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43 minutes ago, XRay said:

Maybe a story format will help. Do you like yuri? Yes? Good. No? Too bad.

1. Once upon a turn, Eirika is checking out her teammates within 2 spaces.

2. Right next to her, Eirika sees WE!Tharja and LA!Lyn making out with giving each other Hone Armor buffs, which is 6/6/0/0.

3. Since she is right next to one of them, say LA!Lyn, she also pleasures gives her 4/4/0/4 buffs from Sieglinde, Hone Speed, and Fortify Res.

4. Nino has Fortify Def and is being spanked by next to WE!Tharja but not near Eirika, so Nino is more than 2 spaces away. Nino gives WE!Tharja 0/0/4/0 buffs.

5. Eirika sees LA!Lyn got 6/6/0/4 buffs and WE!Tharja got 6/6/4/0 buffs. Eirika is so engrossed by the two thicc ladies that she cannot see Nino because Nino is too far away (not that it matters anyways since poor Nino got no love buffs).

The highest bonus buff for Attack is 6 (LA!Lyn and WE!Tharja).
The highest bonus buff for Speed is 6 (LA!Lyn and WE!Tharja).
The highest bonus buff for Resistance is 4 (LA!Lyn).
The highest bonus buff for Defense is 4 (WE!Tharja).

7. Eirika jots down 6/6/4/4 into her diary.

8. On Enemy Phase, an enemy YS!Tiki comes charging in planning to drown attacks Eirika in melons, but Eirika remembers her diary and applies 6/6/4/4 as a combat buff and popped YS!Tiki's melons and cherry. Eirika won the fight. The end.

You can check out Eirika's builds here under the Heroes Analysis sub-forum.

Lol thanksĀ 

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Just looking to get some advice and opinions

1. Which Eirika is better with the new refinement? +Atk/-Def or +Spd/-Res?

2. I have trouble picking a special for Vector, who is +Spd/-Def. I could stick with Glimmer for the low cooldown, but should I use Bonfire/Ignis? 37 Def is still pretty high, and I'm planning on giving him the QR 3 Sacred Seal (and either Vantage or Guard 2 as a B skill since I have none of the special Armour B skills). So I'm having trouble on what cooldown/special to use for this build, although I guess a charged Ignis will still do a lot of damage.

3. With VA!Roy, does he want to buff his Res more or his Def I have a +Def/-Spd and a +Res/-HP one but I'm just thinking if I give himĀ Guard Bow, which stat refinement he should go with? I guess this also affects what special to give him (Iceberg/Bonfire/Luna).Ā 

I know Brave Bow is an option and Luna is better for that, but I need to pull a Klein first so looks like Setsuna Guard Bow is an option for now.


4. I have a +Def/-HP Halloween Henry and I'm torn on what blessing to give him. Should I give him Water Blessing for the +3 Spd when he is with Fjorm? Or would a +Def from Ephraim's Fire Blessing boost be good? (He has Fury and Bowbreaker, mostly so he can deal with Brave Lyn in my arena armour team). Earth blessing is also an option I guess but I already have BK as my arena red, and not sure how a +2 Atk compares to a +3 Spd or +4 Def.

Oh yeah he currently has Spectral Tome default. I'm thinking of eventually giving him either Gronrraven and/or Gronnowl, but not sure on what stat to refine as well.

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

3. With VA!Roy, does he want to buff his Res more or his Def I have a +Def/-Spd and a +Res/-HP one but I'm just thinking if I give himĀ Guard Bow, which stat refinement he should go with? I guess this also affects what special to give him (Iceberg/Bonfire/Luna).Ā 

I know Brave Bow is an option and Luna is better for that, but I need to pull a Klein first so looks like Setsuna Guard Bow is an option for now.

LA!Roy is one of the slowest units, second only to WE!Tharja (even slower as Arden!), which makes SPD his ideal bane. I'm pretty happy with the +DEF boon of my Roy, since it makes his defensiveĀ stats even (30/30).Ā It depends if you want to tank more mages/healer or archer/daggers.Ā 

LA!Roy +0 +DEF/-SPD (Guard+ RES, DD3, QR3, DD3 seal) loses on EP to Rhajat +0 and Micaiah +0 and also Ursula +10 andĀ Raigh +10.Ā 

LA!Roy +0 +RES/-HP (Guard+ RES, DD3, QR3, DD3 seal) loses on EPĀ to Micaiah +0 and also to RhajatĀ +10, Klein +10, Sothe +10, NY!Corrin +10 and Ursula +10 (last two don't exist yet).Ā 

LA!Roy +0 +RES/-HP (Guard+ DEF, DD3, QR3, DD3 seal) loses on EPĀ to Micaiah +0 and RhajatĀ +0 and also to Ursula +10, Sonya +10 and Raigh +10.Ā 

This is just to get a feeling that boon and refinement can make slight differences, I think neutral vanilla units are not representative. Check the analysis made by @XRay, it's really helpful.Ā 

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

4. I have a +Def/-HP Halloween Henry and I'm torn on what blessing to give him. Should I give him Water Blessing for the +3 Spd when he is with Fjorm? Or would a +Def from Ephraim's Fire Blessing boost be good? (He has Fury and Bowbreaker, mostly so he can deal with Brave Lyn in my arena armour team). Earth blessing is also an option I guess but I already have BK as my arena red, and not sure how a +2 Atk compares to a +3 Spd or +4 Def.

Oh yeah he currently has Spectral Tome default. I'm thinking of eventually giving him either Gronrraven and/or Gronnowl, but not sure on what stat to refine as well.

I can't say much about Henry, but I prioritized team synergy while building my blessing teams. If someone profits from his conferred blessing, that's more of aĀ nice side-effect.

Edited by mampfoid
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Well, since I've pulled F!Morgan, I've started working on a team for non-regular arena content, and I was thinking that maybe you guys could help me with the last details:

-F!Morgan (+Atk -Def): BlƔrserpent + (+Res maybe?)-Draw Back-Iceberg-Mirror Stance-Guard-Atk Ploy-Res Ploy (Next TT)

-GunttrhĆ  +2 (Don't remember her IV's): Blizzard-Draw Back-Glacies-Fortress Res-Chilling Seal-Res Ploy-Def Ploy

-Arvis (next one to be promoted): Valflame-Draw Back-Iceberg-Darting Blow-Desperation-Def Ploy-Def Tactics (Next TT)

-Felicia (neutral): Felicia's Plate (yet to be refined)-Draw Back-Glacies-Mirror Strike -Desperation-Breath of Life-Breath of Life


All of them have Wind Blessings. Skills in blue have been learned for the units but I'm not sure to keep. Since I don't really care about Oliver (having only 1 for collection purposes is enough), I could sacrifice another one to Felicia for giving her Atk Ploy. Other option could be to give her (or Arvis) Threaten Spe sacred seal, since I don't have Spe Ploy fodder.Ā Ā With Felicia's Plate, should I change Glacies for Iceberg? She has both skills learnt. Also, I'm considering changing Arvis' special for his default GrowingĀ Flame. Not sure what to do with Fortress Res on GunttrhĆ  and with Desperation in Arvis.

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5 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I just got a Ninian from my free pull on the new banner. Is +Spd/-Def optimal IVs for her?

I would in general consider any +SPD optimal. Most of her bulk comes from combined speed and HP. Mine is -RES and 23/23 defenses aren't great. Yet she appears tanky simply because +SPD lets her avoid many doubles. I can't think of anytime where mine would have died if she was -DEF instead, so I would say -DEF is similar to -RES. Actually the mass duel simulator seems to say -DEF has more survival in general than -RES. So yeah, pretty optimal.

@mcsilas Like Mampfoid I would go with the -SPD. Basically free stats on that one.

As for Eirika that one is tough. Normally I favor +ATK so that she can actually kill things. But she can stack attack pretty high now and -RES tends to hurt her survival less than -DEF. +SPD/-RES has her lose to the least number. But she does kill fewer things. So yeah if you have an attack tactic ally to pair her with or are going to use hone movement + a hone attack applied to her, I would probably go with speed. -RES hurts her survival less and she is getting plenty of attack for most things you want to throw her at. If you are just relying on her own hone attack/spd effect, then the +ATK looks a fair bit more appetizing. +ATK is also appetizing if all you want is maximum carnage. She can kill a lot crap now with Attack Tactic support.

Afraid my mostly generic use of Henry and Elvector means that I don't have much of an opinion there.

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For a +Atk Lucina, is -res or -HP better? I'm figuring running her with either her Falchion or a slaying edge so I'm leaning a little toward -HP since the refines cover that and 40 is still solid regardless, but figured it couldn't hurt to get some input.

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7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

2. I have trouble picking a special for Vector, who is +Spd/-Def. I could stick with Glimmer for the low cooldown, but should I use Bonfire/Ignis? 37 Def is still pretty high, and I'm planning on giving him the QR 3 Sacred Seal (and either Vantage or Guard 2 as a B skill since I have none of the special Armour B skills). So I'm having trouble on what cooldown/special to use for this build, although I guess a charged Ignis will still do a lot of damage.

Bonfire/Ignis-Vantage-Quick Riposte is great for Arena defense. That forces players to either kill him in one shot or not attack him at all. Regular old Bonfire-Vantage Hector is a pain to deal with if you are unprepared, so LA!Hector should have no problem emulating that.

If you are using him yourself though, I would go for Guard instead. I have not found Vantage to be particularly useful especially if you bring along a healer.

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

Well, since I've pulled F!Morgan, I've started working on a team for non-regular arena content, and I was thinking that maybe you guys could help me with the last details:

-F!Morgan (+Atk -Def): BlƔrserpent + (+Res maybe?)-Draw Back-Iceberg-Mirror Stance-Guard-Atk Ploy-Res Ploy (Next TT)

-GunttrhĆ  +2 (Don't remember her IV's): Blizzard-Draw Back-Glacies-Fortress Res-Chilling Seal-Res Ploy-Def Ploy

-Arvis (next one to be promoted): Valflame-Draw Back-Iceberg-Darting Blow-Desperation-Def Ploy-Def Tactics (Next TT)

-Felicia (neutral): Felicia's Plate (yet to be refined)-Draw Back-Glacies-Mirror Strike -Desperation-Breath of Life-Breath of Life


All of them have Wind Blessings. Skills in blue have been learned for the units but I'm not sure to keep. Since I don't really care about Oliver (having only 1 for collection purposes is enough), I could sacrifice another one to Felicia for giving her Atk Ploy. Other option could be to give her (or Arvis) Threaten Spe sacred seal, since I don't have Spe Ploy fodder.Ā Ā With Felicia's Plate, should I change Glacies for Iceberg? She has both skills learnt. Also, I'm considering changing Arvis' special for his default GrowingĀ Flame. Not sure what to do with Fortress Res on GunttrhĆ  and with Desperation in Arvis.

Looks fine for Blessed Gardens.

GunnthrĆ”, Arvis, and F!Morgan already debuff Attack so I do not think you need another Atk Ploy on Felicia, but it is nice to have though so you can debuff like half the map on turn 1. I would go with a buff to help her allies; I lean towards Hone Atk to help GunnthrĆ” kill things in one hit.Ā I do not recommend Threaten skills since they are only effective against melee units (ranged units will attack you at 2 range before Threaten takes effect).

With Felicia's Plate, assuming the charge cooldown +1 applies to both enemy attacks and her attacks, I would go with Iceberg for a Player Phase build and Glacies for Enemy Phase build.

I would go with Moonbow for Arvis if you plan to use him for Player Phase combat and I would leave Desperation on him.

I do not think Fortress Res needs to be replaced if you are using her for non Arena content, but if you need her to have more oomph in her punches, Fury is great. It gives her 6 more attack compared to Fortress Res for only 2 less Res. She is most likely going to be one hit killing things with a Blizzard on the unlucky enemy being debuffed, so I do not think she needs to worry about the recoil damage or being countered.

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Sorry for the intentional Galeforce. Forums would not let me edit and add things to my previous reply.

18 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

For a +Atk Lucina, is -res or -HP better? I'm figuring running her with either her Falchion or a slaying edge so I'm leaning a little toward -HP since the refines cover that and 40 is still solid regardless, but figured it couldn't hurt to get some input.

I would go with -Res, since that is usually a dump stat for melee units. I would only go with -HP if you have trouble getting her into Desperation range, but she usually does not have a problem doing that.

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17 minutes ago, XRay said:

Sorry for the intentional Galeforce. Forums would not let me edit and add things to my previous reply.

I would go with -Res, since that is usually a dump stat for melee units. I would only go with -HP if you have trouble getting her into Desperation range, but she usually does not have a problem doing that.

Currently, I'm running the Falchion healer build, so Fury 3,Ā Ā Renewal 3, her default C, Reciprocal Aid, and Aether just because. -resĀ would mean more healing, but -HP means if she finds herself in trouble (e.g. I'm not paying attention), then she takes 3 less from every hit rather than just having 3 extra to take. Still, I suppose Renewal takes care of that so it'd only really matter within a turn where she's getting attacked by 2 mages and she'd probably be dying anyway.

Also, on the off chance it does, does merge level affect this at all? She'll be +4 because apparently she loves meĀ :dry:

Anyway, thanks! I'll go with -res.

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1 hour ago, bottlegnomes said:

Currently, I'm running the Falchion healer build, so Fury 3,Ā Ā Renewal 3, her default C, Reciprocal Aid, and Aether just because. -resĀ would mean more healing, but -HP means if she finds herself in trouble (e.g. I'm not paying attention), then she takes 3 less from every hit rather than just having 3 extra to take. Still, I suppose Renewal takes care of that so it'd only really matter within a turn where she's getting attacked by 2 mages and she'd probably be dying anyway.

Also, on the off chance it does, does merge level affect this at all? She'll be +4 because apparently she loves meĀ :dry:

Anyway, thanks! I'll go with -res.

For medic builds, I would prioritize preserving HP since she needs it for her job. I generally do not take mistakes into account when I am building units since the likelihood of making mistakes is generally pretty low for most players. Even if a healer dies,Ā most teams can still blaze through Tempest Trials easily if they have a Player Phase nuke.

#*+5 is +2 to all stats. For Lucina, I think merge +4 is probably +2 for HP/Atk/Spd and +1 for Def/Res. You may want to double check it with a calculator though since I am not super sure.

Edited by XRay
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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

For medic builds, I would prioritize preserving HP since she needs it for her job. I generally do not take mistakes into account when I am building units since the likelihood of making mistakes is generally pretty low for most players. Even if a healer dies,Ā most teams can still blaze through Tempest Trials easily if they have a Player Phase nuke.

#*+5 is +2 to all stats. For Lucina, I think merge +4 is probably +2 for HP/Atk/Spd and +1 for Def/Res. You may want to double check it with a calculator though since I am not super sure.

It is. I ended up giving her desperation to make some use of the SP she had built.upĀ upĀ and then merged her into the -res one. Thanks again for the input.

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Planning for a tactics team is really hard, considering that whoever has the Tactic skill is notĀ going to recieve the bonus makes it pretty hard to plan around. I'd like some ideas on how to make a new arena core based on that. My ideas so far include this:

  • Eirika (+Spd -Hp): Sieglinde [Bond refine], Reposition, Aether, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, SpdĀ Tactic, Def Tactic.
  • Cordelia (+Atk -Hp): Brave Lance+/Firesweep Lance+/Slaying Spear+ [Atk Refine], Reposition, Galeforce, Life and Death/Brazen Atk Spd, Desperation/Lancebreaker, Res Tactic, Guidance/Heavy Blade.
  • Sheena (+Atk -Spd): Slaying Axe+ [Res refine]/Slaying Hammer+ [Res refine], Swap, Ignis/Aether, Svalinn Shield/Distant Counter, Wary Fighter/Vengeful Fighter, Atk Tactic, Drive Def/Armored Boots/Distant Def.
  • Filler/Bonus unit.

This team would be my final arena core and all of them would be at +10 if only because I have a good amount of copies of each of them to get them to +5 at the moment with Eirika being at +9 atm. Is this good enough or should I try different builds/units?

Edited by Alexmender
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2 hours ago, XandaXiloscient said:

Is S!Camilla or F!Morgan a better flier range tank on a Flier Emblem Team?

Camilla is a better physical tank and is better at tanking bows. Morgan is a better magic tank is better at tanking tomes.

Camilla fares only slightly better against tomes than Morgan fares against bows, which doesn't say much because both of them are very unreliable against those respective opponents.

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@mcsilasĀ Someone else answered yourĀ questions already but here is recommendation from my viewpoint.

1.Ā +Atk is good and might be better thanĀ +Spd to duel some unitsĀ because I think she has enoughĀ speed already. In your case, +Atk / -Def hurt her to duel physical units more comfortably so +Spd/-Res is better. You can look for +Atk/ -Res or -HP later if you want her to duel , not just being buff bot.

2.Ignis is amazing choice if you will give LAĀ HectorĀ QR seal and Vantage. He can mimic as old style Hector but better in overall.

3. -Spd/+Def is good as -Spd is his optimal bane and +Def make his both Def and Res balanceĀ at 30. Your Guard Bow refinement will depend on your preference that you use him to bait archers or mages. +Def refine come along with Bonfire/ Ignis and +Res for Iceberg/ Glacies.Ā 

You can get a Brave bow from Gordin and go with Breaker skill if you want. Swordbreaker is useful in arena and Tempest Trials. Bowbreaker for baiting BowLyn and still doing fine with +Atk 3 seal to kill other units.

4.Gronowl+ with Def refinement will balance his Def and allow Henry to duel with dragons while duel archers more comfortably. +Res refinement is good if want to make him as ploy bot mage. His Res will be so high that not many units canĀ dodge his ploy skills.

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Planning for a tactics team is really hard, considering that whoever has the Tactic skill is notĀ going to recieve the bonus makes it pretty hard to plan around. I'd like some ideas on how to make a new arena core based on that. My ideas so far include this:

  • Eirika (+Spd -Hp): Sieglinde [Bond refine], Reposition, Aether, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte, SpdĀ Tactic, Def Tactic.
  • Cordelia (+Atk -Hp): Brave Lance+/Firesweep Lance+/Slaying Spear+ [Atk Refine], Reposition, Galeforce, Life and Death/Brazen Atk Spd, Desperation/Lancebreaker, Res Tactic, Guidance/Heavy Blade.
  • Sheena (+Atk -Spd): Slaying Axe+ [Res refine]/Slaying Hammer+ [Res refine], Swap, Ignis/Aether, Svalinn Shield/Distant Counter, Wary Fighter/Vengeful Fighter, Atk Tactic, Drive Def/Armored Boots/Distant Def.
  • Filler/Bonus unit.

This team would be my final arena core and all of them would be at +10 if only because I have a good amount of copies of each of them to get them to +5 at the moment with Eirika being at +9 atm. Is this good enough or should I try different builds/units?

I would give Sheena Spd Tactic/Hone SpdĀ since Sheena wants to be as slow as possible. Cordelia does not need Def or Res if she runs Firesweep, so she can run Def or Res Tactic. Eirika can run either Def or Res Tactic, which ever one Cordelia is not running.

Sheena will get 4/0/6/6.

Cordelia will get 4/6/0-6/0-6

Erika will get 0/6/0-6/0-6

If you need Atk buff on Eirika, Cordelia and Sheena can run Hone Atk Sacred Seal. You can also switch Cordelia to Atk Tactic and run a Fortify instead on the Sacred Seal slot.

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47 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would give Sheena Spd Tactic/Hone SpdĀ since Sheena wants to be as slow as possible. Cordelia does not need Def or Res if she runs Firesweep, so she can run Def or Res Tactic. Eirika can run either Def or Res Tactic, which ever one Cordelia is not running.

Sheena will get 4/0/6/6.

Cordelia will get 4/6/0-6/0-6

Erika will get 0/6/0-6/0-6

If you need Atk buff on Eirika, Cordelia and Sheena can run Hone Atk Sacred Seal. You can also switch Cordelia to Atk Tactic and run a Fortify instead on the Sacred Seal slot.

I see, I kinda want Eirika to get the Atk Tactic buff just to get her to +12 Atk during combat and Cordelia to recieve the Atk/Spd buffs to max her damage but maybe the Hone from Sieglinde will beĀ good enough for her considering her naturally high Atk.

In that case then something like this would look better right?

  • Eirika: Res Tactic and Def Tactic/Fortify Def. The buffs from the others would put her at 6/6/0/0 (or 12/12/4-6/6 taking Sieglinde into account)
  • Cordelia: Atk Tactic. She would end at 4/6/4-6/6
  • Sheena: Spd Tactic. She would end at 6/0/4-6/6
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8 hours ago, XRay said:

Bonfire/Ignis-Vantage-Quick Riposte is great for Arena defense. That forces players to either kill him in one shot or not attack him at all. Regular old Bonfire-Vantage Hector is a pain to deal with if you are unprepared, so LA!Hector should have no problem emulating that.

If you are using him yourself though, I would go for Guard instead. I have not found Vantage to be particularly useful especially if you bring along a healer.

Looks fine for Blessed Gardens.

GunnthrĆ”, Arvis, and F!Morgan already debuff Attack so I do not think you need another Atk Ploy on Felicia, but it is nice to have though so you can debuff like half the map on turn 1. I would go with a buff to help her allies; I lean towards Hone Atk to help GunnthrĆ” kill things in one hit.Ā I do not recommend Threaten skills since they are only effective against melee units (ranged units will attack you at 2 range before Threaten takes effect).

With Felicia's Plate, assuming the charge cooldown +1 applies to both enemy attacks and her attacks, I would go with Iceberg for a Player Phase build and Glacies for Enemy Phase build.

I would go with Moonbow for Arvis if you plan to use him for Player Phase combat and I would leave Desperation on him.

I do not think Fortress Res needs to be replaced if you are using her for non Arena content, but if you need her to have more oomph in her punches, Fury is great. It gives her 6 more attack compared to Fortress Res for only 2 less Res. She is most likely going to be one hit killing things with a Blizzard on the unlucky enemy being debuffed, so I do not think she needs to worry about the recoil damage or being countered.


It really sounds pretty funny to debuff half of the map atk to be honest xd

Iā€™ll consider giving Moonbow to Arvis and Iā€™ll switch Felicia to Iceberg, since Iā€™m running a player phase A skill

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Not sure if this question was asked before but would Warding BreathĀ be good forĀ Y!Tiki's A-slotĀ if Steady Breath is not available and considering Y!Tiki's res is higher than the other dragons?

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Of these four, which boon/baneĀ isĀ best for a playerĀ phase horse Chrom? I mainly plan to have him initiate and mow down things especially with Fury and his weapon's bonus effect.






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I don't have much personal experience with variable Chrom's but I am leaning towards +SPD. Fury + 5 from his weapon brings him up to 39. Hone Cavalry brings him up to 45. Doubling is generally the best way to increase your damage and Fury + Desperation is fairly standard combo for a reason. The -DEF on your +SPD isn't super great, but as a desperate nuke his defense wouldn't be the most important thing to have.

The other possibility is +ATK. The difference would be 40/37 + 16 + 5 + 3 + 6. 70 vs 67 may actually secure some single shot KO's. I seem to recall that there are a number of heroes with mid'ish 60 physical bulk.Ā 

Anyways both are solid choices, I lean towards speed but I tend to always go speed even when it isn't ideal. I have a need for speed. Basically you should wait for some others to weigh in rather than just rely on my biases.

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Would +DEF/-ATK Male!Morgan benefit from having Close Counter? I'm thinking of giving it to him, since with his offensive debuff + self-buff and decent-with-buffs defensesĀ he seems like he could make good use of it (especially since he'd be able to fight dragons well enough, since the lower-of-DEF-or-RES thing would be irrelevant since both stats are the same number), but I'd like a second opinion before I burn Takumi on him.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Ok, Thanks to double SP weekend I have my +DEF/-SPD Hardin leveled. And now I am debating on if the free Ike should be feed to him.

His competition appears to be -

In Red - Xander, Ryoma, Black Knight, Adult Tiki, and Regular Ike. No point in giving it to regular Ike. My Ryoma is -SPD and as such is a bench warmer. Black Knight has mostly been supplanted by Tharja. So I don't think I will be having two Red Warding Breathers.

In Blue - Nowi and Fjorm. Don't use Fjorm much and her Attack Defense bond works well enough I think. Nowi on the other hand would really like a breath skill. Right now she runs Fury.

In Green - Grima. Is apparently my only green with built in DC.


Hardin does seem the obvious choice. But figured I would seek another opinion before burning very limited fodder. After all Hardin's Brazen Defense/Resistance is pretty handy for him too.

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7 hours ago, Alexmender said:

I see, I kinda want Eirika to get the Atk Tactic buff just to get her to +12 Atk during combat and Cordelia to recieve the Atk/Spd buffs to max her damage but maybe the Hone from Sieglinde will beĀ good enough for her considering her naturally high Atk.

In that case then something like this would look better right?

  • Eirika: Res Tactic and Def Tactic/Fortify Def. The buffs from the others would put her at 6/6/0/0 (or 12/12/4-6/6 taking Sieglinde into account)
  • Cordelia: Atk Tactic. She would end at 4/6/4-6/6
  • Sheena: Spd Tactic. She would end at 6/0/4-6/6

Looks good.

7 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:


It really sounds pretty funny to debuff half of the map atk to be honest xd

Iā€™ll consider giving Moonbow to Arvis and Iā€™ll switch Felicia to Iceberg, since Iā€™m running a player phase A skill

Wait. On second thought, maybe Glacies is better? I think messed up the cooldown count so I will write it down here for comparison:

Player Phase Iceberg
1. Felicia attacks (3>1)
2. Enemy attacks (1>0)
3. Felicia attacks (0>Activation)

Player Phase Glacies
1. Felicia attacks (4>2)
2. Enemy attacks (2>0)
3. Felicia attacks (0>Activation)

If I think that is how Felicia's Plate works, then I will go with Glacies. You might want to double check it in the Training Tower against mages or something just to be sure.

6 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Not sure if this question was asked before but would Warding BreathĀ be good forĀ Y!Tiki's A-slotĀ if Steady Breath is not available and considering Y!Tiki's res is higher than the other dragons?

Any Breath is fine. You can always get the other defensive stat from Refinement.

4 hours ago, Liliesgrace said:

Of these four, which boon/baneĀ isĀ best for a playerĀ phase horse Chrom? I mainly plan to have him initiate and mow down things especially with Fury and his weapon's bonus effect.






4 hours ago, Usana said:

I don't have much personal experience with variable Chrom's but I am leaning towards +SPD. Fury + 5 from his weapon brings him up to 39. Hone Cavalry brings him up to 45. Doubling is generally the best way to increase your damage and Fury + Desperation is fairly standard combo for a reason. The -DEF on your +SPD isn't super great, but as a desperate nuke his defense wouldn't be the most important thing to have.

The other possibility is +ATK. The difference would be 40/37 + 16 + 5 + 3 + 6. 70 vs 67 may actually secure some single shot KO's. I seem to recall that there are a number of heroes with mid'ish 60 physical bulk.Ā 

Anyways both are solid choices, I lean towards speed but I tend to always go speed even when it isn't ideal. I have a need for speed. Basically you should wait for some others to weigh in rather than just rely on my biases.

I would go with +Spd as well, and preferably Speed +3 Sacred Seal as well if you do not need scoring.

2 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Would +DEF/-ATK Male!Morgan benefit from having Close Counter? I'm thinking of giving it to him, since with his offensive debuff + self-buff and decent-with-buffs defensesĀ he seems like he could make good use of it (especially since he'd be able to fight dragons well enough, since the lower-of-DEF-or-RES thing would be irrelevant since both stats are the same number), but I'd like a second opinion before I burn Takumi on him.

M!Morgan is a bit slow without an A slot stat boost, and his Def is also a bit low at 26 with +Def and Grima's Truth. I would save Close Counter for one of your armor mages.

1 hour ago, Usana said:

Ok, Thanks to double SP weekend I have my +DEF/-SPD Hardin leveled. And now I am debating on if the free Ike should be feed to him.

His competition appears to be -

In Red - Xander, Ryoma, Black Knight, Adult Tiki, and Regular Ike. No point in giving it to regular Ike. My Ryoma is -SPD and as such is a bench warmer. Black Knight has mostly been supplanted by Tharja. So I don't think I will be having two Red Warding Breathers.

In Blue - Nowi and Fjorm. Don't use Fjorm much and her Attack Defense bond works well enough I think. Nowi on the other hand would really like a breath skill. Right now she runs Fury.

In Green - Grima. Is apparently my only green with built in DC.


Hardin does seem the obvious choice. But figured I would seek another opinion before burning very limited fodder. After all Hardin's Brazen Defense/Resistance is pretty handy for him too.

I would save VL!Ike if he is your only copy. If you really want him gone, then I would prioritize Nowi or FH!M!Robin since they can counter attack against BH!Lyn and they target the lower of Def or Res.



Edited by XRay
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