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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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So I was just able to remine my Alm’s Falchion just now (obviously going for the Double Lion effect). His IVs aren’t great, being +HP -Spd, but I thought that maybe I can put that giant HP pool of his to use (which with the refinement is now at 51!).

This will be a very costly investment however. I am considering upgrading my second Marisa to 5* and giving Alm Infantry Pulse 3. Worthy investment or nah?

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7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

The latter. The characters are picked first and then covered by coloured stones.

Thanks! I assumed it would be like that, but saw a bunch of comments recently about it being the other way and started doubting myself.

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If colours were picked before the characters were generated, then greens would appear just as often as the other colours. But then we wouldn't see the other funky effects like the 5* rate for green being significantly higher than the others. It'd also mean even more Bartres for everyone!

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18 hours ago, Sylphid said:

Can a -atk +res Alm do the usual Alm things (excluding the Heavy Blade seal), or does that attack bane cost him some important dragon killing milestones?


Edit: Forgot my original question. Is it know if, when pulling the Heroes gacha, does the game pick colors at random and then the characters, or characters at random and then show their colors?

Alm -Atk +Res
Falchion [special], Moonbow
Death Blow
Quickened Pulse

Nowi +Def
Lightning Breath [Def[, Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def

A!Tiki +5 +Def
Lightning Breath [Def[, Bonfire
Steady Breath, Quick Riposte
Close Def

As long as Nowi does not have all four blue nature and skills at once, Alm can knock her out. If Nowi runs Triangle Adept, then obviously do not use Alm. Alm can knock out Def stacked A!Tiki up to +5.

11 hours ago, Korath88 said:

I don't have enough stones to do it yet, but Def or Res refinement for DC Berkut's lance LA!Eliwood?

I would keep Casa Blanca to shut down buffs. Without it, buffed mages can take out a huge chunk of his HP. Casa Blanca also helps prevent Micaiah from doubling him with Speed buffs unless she Speed stacks.

5 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

So I was just able to remine my Alm’s Falchion just now (obviously going for the Double Lion effect). His IVs aren’t great, being +HP -Spd, but I thought that maybe I can put that giant HP pool of his to use (which with the refinement is now at 51!).

This will be a very costly investment however. I am considering upgrading my second Marisa to 5* and giving Alm Infantry Pulse 3. Worthy investment or nah?

No. Infantry Pulse is not a skill that I would just slap onto any unit. I would also factor in neutral HP rather than +HP, since +HP is the worse boon so it is not future proof, i.e.: replacing Alm +HP with Alm +Atk is a no brainer if you pull one in the future. I also would not factor in HP +5 since that is the worst Sacred Seal to invest in in my opinion, as any other single stat booster Sacred Seal would better improve combat performance and be more applicable to more units.

If you want to use Infantry Pulse:

1) I would first create a team.

2) Will the team see regular use in Arena or as a permanent team in Arena Assault? I would not fodder Infantry Pulse if the team is not going to be active at least once a week.

3) Is the team permanent or more fluid (i.e.: how likely are you going to replace members)? If the team is fluid, who is most likely to be replaced? If the highest HP unit is going to be replaced often, then I would not run Infantry Pulse.

4) If the team is permanent or at least the highest HP member is permanent, how much higher is their HP compared to their teammates? Will he be able to handle his teammates' HP increases from Refinement and merges? If the unit's HP is only 1 point higher than the next highest HP unit, I would not run Infantry Pulse as merges will easily make Infantry Pulse not applicable to the second highest HP unit.

5) Are there anyone else other who can run 4/4/0/0 or other buffs? If not the opportunity cost is pretty high for Infantry Pulse, as stat buffs are generally better than Infantry Pulse for the same reason as Speed +3 Sacred Seal being generally better than Heavy Blade/Quickened Pulse for most units.

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11 hours ago, Usana said:

@SoulWeaver Quick calculator tests on the two lists seem to indicate that +ATK is better at low merges with +SPD beginning to catch up the higher you go. Also depends on if Player or Enemy Phase. Enemy Phase Roy cares less about speed. The Roys I see in the arena that give me the most pause are the DC ones. His Res is high enough he can run Ploys.  The most wins I got at low merge(+2) was with +ATK/-DEF Wo Dao+(SPD)/moonbow/distant counter/quick riposte/spd ploy/def ploy. SPD Ploy mainly is there to keep from getting doubled since that really reduces his win numbers. Def Ploy lets him hit a bit harder. And standard Wo Dao+moonbow combo. Obviously for support he could run something other than ploys, but knocking down a foes spd/def is something most allies would more than appreciate.

That said that is just me punching numbers into the mass battle simulator against the basic inbuilt lists. I can't remember the Roy's I have ran into in the arena but I think they ran something other than Wo Dao, so that may not actually be optimal.

Cool, thanks! Right now I kind of have him as a halfway-both - I use BB, Vantage, and Heavy Blade Seal to help rig up some enemy phase KOs I would miss without them, but Darting Blow to increase doubling chances and Savage Blow to do spread damage during my turn. I'd try to give him Wo Dao+ or something like that, but that would require me to obtain a 4S Fir/Athena and the Feathers to upgrade them and right now I'm trying to focus on upgrading my other 4S Roys for Merges plus saving my Orbs in case the new Banner next week has someone I'm interested in obtaining. I want to give him DC, but I only have one Hector so I'm holding out to see if the BB gets a DC refinement like quite a few people say it should - if it does and I already gave him DC, that'll be kind of awkward.

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@SoulWeaver Definitely a valid thought concerning DC. I still wince whenever I think of murdering an Ike to give Soliel Heavy Blade mere days before the Seal was made known. I also tend to forget how I likely have an oddly high number of Wo Dao+ fodder. It is by far the easiest sword for me to give someone since I actually have spare 5*'s with it. Have 3 Karels just sitting around. And that isn't counting the spare Marissa or any Athenas I have that would need promoted.

Anyways, does he actually have the ATK to run Heavy Blade? I didn't even think of trying it on him in the calculator since he has 30 base attack. This is mostly me being curious. I know my +ATK Amelia is kinda shaky with it and a +ATK Roy will have a bit less atk than she does with a spd refined slaying axe. 4 more if we take into account the fact that hone armor gives 2 more than normal hone. 2 more if you run ATK tactic to match hone armor's +6.

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I'm thinking of sticking Drive Atk 2 onto M!Morgan, which should stack with Rally Attack if I'm understanding my buffs correctly, to give my team some more firepower. His build would look like this:



Yes, no, maybe so? I'm just not sure I want to sacrifice Micaiah for it unless it's really worth it, even if she is +DEF / -SPD. As a note, I know what the effects of Grima's Truth are, but the Rally Attack is for when he can't get off an attack first and someone else needs just a few points of extra damage. I actually use it pretty often, so I don't plan on switching it out at the moment. Alternatively, I could give him Drive Def 2 or Drive Res 2. (Probably Drive Res 2, because I don't have the feathers to promote Roderick and I don't have Arden, but I do have lots of Soleil.)

I'd also like to run Ninian alongside him as a renewing unit. I'm tentatively considering the following build:



It's probably terrible because I'm NOT VERY GOOD AT THIS GAME but I'm trying to learn.

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6 hours ago, Usana said:

@SoulWeaver Definitely a valid thought concerning DC. I still wince whenever I think of murdering an Ike to give Soliel Heavy Blade mere days before the Seal was made known. I also tend to forget how I likely have an oddly high number of Wo Dao+ fodder. It is by far the easiest sword for me to give someone since I actually have spare 5*'s with it. Have 3 Karels just sitting around. And that isn't counting the spare Marissa or any Athenas I have that would need promoted.

Anyways, does he actually have the ATK to run Heavy Blade? I didn't even think of trying it on him in the calculator since he has 30 base attack. This is mostly me being curious. I know my +ATK Amelia is kinda shaky with it and a +ATK Roy will have a bit less atk than she does with a spd refined slaying axe. 4 more if we take into account the fact that hone armor gives 2 more than normal hone. 2 more if you run ATK tactic to match hone armor's +6.

It's definitely better on my Miracle-Delthea, but he's not too shabby at an even 50 with my current setup and only +1 to the stat from merging. Helps that BB is 16 Might and my Delthea(who he is currently S-Supported with, mostly for practicality) uses Drive ATK 2 to grant him an extra 4-5 mid-combat, while my B-Ike currently uses Hone ATK 1 Seal to add 2 on top of that for a total of 56-57 if he starts the turn next to Ike and begins the battle within two spaces of Delthea. He also has Death Blow 2 as a possible option instead of Darting Blow 2(I've been meaning to get 3 of both for him but haven't gotten around to it), so he could add another 4 while we're at it. He makes a surprisingly decent beatstick all things considered, especially in Mage-heavy maps where his RES has a chance to shine in those cases he isn't able to make the kill or ends up needing to trigger aggro.

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3 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

I'm thinking of sticking Drive Atk 2 onto M!Morgan, which should stack with Rally Attack if I'm understanding my buffs correctly, to give my team some more firepower. His build would look like this:

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Yes, no, maybe so? I'm just not sure I want to sacrifice Micaiah for it unless it's really worth it, even if she is +DEF / -SPD. As a note, I know what the effects of Grima's Truth are, but the Rally Attack is for when he can't get off an attack first and someone else needs just a few points of extra damage. I actually use it pretty often, so I don't plan on switching it out at the moment.

Alternatively, I could give him Drive Def 2 or Drive Res 2. (Probably Drive Res 2, because I don't have the feathers to promote Roderick and I don't have Arden, but I do have lots of Soleil.)

If that is your only Micaiah, then I would not sacrifice her. Generally, you want to have at least one copy of each character for flexibility during Arena Assault and Grand Hero Battles, especially if the character in question has an exclusive or rare Weapon.

Do you have access to Dancers/Singers? You can offload Rally Attack to a Dancer/Singer by having them run Hone Attack and Hone Speed for the classic 4/4/0/0 buff, so then M!Morgan can run Reposition as ranged units with that positioning Assist pairs really well with Dance/Sing. I recommend running a green Dancer/Singer (PA!Azura, HNY!Azura, PA!Inigo) if you have one. If not, then blue Dancers/Singers (Azura, Ninian, Shigure) also work if the third teammate is a green unit or a Firesweep archer.

If you do not want to run a Dancer/Singer, you can make your third unit (the one that feels less powerful or satisfying to use compared to your top two MVPs) the dedicated buff bot on the team. Delthea, Eirika, Ephraim, BH!Lucina, Marth, Sanaki, and sometimes units running Norhian Summer or Happy New Year Weapons are usually the dedicated buff bots since they can stack buffs from their Weapons on top of their C slot and Sacred Seal slot buffs

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@XRay Thanks so much for your response! I don't have any of the special dancers, sadly -- I hope they come around again! -- but I do have a +ATK / -RES Ninian that I would like to run alongside Morgan. Before your advice, I had created what is probably an absolutely terrible build for her, but I'm still kind of new to this? I'm trying to learn good strategies, I swear. (Note: I haven't started building this yet; just planned it with the intent of asking for advice.)

Ninian (+ATK / -RES)
◉ Lightning Breath+ (+Spd)
☗ Dance
▶ Moonbow
A: Mirror Stance 2
B: Wings of Mercy 3
C: Threaten Res 3
S: Quick Riposte 3

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4 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

@XRay Thanks so much for your response! I don't have any of the special dancers, sadly -- I hope they come around again! -- but I do have a +ATK / -RES Ninian that I would like to run alongside Morgan. Before your advice, I had created what is probably an absolutely terrible build for her, but I'm still kind of new to this? I'm trying to learn good strategies, I swear. (Note: I haven't started building this yet; just planned it with the intent of asking for advice.)

Ninian (+ATK / -RES)
◉ Lightning Breath+ (+Spd)
☗ Dance
▶ Moonbow
A: Mirror Stance 2
B: Wings of Mercy 3
C: Threaten Res 3
S: Quick Riposte 3

Ninian is great! I generally prioritize a Dancer's/Singer's support skills first before giving them combat skills since they are the ones least likely to be in combat.

Assist, C, and Sacred Seal slots are the most important support skill slots and then followed by B slots. Since they already got Dance/Sing as their Assist, you just have to figure out what you want to do with their C slot and Sacred Seal slot. Since you are running a nuke on your team, I highly recommend running Hone Atk on her C slot and Hone Spd on her Sacred Seal slot or vice versa depending on which Hone is cheaper to inherit on the C slot.

You can run Wings of Mercy on her B slot, but I usually have not found it necessary since my Dancers/Singers are usually nearby my nukes.


My Dancers/Singers run something like the following, and their only combat duty is to shut down Raven mages if they ever appear:

Gem Weapon / Hagoita / Urðr
Dance / Sing
Glimmer / Moonbow
Fury / Distant Counter
Quick Riposte / Wings of Mercy
Hone Atk / Hone Spd
Hone Spd / Hone Atk / Distant Def

Raven / Dancer's Score [Res] / Dancer's Ring [Res]
Dance / Sing
Glimmer / Moonbow
Triangle Adept / Fury
Bowbreaker / Quick Riposte / Wings of Mercy
Hone Atk / Hone Spd
Hone Spd / Hone Atk / Distant Def / Quick Riposte

Lightning Breath [Spd]
Glimmer / Moonbow
Triangle Adept / Fury
Quick Riposte / Swordbreaker / Wings of Mercy
Hone Atk / Hone Spd
Hone Spd / Hone Atk / Distant Def / Quick Riposte

Dancer's Fan [Spd] / Seashell [Spd] / Kitty Paddle
Glimmer / Moonbow
Distant Def / Fury
Cancel Affinity / Quick Riposte / Wings of Mercy
Hone Atk / Hone Spd
Hone Spd / Hone Atk / Distant Def / Quick Riposte


And here is a list of analysis pages for Dancers/Singers for more ideas or if you pull any in the future (I think I need to update some of them though):


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This time I've got two questions regarding natures: +Res/-Def vs +Res/-HP Shiro and +Atk/-Res vs +Spd/-Res Sothe?

Also, what build would you use on Hinoka (equipped with her personal spear, not Brave Lance+)? Fury+Hit and Run, Fury+Desperation or LoD+Desperation (or something else entirely)?

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4 minutes ago, Sias said:

This time I've got two questions regarding natures: +Res/-Def vs +Res/-HP Shiro and +Atk/-Res vs +Spd/-Res Sothe?

-Hp on Shiro (despite being an HP superbane, you don't usually want to hurt Shiro's Def), and I'd personally pick +Spd on Sothe if you don't plan to give him Poison Dagger or Kitty Paddle.

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@XRay Those are really helpful, thank you! I have changed up Ninian's skill slots a bit and hopefully built a viable(?) team consisting of:



If images are not your thing, here's the text:


Male Morgan (+SPD / -RES)
◉ Grima's Truth
☗ Reposition
▶ Draconic Aura
A: Swift Sparrow 2
B: Desperation 3
C: Spur Def/Res 2
S: Speed +3

Ninian (+ATK / -RES)
◉ Lightning Breath+ (+Spd)
☗ Dance
▶ Moonbow
A: Mirror Stance 2
B: Wings of Mercy 3
C: Hone Atk 3
S: Hone Spd 3

Myrrh (+DEF / -SPD)
◉ Great Flame
☗ Reposition
▶ Bonfire
A: Distant Counter
B: Quick Riposte 3
C: Threaten Res 3
S: Close Def 3

Fallen Takumi (NEUTRAL)
◉ Skadi
☗ Draw Back
▶ Luna
A: Life and Death 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Spd Smoke 3
S: Initiate Seal Spd 3

I know that Fallen Takumi is probably a questionable choice, but I want to give him a chance. I... should probably swap him out with a staff user. Hmm. I just don't like them in Heroes for some reason. But I might switch.

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2 hours ago, Sias said:

Also, what build would you use on Hinoka (equipped with her personal spear, not Brave Lance+)? Fury+Hit and Run, Fury+Desperation or LoD+Desperation (or something else entirely)?

I would go with Fury-Desperation or Life and Death-Desperation. I would also go with Hinoka's Spear [Spd] instead of the special Refinement if you do not find the special Refinement effect useful.

2 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

Did another YOLO circle summon. Currently trained Takumi is +Def -Res, while newly pulled is +Spd -Res. Which way to merge, or should I put CC on NY!Corrin?

+Spd undoubtedly better. Fujin Yumi is quite pathetic as a combat bow, so I would switch it to Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow if you are using him yourself. I lean towards Firesweep since your Takumi is +Spd. However, if you are using Takumi on a defense team, then Fujin Yumi with special Refinement is awesome to make it harder for players to predict his movement.

12 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

@XRay Those are really helpful, thank you! I have changed up Ninian's skill slots a bit and hopefully built a viable(?) team consisting of:

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If images are not your thing, here's the text:

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Male Morgan (+SPD / -RES)
◉ Grima's Truth
☗ Reposition
▶ Draconic Aura
A: Swift Sparrow 2
B: Desperation 3
C: Spur Def/Res 2
S: Speed +3

Ninian (+ATK / -RES)
◉ Lightning Breath+ (+Spd)
☗ Dance
▶ Moonbow
A: Mirror Stance 2
B: Wings of Mercy 3
C: Hone Atk 3
S: Hone Spd 3

Myrrh (+DEF / -SPD)
◉ Great Flame
☗ Reposition
▶ Bonfire
A: Distant Counter
B: Quick Riposte 3
C: Threaten Res 3
S: Close Def 3

Fallen Takumi (NEUTRAL)
◉ Skadi
☗ Draw Back
▶ Luna
A: Life and Death 3
B: Desperation 3
C: Spd Smoke 3
S: Initiate Seal Spd 3


Looks good so far. I would replace FH!Takumi with a bonus unit in Arena.

Hector and LA!Hector are both a huge pain in the ass to deal with, so I would test run M!Morgana and Myrrh against them. Since you are running merge +10 units, I would test run them against Hector +10 and LA!Hector +10 as well.

You might also want to test run M!Morgan and Ninian against Zelgius too since he could be a pain in the ass like Hector and LA!Hector.

If you have trouble dealing with armor units, you might need to switch out Myrrh for BH!Lyn since she shuts down all psychical melee units with Sacae's Blessing, although the trade off is that you are left vulnerable to dragons, particularly Nowi. If you picked BH!Ike instead, you can use him to deal with Hector and LA!Hector instead, although he is not much help against Zelgius.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

+Spd undoubtedly better. Fujin Yumi is quite pathetic as a combat bow, so I would switch it to Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow if you are using him yourself. I lean towards Firesweep since your Takumi is +Spd. However, if you are using Takumi on a defense team, then Fujin Yumi with special Refinement is awesome to make it harder for players to predict his movement.

I was actually thinking of running Escape Route on him. Similar logic to my Escape Route Lyn: their refined weapons synergize well with Escape Route. As Lyn is packing Desperation and Brash Assault by the point she's able to use Escape Route, Takumi gets permanent warping.

I have actually never pulled a Faye. 5-star exclusive on colorless, and no recent banners featuring her. Summer Gaius and Brave Lyn are waiting for their Brave Bow+s, and the Gordins are pretty far down my promotion list.

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@XRay I ran some calcs, and while Zelgius and Hector are manageable even when they initiate, it seems that LA!Hector is indeed a pain in the ass. I guess I can't just throw my own LA!Hector out there to even the odds. Hector x Hector = NEVER TOO MUCH HECTOR???

I'm thinking of tossing VL!Ike in there. Haven't really used him yet, although he's Lv 40 with neutral IVs.

Vanguard Legend Ike (NEUTRAL)
◉ Ragnell
☗ Pivot
▶ Radiant Aether
A: Warding Breath
B: Vantage 3
C: Savage Blow 3
S: Quick Riposte 3

Steady Breath would probably be better on him, but I'm short on that unless I pull another BH!Ike. Savage Blow is kind of a filler skill; I don't know what to put there. His base Def Tactic sounds nice but it's not a fully mixed team, so it wouldn't do anything. At least Savage Blow would soften things up for his teammates.

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33 minutes ago, Reddazrael said:

Savage Blow is kind of a filler skill; I don't know what to put there

Savage blow as filler on an enemy phase unit seems sorta counter intuitive

I always say, when in doubt: Hone Speed (or even hone attack)

Also why pivot? No reposition to give him? I'd have went with swap if that's the case (swap on DC unit combo is lit)

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23 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Savage blow as filler on an enemy phase unit seems sorta counter intuitive

I always say, when in doubt: Hone Speed (or even hone attack)

Also why pivot? No reposition to give him? I'd have went with swap if that's the case (swap on DC unit combo is lit)

You are indeed correct. That is Exhibit A in my Why I Am Bad At Strategy Games (Yet I Struggle On) gallery. Hone Spd it is, then. I've also just given him Reposition. Thanks! I always really appreciate any advice. (I even try to learn from it!)

Vanguard Legend Ike (NEUTRAL)
◉ Ragnell
☗ Reposition
▶ Radiant Aether
A: Warding Breath
B: Vantage 3
C: Hone Spd 3
S: Quick Riposte 3

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3 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

You are indeed correct. That is Exhibit A in my Why I Am Bad At Strategy Games (Yet I Struggle On) gallery. Hone Spd it is, then. I've also just given him Reposition. Thanks! I always really appreciate any advice. (I even try to learn from it!)

Vanguard Legend Ike (NEUTRAL)
◉ Ragnell
☗ Reposition
▶ Radiant Aether
A: Warding Breath
B: Vantage 3
C: Hone Spd 3
S: Quick Riposte 3

Looks fine. Warding Breath is okay too, as it helps him tank magical hits, which he may need to do.

I just realized that you might also want to try to use an offensive staff user if you do not have access to Firesweep Bow. BB!Lyn and Genny are the cheapest to build since they come with Dazzling Staff and Wrathful Staff already on their B slot respectively, so you just need to give them the other skill via Refinement. They would basically function as magical Firesweep archers.

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@XRay I... don't actually have any of those options, haha. But I've got a spreadsheet of 'future builds' that I want to try, so I've made note of them. Thanks for taking so much time to help me out, by the way. I actually feel kind of bad for needing so much guidance, but I really, truly appreciate that you've been so willing to give me such in-depth advice.

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14 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

So I got two boon/bane quandaries:

+Res/-Atk or +HP/-Spd for regular Ike aka pick my poison
+Spd/-HP or +HP/-Spd for Hector

Hector: +HP / -SPD
Ike: Flip a coin? I'd go with +HP / -SPD, myself. But both kind of suck.

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