weapon and his rally  when he can't reach an enemy.

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I was considering saving my orbs for the eventual Choose Your Legends focus, but I really wanted another Lucina after my two previous disastrous pulls of her (-ATK+DEF and -ATK+RES) way back in Legendary Heroes. So I caved in and decided to do 1-3 full pulls if necessary. I *immediately* got the perfect Lobster Lord (+SPD-RES) and a way better Lucina (+SPD-DEF) than the ones I already had. It saved me the trouble of bothering to roll the other three, since the princess focus doesn't have greens and at this point I quite clearly wasn't going to get another 5*. It was a good day.

Edited by Ryu Yuki
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35 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:
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I was considering saving my orbs for the eventual Choose Your Legends focus, but I really wanted another Lucina after my two previous disastrous pulls of her (-ATK+DEF and -ATK+RES) way back in Legendary Heroes. So I caved in and decided to do 1-3 full pulls if necessary. I *immediately* got the perfect Lobster Lord (+SPD-RES) and a way better Lucina (+SPD-DEF) than the ones I already had. It saved me the trouble of bothering to roll the other three, since the princess focus doesn't have greens and at this point I quite clearly wasn't going to get another 5*. It was a good day.

Congrats!  Sadly, most of the characters I still want are only available as 5*.  I don't have Ephraim or Lucina at all yet, nor Elise, but she's a lower priority.  I'd like Ryoma and Azura, too, but they are even rarer.  I managed to grab a couple 4* Eirikas.  Hopefully, they bump the rewards from the Gauntlet up even further, so we can get a couple free Pulls.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats!  Sadly, most of the characters I still want are only available as 5*.  I don't have Ephraim or Lucina at all yet, nor Elise, but she's a lower priority.  I'd like Ryoma and Azura, too, but they are even rarer.  I managed to grab a couple 4* Eirikas.  Hopefully, they bump the rewards from the Gauntlet up even further, so we can get a couple free Pulls.

Thank you! I was really having trouble deciding, since I'm the type to try and save orbs until a focus I *really* like shows up (I've never pulled from the Roy/Seliph/F!Robin focuses, and only pulled twice for the Lachesis focus). Since I already had 2 Lucina(s) though and I wanted a better one to merge them onto, I ultimately gave in. Boy am I glad I did.

I do think we might get more rewards from the gauntlet though. We broke the new 10 billion record quite a while ago, and we could probably make for 20-30 billion at least by the time the whole event ends. Rewarding such high levels of player activity would keep them around much longer, so I think it's fair to believe we'll get more reward tiers soon enough.

Also, if you want a specific hero, maybe you should consider rolling only specific colors. Especially after you've done 1-3 full rolls and your rate is increased by quite a bit, it could help somewhat. Back in Legendary Heroes, if my odds went beyond 7% I'd start rolling only red and blue, since those have the chance to bring out a focus hero and in extension have double the chance of a 5* over the green and colorless summons. It seemed to have worked out for me, although my IVs were really meh at the time (Except on Tiki, who thank god was utterly perfect). 

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