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20 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I love how I just 5 starred my Eliwood before this for Ninian.


I mean, it is easier to get a 3- or 4-star Eliwood with a good nature than it is to get a 5-star Eliwood with a good nature, assuming you care.

The only big issue is if you had other units you would've wanted to promote with those 20,000 feathers.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

I mean, it is easier to get a 3- or 4-star Eliwood with a good nature than it is to get a 5-star Eliwood with a good nature, assuming you care.

The only big issue is if you had other units you would've wanted to promote with those 20,000 feathers.

1. I don't.

2. I did.

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1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

I love how I just 5 starred my Eliwood before this for Ninian.


Even with the focus, there's no guarantee of getting the five star Eliwood. Look how many people pulled hundreds of pounds worth of orbs for Ninian, even with the hunting strategy... So that's some comfort?

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Allllllllrighty. I've got a Matthew who I want to sack for skills, but only one Matty and several of his stuffs I want to use.

Question is, should I get Reciprocal Aid + Poison Strike 1/2 for Kagero (she'll be a Defiant Attack / Reprisal build), or bump him up to 4* and give someone with a free C-slot Hone Speed 3 for the sake of boosting my Nino?

For reference, my team comp usually consists of Marth + Abel + Kagero along with one of several filler options like m!Robin, Cherche, Olivia, and a!Tiki-- needless to say, none of them except Olivia can really buff Nino like she wants (I do have a Serra who can buff Nino's two main stats, but don't usually run her in arena and whatnot), so I could give Hone Speed to Kagero or Abel who have their C-slot unfilled... BUT also RA is kind of important for Kagero's build to let her safely lower her health. Also I don't have a good 5* green yet and Nino has probably the best nature of any of the units I've gotten thus far lol.

So. What's the best call here? 


EDIT: This also ties into my persistent issue of being indecisive about who to bump to 5* between Kagero, Nino, and Robin lol. 

Edited by BANRYU
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1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

Allllllllrighty. I've got a Matthew who I want to sack for skills, but only one Matty and several of his stuffs I want to use.

Question is, should I get Reciprocal Aid + Poison Strike 1/2 for Kagero (she'll be a Defiant Attack / Reprisal build), or bump him up to 4* and give someone with a free C-slot Hone Speed 3 for the sake of boosting my Nino?

For reference, my team comp usually consists of Marth + Abel + Kagero along with one of several filler options like m!Robin, Cherche, Olivia, and a!Tiki-- needless to say, none of them except Olivia can really buff Nino like she wants (I do have a Serra who can buff Nino's two main stats, but don't usually run her in arena and whatnot), so I could give Hone Speed to Kagero or Abel who have their C-slot unfilled... BUT also RA is kind of important for Kagero's build to let her safely lower her health. Also I don't have a good 5* green yet and Nino has probably the best nature of any of the units I've gotten thus far lol.

So. What's the best call here? 


EDIT: This also ties into my persistent issue of being indecisive about who to bump to 5* between Kagero, Nino, and Robin lol. 

I think Reciprocal Aid (or Ardent Sacrifice) and Defiant Attack are good options on Kagero, but I don't agree with Poison Strike. 

Poison Strike is meant to help set-up kills for other units in conjunction with debuffs because you can't kill them outright, which most thieves can't, unless you're Felicia with Glacies up or...Kagero. Kagero is unique among the thieves in that her primary role isn't support but rather to one-shot her opponents. Poison Strike works counter to that because it's rather useless unless you leave an opponent alive. The only times I see Poison Strike being useful on Kagero are if you're using her to soften up non-infantry (and if that's what you're intending it for, then I guess that's fine), but otherwise I think Kagero's better off running with something like Vantage for dealing with opposing mages when you're low (which you will be with your build) or Escape Route/Wings of Mercy for teleport shenanigans. 

Her C-skill is more up in the air. Since you're planning to run Nino though, I'd recommend finding a way to give both Kagero and Abel some buffs for Nino, such as Hone Spd on Kagero and Fortify Def on Abel. 

EDIT: Also, you didn't ask, but Nino herself can also just stick with her default Hone Atk C-skill because it's probably the buff that Kagero and Abel get the most use out of and would help them delete the things they're supposed to. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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6 hours ago, Elieson said:

Speaking of, I actually threw together a spreadsheet of my summoned units



I'm realizing just how many Eliwoods, Sullys and god forbid fricken Firs I've pulled.

Has anyone leveled up one of their 1* units to salvagable status yet?

Remember that Subaki?  Him, along with Wrys.

Subaki doesn't like me when I summon. :(:

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I have a team of Lucina Takumi Tharja and Nowi. I have 20,000 feathers and I want to unlock someone's potential. So far it's either fae Cordelia or wait for michalis. If you had to pick one, who would be the best to replace tharja.

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5 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I think Reciprocal Aid (or Ardent Sacrifice) and Defiant Attack are good options on Kagero, but I don't agree with Poison Strike. 

Poison Strike is meant to help set-up kills for other units in conjunction with debuffs because you can't kill them outright, which most thieves can't, unless you're Felicia with Glacies up or...Kagero. Kagero is unique among the thieves in that her primary role isn't support but rather to one-shot her opponents. Poison Strike works counter to that because it's rather useless unless you leave an opponent alive. The only times I see Poison Strike being useful on Kagero are if you're using her to soften up non-infantry (and if that's what you're intending it for, then I guess that's fine), but otherwise I think Kagero's better off running with something like Vantage for dealing with opposing mages when you're low (which you will be with your build) or Escape Route/Wings of Mercy for teleport shenanigans. 

Her C-skill is more up in the air. Since you're planning to run Nino though, I'd recommend finding a way to give both Kagero and Abel some buffs for Nino, such as Hone Spd on Kagero and Fortify Def on Abel. 

EDIT: Also, you didn't ask, but Nino herself can also just stick with her default Hone Atk C-skill because it's probably the buff that Kagero and Abel get the most use out of and would help them delete the things they're supposed to. 

Easy there pard Poison Strike was more of a byproduct of getting RecipAid haha I'm not super attached to it or anything. I definitely agree that it's far from optimal on Kagero and, now that I think about it, probably not worth dropping Daggerbreaker anyway. Maybe I'll just give her the two levels of Hone Spd that Matty can offer and go for the third level later if the opportunity arises. Escape Route / Wings of Mercy sounds pretty interesting on her though haha hmm. Vantage is always good but the issue ofc always comes down to waiting for a Lon'qu to come around ;; and my Tiki's getting dibs on the first one. I thought about maybe Brash Assault for Kagero as well since I've got a couple Bartres hangin out; it's no Vantage certainly but I've been in a lot of situations where it'd have helped. 

And yeah, I was planning to keep Hone Atk on Nino at least for now. Fortify Def on Abel sounds good, I've got a Fred I can sack for that... although... I wonder if those buffs would actually be better swapped between those two...?? I feel like Abel gets more use out of having more Defense (being a frontliner) and Kagero gets more use out of speed (Abel doesn't since he runs Brave)... But... hmm... The Hone Speed COMES with the RecipAid, so.... huh. 

I dunno, it's not worth losing out on Reciprocal Aid for Kagero so that she can have Fortify Def and Abel can have Hone Speed is it...??

11 hours ago, Elieson said:

Has anyone leveled up one of their 1* units to salvagable status yet?

I... I raised Sophia from 1* but uh. I don't know if I'd call her salvagable yet. Already have too many passable reds so haven't been able to spare the resources to bump her higher than 3* just yet...

29 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Thoughts on +Def/-Res Nino with Moonbow, Fury, Desperation, and Threaten Res?

Desperation is good on Nino, Fury too, though IMO Life-and-Death is better than Fury if you can get it on her (if your options are limited then nvm). Moonbow would be passable on her but according to Sire she gets more out of Draconic Aura. If you've got a moonbow you can spare and are all right waiting for DA then go for Moonbow; personally I'm hoarding my proc fodder like the dickens haha ;;

tl;dr IMO Draconic Aura and LaD are more optimal, but Moonbow and Fury aren't bad at all. TBQH the worst thing about that is Nino's nature unfortunately ;; not much you can do about that, though.

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1 hour ago, J Money said:

I have a team of Lucina Takumi Tharja and Nowi. I have 20,000 feathers and I want to unlock someone's potential. So far it's either fae Cordelia or wait for michalis. If you had to pick one, who would be the best to replace tharja.

Do you have any other options?  Michalis looks like the best choice,but I'm rather hesitant about throwing him on this team.

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24 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Easy there pard Poison Strike was more of a byproduct of getting RecipAid haha I'm not super attached to it or anything. I definitely agree that it's far from optimal on Kagero and, now that I think about it, probably not worth dropping Daggerbreaker anyway. Maybe I'll just give her the two levels of Hone Spd that Matty can offer and go for the third level later if the opportunity arises. Escape Route / Wings of Mercy sounds pretty interesting on her though haha hmm. Vantage is always good but the issue ofc always comes down to waiting for a Lon'qu to come around ;; and my Tiki's getting dibs on the first one. I thought about maybe Brash Assault for Kagero as well since I've got a couple Bartres hangin out; it's no Vantage certainly but I've been in a lot of situations where it'd have helped. 

And yeah, I was planning to keep Hone Atk on Nino at least for now. Fortify Def on Abel sounds good, I've got a Fred I can sack for that... although... I wonder if those buffs would actually be better swapped between those two...?? I feel like Abel gets more use out of having more Defense (being a frontliner) and Kagero gets more use out of speed (Abel doesn't since he runs Brave)... But... hmm... The Hone Speed COMES with the RecipAid, so.... huh. 

I dunno, it's not worth losing out on Reciprocal Aid for Kagero so that she can have Fortify Def and Abel can have Hone Speed is it...??

Oh my bad I wasn't trying to sound aggressive or anything.

I'm of the personal opinion that Brave units in general get more mileage out of +atk buffs than other characters because they attack twice. I personally think of Abel less of a frontliner and more of a player phase "delete this sword" button. You're certainly welcome to switch it around to give Kagero the def aura and Abel the spd, but I'm personally of the opinion that it isn't worth it, for resources' sake if nothing else. 

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46 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Do you have any other options?  Michalis looks like the best choice,but I'm rather hesitant about throwing him on this team.

The good four or three stars I also have are Olivia and Nino pretty much. Nino might be able to replace tharja with his magic and he is very good against blue.

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Just now, J Money said:

The good four or three stars I also have are Olivia and Nino pretty much. Nino might be able to replace tharja with his magic and he is very good against blue.

In your case, "good" is Nino with Gronnraven, OR heavy skill customization to make Gronnblade shine (for example, replace Lucina's Spur Atk with Hone Spd, or give Takumi Rally Attack as an assist).  F!Robin with literally every last customization thrown on her would work, too (she'd be a green M!Robin, right down to Gronnraven and Triangle Adept).

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Oh my bad I wasn't trying to sound aggressive or anything.

I'm of the personal opinion that Brave units in general get more mileage out of +atk buffs than other characters because they attack twice. I personally think of Abel less of a frontliner and more of a player phase "delete this sword" button. You're certainly welcome to switch it around to give Kagero the def aura and Abel the spd, but I'm personally of the opinion that it isn't worth it, for resources' sake if nothing else. 

Nahh man don't sweat it, I didn't mean to imply that I just saw that you wrote a lot haha sry ;; Yeah it's true 'frontliner' might  not quite be the best role or term for Abel, but I do use him as such on occasion-- he still works decently well as a sword-deleter even on defense haha. Truth be told I don't have that many units that make great frontliners though so I kinda gotta take what I can get in that regard. =w= 

I'll keep deliberating on it for now in any case. 

6 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

How reliable is FE Heroes' Tier list? Bcuz I think it's pretty spotty with Odin's placement.

I think for the most part it's pretty solid, though there are a few that could be placed slightly better (IE, Cherche is leagues above Barst IMHO)... Odin is pretty good though I suspect he's placed slightly lower due to Linde being extremely strong in general and Robin being such a good counter to a lot of the meta's top threats. IMO though Odin should be about on par with Reinhardt based on what I've seen, though granted Odin also requires more team support to be at Rein's level or higher-- which is probably why he's lower, the others are less team-reliant. 

Although given the advent of skill inheritance, I wouldn't be surprised if the tiers start to radically shift. 

Edited by BANRYU
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I have a 5* Reinhardt and he is a bit of a beast however he is very slow so he would never naturally double, the question is if I where to give him wary fighter would it interfere with his brave effect or will he still hit everything twice player phase. To do this I would need to sacrifice an effie (which I have one 4*) so would it be better to get wary fighter or death blow.


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Brave Swords hit twice through Wary Fighter, so you don't have to worry. Not sure why you'd give up his 16MT killer sword, though.


Edit: I read Reinhardt as Eldigan, haha. And forgot that Wary was armor only, too.

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10 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I have a 5* Reinhardt and he is a bit of a beast however he is very slow so he would never naturally double, the question is if I where to give him wary fighter

You can't give Reinhardt Wary Fighter, because it's armoured-only.

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35 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Need opinion on which Seliph is better, +HP -Res or -HP +Spd?

Seliph's job is to be on the front lines, get himself down to less than half health, and go berserk with Tyrfing.  The question is whether or not you think both Robins, Young Tiki, and Roy are credible enough threats - because +Spd means that they no longer double him.  Otherwise, go with +HP, because he's going to be doubled anyway.

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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

Seliph's job is to be on the front lines, get himself down to less than half health, and go berserk with Tyrfing.  The question is whether or not you think both Robins, Young Tiki, and Roy are credible enough threats - because +Spd means that they no longer double him.  Otherwise, go with +HP, because he's going to be doubled anyway.

Seliph reminds me of Alfonse (or vice versa? Alfonse came first) with his physical bulk but non-existing speed and resistance.
I can't figure out what to do with either (Seliph being meh +HP −Def doesn't help) but I hope I eventually find a way to put them to use.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Seliph reminds me of Alfonse (or vice versa? Alfonse came first) with his physical bulk but non-existing speed and resistance.
I can't figure out what to do with either (Seliph being meh +HP −Def doesn't help) but I hope I eventually find a way to put them to use.

They're similar, in the sense that they're bulky, slow, and have named beatsticks to their name.

Alfonse has Death Blow, which points to him walking up to something and smacking the everliving daylights out of it, preferably triggering Sol so that he can absorb blows on enemy phase.

Seliph has Brash Assault, which will only trigger if the enemy can counter.  He gains Def +4 from Tyrfing if he can use Brash Assault.  He beast Alfonse in HP (47 versus 43, and that's without HP +5) and with Tyrfing active, Defense (34 versus 32).  Thus, Seliph can take a physical beating on either phase and return it double.  IMO Seliph's strategy is riskier, but damn if it isn't funny with Defiant Atk instead of HP +5.  If he's unable to get to the front lines (or too wounded to do much else), he can donate a Rally Speed.

So how does this relate to your Seliph?  He'll want someone with Hone/Rally Defense, to patch up that bane.  However, 50 HP before skills means that the only unit that beats him is Hector.  In other words, you've got a pseudo-armor, with better movement exchanged for a bit of Defense.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

How reliable is FE Heroes' Tier list? Bcuz I think it's pretty spotty with Odin's placement.


1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

I think for the most part it's pretty solid, though there are a few that could be placed slightly better (IE, Cherche is leagues above Barst IMHO)... Odin is pretty good though I suspect he's placed slightly lower due to Linde being extremely strong in general and Robin being such a good counter to a lot of the meta's top threats. IMO though Odin should be about on par with Reinhardt based on what I've seen, though granted Odin also requires more team support to be at Rein's level or higher-- which is probably why he's lower, the others are less team-reliant. 

Although given the advent of skill inheritance, I wouldn't be surprised if the tiers start to radically shift. 

To be quite frank, I don't think the tier list is worth very much right now. There's a disclaimer at the top that states the tier list currently ranks all units without including skill inheritance. While this is all well and good for the players who intend to continue playing with vanilla skillsets (who will in turn be matched against likeminded players after the April update), the majority of the meta is centered around skill inheritance, which affects tiering significantly. 

Cherche is a pretty easy example of a unit who benefits immensely from SI. Cherche's stats are amazing offensively, but her weapon and skills leave a bit to be desired, which explains her being ranked in B. However, post-SI Cherche can inherit a Brave Axe+ and Death Blow, immediately turning her into the best physical green nuke in the game and shooting her up to A or A+ tier at the bare minimum. 

Additionally, if they ever do decide to change up the list to take SI into consideration, it will be a relatively long time before "optimal" skillsets become cemented, assuming there's even a true "optimal" skillset for anyone. In the case of characters having multiple possible skillsets that play different roles (tank Eldigan vs damage Eldigan for example), how would they rank that? Or what about characters that are amazing on certain team comps but mediocre on others (see Gronnblade Cecilia with a cavalry team)? There are simply too many variables for a simple one-dimensional tier list like the one we have now to suffice now that skill inheritance is a thing. They would need some way to take into account multiple potential skillsets as well as various team comps. Instead of the current system we would need something more like Pokemon's Smogon (though that's a different discussion for a different time). 

With the advent of skill inheritance, the metagame is in complete shambles right now, and the tier list is not going to be able to catch up for quite a while. Any tier list post-SI should be taken with a spoonful of salt, especially if they don't provide explanations on what skillsets they're using as a basis for comparison or give explanations for why characters are placed where they are (which the wiki's tier list does not do). Any tier list that doesn't even take skill inheritance into consideration is fine for a small subset of players but completely obsolete for the rest of the playerbase that does play with inherited skills. 

Anyways, these are just my two cents so like with any other opinion on the internet I would take it with a grain of salt, but I simply don't think tier lists in general are particularly viable as of right now and certainly not the one on the wiki. 

tldr - @Zangetsu It's not.

EDIT: I hope this doesn't come off as particularly aggressive because it isn't meant to be. I'm just afraid of people being led astray by following tier lists religiously without considering all the variables, especially if the list does't take SI into consideration. I don't want people to think units they have are bad because they're low on the tier list when they could actually be quite decent with the right skills and weapons or team comp :/

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Umm Its says that Odin is A tier amongst Blue ranks, but I have an incredibly difficult time using him. I was using him (btw he's 4 stars)against a red generic mage & he could only dmg him by 1 while my 4 stars Corrin & Raven did significantly more dmg than him. What exactly makes him viable?

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