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2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

So I've managed to collect three -HP Merrics, but all with different boons. I've got +Atk, +Def, and +Res. I'm assuming the +Res one isn't the best, but which would be better between the +Atk and +Def one? And I guess on the topic of Merric, what would generally be considered his ideal boon/bane?

Depends on what role you want to give him. He needs +Atk/Spd if you want him to nuke things down with a Player Phase Blade build. For tanking archers on Enemy Phase, I prefer +Def since he should not have trouble killing most archers with [Gronnraven, Moonbow, Triangle Adept, Bowbreaker]. With merge+1 or a Speed+1 Sacred Seal, Merric with that skill set should still be able to counter kill a pimped out Reinhardt with 1 or 2 HP remaining.

Edited by XRay
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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

Depends on what role you want to give him. He needs +Atk/Spd if you want him to nuke things down with a Player Phase Blade build. For tanking archers on Enemy Phase, I prefer +Def since he should not have trouble killing most archers with [Gronnraven, Moonbow, Triangle Adept, Bowbreaker]. With merge+1 or a Speed+1 Sacred Seal, Merric with that skill set should still be able to counter kill a pimped out Reinhardt with 1 or 2 HP remaining.

I'll think I'll keep the +Def one then, I could use more -raven counter units over more green player phase nukes. Thanks!

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1 minute ago, tobuShogi said:

Anyone know how many more units it will take for the 5* exclusive pool to exceed or match the number of units in the 3*/4* summoning pool?

5-star exclusive: 40

3/4-star: 49

I may have miscounted, but I believe these are the totals. Not including any of the current new units, since we don't know for sure who will drop and who will stay exclusive (although only Tailtiu dropping to 4/5-star seems like a safe bet).

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4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

So I've managed to collect three -HP Merrics, but all with different boons. I've got +Atk, +Def, and +Res. I'm assuming the +Res one isn't the best, but which would be better between the +Atk and +Def one? And I guess on the topic of Merric, what would generally be considered his ideal boon/bane?

+Def is good for Lyn counter, but it's also worth noting +Atk boon gives him 4 points in Attack instead of 3 which can be good due to his usually low damage output.

3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

20k feathers, and can't decide who to promote. I'm in a pretty big slump this time around, because the units I have to work on do still need some SI for their best, but most of the units who would be promoted to be SI fodder pass on their skills to units who are currently 4*, so no matter what the unit I promote won't be at their full potential.

Either way, here are the units I am thinking of promoting...

For the Unit

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Olivia (+Spd -HP): I probably don't need to promote her, but if I do I'll be able to get a Silver Sword+ for her, which will let me get more Arena Points when using her.

Hana (+Spd -HP): She still needs a Brave Sword+, Desperation, a C slot, and a Special.

Sophia (+Att -HP): She still needs a B slot (thinking Quick Riposte 3) and a special other than Dragon Gaze/Fang.

Clive: He still needs Distant Counter before I can use him the way I'd like to use him, as a physical version of Nowi. Keep in mind, he already has Quick Riposte 3, Sapphire Lance+, and Swap from 2 Subakis.

Narcian: Because he's here. He still needs... a lot from SI.

Cecilia: She still needs a B slot (though Escape Route may be the best for her) and a C slot.

Leon (+Att -Spd): He still needs Brave Bow+, a C slot, and an Assist. Optionally I can also replace Ignis, but I don't see a reason to yet.

Marth (+Spd -HP): To merge my current Neutral Marth into.

Lloyd: He still needs Distant Counter, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

Chrom (+Att -Res): He still needs Brave Sword+, Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

Arvis: I still don't have that many Red Magic users, and Arvis seems like he'd be fun (and also my only male Red Magic user). He needs Fury 3, an Assist, and Iceberg.

Adult Tiki (+Att -Spd): She needs Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, a different C slot, and an Assist.

Lilina (+Att -Spd): She needs Rauorblade+ (I do still have a 5* Tharja with a bad nature that I can use), Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and a better Special.

Tharja (+Spd -Def): She needs Fury 3, Desperation 3, a C slot, an Assist, and Moonbow.

Camus: Distant Counter Lance user with good stats. Probably needs Fury 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and maybe Bonfire.

Peri (+Att -Def): To merge my current Peri into due to better nature. She does still need a C slot and Assist.

For Skill Inheritance

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Draug: For Brave Sword+ on Hana or Chrom.

Seth: For Ruby Sword+ on Olivia.

Gordin: For Brave Bow+ on Leon.

Hana: For Life and Death 3 on Cordelia.

Subaki: For Quick Riposte 3 on Black Knight, Ike (+Att -HP), Xander, Fae (+Att -HP), or Sophia.

For all units, I will begin training them tomorrow during 2x SP weekend.

Arvis and Camus seem like good options. Lilina as well if you don't have many red mages. Tiki can also be a good pick if you don't have a red breath user, and Distant Counter weapon in LIghtning Breath is pretty good. It just depends on what you are lacking at the moment, but I'd say you can't go wrong with Camus and Arvis would be good timing for both TT SP/HM grinding and bonus unit for the next arena

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I was wondering if I could get some help with a team for PVE content (Inigo sucks in PvE? That's what I heard >.<), who would you guys suggest to focus on, and whether or not I should pull on the banners currently out. For my arena team I was currently thinking of using Ryoma, Reinhardt, and Inigo for a core on offense and Reinhardt, B.Lyn, Inigo for defense (eh it's kind of a dick move but heck I need a win xD).


Edited by Sakuto
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24 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

5-star exclusive: 40

3/4-star: 49

I may have miscounted, but I believe these are the totals. Not including any of the current new units, since we don't know for sure who will drop and who will stay exclusive (although only Tailtiu dropping to 4/5-star seems like a safe bet).

Assuming Tailtiu is the only one to drop to 4 star rarity, that puts us at:

5-star exclusive: 43

3/4-star: 50

It'll take a couple more banners but sooner or later both pools will have the similar, if not the same number of units. I hope they rearrange the summoning pool once that happens. 

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30 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Arvis and Camus seem like good options. Lilina as well if you don't have many red mages. Tiki can also be a good pick if you don't have a red breath user, and Distant Counter weapon in LIghtning Breath is pretty good. It just depends on what you are lacking at the moment, but I'd say you can't go wrong with Camus and Arvis would be good timing for both TT SP/HM grinding and bonus unit for the next arena

It is true I am pretty much empty on Red Magic users, Breath or Tome, and only having a Celica and shoddy Lilina (+Res -Att) to use...

I'll have to consider Arvis this time. Thanks.

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16 minutes ago, Sakuto said:

I was wondering if I could get some help with a team for PVE content (Inigo sucks in PvE? That's what I heard >.<), who would you guys suggest to focus on, and whether or not I should pull on the banners currently out. For my arena team I was currently thinking of using Ryoma, Reinhardt, and Inigo for a core on offense and Reinhardt, B.Lyn, Inigo for defense (eh it's kind of a dick move but heck I need a win xD).


I'm not an Arena pro by any means. I suppose your core team depends on entirely what you hope to accomplish in the Arena. For me, I want to use characters I like and break my own personal records. Eventualy, I'd like to be able to stay comfortably in Tier 20 without wasting dozens of crests each week to do so. But other people might just want a team that's effective enough to get rewards and advance bit by bit.

If you're going for the latter, I'd say Ryoma, Rein, and Inigo are pretty solid. If you want to ensure that you'll always have a bonus unit, promote the Askr trio, and you basically have your Arena team set. (I see Sharena at least. :3) Inigo is kind of in a weird place. He CAN be a Reinhardt/Brave Lyn counter, but he needs a pretty good nature to do it. Likewise, if you're running the same build for your offense (Gronnraven+ and TA3), he'll likely be a hindrance since it's pretty easy to take out TA3 units on defense teams. However, he does have some value as a dancer...even if AI can be unpredictable with those. If you want to use a dancer, have more utility, and get a higher Arena score, PA!Azura is the way to go since her legendary weapon gives her an edge over the other dancers. But as far as utility, Inigo gets the job done just as well even if his BST is really low.

Ryoma and Reinhardt are always solid choices. And Ryoma can be pesky on an Arena team especially if he's running Vantage. The defense team sounds pretty solid too. This season, you could easily run Cecilia in the mix since she's a bonus unit and horse emblem HURTS.

But if you're looking to get a higher score, you may want to consider looking into raising an armor or a dragon. They won't be as easy to use as a horse, but it helps you work on new strategies which can be fun.

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@Sakuto Just about anything will work for PvE, though you could switch out Sharena for Nino or Brave Lyn. Ranged units are generally better than melee ones, especially when paired with a Dancer, but at least Ryoma has Distant Counter.

I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, but Inigo definitely isn’t bad in any game mode. Dancer/10 who can be built to check either Reinhardt or Brave Lyn, whichever gives you more trouble. He’s arguably the best out of all the dancers released so far. Yes, even Nohrian Azura.

In fact, a hybrid team with Reinhardt / Lyn both packing Hone Cavalry and Inigo / Ryoma is a solid arena team, switching out the last two for the bonus unit as needed.

Hope this helps.

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Before this whole Ayra fiasco, I thought I remembered reading that Ayra had 4* stats datamined.

My preliminary search cannot find this anymore.

1: Was this true or just a fever dream of mine?

2: Have units that have gone to 4* in the past had such 4* stats revealed before?  It seems an odd thing to be true, since in the past we've had no real indication of who would be 4*, apart from guessing.

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I've pulled two +Atk Ayras and I'm not sure which one to keep. One is -Def, the other is -HP. Can anyone tell me which is better?

-HP is -4, so if you want a higher arena score you should go with the -def one. That's all I know currently >.< sorry I haven't run any calculations.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Before this whole Ayra fiasco, I thought I remembered reading that Ayra had 4* stats datamined.

My preliminary search cannot find this anymore.

1: Was this true or just a fever dream of mine?

2: Have units that have gone to 4* in the past had such 4* stats revealed before?  It seems an odd thing to be true, since in the past we've had no real indication of who would be 4*, apart from guessing.

You’re not hallucinating you’re just getting old. Ayra did have her 4* stats listed on the Wiki, but @LuxSpes noted earlier that they were edited out following Ayra’s appearance as a banner unit. They may have been datamined, or they may have been guessed by simply working backwards with her 5* stat caps. No one knows for sure.

@Cute Chao -HP for Desperation. For whatever reason Ayra’s Def is actually very good.

@Sakuto A one point difference in stats will have very little, if any, impact on score.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

I've pulled two +Atk Ayras and I'm not sure which one to keep. One is -Def, the other is -HP. Can anyone tell me which is better?

I'd go for -HP. -Def will hurt her surprisingly decent bulk more than -HP.

2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Before this whole Ayra fiasco, I thought I remembered reading that Ayra had 4* stats datamined.

My preliminary search cannot find this anymore.

1: Was this true or just a fever dream of mine?

2: Have units that have gone to 4* in the past had such 4* stats revealed before?  It seems an odd thing to be true, since in the past we've had no real indication of who would be 4*, apart from guessing.

1: I know for sure that her 4-star stats were up on the wiki at some point. What I don't know is if those were actually datamined, or if they were guessed based on her 5-star stats. I want to say they were datamined, but I'm not entirely sure why the wiki would've removed them in that case.

2: Someone more knowledgeable about the datamining information could give you a better answer, but they've never been put up on the wiki at the very least. Maybe the wiki just doesn't want to have the 4-star stats of characters that are currently only 5-star?

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4 minutes ago, Sakuto said:

-HP is -4, so if you want a higher arena score you should go with the -def one. That's all I know currently >.< sorry I haven't run any calculations.


1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'd go for -HP. -Def will hurt her surprisingly decent bulk more than -HP.

Thanks for the answers :)

I'm still not 100% sure now. Does the extra -1 to HP hurt more than losing some of the bulk of her Def?

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14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

That extra point of HP makes it easier to set up Desperation, no?

Good point :D Thanks ^.^ 

Edit: Sorry, realised you made that point before this, but I missed that >.< 

Edited by Cute Chao
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14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

You’re not hallucinating you’re just getting old. Ayra did have her 4* stats listed on the Wiki, but @LuxSpes noted earlier that they were edited out following Ayra’s appearance as a banner unit. They may have been datamined, or they may have been guessed by simply working backwards with her 5* stat caps. No one knows for sure.

@Cute Chao -HP for Desperation. For whatever reason Ayra’s Def is actually very good.

@Sakuto A one point difference in stats will have very little, if any, impact on score.


13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'd go for -HP. -Def will hurt her surprisingly decent bulk more than -HP.

1: I know for sure that her 4-star stats were up on the wiki at some point. What I don't know is if those were actually datamined, or if they were guessed based on her 5-star stats. I want to say they were datamined, but I'm not entirely sure why the wiki would've removed them in that case.

2: Someone more knowledgeable about the datamining information could give you a better answer, but they've never been put up on the wiki at the very least. Maybe the wiki just doesn't want to have the 4-star stats of characters that are currently only 5-star?

Thanks all, I doubt Ayra will be dropped to 4*, but I refuse to pull on that Banner and justify that shady business practice.  Even if I had Orbs, which all went towards trying to get Sigurd a few days ago.

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25 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


Thanks all, I doubt Ayra will be dropped to 4*, but I refuse to pull on that Banner and justify that shady business practice.  Even if I had Orbs, which all went towards trying to get Sigurd a few days ago.

Same here. I was excited for Ayra, but I'm not a huge fan of the way she's been added. I'll stick to trying for Deirdre, or maybe somebody on the next Skill banner once it's added.

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1 hour ago, AndrewMcC00l said:

I read at multiple places that they recently changed how summoning works to make it so sniping doesn't work as well, but I can't find any details about what makes that the case. Can somebody please explain?

This is the first time I’m reading about this. Are there any sources you can refer us to?

1 hour ago, Clogon said:

It depends on the BST and the skills of your unit. 1 stat point can yield a 2 point change.

Stat total is less important than SP costs and merge levels, though. The score difference between the two stat variations aren’t going to come into play until Ayra gets a high amount of merges, and for the rest of the time the lowered HP from -HP helps for Desperation. It just doesn’t seem worthwhile unless Chao has longterm plans for using Ayra in Arena.

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9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

20k feathers, and can't decide who to promote. I'm in a pretty big slump this time around, because the units I have to work on do still need some SI for their best, but most of the units who would be promoted to be SI fodder pass on their skills to units who are currently 4*, so no matter what the unit I promote won't be at their full potential.

Either way, here are the units I am thinking of promoting...

For the Unit

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Olivia (+Spd -HP): I probably don't need to promote her, but if I do I'll be able to get a Silver Sword+ for her, which will let me get more Arena Points when using her.

Hana (+Spd -HP): She still needs a Brave Sword+, Desperation, a C slot, and a Special.

Sophia (+Att -HP): She still needs a B slot (thinking Quick Riposte 3) and a special other than Dragon Gaze/Fang.

Clive: He still needs Distant Counter before I can use him the way I'd like to use him, as a physical version of Nowi. Keep in mind, he already has Quick Riposte 3, Sapphire Lance+, and Swap from 2 Subakis.

Narcian: Because he's here. He still needs... a lot from SI.

Cecilia: She still needs a B slot (though Escape Route may be the best for her) and a C slot.

Leon (+Att -Spd): He still needs Brave Bow+, a C slot, and an Assist. Optionally I can also replace Ignis, but I don't see a reason to yet.

Marth (+Spd -HP): To merge my current Neutral Marth into.

Lloyd: He still needs Distant Counter, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

Chrom (+Att -Res): He still needs Brave Sword+, Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

Arvis: I still don't have that many Red Magic users, and Arvis seems like he'd be fun (and also my only male Red Magic user). He needs Fury 3, an Assist, and Iceberg.

Adult Tiki (+Att -Spd): She needs Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, a different C slot, and an Assist.

Lilina (+Att -Spd): She needs Rauorblade+ (I do still have a 5* Tharja with a bad nature that I can use), Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and a better Special.

Tharja (+Spd -Def): She needs Fury 3, Desperation 3, a C slot, an Assist, and Moonbow.

Camus: Distant Counter Lance user with good stats. Probably needs Fury 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and maybe Bonfire.

Peri (+Att -Def): To merge my current Peri into due to better nature. She does still need a C slot and Assist.

For Skill Inheritance

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Draug: For Brave Sword+ on Hana or Chrom.

Seth: For Ruby Sword+ on Olivia.

Gordin: For Brave Bow+ on Leon.

Hana: For Life and Death 3 on Cordelia.

Subaki: For Quick Riposte 3 on Black Knight, Ike (+Att -HP), Xander, Fae (+Att -HP), or Sophia.

For all units, I will begin training them tomorrow during 2x SP weekend.

I vote for Adult Tiki.+ATK -SPD is the optimal IV's if I'm not mistaken.
In case you have Distant Def 3 Seal Tiki's a good Brave Lyn counter with a cheap Fury 3 + QR 2 Build and can 1RKO Sigurd in enemy phase too.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

Stat total is less important than SP costs and merge levels, though.

2 points is the same amount as a single merge. This is why you want things like +Spd Sheena to get max score. Again, the importance of a single stat point depends on the total BST of the unit and the skills you give it. You will need to calculate whether or not the single stat point will either give you 0 points or 2 (there is nothing inbetween as tructations happen before the 2x points from bonus units).

I agree that for most players, they don't need to worry about it.

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