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Ok, so I gave Catria Quick Riposte 3 for the B skill and Fortify Fliers for the C skill. Her assist is Draw Back. What should I do with the A skill? Should I leave it as Armored Blow or change it to something else? The plan is to make her part of a Flier Emblem team

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23 minutes ago, ScarletSylph said:

It won't change. It will stay the same throughout

Edit: sorry for the double post. Didn't think about it when I posted it XD

Many thanks! Looking forward to my nino. This one is the sixth nino that I got and the first with +spd. ☺

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2 hours ago, ScarletSylph said:

This game hates me so much :S I got an Ike with -atk/+spd IVs, can Ike still make use of his heavy blade skill or is it not worth getting? Also what kind of build can I make with a -atk/+spd Ike?

i have the same one :/  heavy blade is out (and no one replied to my question about heavy blade inheritance practicality) BUT this is the ideal spread for tanking and fits his playstyle, i have Hector with same nature.  With QR u wont often get doubled and always double back killing almost any one even with -atk.  I realy like Sol for sutain but more dmg is always fine but it doesnt always matter.  However +Atk 3 or Furry and moonbow get quite a few R1 kills notably Hector.  furry mostly saves him vs Tharja.  I dont think heavy blade triggers often even on +atk nature because every one runs high atk heroes in arena, you need 6 more than some one for it to do anything. 

So please any advice beofre comiting to this build? 

Ike +spd -attack

Atack + 3 of Furry 3?

Quick Reiposte 1 (need calculations if 3 is worth it def not with Furry)

Threaten Speed 



Edited by Chromatone
Dmg Calculations
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9 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

i have the same one :/  heavy blade is out (and no one replied to my question about heavy blade practicality) BUT this is the ideal sread for tanking and fits his playstyle, i have Hector with same nature.  With QR u wont often get doubled and always double back killing almost any one even with -atk.  I realy like Sol for this build but more dmg is always fine but it doesnt always matter.  I dont think heavy blade triggers often even on +atk nature because every one runs high atk heroes in arena, you need 6 more than some one for it to do anything. 

Would QR2 work? I don't have anyone besides subaki to give him the QR and I'm not spending 20k feathers just to pass it over since I don't have that much resources. Also would Fury 2 be a good A skill for him? That would buff his ability to tank and he can heal up if I put Sol on him too right?

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2 hours ago, Chromatone said:

A: Eirika has flex options with A  Just a simple +hp or spd is fine Furry can be good to depending on your rss she may not be worth burning one on.

What is a RSS?

+HP really?

For Nino, if the choice is between Life & Death 2 (cuz I'm not burning 20,000 feathers for Life & Death 3) or Fury 3, is Fury 3 better?

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4 minutes ago, salinea said:

What is a RSS?

+HP really?

For Nino, if the choice is between Life & Death 2 (cuz I'm not burning 20,000 feathers for Life & Death 3) or Fury 3, is Fury 3 better?

Probably shorthand for "resources".

Fury 3 vs LaD for Nino depends on what you want for her Assist skill; I personally prefer Fury / Draw Back Nino but LaD / Ardent Sacrifice can work around her worse bulk.

If you want Eirika specifically to deal with Hector, just take Triangle Adept. She's mostly a supporting unit and her Atk isn't very impressive to begin with, compared to other sword users.

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27 minutes ago, Rayofcannon said:

How viable is hector in arena (aside from putting him in a defense team) and is pivot the best assist skill we can give him?

Hes amazing, on defence hes actualy not great as he lags behind.  Pivot is a huge help getting him in place to bait an attack and then retreating.

10 minutes ago, salinea said:

What is a RSS?

+HP really?

For Nino, if the choice is between Life & Death 2 (cuz I'm not burning 20,000 feathers for Life & Death 3) or Fury 3, is Fury 3 better?

Rss is resources.  I often see her with Furry, that probably helps her with Hector though baiting him with moonbow shoukd do the trick. 

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Okay, so planning ahead for the next arena season, I'm thinking of a core of Ike, Ephraim and Soren, but I'm doubting between giving the next slot to Tharja or Olivia. Tharja, buffed by Ephraim (I'd have to sacrifice his sister to give him Hone Spd 3, but I'm willing to do it) would be a really nice tactical nuke, specially since Soren could provide another +4 to the mix in the form of Fortify Res 3. She's also 5* so my score would definitely benefit from that. On the other hand, although Olivia is 4*... Damn, she's a dancer, and I'm really used to fight with one. The utility they provide is awesome. I have other 5* options, like Effie (+atk -res), Hawkeye (don't remember nature), Titania (-atk for sure, don't remember boon), and a bunch of decent 4* options (F!Corrin, Brave Axe Zelcher, most notably).


Here's my team, right now:


Soren [+HP/-ATK]
40 HP / 39 ATK / 33 SPD / 17 DEF / 29 RES
Weapon: Gronnraven+
Special: Moonbow
Passive A: Triangle Adept 3
Passive B: G Tomebreaker 3
Passive C: Fortify Res 3
Sacred Seal: Attack +1

Ike [+HP/-RES]
45 HP / 51 ATK / 32 SPD / 32 DEF / 14 RES
Weapon: Ragnell
Assist: Reposition
Special: Luna
Passive A: Heavy Blade 3
Passive B: Swordbreaker 3
Passive C: Spur Atk 2
Sacred Seal: Speed +1

Ephraim [+SPD/-RES]
48 HP / 54 ATK / 32 SPD / 35 DEF / 20 RES
Weapon: Siegmund
Assist: Swap
Special: Moonbow
Passive A: Fury 3
Passive B: Lancebreaker 1
Passive C: Threaten Def 3
Sacred Seal: HP +3

Tharja [+HP/-DEF]
42 HP / 45 ATK / 34 SPD / 20 DEF / 20 RES
Weapon: Rauðrblade+
Special: Vengeance
Passive A: Darting Blow 3
Passive B: Desperation 3
Passive C: Spur Res 3


Soren has the +Atk seal to OHKO Takumi and, with the help of an attack bonus from Ephraim, KO Fury Nino if necessary. Ike has Swordbreaker so far, but I could change it to Quick Riposte 2. I like Swordbreaker because it helps on the offense and on the defense, and the HP threshold is more lenient, but it's not set in stone. Ephraim is missing Hone Speed but I could grind the SP if necessary. I'm planning on giving him Lancebreaker 2, so it can still be activated after a single Fury recoil (assuming he didn't take any more damage), but it's not prioritary. Tharja has Vengeance right now, as it synergizes very well with desperation, but I don't know if moonbow could be better.


Any suggestions? Any unit that this team has no real answer? Any team that wrecks mine? (from the ones expected to be in the arena, not a tailor-made team to counter it).





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9 minutes ago, Chromatone said:

Rss is resources.  I often see her with Furry, that probably helps her with Hector though baiting him with moonbow shoukd do the trick. 


11 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Probably shorthand for "resources".

Fury 3 vs LaD for Nino depends on what you want for her Assist skill; I personally prefer Fury / Draw Back Nino but LaD / Ardent Sacrifice can work around her worse bulk.

If you want Eirika specifically to deal with Hector, just take Triangle Adept. She's mostly a supporting unit and her Atk isn't very impressive to begin with, compared to other sword users.


Yeah I think I'd rather keep Draw Back on Nino -- it's a useful Assist, so Fury it is (now if only i could draw Shanna for Desperation...)

Hmmmm... if Moonbow should do the trick on Hector, and given that I have in more abundance than Tri Adept... I think I'll try that first.

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2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Ok, so I gave Catria Quick Riposte 3 for the B skill and Fortify Fliers for the C skill. Her assist is Draw Back. What should I do with the A skill? Should I leave it as Armored Blow or change it to something else? The plan is to make her part of a Flier Emblem team


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19 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

Okay, so planning ahead for the next arena season, I'm thinking of a core of Ike, Ephraim and Soren, but I'm doubting between giving the next slot to Tharja or Olivia. Tharja, buffed by Ephraim (I'd have to sacrifice his sister to give him Hone Spd 3, but I'm willing to do it) would be a really nice tactical nuke, specially since Soren could provide another +4 to the mix in the form of Fortify Res 3. She's also 5* so my score would definitely benefit from that. On the other hand, although Olivia is 4*... Damn, she's a dancer, and I'm really used to fight with one. The utility they provide is awesome. I have other 5* options, like Effie (+atk -res), Hawkeye (don't remember nature), Titania (-atk for sure, don't remember boon), and a bunch of decent 4* options (F!Corrin, Brave Axe Zelcher, most notably).

Soren has the +Atk seal to OHKO Takumi and, with the help of an attack bonus from Ephraim, KO Fury Nino if necessary. Ike has Swordbreaker so far, but I could change it to Quick Riposte 2. I like Swordbreaker because it helps on the offense and on the defense, and the HP threshold is more lenient, but it's not set in stone. Ephraim is missing Hone Speed but I could grind the SP if necessary. I'm planning on giving him Lancebreaker 2, so it can still be activated after a single Fury recoil (assuming he didn't take any more damage), but it's not a priority. Tharja has Vengeance right now, as it synergizes very well with desperation, but I don't know if moonbow could be better.


Any suggestions? Any unit that this team has no real answer? Any team that wrecks mine? (from the ones expected to be in the arena, not a tailor-made team to counter it).

Nice team!

I'd strongly advise giving the fourth space to Tharja for reasons you've already stated. Ephraim is ready to go with a simple Hone Spd and Rally Defense inheritance (Soren has Fortify Res already) to give her an easy +14 Atk; ranged nukers are incredibly valuable and the rest of the team can simply focus on keeping her alive or dealing with the units she can't, like Triangle Adept Robin or standard Linde.

Lancebreaker might be better for Ephraim's B skill, since it prevents doubles from opposing Lance users, while QR still leaves him vulnerable to being doubled. He can actually double neutral Spd Effie when attacking, ignoring her Wary Fighter, since he has +Spd. Your choice for what might be easier on your resources, though.

If you're really going to miss running a dancer, positioning assists work fine as a substitute. Ike has Reposition already, which is a great start, but you should also give Tharja and / or Soren Draw Back. If you can only give it to one of them, hand it to Soren, since he tends to act as a defensive check and thus has most of his combat occur on enemy phase, freeing up his player phase action to move allies out of danger. Swap on Ephraim is fine, but consider running a Rally to buff 3/4 of Tharja's stats completely by himself for -Blade spam.

That said, your team has its bases covered pretty well. Tharja demolishes opposing green -Blades, especially Camilla-Spring who is otherwise a huge threat to this team. Linde is simiarly troublesome, but nothing a Triangle Adept Soren can't handle.

Hope this helped!


EDIT: Forgot to mention this. Give Ike's Spd+ 1 Seal to Tharja, and replace her Vengeance with Moonbow, if possible. -Blade's CD penalty makes Vengeance harder to use in most games than usual.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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41 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Nice team!

I'd strongly advise giving the fourth space to Tharja for reasons you've already stated. Ephraim is ready to go with a simple Hone Spd and Rally Defense inheritance (Soren has Fortify Res already) to give her an easy +14 Atk; ranged nukers are incredibly valuable and the rest of the team can simply focus on keeping her alive or dealing with the units she can't, like Triangle Adept Robin or standard Linde.

Lancebreaker might be better for Ephraim's B skill, since it prevents doubles from opposing Lance users, while QR still leaves him vulnerable to being doubled. He can actually double neutral Spd Effie when attacking, ignoring her Wary Fighter, since he has +Spd. Your choice for what might be easier on your resources, though.

If you're really going to miss running a dancer, positioning assists work fine as a substitute. Ike has Reposition already, which is a great start, but you should also give Tharja and / or Soren Draw Back. If you can only give it to one of them, hand it to Soren, since he tends to act as a defensive check and thus has most of his combat occur on enemy phase, freeing up his player phase action to move allies out of danger. Swap on Ephraim is fine, but consider running a Rally to buff 3/4 of Tharja's stats completely by himself for -Blade spam.

That said, your team has its bases covered pretty well. Tharja demolishes opposing green -Blades, especially Camilla-Spring who is otherwise a huge threat to this team. Linde is simiarly troublesome, but nothing a Triangle Adept Soren can't handle.

Hope this helped!


EDIT: Forgot to mention this. Give Ike's Spd+ 1 Seal to Tharja, and replace her Vengeance with Moonbow, if possible. -Blade's CD penalty makes Vengeance harder to use in most games than usual.

Thanks for the advice! I thought it was a good team, but it's reassuring to read it from someone that knows the meta better.


Ephraim: Lancebreaker 2, then, I have a 4* Arthur there that I'm not going to use ever, so better than QR2. I'll also sacrifice one of my Oboros for Rally Defense. Even if I use him without Tharja in other teams, the more options the merrier. That's (150+100)*1.5 = 375 SP for him.

Ike: Spd +1 seal was there because Tharja wasn't entirely decided yet, so of course. I'd love to give Ike the Attack +1 seal, to get more Heavy Blade procs, but that one Takumi OHKO is really important, specially after this new banner making him more available. What would you recommend for the C slot? Spur Attack 2 is there just as a byproduct of Barst giving him Reposition, and while nice, I don't know if there's a C skill that would go really well with him (or for this team).

Soren and Tharja: Draw back for both, sure. I'll give it first to Soren, as Tharja still needs to learn Desperation 3 and Moonbow, so that's a lot of SP for her to grind (525 and 450, in fact, wow). Soren only needs a mere extra 225, that's totally manageable.


Well, I have 60 energy potions left and we're in an SP bonus so... Let's grind! (I have to give Effie Draconic Aura too, plus an assist skill, plus... xD )

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3 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

Thanks for the advice! I thought it was a good team, but it's reassuring to read it from someone that knows the meta better.


Ephraim: Lancebreaker 2, then, I have a 4* Arthur there that I'm not going to use ever, so better than QR2. I'll also sacrifice one of my Oboros for Rally Defense. Even if I use him without Tharja in other teams, the more options the merrier. That's (150+100)*1.5 = 375 SP for him.

Ike: Spd +1 seal was there because Tharja wasn't entirely decided yet, so of course. I'd love to give Ike the Attack +1 seal, to get more Heavy Blade procs, but that one Takumi OHKO is really important, specially after this new banner making him more available. What would you recommend for the C slot? Spur Attack 2 is there just as a byproduct of Barst giving him Reposition, and while nice, I don't know if there's a C skill that would go really well with him (or for this team).

Soren and Tharja: Draw back for both, sure. I'll give it first to Soren, as Tharja still needs to learn Desperation 3 and Moonbow, so that's a lot of SP for her to grind (525 and 450, in fact, wow). Soren only needs a mere extra 225, that's totally manageable.


Well, I have 60 energy potions left and we're in an SP bonus so... Let's grind! (I have to give Effie Draconic Aura too, plus an assist skill, plus... xD )

I weep for my 3 stamina bottles.

Ike's C skill should be whatever the team benefits from most, but he has Spur Atk from Barst already which would have been my recommendation to begin with. Maxing it out with another Barst dump raises your arena score ever so slightly.

I'm training up my own Buffraim at the moment, bless the double SP bonus.

And sure, always glad to help!

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I need feathers. Who to get rid of? 



...ah jeez I didn't notice the clipboard thing that didn't go away yet. poop. 

chances are you'll know if I'm saving someone for skill inheritance.

Also debating giving my 4* Raven's Sol to Titania as filler until I can build her properly. (otherwise he might be better spent on feathers though... especially if I give Camilla Titania's emerald axe as I'm considering doing, lol... ;;

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What's the best activation skill for a 4x +Spd - Res Olwen with Life and Death and Desperation? I'm assuming Iceberg but I'd like some additional input on that.

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4 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

What's the best activation skill for a 4x +Spd - Res Olwen with Life and Death and Desperation? I'm assuming Iceberg but I'd like some additional input on that.

Short answer: Luna

Longer answer: The difference isn't honestly that large between the two, but Luna secures slightly more kills. In general, a quad Olwen is going to be ORKOing anything except high res targets (and def/res affect Brave units more than other units bc of how damage is calculated), so you want a skill to help you break through that. Also, just in general, Luna is best on relatively low base atk units like Olwen. You would only want Bonfire/Iceberg if the corresponding defense stat is high enough to where the proc scaling would do more than the average def/res Luna would break through, and though there's no exact number to always rely on, I would say that a good estimate would be to use Bonfire/Iceberg if the corresponding stat is in the 30s.

The fact that Olwen is -Res only solidifies this choice for your Olwen specifically.

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Short answer: Luna

Longer answer: The difference isn't honestly that large between the two, but Luna secures slightly more kills. In general, a quad Olwen is going to be ORKOing anything except high res targets (and def/res affect Brave units more than other units bc of how damage is calculated), so you want a skill to help you break through that. Also, just in general, Luna is best on relatively low base atk units like Olwen. You would only want Bonfire/Iceberg if the corresponding defense stat is high enough to where the proc scaling would do more than the average def/res Luna would break through, and though there's no exact number to always rely on, I would say that a good estimate would be to use Bonfire/Iceberg if the corresponding stat is in the 30s.

The fact that Olwen is -Res only solidifies this choice for your Olwen specifically.

I see. Thanks for the advice.

...only problem is, I don't have any units available right now with Luna I'm willing to sacrifice. Thought for sure I had a Frederick lying around but I guess not. Guess that will have to wait for a while. Not like I'm desperate to use her at the moment or anything, so waiting isn't a problem.

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In the training tower, bringing up some of my new pulls. a troubadour has 22 attack, elise has 11 resistence, but Elise is only taking 5 damage. Elise has 25 attack hitting Troubadour's 21 resistence, but deals 2 damage (x2, she doubles).

No one has any buffs/debuffs aside from Jeorge's Spur Speed. Is there some quirk with healer damage that I've just never noticed before?

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2 minutes ago, r_n said:

In the training tower, bringing up some of my new pulls. a troubadour has 22 attack, elise has 11 resistence, but Elise is only taking 5 damage. Elise has 25 attack hitting Troubadour's 21 resistence, but deals 2 damage (x2, she doubles).

No one has any buffs/debuffs aside from Jeorge's Spur Speed. Is there some quirk with healer damage that I've just never noticed before?

I forget the exact math on it, but Healer's Atk gets halved at some point, so it's not calculated like all the other units.

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Q: Is +SPD, -DEF Young!Tiki worth keeping? She is the first Y!Tiki I ever got, and while I appreciate the +SPD, I don't care much for the -DEF bane.

Otherwise, I plan on passing on Flametongue+ to her adult self for my optimal A!Tiki build. (specifically, running Flametongue+*, Bonfire, "Assist," D. Counter*, Quick Riposte*, "Passive C" // Of course, Distant Counter and Quick Riposte are in high demand and are rare skills, but at least I can start somewhere, right?)

* * * * *

1 minute ago, r_n said:

In the training tower, bringing up some of my new pulls. a troubadour has 22 attack, elise has 11 resistence, but Elise is only taking 5 damage. Elise has 25 attack hitting Troubadour's 21 resistence, but deals 2 damage (x2, she doubles).

No one has any buffs/debuffs aside from Jeorge's Spur Speed. Is there some quirk with healer damage that I've just never noticed before?

After doing the calculations (Healer ATT - Defender's RES), healers get a "hidden penalty" by halving the damage dealt. So, for example...

Healer: 40 ATT
Defender: 20 RES

40 - 20 = 20 Damage (Which is normally expected, but...)
20 / 2 = 10 Damage (This is what actually happens. The damage of Healers are halved, perhaps not to outshine Mages.)

There was detailed discussion about it somewhere, but I can not recall where it was and it is not listed in the first post of Ice Dragon's research thread.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I forget the exact math on it, but Healer's Atk gets halved at some point, so it's not calculated like all the other units.

I have played this game since it came out and seriously never noticed this before. That's just weird, it's not like healers are that strong to begin with and their strongest spell is +10.


e: Oh good FEH wiki has the full breakdown http://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Damage_Calculation

the fact it isn't hard coded makes me wonder if one day we'll get some (likely enemy-only) class that increases their damage

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1 minute ago, r_n said:

I have played this game since it came out and seriously never noticed this before. That's just weird, it's not like healers are that strong to begin with and their strongest spell is +10.

Yeah, I honestly think Dancers should have a damage nerf more than healers, but it is what it is.

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