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@FireEmblemMemeStar In terms of team building with what you have, a team of Camus, Xander or Eldigan, Cecilia, & Priscilla would work well for things like Chain Challenges and Tempest Trials. This is a nice Horse Emblem core team. Ideally for Horse Emblem teams, Cecilia should have a Gronnblade tome, so, the next time you pull a Nino, have her inherit it. Also, you should try to give them all cavalry skills in the C passive slot. I see you have a 3* Gunter, so promote him to 4* and then have Xander inherit Hone Cavalry from him. Priscilla could inherit Ward Cavalry from your 4* Eliwood.

As was mentioned, Nino, Tharja, B!Cordelia, and Olivia would make a good team, but swapping out Olivia for regular Cordelia would make for a strong team as well. Should be noted that Olivia doesn't need to be a 5*, as she's a dancer so her main job is to refresh units, not to fight. I also prefer Fury 3 on Nino to Life and Death, since Fury gives her the ability to take certain hits, such as from a neutral Hector, and it also helps get her into Desperation range, but that's just my preference. And Hone Atk/Spd should be given priority over Savage Blow for that team.

A third team could have Hector, Nowi, Eldigan, and Sonya. Alternatively, this could have Nowi, Eldigan, Sonya, and a healer.

You can sometimes insert healers into teams to give them more durability for the longer challenges. Healers don't need to be 5*. Priscilla is a good healer, and I think Lissa comes with Rehabilitate, so she can be used too. Rehabilitate is the best healing spell.

As for who to pull for right now, Delthea seems like she would be a good one to go for, since you don't have a solid blue mage in your roster yet.

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2 minutes ago, Sarracenia said:

Does Renewal's 10 hp recovery stack with Falchion's 10 hp recovery or does one cancel out the other?

They happen independently and don’t prevent each other.

This is one of the reasons Falchion healer builds are relatively popular in the tempest.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I've noticed something and I couldn't find any answers after some googling.

The amount of damage from an magic attack will sometimes be different depending on which side/angle the enemy is targeted from. For example, an attack from one space away vertically shows that they will be killed. But if they are targeted diagonally instead, they will survive.

What's going on here? Is there something I'm not seeing?

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I've noticed something and I couldn't find any answers after some googling.

The amount of damage from an magic attack will sometimes be different depending on which side/angle the enemy is targeted from. For example, an attack from one space away vertically shows that they will be killed. But if they are targeted diagonally instead, they will survive.

What's going on here? Is there something I'm not seeing?

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3 minutes ago, BuffPuff said:

I've noticed something and I couldn't find any answers after some googling.

The amount of damage from an magic attack will sometimes be different depending on which side/angle the enemy is targeted from. For example, an attack from one space away vertically shows that they will be killed. But if they are targeted diagonally instead, they will survive.

What's going on here? Is there something I'm not seeing?

Spurs and Goads on your side, Spurs and Wards on theirs.

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3 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Additionally, the -owl spells have greater attack power the more adjacent allies you have to the spellcaster.

This too. I always forget the owl tomes.

Me having neither Boey, Mae, nor Katarina doesn’t really help :(

Edited by Vaximillian
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12 minutes ago, BuffPuff said:

Hmmm..Could it be anything else? None of my units had those skills equipped, and there weren't even any other units nearby.

The only skills that could affect your battle forecast by your own unit's positioning alone are Spur, Goad, Ward, and Drive skills on your allies, Raudhrowl, Blarowl, and Gronnowl on your attacking unit, and terrain bonuses from fortification tiles.

This is assuming you're checking the forecast from both positions on the same turn with no actions made in between. If you're checking the forecast on different turns, any number of things could have changed.

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i was thinking up builds for Berkut for the shallow reason of his art being beautiful therefore i must use him. and voice is nice. anyways..thought Firesweep Lance, Death Blow, Brash Assault would be interesting, but then realized...does Firesweep really not even work with Brash Assault, since the foe can't counterattack? i forgot about that bit in Brash Assault's description...

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2 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

i was thinking up builds for Berkut for the shallow reason of his art being beautiful therefore i must use him. and voice is nice. anyways..thought Firesweep Lance, Death Blow, Brash Assault would be interesting, but then realized...does Firesweep really not even work with Brash Assault, since the foe can't counterattack? i forgot about that bit in Brash Assault's description...

Correct. Brash Assault requires that the foe be able to counterattack. No counter, no auto-doubling.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Correct. Brash Assault requires that the foe be able to counterattack. No counter, no auto-doubling.

dang, that's a shame. at this point i'm feeling that Seal Atk (and Seal Speed, though maybe not on someone who's slow as Berkut's turtle self since it still doesn't prevent a lot of doubles) might actually a decent option for B slot with Firesweep to help that nonexistent enemy phase..breakers are always good too, but more situational. though Firesweep is a little meh on a slow user anyway...Brave Lance probably better and i actually have fodder..just kinda sick of Brave this Brave that

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4 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

How does SP from Arena work? I think I got 1SP from a kill with Linde and 3 from a kill with Sharena today, (when I was paying attention) and I don't even have whoever gives Lance Valor.

Current season’s bonus units get 3 SP per kill, everybody else gets 1 SP per kill without Valour, 6 SP and 3 SP with Valour.

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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

How does SP from Arena work? I think I got 1SP from a kill with Linde and 3 from a kill with Sharena today, (when I was paying attention) and I don't even have whoever gives Lance Valor.

Bonus heroes receive full SP (3 SP without Valor, 6 HP with Valor). Everyone else receives half SP, rounded down (1 SP without Valor, 3 SP with Valor).

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I got a +Atk/-Def Nino, I know one of her popular builds are Death Blow/Desperation  or Fury/Desperation. I don't have any units that can give Death Blow 3, unless I 5 star my Ursula that's a huge investment of feathers. I have to invest 20k already for Nino and don't want to do another 20k. I have the same issue with a Fury build. Are there any other really strong builds for Nino, or should I fish for a Klein or Hinata and wait on builds her?

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11 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

I got a +Atk/-Def Nino, I know one of her popular builds are Death Blow/Desperation  or Fury/Desperation. I don't have any units that can give Death Blow 3, unless I 5 star my Ursula that's a huge investment of feathers. I have to invest 20k already for Nino and don't want to do another 20k. I have the same issue with a Fury build. Are there any other really strong builds for Nino, or should I fish for a Klein or Hinata and wait on builds her?

Nino needs Life and Death, not Death Blow. Save Death Blow for someone else.

Life and Death is the best skill for most units. Death Blow is only for units who are slow AND have access to Brave Weapons. Nino does not fulfill both requirements for Death Blow to be her best A passive. Swift Sparrow is the next best thing after Life and Death, and Fury is the cheapest option.

I think it is a waste to sacrifice GHB units since most of their skills can be obtained else where. Ursula is also really good on pony teams.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nino needs Life and Death, not Death Blow. Save Death Blow for someone else.

Life and Death is the best skill for most units. Death Blow is only for units who are slow AND have access to Brave Weapons. Nino does not fulfill both requirements for Death Blow to be her best A passive. Swift Sparrow is the next best thing after Life and Death, and Fury is the cheapest option.

I think it is a waste to sacrifice GHB units since most of their skills can be obtained else where. Ursula is also really good on pony teams.

I'm just building out more teams truthfully. Wanted to run a Tharja, Nino, Delthea, and Bridal Cordelia for fun, and just see how it fairs. SHould I still run Desperation with the Life and Death or like an Axebreaker or Green Tome would be better?

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5 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

I'm just building out more teams truthfully. Wanted to run a Tharja, Nino, Delthea, and Bridal Cordelia for fun, and just see how it fairs. SHould I still run Desperation with the Life and Death or like an Axebreaker or Green Tome would be better?

Nino needs Desperation. Breakers do not help her very much. Her complete build would be something like this:

Gronnblade, Draw Back/Reposition, Moonbow/Luna/Draconic Aura
Life and Death, Desperation, Hone/Fortify/Savage Blow

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nino needs Desperation. Breakers do not help her very much. Her complete build would be something like this:

Gronnblade, (positioning Assist), Moonbow/Luna/Draconic Aura
Life and Death, Desperation, Hone/Fortify/Savage Blow

If I run Nino with the comp I'm thinking or even swap one of them out with an Olivia, does Delthea's Drive Atk stack with Hone or is it one or the other? I don't have a Life & Death 3 option, so probably just going to settle for 2. Don't want to 5 Star a Hana at the moment. Unless you think it's absolutely worth investing 42k feathers into this build. I'd have to get Hana up from a 3 star. 

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2 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

If I run Nino with the comp I'm thinking or even swap one of them out with an Olivia, does Delthea's Drive Atk stack with Hone or is it one or the other? I don't have a Life & Death 3 option, so probably just going to settle for 2. Don't want to 5 Star a Hana at the moment. Unless you think it's absolutely worth investing 42k feathers into this build. I'd have to get Hana up from a 3 star. 

Drive skills are in-battle buffs and stack with absolutely everything.

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2 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

If I run Nino with the comp I'm thinking or even swap one of them out with an Olivia, does Delthea's Drive Atk stack with Hone or is it one or the other? I don't have a Life & Death 3 option, so probably just going to settle for 2. Don't want to 5 Star a Hana at the moment. Unless you think it's absolutely worth investing 42k feathers into this build. I'd have to get Hana up from a 3 star. 

Drive skills are in-battle buffs and stack with absolutely everything.

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So, I have been able to do a few summoning sessions lately, and got an awful lot of blues (Roderick, Cordelia, Reinhardt, Odin, Jakob, Effie) to work with. My latest is Odin, any my question is simply this - should I even invest in him? I have a 4* Ursula and 4* MRobin maxed out and just pulled my first Reinhardt. I feel like he should just ride the pine a lot, as he doesn't bring anything new to the table those three can't do. Any input?

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