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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Just mirroring you.

But you didn't? I don't whine about things. That's immature five year old behavior.

Everyone just needs to leave me alone and stop derailing this thread (myself included on that second one, just to note). It's not fun and I'm sure no one wants warning points.

Edited by Anacybele
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Just now, Anacybele said:

Everyone just needs to leave me alone and stop derailing this thread (myself included on that second one, just to note). It's not fun and I'm sure no one wants warning points.

This.  I think there has been like 3 pulls in the last 2 pages.

Edited by Lushen
My bad
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8 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

This is not. It's a simple statement of what you've done.

It's also mostly correct.

Since Heroes' release, your posts and threads have been "Complain about X" and members correct you.

You've been a giant source of negativity for every banner release thread and here.

Moving on:

Since there is a whale in here...


How often do you get 4 star Roys on red pulls?

I think he's the only one with Triangle Adept 3 on 4 star.

well so far ive been focusing on blue and colorless orbs so i havent been getting too many roys. i have gotten quite a few over time though. i wouldnt say he is common but just saw a pic of him as 5* with +10 merge 

hp 48

atk 50

spd 41

def 32 

res 32

with wo dao repostion reprisal fury 3 quick riposte and savage blow

i would not want to fight that xD 

edit: i should but this in skill inheritance thread x.x

Edited by Shiro
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Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Selena (+SPD, -HP) || 4* Cain (+DEF, -ATT) || 4* Chrom (Balanced) || 4* Jeorge (+HP, -SPD)
Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki (+HP, -RES) || 3* Azama (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Serra (+RES, -HP) || 4* Maria (+RES, -HP) || 4* Matthew (+DEF, -ATT)

Black = 3* Unit || Blue = 4* Unit || Orange = 5* Unit || Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)



What happened to pulls? Anyone pulling?

Man, I decided to do two more pulls using the "free!" Orbs. Luck is not on my side, and my 5-star rate is now 4.5% (9%). I suppose after getting a decent patch of pulls before may have ruined my my luck streak.

Long story short, I either...
A - Already have an optimized version of that unit (Chrom, Cain, Azama, Serra, Matthew, Jeorge, Adult!Tiki)
B - It is a new unit, and I either don't care much for it or have a poor IV (Setsuna, Maria)

However, Selena is salvageable from the lot. While I would prefer +ATT, -DEF, this Selena (+SPD, -HP) can be useful as a "defensive Selena," using her high SPD and decent DEF & RES to outlast her foes. I'll make a build for her in my theorycrafting topic at a later date.

Edited by Sire
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7 minutes ago, Sire said:

Round 24 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Setsuna (+DEF, -SPD) || 3* Selena (+SPD, -HP) || 4* Cain (+DEF, -ATT) || 4* Chrom (Balanced) || 4* Jeorge (+HP, -SPD)
Round 25 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* A!Tiki (+HP, -RES) || 3* Azama (+SPD, -DEF) || 3* Serra (+RES, -HP) || 4* Maria (+RES, -HP) || 4* Matthew (+DEF, -ATT)

Black = 3* Unit || Blue = 4* Unit || Orange = 5* Unit || Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)

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What happened to pulls? Anyone pulling?

Man, I decided to do two more pulls using the "free!" Orbs. Luck is not on my side, and my 5-star rate is now 4.5% (9%). I suppose after getting a decent patch of pulls before may have ruined my my luck streak.

Long story short, I either...
A - Already have an optimized version of that unit (Chrom, Cain, Azama, Serra, Matthew, Jeorge, Adult!Tiki)
B - It is a new unit, and I either don't care much for it or have a poor IV (Setsuna, Maria)

However, Selena is salvageable from the lot. While I would prefer +ATT, -DEF, this Selena (+SPD, -HP) can be useful as a "defensive Selena," using her high SPD and decent DEF & RES to outlast her foes. I'll make a build for her in my theorycrafting topic at a later date.

How much effort do you put into making each one of these posts?

Jeorges flame can be given to someone that can make some nasty strats.

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6 minutes ago, Sire said:

Fancy formatting

  Reveal hidden contents


What happened to pulls? Anyone pulling?

By tomorrow I will have 60 orbs, so I'll be doing another pull then.


Speaking of pulls, in my first two for the banner I wanted to set out on getting Jaffar or Ninian, as I could have a ranged nuker or another dancer I can field for higher scores next season.


Well, those sessions gave me no blue orbs, but one of the reds in the second one got me a Ryoma, +Speed -HP. So I'm pretty content as it is.

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13 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

By tomorrow I will have 60 orbs, so I'll be doing another pull then.


Speaking of pulls, in my first two for the banner I wanted to set out on getting Jaffar or Ninian, as I could have a ranged nuker or another dancer I can field for higher scores next season.


Well, those sessions gave me no blue orbs, but one of the reds in the second one got me a Ryoma, +Speed -HP. So I'm pretty content as it is.

honeslty i would wait on pulls this banner is kind of lack luster unless you want to start making a team with inherited skills and jaffar is strong only if he has +atk minus res or def if you give him the poison dagger from kagero that is.

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12 minutes ago, Shiro said:

honeslty i would wait on pulls this banner is kind of lack luster unless you want to start making a team with inherited skills and jaffar is strong only if he has +atk minus res or def if you give him the poison dagger from kagero that is.

Fun fact, +Atk Jaffar with Poison Dagger+ has less attack than +Atk Kagero. Deathly Dagger has 11 Mt so it's a -6 Atk drop. That's a bit of an issue as he misses some OHKO's iirc that Kagero would get normally (correct me if I'm wrong).


Between Ninian and Jaffar, I know the latter is less competitve, but I also really like Jaffar, even if he is tough to pull with all the other colorless in the focus.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Fun fact, +Atk Jaffar with Poison Dagger+ has less attack than +Atk Kagero. Deathly Dagger has 11 Mt so it's a -6 Atk drop. That's a bit of an issue as he misses some OHKO's iirc that Kagero would get normally (correct me if I'm wrong).


Between Ninian and Jaffar, I know the latter is less competitve, but I also really like Jaffar, even if he is tough to pull with all the other colorless in the focus.

good point. now you are making me regret investing everything in my jaffar xD ah well. ill probably use him or my lucius for the arena bonus for the upcoming weeks. ninian doesnt really appeal to me due to her getting raped by dragon slayers 

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1 minute ago, Shiro said:

good point. now you are making me regret investing everything in my jaffar xD ah well. ill probably use him or my lucius for the arena bonus for the upcoming weeks. ninian doesnt really appeal to me due to her getting raped by dragon slayers 



Just for kicks, if you want the raw numbers to compare. All Neu-Neu natured.

Edited by Elieson
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2 minutes ago, Shiro said:

good point. now you are making me regret investing everything in my jaffar xD ah well. ill probably use him or my lucius for the arena bonus for the upcoming weeks. ninian doesnt really appeal to me due to her getting raped by dragon slayers 

I like Ninain less for her stats and kit and more for being a Blue Dancer that is easier to obtain than Azura. With her I can squeeze out a few extra points in my rating compared to using Olivia at the moment.


EDIT: Thanks for the table Elie!

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Just now, Elieson said:



Just for kicks, if you want the raw numbers to compare.

so if i were to go for a ohko i would want kagero and for doubles i would need gaius? or felicia? do you think poison daggers on felicia would be any good?

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

EDIT: Thanks for the table Elie!


Just now, Shiro said:

so if i were to go for a ohko i would want kagero and for doubles i would need gaius? or felicia? do you think poison daggers on felicia would be any good?

PoisonDagger+'s 5MT gives well, +5 Mt to the -Wpn Atk stat that you see for everyone.


With the formula more or less increasing your Atk before their Def, then you'd see 5* Neu/Neu Felicia running 28Atk against non-infantry Def or 28*1.5=42 against Infantry Def, before buffs/skillboosts/etc. Kagero runs 40 or 60 Atk, so you can see how big of a deal that 12 Atk Stat difference is, when it effectively translates into 18 points of damage between the two units. 

42 Atk on Felicia is rather small, but it still 2HKO's common mages but it's really not all that much against most Manaketes and other common threats like Sword Lords, and on a preliminary glance, I don't think it'll 2HKO any swordie.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Just musing: how is “neu/neu” shorter than “neutral?”

It uses the same amount of characters so it wins for looking cooler.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Just musing: how is “neu/neu” shorter than “neutral?”

N - e - u - t - r - a - l

N - e - u - / - r - a - l

It's totally the same buttttttttttt you can copypasta Neu and simplify your keypresses from 7 to 5 with a Ctrl+v & / & Ctrl+v 



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11 minutes ago, Elieson said:


PoisonDagger+'s 5MT gives well, +5 Mt to the -Wpn Atk stat that you see for everyone.


With the formula more or less increasing your Atk before their Def, then you'd see 5* Neu/Neu Felicia running 28Atk against non-infantry Def or 28*1.5=42 against Infantry Def, before buffs/skillboosts/etc. Kagero runs 40 or 60 Atk, so you can see how big of a deal that 12 Atk Stat difference is, when it effectively translates into 18 points of damage between the two units. 

42 Atk on Felicia is rather small, but it still 2HKO's common mages but it's really not all that much against most Manaketes and other common threats like Sword Lords, and on a preliminary glance, I don't think it'll 2HKO any swordie.

like i would love to use felicia if she can wreck mages and since i have catria to take cae of sword users that wouldnt be a problem dragons however may pose a threat with the april update coming i will want a dagger user in my team wether it is felicia kagero or jaffar i will want them to run life or death poison daggers vantage and some other c skill and support skill. the overall question is who is best with a team of hector catria and a mage like sanaki ill probably drop linde sometime soon 

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3 minutes ago, Shiro said:

like i would love to use felicia if she can wreck mages and since i have catria to take cae of sword users that wouldnt be a problem dragons however may pose a threat with the april update coming i will want a dagger user in my team wether it is felicia kagero or jaffar i will want them to run life or death poison daggers vantage and some other c skill and support skill. the overall question is who is best with a team of hector catria and a mage like sanaki ill probably drop linde sometime soon 

Funnily enough it looks like you could get some use out of your Jaffar then.


Deathly Dagger has an innate Savage Blow, so having him inherit Poison Strike can set up your Hector and Sanaki for OHKO's as well as debuff and do AOE damage to everyone near the target.


Just my $0.02

Edited by MrSmokestack
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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Funnily enough it looks like you could get some use out of your Jaffar then.


Deathly Dagger has an innate Savage Blow, so having him inherit Poison Strike can set up your Hector and Sanaki for OHKO's


Just my $0.02

fair enough sanakis purpose is for green units only namely hectors i still see in arena and julias or ninos. catria can always facecheck lucinas for days. my only concern is a consistant takumi counter. i put bow breaker on linde but that does not seem to work vs takumi which is a problem. yes hector can tank and one shot takumi if he is baited but if you cant set up in time it makes it harder for my catria to engage with a takumi still up. klein was a great counter for me but he doesnt have a lot of bst and if i got up vs a +def takumi klein cant one shot him. so the question is is are there any mages that can one shot takumi? i sort of wish linde could inherit the tome that robin m uses.

edit: looks like she can inherit that tome. but the question si can she one shot him...

Edited by Shiro
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7 minutes ago, Shiro said:

fair enough sanakis purpose is for green units only namely hectors i still see in arena and julias or ninos. catria can always facecheck lucinas for days. my only concern is a consistant takumi counter. i put bow breaker on linde but that does not seem to work vs takumi which is a problem. yes hector can tank and one shot takumi if he is baited but if you cant set up in time it makes it harder for my catria to engage with a takumi still up. klein was a great counter for me but he doesnt have a lot of bst and if i got up vs a +def takumi klein cant one shot him. so the question is is are there any mages that can one shot takumi? i sort of wish linde could inherit the tome that robin m uses.

edit: looks like she can inherit that tome. but the question si can she one shot him...

Neutral Takumi has 40 HP / 18 Res. Ignoring weapon advantage a mage would need 58 dmg to OHKO him.


A number of people have theorized Bowbreaker / Triangle Adept Robin as the Takumi counter to end all Takumi counters. Linde is good vs Takumi too, but she needs a buff to her defense if Takumi is +Atk or has someone buffing his attack, as he OHKO's her otherwise. Give her Fury.


As far as other options go, Nino is pretty solid, but now you are running two mages, which will tank your arena score. Perhaps giving Sanaki Rautherraven from Henry might be the best of both worlds?

Edited by MrSmokestack
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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Neutral Takumi has 40 HP / 18 Res. Ignoring weapon advantage a mage would need 58 dmg to OHKO him.


A number of people have theorized Bowbreaker / Triangle Adept Robin as the Takumi counter to end all Takumi counters. Linde is good vs Takumi too, but she needs a buff to her defense if Takumi is +Atk or has someone buffing his attack, as he OHKO's her otherwise. Give her Fury.


As far as other options go, Nino is pretty solid, but now you are running two mages, which will tank your arena score. Perhaps giving Sanaki Rautherraven from Henry might be the best of both worlds?

i already gave sanaki a blade tome. so it would take ages to get a new one xD 

guess ill be pulling for henry once i get 750 sp on sanaki :) that is going to be fun xD

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Just now, Shiro said:

i already gave sanaki a blade tome. so it would take ages to get a new one xD 

Then your job is made easier actually. Having one of your teammates run buffs, which can be as simple as a rally on a unit you don't expect to use much in most games, can push her over the threshold to KO him. Rally Attack is preferred.

As a side note, if you want to keep discussing this, it might be best to move this to the Inheritance Thread.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Then your job is made easier actually. Having one of your teammates run buffs, which can be as simple as a rally on a unit you don't expect to use much in most games, can push her over the threshold to KO him. Rally Attack is preferred.

As a side note, if you want to keep discussing this, it might be best to move this to the Inheritance Thread.

yeah sounds good sorry 

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