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47 minutes ago, XRay said:

Ares +Atk got 39 Atk and 33 Def, 16 Mt Dark Mystletainn, 7 Atk/Def from Brazen Atk/Def, and 6 Atk/Def from VS!Azura for a total of 68 Atk and 46 Def. Bonfire does 23 Damage for a total of 91 Atk. Def Smoke/Savage Blow adds another 7 Atk for a total of 98 Atk, but it is not always reliable depending on how enemies spread out their team.

Ares +Atk ~ 39 Atk, 33 Def
Dark Mystletainn ~ 16 Mt
(Any Assist)
Bonfire ~ 23 Damage
Distant Counter
Def Smoke — Savage Blow ~ 7 "Atk"
Brazen Atk/Def ~ 7 Atk, 7 Def
Bonus Buffs ~ 6 Atk, 6 Def

Kagero +Atk got 38 Atk, 15 Mt Kagero's Dart, 7 Atk from Brazen, and 6 Atk from VS!Azura for a total of 66 Atk. Even if we assume dagger effect (7 Atk), Kagero's Dart Effect (4 Atk), and Savage Blow (7 Atk) being completely reliable, that only takes the damage ceiling to 84 Atk. 84 Atk is pretty decent, but my issue with it is that it is very inconsistent since Healing Towers, Restore, or a unit with high visible Atk can easily chip that from 84 Atk down to 80 Atk or lower.

Kagero +Atk ~ 38 Atk
Kagero's Dart [Atk] ~ 15 Mt + 7 "Atk" + 4 Atk
(Any Assist)
(Any Special)
Close Counter
Savage Blow ~ 7 "Atk"
Brazen Atk/Res ~ 7 Atk
Bonus Buffs ~ 6 Atk

With that level of investment into Kagero, you might as well put that into a Blade mage who can reach 85+ Atk easily and reliably. Blade tomes got 13 Mt, Brazens got 7 Atk, and VS!Azura buffs with Blade effect can give 30 Atk which totals 50 Atk. A mage with +Atk can easily have 35+ base Atk to the total Atk up to 85+ Atk. If you factor in Res Smoke or Savage Blow, then Blade mages can reach 92+ Atk.

Reading this post made me realize we had the same process but different conclusions. +6 Atk / Def from L Azura is the same as Summoner Support and merge +10 unbuffed.

Also yeah, 39 + 16 is 55. I don't know why I thought it was 54. I'm bad at math.

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16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Lancebreaker or Vantage for blue Reinhardt?

Also, would +Atk be more suitable for Raven, or +Spd?

If Reinhardt is using Dire Thunder, use Lancebreaker. Vantage is terrible with a weapon that isn't designed to be used on enemy phase. If you're running Close Counter + Blarblade, then Vantage is actually useful.

Raven depends a lot on your build and the opponents you're expecting him to go up against. Assuming a more orthodox build, the more Spd you stack on him with skills, the more he should lean towards +Atk. For a Galeforce build, he should run +Spd. For a Pavise + Shield Pulse build, he should run +Atk.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

If Reinhardt is using Dire Thunder, use Lancebreaker. Vantage is terrible with a weapon that isn't designed to be used on enemy phase. If you're running Close Counter + Blarblade, then Vantage is actually useful.

Raven depends a lot on your build and the opponents you're expecting him to go up against. Assuming a more orthodox build, the more Spd you stack on him with skills, the more he should lean towards +Atk. For a Galeforce build, he should run +Spd. For a Pavise + Shield Pulse build, he should run +Atk.

Reinhardt is sticking with Dire Thunder, yeah.

What do you mean by "orthodox" build? Does that mean, like...general popular build?

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39 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

What do you mean by "orthodox" build? Does that mean, like...general popular build?

The usual damage-focused build, like Luna + Desperation + Flashing Blade / Heavy Blade.

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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The usual damage-focused build, like Luna + Desperation + Flashing Blade / Heavy Blade.

Ah. I was actually debating between Moonbow and Galeforce for his special, and I had planned on giving him Distant Counter for his A slot, dunno about his B slot though.

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Currently i'm looking into some help with two of my green mages. One who has fallen of lately and one thats still doing fine, but who could be a bit more flexable.

I have a Boey thats in need for a merge with a better nature.  My +res/-speed isn't really doing all that much for Boey's assets. I am wondering what the best boon would be for Boey though. I have two options for the tanky green mage
-+atk to improve that awful 40 atk. 43 isn't winning any awards either, but its an improvement
-I also have a +defense one in my barracks which would help Boey's already good defense growth.
His current not too optimised build is
-Gronowl (+def)
-Recipical aid
-Close counter
-odd/even def wave
-Renewel or atk/def bond seal

I'm also looking at new builds for my Lugh. I'm not really interested in getting rid of the serpent tome, but I am considering a less enemy phase related build. I have a swift sparrow in my barracks waiting for a new owner, but a bond skill might also work to give Lugh something that benefits him in both phases. Any advice on what the best A skill would be for him? I also gave him Leavatain's speed wave skill in a failed LHB strategy. Its pretty rare fodder so I think of making him use the skill for good.

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1 hour ago, Sasori said:

I have a Boey thats in need for a merge with a better nature.  My +res/-speed isn't really doing all that much for Boey's assets. I am wondering what the best boon would be for Boey though. I have two options for the tanky green mage
 -+atk to improve that awful 40 atk. 43 isn't winning any awards either, but its an improvement
-I also have a +defense one in my barracks which would help Boey's already good defense growth.
His current not too optimised build is
-Gronowl (+def)
-Recipical aid
-Close counter
-odd/even def wave
 -Renewel or atk/def bond seal

The best way to increase his damage output is to run Quick Riposte. I discourage running sustainability skills like Renewal, Sol, Aether, etc. on most combat units since it is far more efficient to offload sustainability to another unit, such as Eir and staff users.

I think +Res is okay for Boey if you use him to tank magic attacks, but I personally lean towards +Def and avoid having him tank mages and dragons. If you still find his damage output lacking with Quick Riposte, then I would switch his nature to +Atk.

I do not recommend running Wave skills unless you also plan to run the Wave skill of the other parity on the Sacred Seal slot.

Boey +Atk/Def/Res
Gronnowl [Def]
(Any Assist) — Swap
Close Counter
Quick Riposte
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Odd Def Wave (with Even Def Wave)
Atk/Def Bond — Even Def Wave

1 hour ago, Sasori said:

I'm also looking at new builds for my Lugh. I'm not really interested in getting rid of the serpent tome, but I am considering a less enemy phase related build. I have a swift sparrow in my barracks waiting for a new owner, but a bond skill might also work to give Lugh something that benefits him in both phases. Any advice on what the best A skill would be for him? I also gave him Leavatain's speed wave skill in a failed LHB strategy. Its pretty rare fodder so I think of making him use the skill for good.

I generally do not recommend dual phase builds for non armor mages because they do not have as much stats and skills to work with. There are only two somewhat workable dual phase builds, but they each have drawbacks.

The first somewhat dual phase build is simply a regular Player Phase build with Fury on the A skill. The mage will have the option of choosing doing either Player Phase or Enemy Phase for its first round of combat before being completely Player Phase for the rest of the battle when it reaches Desperation range. The primary drawback is that it can only do Enemy Phase once unless you heal the nuke back up with a healer.

The second type involves running Atk/Spd Push and Renewal. I recommend skipping Renewal if you are running some type of healer, but Renewal is mandatory if you do not have healer since you need it to reactivate Atk/Spd Push. While Atk/Spd Push works on both phases, Atk/Spd Push only works when the unit is at 100% HP, and since Renewal only works every other round, this build cannot handle swarms of foes well.

I think Gronnserpent is fine if you do not want to use Gronnblade, but make sure to give it Spd Refinement so it is not completely shit on Player Phase.

I do not recommend Swift Sparrow for dual phase builds since it only works on Player Phase.

I do NOT recommend Bond skills for dual phase units. While Bonds theoretically work on both phases, in practice, it is horrible on Player Phase since you often need to break formation to engage a foe.

I would give Lugh something like this:
Gronnserpent [Spd]
Fury — Atk/Spd Push (with Renewal)
Desperation — Renewal (optional if there is a healer teammate; mandatory without a healer)
(Any C)

If you want to use a Player Phase build. I recommend switching out Gronnserpent since it is just not meant for Player Phase combat.
(Any A that boost Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Spd — Atk/Spd — Darting Blow — Heavy Blade — Flashing Blade

Edited by XRay
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200 Divine Dews, but... I don't know what to do with them.

I know holding onto them is an option, but... that's the thing, I think I am gonna hold onto them. But it's because I have literally no one I want to use them on right now.

I'm kinda just hoping someone has a sound opinion on what I could strive to do, especially since I could consider +10ing whoever gets the Divine Refine.



Saber [Atk] Conditional DC with stat bonus is a sound concept, but I don't know how well it does on execution since... honestly I've not heard much of Saber since. Right now he has a somewhat stock build.

Seliph [Atk] Just a TA3 swordie right now. Could strive for better... I dunno. Never had that high an opinion of Seliph in this game... though Miracle is annoying...

Fir [Spd] Not mch to say here. She'd be exactly what the tin says she'd be.

Lyn [Atk] Not sure she's even worth it, but hey she could be good and I just don't know it.

Karel [Spd] Same as Fir, minus the good Ploy potential (and +10 ability now that I look again...)

Lloyd: What do?

Lon'qu [+Spd -Res] It'd be amazing to see such a fast and powerful swordie... if I didn't already own like 25 other fast and powerful swordies... but hey, this one can double stack LnD3!

Lucina/Masked Marth [L = +Spd -Atk] I can consider getting Lucy a merge once her week comes up. Otherwise, right now she's faster but weaker than Marth. I'm thinking Sealed Falchion would be better for her than refined Awakening Falchion.

Hinata [+Def -Res] Is Fury refine alright for him? I feel it should be alright for him... I mean, I have all the units, I think I can spare a healer for him if need be.

Hana [Spd] Right now she's just using her default Armorsmasher, so giving her the refine would just make her do what she does right now... better.

Cain [Spd] His refine could be alright. Right now I use him as a Firesweep Sword user, but I can adjust to conditional Brave effect.

Eldigan [Def] Sure, double stacking Fury is a sound plan. Or maybe just copy-paste what Ares does? Either options seems good...

Eliwood [Atk] He's still rocking that Blazing Durandal from all that time ago...

Stahl [+Atk -Spd] Pretty much would be an EP Green killer... hm. Strange that I can actually consider working on Stahl...

Elincia [Spd] Despite being +10 and being awesome, I'm not sure she needs her refine just yet...

Young Tiki [Res] BoF would be nice to have especially now, given all the dragons I keep running into. She has the Res to take a hit as well.

Sophia [Atk] The way I look at it, Bracing Stance refined Eternal Tome is just an Owltome with two adjacent allies at all times (minus a speed boost and visible boost to Def or Res from a refine) plus the colorless advantage. I imagine she'd do great in these days of Legendary Alm, so I might work with her on that front...

Tharja [Spd] What's there to say. It may as well be a +4 Spd/Def/Res boost to Tharja.

Leo [Def] I really wanna consider Leo, but I'm not sure if he'd actually be able to take a proper stand against the enemies found in +10...

Nephenee [Spd] I wanna give her the Steady Posture refine and let her inherit Kestrel Stance for speed based EP ability.

Peri [Spd] Peri looks good. Given Fury 3 she can use her Res to ploy, so...

Est [Atk] Right now she's using her Brave Lance+ from ages ago. Refined Whitewing Spear would be a strong direct upgrade, albeit one that forces her onto a flier team. On the bright side, she'd be another bane to all armors that I own like 5 or 6 of already.

Shanna [Spd] See Fir/Karel... somewhere up there.

Florina [Def] Not sure I need yet another defensive Lance just yet... but hey, she's on the table to.

Delthea [Spd] I just +10ed her, but I still don't know if I wanna refine Dark Aura yet... I mean I do, but I don't feel I need to right now...

Tailtiu [Spd] Tome of Thoron looks pretty straightforward.

Amelia [Spd] The potential in giving her Special Fighter is certainly there.

Michalis: Defensive based Killer/Wo Dao effect... sounds interesting...

Cherche [Atk] Pretty sure I'd go for the Atk boost on this one, but I can see Panic Ploy refine being preferable since her Atk can be boosted by 1 with a Dragonflower instead of a slightly more valuable weapon refine.

Sonya [Atk] Pretty sure the only thing she needs now to complete the OHKO build is Death Blow 4 and her refine.

Nino [Spd] Oh Nino oh Nino... what would be better for you, triple Even waves or the boring Odd/Even Atk Wave everyone seems to love...?

Faye [Res] Oh, that QR5 effect is tempting, so very tempting... not like the loss in bulk would make me suffer any. Heh heh... oh Guard, where be your fodder...?

Klein [Spd or Atk] I remember it being said that Atk nature is better for Klein's Chill Def refined Argent Bow, and Spd is better for a Spd refine. Well, whatever path I go down, Klein is here.

Innes [Spd] Being able to safely attack Dragons is very tempting...

Saizo [Def, Atk available] Does anyone know if Saizo is good with this refine yet? I think he's good, but that's just me.

Kagero [Atk] I feel like if I wanna do Kagero, she NEEDS to be +10 and have at least 6 or 7 Dragonflowers applied... otherwise, she's not gonna be able to get the effect of her weapon to apply?


Er... sorry if you read through all that, this is... kinda what happens when there's a lot of people have refinable Prfs...

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Ok so I just pulled Daunting Priest Brady. I would like to build him up but what weapon should I give him? I don't really have any experience with staff units other then Veronica and my savage blow mariabelle.  I'd kinda like him to just be a good support unit I guess. Any suggestions would be great

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38 minutes ago, Zihark11 said:

Ok so I just pulled Daunting Priest Brady. I would like to build him up but what weapon should I give him? I don't really have any experience with staff units other then Veronica and my savage blow mariabelle.  I'd kinda like him to just be a good support unit I guess. Any suggestions would be great

Gravity+, Pain+, Candlelight+, and Flash+ are the best inheritable staff weapons right now. Between Gravity+ and Pain+, use whichever one more suits your play style.

Use the Dazzling Staff refine.

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@Xenomata I know that feeling, I have 2000+ dew and at least half a dozen candidates I haven’t got around to refining yet. If I ever get the urge, it’s nice knowing you don’t have to wait for it build up.

For :Nino: I would say the triple Even build. Being mostly self-sufficient 50% of the time makes her stand out more. 

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5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I'm kinda just hoping someone has a sound opinion on what I could strive to do, especially since I could consider +10ing whoever gets the Divine Refine.

I am a bit biased for Player Phase ranged units, so I highly recommend Klein, Tailtiu, Sonya, Tharja, and Nino.

Klein is a top tier quad Brave archer. I personally lean towards Spd Refinement, but special Refinement is good too.

You can setup Tailtiu as a regular Desperation nuke using special Refinement, but you can also have her emulate Ophelia with Atk Refinemet. She is a bit more difficult to set up than Ophelia since she needs external help to get Blazing charged on turn 1 and she needs to be in Wrath range to simulate Missiletainn's Slaying effect.

Similarly, you can set up Sonya for either spamming Moonbow or Blazings. I personally lean towards Moonbow spam since she can charge that herself. Sonya's Blazing spam is not as effective since she cannot run Hardy Bearing on the Sacred Seal slot as she needs Heavy Blade to work, and she also needs external help to charge Blazing Specials on the first turn.

Tharja and Nino are both good. Tharja should use either special Refinement as a regular nuke or Atk Refinement if she is running Counter-Vantage. For Nino, I lean towards Spd Refinement instead if you use her as a regular nuke or Atk Refinement if you use her as a Counter-Vantage unit. I do not think Nino's special Refinement is necessary because it is super redundant since most Dancers/Singers already provide buffs, especially if you run VS!Azura.

Peri is not ranged, but she can run Galeforce for Aether Raids.

Similarly, Eliwood can serve as a decent Galeforce unit. He cannot Galeforce every turn with his exclusive Weapon, but his Weapon allows him to activate his first Galeforce pretty reliably if he takes a counter attack, and most of the time, you just need Galeforce to activate once anyways.

— — — — — — —

I also recommend super bulky tanks: Seliph, Leo, and Faye. Seliph has practically infinite bulk against most nukes, Leo can prevent follow-up attacks (watch out for nukes with Null Follow-Up though), and Faye can cram all three important Enemy Phase B skills into her skill set (Quick Riposte on Weapon, Dull Ranged via Distant Def, and Guard on B).

— — — — — — —

For Aether Raids defense, I recommend Eldigan, Delthea, and Est.

Eldigan can surprise unsuspecting players with his default Lunge, double Fury helps his bulk and act as a Wings of Mercy beacon, and Mystletainn's Slaying effect can further pair with Escutcheon or Pavise to make sure he survives and activate Lunge. I think Sturdy Impact would also be very useful to ensure Lunge activation, but fuck its stupid skill inheritance restriction since it does not allow cavalry units to inherit it.

Delthea can buff her Galeforce and/or Lunge allies and then swoop in with Wings of Mercy for the kill as her special Refinement boosts her power when near melee allies.

Est leading a flier ball defense team can basically shit on anyone not experienced or prepared to deal with flier balls.

— — — — — — —

The following are just some extra comments I have.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Saber [Atk] Conditional DC with stat bonus is a sound concept, but I don't know how well it does on execution since... honestly I've not heard much of Saber since. Right now he has a somewhat stock build.

Conditional Distant Counter feels kind of iffy. If you make it reliable to activate with Miracle, it kills his damage output. You can run Luna-Special Spiral-Quick Riposte, but it feels like a regular Distant Counter sword unit can do it better with Quick Riposte-(whatever Sacred Seal).

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Fir [Spd] Not mch to say here. She'd be exactly what the tin says she'd be.

She felt really underwhelming when I face her in Arena Assault one time, although that might be due to her running an SP build rather than performance build. I think I was using my FIH!Xander +0 to tank her, but I did not expect her to die in one round of combat.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Lyn [Atk] Not sure she's even worth it, but hey she could be good and I just don't know it.

She is fun, but I do not recommend building her if you are looking for gameplay performance since there are so many better options.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Lucina/Masked Marth [L = +Spd -Atk] I can consider getting Lucy a merge once her week comes up. Otherwise, right now she's faster but weaker than Marth. I'm thinking Sealed Falchion would be better for her than refined Awakening Falchion.

I agree that Sealed Falchion is superior. Her regular Falchion is more suited for Enemy Phase units.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Hinata [+Def -Res] Is Fury refine alright for him? I feel it should be alright for him... I mean, I have all the units, I think I can spare a healer for him if need be.

Should be fine. His Res even seems salvageable with double Fury and Warding Stance if you want something different, but just do not expect him to tank stuff like Celica or DW!F!Corrin though.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Elincia [Spd] Despite being +10 and being awesome, I'm not sure she needs her refine just yet...

With a reliable A skill on her Weapon, you can try double Brazen Atk/Spd for stupid quading potential.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Innes [Spd] Being able to safely attack Dragons is very tempting...

I do not think it is that great. You might as well just run Firesweep Bow for better consistency against all types of Enemy Phase units, besides the Null C-Disrupt ones.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Saizo [Def, Atk available] Does anyone know if Saizo is good with this refine yet? I think he's good, but that's just me.

While I would not say he is meta, he may have the potential to be okay. I think he is kind of difficult to use, but you can check out Zeo's Matthew clears since I think Saizo might be able to do something like that.

5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Kagero [Atk] I feel like if I wanna do Kagero, she NEEDS to be +10 and have at least 6 or 7 Dragonflowers applied... otherwise, she's not gonna be able to get the effect of her weapon to apply?

I do not think the Weapon is that great in my opinion since it is too conditional, but it is decent if you really like her. If you want gameplay performance though, I recommend sticking with Brave Bow archers if you are looking for a colorless physical nuke.

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@Xenomata Let me help you narrow your choices ^^ ,  I hope my recommendation would help you more or less.

1. Elincia : Yours is +Spd. This refine will make her be a quad-monster for sure. (Except when she vs Swordbreaker or Wary Fighter ). Mine is +Atk with Death Blow 4 to optimize with 2HKO or quad KO sometimes.

2.Tharja : If you have Fury 4 on her, she will be a monster for sure. Otherwise Fury 3 work just fine.

3.Tailtiu : This refine will make her be in the same level like Ishtar.

4. Nino : Self-buffs then nuke things.

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I think I am finally ready to bite the bullet and Special Fighter a blue armor. My two Brave Ephraims are +DEF. The first one I got is -ATK and the one that appeared fairly recently is -SPD. At first glance it would seem like switching the base to -SPD and killing my -ATK is the best option. But running the mass duel simulator on the inbuilt lists seems to suggest that the difference is minimal most of the time(and goodness you all should know I am lazy and hate releveling people up by now) and that it can actually swing in -ATK favor by allowing him to break Wary Fighter(so whether -SPD 'hurts' him in the lists results depends on how many times the lists have a slow wary fighter on their list). Plus there is the fact that if I ever get enough special fighter that a spare can be kept then he is effectively the same. And I mostly use him for clearing content rather than pvp and so far I haven't felt the lack of attack since most of his damage comes from Close Defense/ATK/DEF Bond Ignis nuking on EP. Plus breaking Wary is rather more important and doable in PVE content than in PVP.

All this seems to indicate I am actually leaning towards the -ATK mostly out of laziness and lack of serious improvement that the -SPD would have over it.


Oh as for blue armors. The choice is basically between my +HP/-ATK Legendary Tiki and my +SPD +1 BookLyn. And I am definitely leaning towards Lyn.



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On 6/17/2019 at 12:42 AM, XRay said:

The best way to increase his damage output is to run Quick Riposte. I discourage running sustainability skills like Renewal, Sol, Aether, etc. on most combat units since it is far more efficient to offload sustainability to another unit, such as Eir and staff users.

I think +Res is okay for Boey if you use him to tank magic attacks, but I personally lean towards +Def and avoid having him tank mages and dragons. If you still find his damage output lacking with Quick Riposte, then I would switch his nature to +Atk.

I do not recommend running Wave skills unless you also plan to run the Wave skill of the other parity on the Sacred Seal slot.

Boey +Atk/Def/Res
Gronnowl [Def]
(Any Assist) — Swap
Close Counter
Quick Riposte
(Any C) — Atk Smoke — Odd Def Wave (with Even Def Wave)
Atk/Def Bond — Even Def Wave

I generally do not recommend dual phase builds for non armor mages because they do not have as much stats and skills to work with. There are only two somewhat workable dual phase builds, but they each have drawbacks.

The first somewhat dual phase build is simply a regular Player Phase build with Fury on the A skill. The mage will have the option of choosing doing either Player Phase or Enemy Phase for its first round of combat before being completely Player Phase for the rest of the battle when it reaches Desperation range. The primary drawback is that it can only do Enemy Phase once unless you heal the nuke back up with a healer.

The second type involves running Atk/Spd Push and Renewal. I recommend skipping Renewal if you are running some type of healer, but Renewal is mandatory if you do not have healer since you need it to reactivate Atk/Spd Push. While Atk/Spd Push works on both phases, Atk/Spd Push only works when the unit is at 100% HP, and since Renewal only works every other round, this build cannot handle swarms of foes well.

I think Gronnserpent is fine if you do not want to use Gronnblade, but make sure to give it Spd Refinement so it is not completely shit on Player Phase.

I do not recommend Swift Sparrow for dual phase builds since it only works on Player Phase.

I do NOT recommend Bond skills for dual phase units. While Bonds theoretically work on both phases, in practice, it is horrible on Player Phase since you often need to break formation to engage a foe.

I would give Lugh something like this:
Gronnserpent [Spd]
Fury — Atk/Spd Push (with Renewal)
Desperation — Renewal (optional if there is a healer teammate; mandatory without a healer)
(Any C)

If you want to use a Player Phase build. I recommend switching out Gronnserpent since it is just not meant for Player Phase combat.
(Any A that boost Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
Brazen Atk/Spd — Atk/Spd — Darting Blow — Heavy Blade — Flashing Blade

I did try sending Boey at a blue mage way back in the day, but that almost never ended well. So I think i'll go with the +def or +atk. Atk smoke and Silas wave skill are also pretty easy to come by with fodder so that build will work out pretty nicely.

Giving Fury to Lugh seems like a good idea. With his +Speed boon, tome and fury he'd reach a nice 45 speed while also patching his atk up a bit. 

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On 6/16/2019 at 7:48 PM, Xenomata said:

200 Divine Dews, but... I don't know what to do with them.

I know holding onto them is an option, but... that's the thing, I think I am gonna hold onto them. But it's because I have literally no one I want to use them on right now.

I'm kinda just hoping someone has a sound opinion on what I could strive to do, especially since I could consider +10ing whoever gets the Divine Refine.

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Saber [Atk] Conditional DC with stat bonus is a sound concept, but I don't know how well it does on execution since... honestly I've not heard much of Saber since. Right now he has a somewhat stock build.

Seliph [Atk] Just a TA3 swordie right now. Could strive for better... I dunno. Never had that high an opinion of Seliph in this game... though Miracle is annoying...

Fir [Spd] Not mch to say here. She'd be exactly what the tin says she'd be.

Lyn [Atk] Not sure she's even worth it, but hey she could be good and I just don't know it.

Karel [Spd] Same as Fir, minus the good Ploy potential (and +10 ability now that I look again...)

Lloyd: What do?

Lon'qu [+Spd -Res] It'd be amazing to see such a fast and powerful swordie... if I didn't already own like 25 other fast and powerful swordies... but hey, this one can double stack LnD3!

Lucina/Masked Marth [L = +Spd -Atk] I can consider getting Lucy a merge once her week comes up. Otherwise, right now she's faster but weaker than Marth. I'm thinking Sealed Falchion would be better for her than refined Awakening Falchion.

Hinata [+Def -Res] Is Fury refine alright for him? I feel it should be alright for him... I mean, I have all the units, I think I can spare a healer for him if need be.

Hana [Spd] Right now she's just using her default Armorsmasher, so giving her the refine would just make her do what she does right now... better.

Cain [Spd] His refine could be alright. Right now I use him as a Firesweep Sword user, but I can adjust to conditional Brave effect.

Eldigan [Def] Sure, double stacking Fury is a sound plan. Or maybe just copy-paste what Ares does? Either options seems good...

Eliwood [Atk] He's still rocking that Blazing Durandal from all that time ago...

Stahl [+Atk -Spd] Pretty much would be an EP Green killer... hm. Strange that I can actually consider working on Stahl...

Elincia [Spd] Despite being +10 and being awesome, I'm not sure she needs her refine just yet...

Young Tiki [Res] BoF would be nice to have especially now, given all the dragons I keep running into. She has the Res to take a hit as well.

Sophia [Atk] The way I look at it, Bracing Stance refined Eternal Tome is just an Owltome with two adjacent allies at all times (minus a speed boost and visible boost to Def or Res from a refine) plus the colorless advantage. I imagine she'd do great in these days of Legendary Alm, so I might work with her on that front...

Tharja [Spd] What's there to say. It may as well be a +4 Spd/Def/Res boost to Tharja.

Leo [Def] I really wanna consider Leo, but I'm not sure if he'd actually be able to take a proper stand against the enemies found in +10...

Nephenee [Spd] I wanna give her the Steady Posture refine and let her inherit Kestrel Stance for speed based EP ability.

Peri [Spd] Peri looks good. Given Fury 3 she can use her Res to ploy, so...

Est [Atk] Right now she's using her Brave Lance+ from ages ago. Refined Whitewing Spear would be a strong direct upgrade, albeit one that forces her onto a flier team. On the bright side, she'd be another bane to all armors that I own like 5 or 6 of already.

Shanna [Spd] See Fir/Karel... somewhere up there.

Florina [Def] Not sure I need yet another defensive Lance just yet... but hey, she's on the table to.

Delthea [Spd] I just +10ed her, but I still don't know if I wanna refine Dark Aura yet... I mean I do, but I don't feel I need to right now...

Tailtiu [Spd] Tome of Thoron looks pretty straightforward.

Amelia [Spd] The potential in giving her Special Fighter is certainly there.

Michalis: Defensive based Killer/Wo Dao effect... sounds interesting...

Cherche [Atk] Pretty sure I'd go for the Atk boost on this one, but I can see Panic Ploy refine being preferable since her Atk can be boosted by 1 with a Dragonflower instead of a slightly more valuable weapon refine.

Sonya [Atk] Pretty sure the only thing she needs now to complete the OHKO build is Death Blow 4 and her refine.

Nino [Spd] Oh Nino oh Nino... what would be better for you, triple Even waves or the boring Odd/Even Atk Wave everyone seems to love...?

Faye [Res] Oh, that QR5 effect is tempting, so very tempting... not like the loss in bulk would make me suffer any. Heh heh... oh Guard, where be your fodder...?

Klein [Spd or Atk] I remember it being said that Atk nature is better for Klein's Chill Def refined Argent Bow, and Spd is better for a Spd refine. Well, whatever path I go down, Klein is here.

Innes [Spd] Being able to safely attack Dragons is very tempting...

Saizo [Def, Atk available] Does anyone know if Saizo is good with this refine yet? I think he's good, but that's just me.

Kagero [Atk] I feel like if I wanna do Kagero, she NEEDS to be +10 and have at least 6 or 7 Dragonflowers applied... otherwise, she's not gonna be able to get the effect of her weapon to apply?


Er... sorry if you read through all that, this is... kinda what happens when there's a lot of people have refinable Prfs...

first of all i hate you regarding elincia +10 (I gave her her refine right away. though mine is only +3. + spd she loves it. she's quadding a lot more units than she was before
I keep wavering on the Cherche Eff too. 

Why is Fir +spd? she has nooodle arms. 
I gave my Neph (only +1). Steady Stance 4, the EFF, and double wave. (sometimes I do Close def SS). She's married to Lavetain so basically, i just repo Neph into position, and she is a brick. 

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So, I encountered something strange while watching an AR replay. My B!Lyn (Firesweep + Poison Strike 6) attacked a Micaiah with Steady Stance 4 and Null C Counter. Lyn did some combat damage and was killed by the counter attack but strangely, Micaiah didn't suffer any post-battle damage from poison strike. Does poison strike only activate if you survive the battle?

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59 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

So, I encountered something strange while watching an AR replay. My B!Lyn (Firesweep + Poison Strike 6) attacked a Micaiah with Steady Stance 4 and Null C Counter. Lyn did some combat damage and was killed by the counter attack but strangely, Micaiah didn't suffer any post-battle damage from poison strike. Does poison strike only activate if you survive the battle?

Yeah, Poison Strike only activates if you survive.

That sounds like an annoying Micaiah.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I pulled a +Res Berkut and what skills should I run him with?


Swap -- (Any Assist)


Warding Stance

Quick Riposte -- Dull Range

(Any C) -- Atk Smoke -- Odd Res Wave (with Even Res Wave)

Steady Stance -- Quick Riposte -- Even Res Wave


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2 hours ago, Beadger said:

My weird luck decided to grant me second Hardin. Which is better on him: +res or +def? The bane doesn't matter since I plan to merge.

I lean towards +Def assuming he runs Bonfire and faces mostly physical enemies, but +Res is also good if he faces mages and dragons a lot.

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I can +10 Helbindi, but I can also switch his Asset to a more defensive option. Literally all but +Spd is an option.

>HP would supplement both his defensive stats and enable the use of Panic Ploy on more units (Sudden Panic is not available as fodder) in favor of weaker special triggers and not guaranteeing taking no damage at all.
>Keeping it Atk would mean more raw damage. Never can go wrong with raw damage.
>Def means his raw bulk is all beef and no fat. Also means his Bonfire/Ignis triggers will go off all the stronger.
>Res lets him take magic hits better, opening his world to using Distant Counter. Even without, he'll still be able to tank dragons a little better.

Also wanna ask, since we're here, does keeping Byleistr seem a good idea? It's a good axe, no doubts there, but it's a purely supportive axe with Odd Spectrum Waves. Sure Helbindi benefits to, but the only thing it really does on even-numbered turns is add to his menacing appearance. I'm just wondering if maybe he'd appreciate a different axe that provides a powerful effect on all turns... I'd even shell out for a Hack o Lantern+

Edited by Xenomata
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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I can +10 Helbindi, but I can also switch his Asset to a more defensive option. Literally all but +Spd is an option.

>HP would supplement both his defensive stats and enable the use of Panic Ploy on more units (Sudden Panic is not available as fodder) in favor of weaker special triggers and not guaranteeing taking no damage at all.
>Keeping it Atk would mean more raw damage. Never can go wrong with raw damage.
>Def means his raw bulk is all beef and no fat. Also means his Bonfire/Ignis triggers will go off all the stronger.
>Res lets him take magic hits better, opening his world to using Distant Counter. Even without, he'll still be able to tank dragons a little better.

Also wanna ask, since we're here, does keeping Byleistr seem a good idea? It's a good axe, no doubts there, but it's a purely supportive axe with Odd Spectrum Waves. Sure Helbindi benefits to, but the only thing it really does on even-numbered turns is add to his menacing appearance. I'm just wondering if maybe he'd appreciate a different axe that provides a powerful effect on all turns... I'd even shell out for a Hack o Lantern+

I'd run +Atk for general use regardless of build (Distant Counter included) and either +Atk or +Res for Aether Raids.

Slaying Axe+ [Def / Res] is his best option for general use. Hack-o'-Lantern+ [Res] is optimal for Aether Raids.

How good Byleistr is really just depends on whether or not you have teammates that are already providing buffs. The more visible buffs your teammates run, the less valuable Byleistr is.


15 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Also means his Bonfire/Ignis triggers will go off all the stronger.

It bugs me whenever I see this mentioned because while +Def boosts Bonfire and Ignis more than +HP, +Spd, or +Res, it doesn't boost Bonfire and Ignis more than +Atk.

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