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2 minutes ago, salinea said:

If you lack a distant counter unit, I think Xander is worth investing in, yes.

fRobin, Ursula, Narcian are pretty niche counters as given, and don't really need promotion to be used as such. Navarre isn't bad for a "myrmidon" type, given that myrmidon type aren't very good without a lot of investment and in competition with all the swordlords and therefore not a lot worthwhile. You can also use Zephiel in armor quests without promoting him, if that's all you want from him.

Alright, I'll have to take that into consideration. Thanks. Though I do have trepidation about using Fates character, at least Xander looks kind of cool.

Edited by Arthur97
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3 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Alright, I'll have to take that into consideration. Thanks. Though I do have trepidation about using Fates character, at least Xander looks kind of cool.

If you don't want to use Fates characters, you can just roll on the current banners for Ike or Hector :) There's gameplay considerations, but one should use the characters they like, too! The game is flexible enough.

(I started like you, looking down on the fates characters, but they've grown on me since...)

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1 minute ago, salinea said:

If you don't want to use Fates characters, you can just roll on the current banners for Ike or Hector :) There's gameplay considerations, but one should use the characters they like, too! The game is flexible enough.

(I started like you, looking down on the fates characters, but they've grown on me since...)

I tried and failed (wasting away even more orbs I could have saved for the CYL event).

Of course, I'm already running two of my favorites (Chrom is also a favorite of mine, but running him in addition would be really redundant with Lucina on it already). In reality, I should probably level all of them up for ensuing revival quests.

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Considering that Hana is going to be an arena bonus character for the next weeks, I'm tempted to throw some feathers at her in order to get a 5 star. I'd like to get some second thoughts on how to build her however, so I'm just going to outline what I had in mind:

First of all, I have three versions of her so far. +Def/-Spd is obviously horrible, but would +Spd/-HP or +Atk/-Def better for the following build?

I intend to pass my Ogma's Brave Sword+ to her because he's +Res/-Atk and just disappoints me whenever I see him. The rest is probably pretty standard for a brave build: Life and Death + Desperation, with Ardent Sacrifice to activate the latter.

I'm not so sure about the remaining skills though. For the C slot, it's probably going to be Threaten Def/Spd as I don't think that a Hone Whatever would be all that effective on such an offensive character. Threaten Spd might be better because it enables more Desperation quadruples, I believe?

Finally, regarding her proc skill: I've seen people using standard extra damage stuff like Draconic Aura on her, others seem to favour defensive abilities. Does this actually help her to survive something important (possibly after an Ardent Sacrifice) or is full offense preferred?

Oh, and one last thing: Is Draw Back still all the hype or did that spot get repositioned? Looking for an assist to give to my Daraen.

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55 minutes ago, Sias said:

Considering that Hana is going to be an arena bonus character for the next weeks, I'm tempted to throw some feathers at her in order to get a 5 star. I'd like to get some second thoughts on how to build her however, so I'm just going to outline what I had in mind:

First of all, I have three versions of her so far. +Def/-Spd is obviously horrible, but would +Spd/-HP or +Atk/-Def better for the following build?

I intend to pass my Ogma's Brave Sword+ to her because he's +Res/-Atk and just disappoints me whenever I see him. The rest is probably pretty standard for a brave build: Life and Death + Desperation, with Ardent Sacrifice to activate the latter.

I'm not so sure about the remaining skills though. For the C slot, it's probably going to be Threaten Def/Spd as I don't think that a Hone Whatever would be all that effective on such an offensive character. Threaten Spd might be better because it enables more Desperation quadruples, I believe?

Finally, regarding her proc skill: I've seen people using standard extra damage stuff like Draconic Aura on her, others seem to favour defensive abilities. Does this actually help her to survive something important (possibly after an Ardent Sacrifice) or is full offense preferred?

Oh, and one last thing: Is Draw Back still all the hype or did that spot get repositioned? Looking for an assist to give to my Daraen.

Easily +Atk.

Atk is far and away the most important stat on a Brave user, and the -Def should rarely come into play because Hana wants to delete enemies without giving them a chance to counterattack, especially because you're going with a quad Desperation build. 

The C-slot is pretty heavily team dependent, but if you wanted to benefit Hana specifically, then either Threaten Spd or Threaten Def work (I think Spd nets a few more ORKOs though). 

I personally prefer Luna on a quad set with Hana. Draconic Aura and Luna are functionally equivalent at lower merge levels, but you begin to see more of a difference at higher merge levels (against +10 opponents, for example, or even +4 or something) or opponents running Fury, which is a common skill. She mostly already deletes squishies anyways, so Luna benefits her more against the tankier units she struggles to kill. 

For your last question: I'm not entirely sure what unit "Daraen" is supposed to be, but Draw Back is still a solid skill, yes. 

Draw Back, Reposition, and Swap all have their uses and can all work well. A large part of it is player preference.

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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

For your last question: I'm not entirely sure what unit "Daraen" is supposed to be, but Draw Back is still a solid skill, yes.

Daraen is the transliterated name for Robin in most of Europe (and possibly Latin America?)

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7 minutes ago, salinea said:

Daraen is the transliterated name for Robin in most of Europe (and possibly Latin America?)

Oh alright cool, I did not learn that. 

In any case, yes, Draw Back should be fine. 

The main positioning skills can all be good on just about anyone, though I've personally found Draw Back to be more effective on ranged units. 

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With the addition of Xander to my Horse Emblem crew, I'm wondering who should have which horse skills to optimize the horseplay. Right now, the team consists of 5-star Reinhardt, and 4-star Xander, Cecilia w/Gronnblade fighting action, and Gunter. Xander is up next for promotion (he's gotta get dat cray Siegfried), followed by Cecilia. I'm not sure if Gunter's a permanent member of the team, but he works fine as it is. The alternatives I have (or can make) are Abel, Jagen, Priscilla, or, idk, Ursula w/Blarblade. I think I have a 3-star Frederick too.

Here's what's on the table to work with. I have one Jagen to pass on Fortify Cavalry, a few spare Gunter's for Hone Cavalry, and a spare Eliwood for Ward Cavalry. Gunter comes with Hone Cavalry, I see no point in changing that on him. But what should the others have?

This is what I'm thinking. Since Cecilia luvs the buffs for her blade, it wouldn't make sense to put Fortify on her, which leaves either Reinhardt or Xander. Right now, I think that it should go on Reinhardt (over his native Goad Cavalry), because Reinhardt shouldn't be getting hit, and Xander's place is on the front lines. I'm thinking that Cecilia should get Ward Cavalry, because she should be behind Gunter and Xander. This leaves Hone Cavalry for Xander.

Thoughts on this configuration?

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1 minute ago, Grill_Me_Softly said:

+hp -def ike build help

Should I go with vantage or quick reposte?
And keep heavy blade? Or go fury?

Quick Riposte works nicely with Heavy Blade, charging 3 CD skills in a single round of combat. Granted, Swordbreaker can do this too. Ike is one of the best users of Heavy Blade at the moment, so if you want to use him, you might just as well use him for his niche; Fury makes him less unique.

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9 hours ago, Jman1115 said:

What do you suggest for a good arena defense? And is Takumi worth putting on my current squad? I assume I should replace Tiki with Ike at this point, not sure who I would take out for Takumi. 

My current team is:


Tiki (to be replaced with Ike?)

Nino Fury built


Takumi is worth adding, but not to an arena defence team. As I said, Takumi isn't a 'fire-and-forget' unit like Hector is. You need to be careful and play your cards right for maximum results, and the arena AI is just gonna get him killed.

I'd replace Tiki with Ike, and if I were to replace anyone with Takumi it'd be Ephraim, but you don't have to.

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Just now, Mortarion said:

Takumi is worth adding, but not to an arena defence team. As I said, Takumi isn't a 'fire-and-forget' unit like Hector is. You need to be careful and play your cards right for maximum results, and the arena AI is just gonna get him killed.

I'd replace Tiki with Ike, and if I were to replace anyone with Takumi it'd be Ephraim, but you don't have to.

Takumi is better than Hector on defense, if only because he isn't the last unit left due to 1 Mov. Running all ranged--or at least units that can counter at range--alongside a dancer is a good setup to start with.

@Jman1115, got any Lightning Breath to pass to your Tiki?

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Takumi is better than Hector on defense, if only because he isn't the last unit left due to 1 Mov. Running all ranged--or at least units that can counter at range--alongside a dancer is a good setup to start with.

@Jman1115, got any Lightning Breath to pass to your Tiki?

I wasn't talking about Hector on defence though. Just generally. Takumi doesn't have the bulk or attack of Hector, nor the in-built Quick Riposte, so you need to be more careful with using him.

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9 minutes ago, Mortarion said:

I wasn't talking about Hector on defence though. Just generally. Takumi doesn't have the bulk or attack of Hector, nor the in-built Quick Riposte, so you need to be more careful with using him.

My bad, misread your post. I can't read.

5 minutes ago, Grill_Me_Softly said:

Thanks, I wanted to keep heavy blade on him. So is aether the best special on him, or does that take to long?

Heavy Blade works best with 3 CD skills, like Luna which Ike starts out with already; with the Quick Riposte proc, he can proc it in every round of combat. Aether, on the other hand, only procs in a situation where Ike gets doubled while Quick Riposte is up and he is able to survive the follow-up attack from whoever is attacking him. It's not worthwhile.

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Hey all, I've been lurking on this forum for about a month or so but now I'm finally out of the darkness with some questions!

1. I've been lucky enough to roll Ike, Hector and Takumi this past couple week! 3 distant counter units! Unfortunately Ike and Takumi are +hp -spd while Hector is +def -atk. I don't see myself getting any of these units again soon, so i'm wondering  how to optimize their viability. In particular, Ike with swordbreaker protects him from from most reds but everyone here says QR is better; would -spd hinder his performance with QR?


Also, I finally have enough skill inheritance fodder to construct a horse emblem team. Was planning on using DB Reinhardt, raven/TA Cecilia, DB Eliwood, and [filler].

2. For the filler space, I have a +spd -hp Abel, +res -atk Frederick, neut Sully and a Gunter. From these guys, who should inherit Gunter's Hone Calv and fill the 4th spot?

3. Eliwood (+atk -def) is only 3* at the moment but I was wondering how he compares to Xander. It seems like Xander requires a lot of skill inheritance and can't take a magical hit to save his life, but does he really need to with Reinhardt and Cecilia around? Which would do better to balance the team? Would having both instead of Frederick/Sully be too much red?

It's a lot to cover, but any response is appreciated!

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1 minute ago, Molo said:

Hey all, I've been lurking on this forum for about a month or so but now I'm finally out of the darkness with some questions!

Welcome to the forums! I've only been on here a short time too, but it's a great experience discussing FE with other users here. Hope you enjoy it!


1. I've been lucky enough to roll Ike, Hector and Takumi this past couple week! 3 distant counter units! Unfortunately Ike and Takumi are +hp -spd while Hector is +def -atk. I don't see myself getting any of these units again soon, so i'm wondering  how to optimize their viability. In particular, Ike with swordbreaker protects him from from most reds but everyone here says QR is better; would -spd hinder his performance with QR?

Ew good luck

Ike, Hector, and Takumi are all perfectly serviceable, even with less than ideal stat rolls. Hector in particular isn't too worried about -Atk since he just misses out on some OHKO's at worst; Hone or Spur Atk support can prop up his Atk to KO squishies on enemy phase if need be, but for the most part Armad's Quick Riposte makes it less of an issue. Ike has a pretty flexible stat spread that lends him to a number of different sets, though Quick Riposte is of course ideal. If you're looking to use him as primarily a sword check, default Swordbreaker might suit your needs better, since being doubled cuts into his bulk considerably. Beware opposing Swordbreakers on the enemy team, though, since he'll get doubled if they have 33 or more Spd.

Takumi is a bit more troublesome. 30 Spd gets doubled by a lot of common infantry used in Arena like neutral Lucina, so he doesn't work as well as a defensive check. Now, this might be a bit more of an expensive option, since I'm not aware of what else you have access to, but have you considered a Brave Bow? 39 Atk can be propped up pretty well with Death Blow or Life and Death, reducing the risk of eating a counter. If not, using him with Hone / Spur Atk support for oneshotting squishy mages like Nino is fine too.


Also, I finally have enough skill inheritance fodder to construct a horse emblem team. Was planning on using DB Reinhardt, raven/TA Cecilia, DB Eliwood, and [filler].

2. For the filler space, I have a +spd -hp Abel, +res -atk Frederick, neut Sully and a Gunter. From these guys, who should inherit Gunter's Hone Calv and fill the 4th spot?

3. Eliwood (+atk -def) is only 3* at the moment but I was wondering how he compares to Xander. It seems like Xander requires a lot of skill inheritance and can't take a magical hit to save his life, but does he really need to with Reinhardt and Cecilia around? Which would do better to balance the team? Would having both instead of Frederick/Sully be too much red?

None of those save Sully are ideal for Horse Emblem. However, I'd suggest giving Hone Cavalry to Cecilia if she's running -Raven Adept, or even Xander.

Xander is pretty great for Horse Emblem, actually. 37 Def is mammoth, and it's also backed by Distant Counter on Siegfried. He can function as a solid baiting unit for squishies like Nino, who he can OHKO on the counter before they can double, assuming they don't have Desperation up. His low Spd can be propped up with Hone Cavalry, or just have Quick Riposte inherited and double on the counter at any range. Running double red could be an issue in the current meta though, but I'd recommend trying both on the same team and seeing how they perform.


Hope this helped!

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14 minutes ago, Molo said:

Hey all, I've been lurking on this forum for about a month or so but now I'm finally out of the darkness with some questions!

1. I've been lucky enough to roll Ike, Hector and Takumi this past couple week! 3 distant counter units! Unfortunately Ike and Takumi are +hp -spd while Hector is +def -atk. I don't see myself getting any of these units again soon, so i'm wondering  how to optimize their viability. In particular, Ike with swordbreaker protects him from from most reds but everyone here says QR is better; would -spd hinder his performance with QR?

Fury/Quick Riposte on Ike and Quick Riposte on Takumi is all you can do really

Hector you can build as normal I think, he'll just be more tanky and less offensive. Go for Renewal + Pavise/Aegise or Vantage + Sol/Noontime.

16 minutes ago, Molo said:

2. For the filler space, I have a +spd -hp Abel, +res -atk Frederick, neut Sully and a Gunter. From these guys, who should inherit Gunter's Hone Calv and fill the 4th spot?

Depends. Abel is good general-purpose, your Frederick is trash, Sully will ruin any and all red units she comes across (Sapphire Lance + Swordbreaker).

19 minutes ago, Molo said:

3. Eliwood (+atk -def) is only 3* at the moment but I was wondering how he compares to Xander. It seems like Xander requires a lot of skill inheritance and can't take a magical hit to save his life, but does he really need to with Reinhardt and Cecilia around? Which would do better to balance the team? Would having both instead of Frederick/Sully be too much red?

Absolutely use Xander over Eliwood. In-built Distant Counter makes him at worst the third-best sword user, potentially second or outright best depending on how he stacks up against Ike and Ryoma. Sure, Xander can't take a magical hit, but it's not like your Eliwood can take a physical hit either (-Def gives him 20 Def at max level as a 5*). Give Xander Fury (51 Atk with Siegfried, 27 Spd, 40 Def and 20 Res)  and Quick Riposte and watch him go to town on just about anything you through him at, especially with Cavalry buffs.

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@MrSmokestack @Mortarion thanks for the perspective!

So it sounds like I should still wait a little while for the 4th horse emblem member (Camus would actually fit in great if he's coming soon) and Xander is at least equal if not better than Eliwood.

Now I just need some fury pulls! I spent my only one on +spd Nino, no regrets

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So finalizing my list of Hectors for the time being (keeping list can be trimmed again at a later date):

  1. Neutral. Keeping for novelty.
  2. +HP, -Def. Nom. Junk.
  3. +Atk, -Def. Nom?
  4. +Atk, -Res. Keeping. Seems decent. Might consider a Sacred Cowl build instead of Bonfire/Moonbow.
  5. +Spd, -Atk. Keeping? because -Atk isn't too hampering because his Atk is high to start with, and Moonbow patches that up rather well.
  6. +Spd, -Def. Keeping because -Def isn't too hampering on a full armor team.
  7. +Def, -HP. Nom. Doesn't really do much of anything.
  8. +Res, -HP. Nom. Doesn't help. Still dies to magic.
  9. +Atk, -HP. Keeping because -HP doesn't hurt quite as much as -Def.

Any thoughts on the 2 with question marks?

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

So finalizing my list of Hectors for the time being (keeping list can be trimmed again at a later date):

  1. Neutral. Keeping for novelty.
  2. +HP, -Def. Nom. Junk.
  3. +Atk, -Def. Nom?
  4. +Atk, -Res. Keeping. Seems decent. Might consider a Sacred Cowl build instead of Bonfire/Moonbow.
  5. +Spd, -Atk. Keeping? because -Atk isn't too hampering because his Atk is high to start with, and Moonbow patches that up rather well.
  6. +Spd, -Def. Keeping because -Def isn't too hampering on a full armor team.
  7. +Def, -HP. Nom. Doesn't really do much of anything.
  8. +Res, -HP. Nom. Doesn't help. Still dies to magic.
  9. +Atk, -HP. Keeping because -HP doesn't hurt quite as much as -Def.

Any thoughts on the 2 with question marks?

I'd say keep +Spd/-Atk. Moonbow makes up the damage and +Spd stops him from getting doubled by a few things that could potentially ORKO, such as +Spd Sanaki and a non +Spd Y!Tiki.

+Atk/-Def depends. If you're running him with a full-armour team, Ward Armour patches him up alright. Otherwise, nom him. 

Edited by Mortarion
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Will fortify and  Ward skills stack, since one is a solid stat boost and the others just "during combat"?

Also, will "during combat" bonuses be calculated in the in-game match up screen when im selecting who to attack

Edited by rockocalypse
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I have a +HP/-Res Cordelia. I remember hearing she's actually pretty good and I'm in the process of training her up alongside a bunch of other units, but I also remember hearing she really wants some skills that aren't Triangle Adept & Pass (which I wouldn't give her anyway, probably). She'll probably be put into my Flying team which right now is just Catria, Ceada, Est (Cordelia would absolutely replace her in a heartbeat probably), and then some axes that are rotated in on whimsy (Camilla, Narcian, Cherche, Michalis) if that matters any.

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