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17 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

So, this question is based on knowledge of the new FEH channel announcement. I am looking at what my barracks need -vs- what I really want and wondering what advise you might have. So, short list version based on the four units that are dropping:

Infantry lance - Fjorm (+1), Sharena, Duo Ephraim

Red Tome - Lorenz, Eirika, Summer Byleth, Ewan

Notable Green Axe (I know, it is specifically armor, but here's who I have) - Brave Ike, Surtr, Legendary Edelgard, Hel

Flying Bow - None (but I have Brave Lyn and Bernadetta)

So, It seems like I need Claude the most, but as a first run Blue Lion, I want Dimitri. Anyway, I think I need Edelgard the least. Thoughts?

We'll have a much better idea of what to expect out of the new units once we see their full stats and skill sets. 

Claude certainly has the most unusual unit type, but that doesn't necessarily make it the most relevant. 

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7 hours ago, jameslove001 said:

So, this question is based on knowledge of the new FEH channel announcement. I am looking at what my barracks need -vs- what I really want and wondering what advise you might have. So, short list version based on the four units that are dropping:

Infantry lance - Fjorm (+1), Sharena, Duo Ephraim

Red Tome - Lorenz, Eirika, Summer Byleth, Ewan

Notable Green Axe (I know, it is specifically armor, but here's who I have) - Brave Ike, Surtr, Legendary Edelgard, Hel

Flying Bow - None (but I have Brave Lyn and Bernadetta)

So, It seems like I need Claude the most, but as a first run Blue Lion, I want Dimitri. Anyway, I think I need Edelgard the least. Thoughts?

I recommend basing your free pick on whoever Pheonixmaster1 chooses, since being able to follow free guides helps relieve a lot of stress of trying to figure everything out yourself.

If you are willing to spend some money on Orbs to get the guaranteed 5* unit after 40 summons, then I would wait until we know the stats and skills of the new Heroes before making a decision as @Othin has suggested. I do not recommend spending money on something if you do not know what you are getting.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you are willing to spend some money on Orbs to get the guaranteed 5* unit after 40 summons

Or if you just accumulate those orbs without spending money. You can do 40 summons with 8 full pulls, which normally costs 160 orbs but with 5 free summons, it only costs 135. The banner will run for about 3 weeks, which is more than enough time to accumulate 135 free orbs.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

Or if you just accumulate those orbs without spending money. You can do 40 summons with 8 full pulls, which normally costs 160 orbs but with 5 free summons, it only costs 135. The banner will run for about 3 weeks, which is more than enough time to accumulate 135 free orbs.

Oh yeah, that is true. We do get 300 free Orbs every month.

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10 hours ago, XRay said:

Oh yeah, that is true. We do get 300 free Orbs every month.

Once again Thanks to you and @Othin. I did a calculation yesterday after the video and have access to 652 orbs...not counting any special events. That is just from the rest for the prologues, chain challenges, etc. I haven’t finished. I will likely get 2 if not 3 of the units, which is nice. It also helps that I got pirate Veronica so I can stop wasting orbs there. 

One quick question though, when I read about the event it seems to say that you can pull each unit at random as well. But then in another place it seems to indicate they are only available every 40 pulls. How did you understand that part?

and thanks for the advice in PhoenixMaster. Great idea.

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8 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

One quick question though, when I read about the event it seems to say that you can pull each unit at random as well. But then in another place it seems to indicate they are only available every 40 pulls. How did you understand that part?

They're available both ways. When you summon from the banner, you have the normal 3% chance of your pull being a focus unit, and then every 40 pulls, you can pick one to get for free, as a "spark". You also can pick one for free even without pulling, which I would recommend waiting to do until after you do finish pulling so you know who you'll be missing.

Personally, my plan is to spend about 135 orbs to do 40 pulls and hit the first spark. So I'll get one unit from the spark, and there's good odds that I'll get another one along the way, since 3% is slightly better than 1 in 40. From there, I could use the other free pick, probably bringing my count up to three of the four (or at least two), although my plan is to save it for a while to try to get three of them other ways, so I can use the free pick to get the fourth, maximizing my odds of getting all of them. You have a smaller pool of units, though, so you might not find it as desirable to wait.

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14 minutes ago, Othin said:

They're available both ways. When you summon from the banner, you have the normal 3% chance of your pull being a focus unit, and then every 40 pulls, you can pick one to get for free, as a "spark". You also can pick one for free even without pulling, which I would recommend waiting to do until after you do finish pulling so you know who you'll be missing.

 You have a smaller pool of units, though, so you might not find it as desirable to wait.

Thanks for clarifying. I actually have 65 5* units that are maxed out...I was just comparing weapon types of my barracks to the new units as a base for what I might need to fill the cracks. I have some (what I think are weird) pockets that are just over full like 10 of the 65 are green tomes, another 10 are swords, so like a third are tied up in just two of the many weapon types. I do like your idea of saving the free pull based on what I get and the sparks. That is pretty genius.

Edited by jameslove001
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4 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Thanks for clarifying. I actually have 65 5* units that are maxed out...I was just comparing weapon types of my barracks to the new units as a base for what I might need to fill the cracks. I have some (what I think are weird) pockets that are just over full like 10 of the 65 are green tomes, another 10 are swords, so like a third are tied up in just two of the many weapon types. I do like your idea of saving the free pull based on what I get and the sparks. That is pretty genius.

To clarify - saving the free pull until after you finish pulling on the banner is something everyone should do, since it's a trivial delay for a potentially very big reward. The thing I was saying you might find a bit extreme is my plan to hold off on the free pick for months or longer, to wait and see if off-focus pulls on future banners get me to 3 of the 4 units so I can use it for the 4th.

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Brave Edelgard arrived and she is amazing in EP and not that bad in player phase due to the follow up and the crazy mobility. However, mixed phase was was what I was running on my bad natured Legendary Edelgard (Raging Storm for a good PP and hit and run shenanigans and DC with Aymr and QR/Distant Defence 3 for a good EP). So I want to give her the Galeforce build to distinguish them and make them both worth using.

She has as far as skills go Aymr, Brave Axe+, Smite/Double rally (not + yet), Aether (lacking GF now and that's another reason to try and go for Blue aside Dimitri), DC, HB4 and the rest of her base kit. Mangos will allow me to give her +Atk -Def and she is +1 so with 7 flowers she can get to a base 49 Atk. However, I generally don't have much experience with purely PP like her and if I remember correctly many people here use her for GF (her optimal skillset I guess). What's her most optimal build? Is Aymr consistent or is Brave Axe better and generally some tips on how to use her since she is quite different that most units. 

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3 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

Brave Edelgard arrived and she is amazing in EP and not that bad in player phase due to the follow up and the crazy mobility. However, mixed phase was was what I was running on my bad natured Legendary Edelgard (Raging Storm for a good PP and hit and run shenanigans and DC with Aymr and QR/Distant Defence 3 for a good EP). So I want to give her the Galeforce build to distinguish them and make them both worth using.

She has as far as skills go Aymr, Brave Axe+, Smite/Double rally (not + yet), Aether (lacking GF now and that's another reason to try and go for Blue aside Dimitri), DC, HB4 and the rest of her base kit. Mangos will allow me to give her +Atk -Def and she is +1 so with 7 flowers she can get to a base 49 Atk. However, I generally don't have much experience with purely PP like her and if I remember correctly many people here use her for GF (her optimal skillset I guess). What's her most optimal build? Is Aymr consistent or is Brave Axe better and generally some tips on how to use her since she is quite different that most units. 

I do not have much experience with FE!Edelgard outside of Arena and easy PvE maps. While Armor Stride alleviates a lot of FE!Edelgard's mobility issues, FE!Edelgard still has some glaring mobility issues due to Armor Stride's positioning requirements, and that is just based on her use in Arena, so I am very hesitant taking her into Aether Raids due to that. Having mobility issues in Arena is not that hard to compensate for since I use Reposition and Dancers/Singers, and more competitive players can just use Armor March.

In Aether Raids, the most immediate issue is that FE!Edelgard is extremely slow to start unless you run Armor March on your team or give her Armored Boots, and running another armor unit or Armored Boots just to fix FE!Edelgard's mobility issue sounds rather sketchy. You can isolate FE!Edelgard to one side of the map and leave a gap between her and the rest of your team, but that is not really ideal most of the time either I think. Having mobility issues on turn 1 is not a big deal in Arena since you have a lot of time to set up, but it is a big no-no for Aether Raids in my opinion where the clock is ticking.

On to the actual builds, for Arena, I tried both Amyr and Brave Axe, but I have not noticed much difference between them in my score range of 728-738. The Special makes more of play style difference than the Weapon in my opinion. I would say Aymr is a bit better for dealing with red units due to better bulk and she is less likely to be walled off by high Def red units, but for everyone else, I think Brave Axe is a bit better since she can double and she can afford the loss in Atk and bulk in that scenario.

I tried both Ruptured Sky and Galeforce, and both are good. While Aether does take longer to charge compared to Ruptured Sky, the concept for both are still the same in that they deal extra damage, so the playstyle in most cases for Aether should not be too far off from Ruptured Sky in my opinion. Between Ruptured Sky and Galeforce, I would say Ruptured Sky is more practical and safe since it allows her to kill things more consistently, but Galeforce is definitely a shit ton more fun. If you are using FE!Edelgard as the bonus unit, then I would definitely go for Ruptured Sky (or stick with Aether in your case). If she is not a bonus unit, you can use either Special, but I lean towards Galeforce because it is just that much more fun; she does not care too much about combat performance as a supporting core unit and you probably do not want her to kill anything anyways.

For example, if you are facing off against a team of 3 swords and 1 lance, and you accidentally used another unit to kill the lance enemy too early, if FE!Edelgard is the bonus unit, she might have issues securing a bonus kill against a red unit if she does not have Ruptured Sky; if she is not the bonus unit, then it does not matter that she cannot kill any of the 3 sword units since that is the bonus unit's or another teammate's job.

I have not tried Heavy Blade on A yet, but I do not think it makes much of a difference whether Heavy Blade is on A or on the Sacred Seal.

I have not tried double dipping stat boosts on both A and Sacred Seal either. It would definitely impact a Galeforce build and probably Aether too, but I am not sure it makes much difference for a Ruptured Sky build.

Aymr — Brave Axe
(Any Rally Assist) — Harsh Command — (Any positioning Assist) (if you can afford the drop in score)
Galeforce — Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk, Atk/Def, Atk/Res) — Heavy Blade
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Atk/Def, Atk/Res) — Heavy Blade

Edited by XRay
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55 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What is the general consensus on Alfonse's superboon, is it worth pursuing over +Atk when we get the next version update?

29 Spd is slow. Especially since he doesn't have merges to make up for it, meaning he can only rely on Dragonflowers, skills, and team support.

Unless you're planning on giving him significant Spd investment, I think it's better to go with +Atk.


With +Spd, +15 Dragonflowers, Folkvangr [Spd], Brazen Atk/Spd 4, Lull Atk/Spd 3 or Lull Spd/Def 3, Joint Drive Spd, and Swift Sparrow 2, he hits 56 Spd without buffs.

Which is pretty cool until you realize a +0 neutral Mareeta with her default skills already has 52 Spd.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

What is the general consensus on Alfonse's superboon, is it worth pursuing over +Atk when we get the next version update?

I would just go with +Atk for Desperation-Brash Assault so he can kill things reliably as a bonus unit. Unless you are trying to stay in Tier 20 or something, you do not need to optimize for score very much if the goal is to just bounce between Tier 19 and Tier 20.

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6 hours ago, XRay said:

I do not have much experience with FE!Edelgard outside of Arena and easy PvE maps. While Armor Stride alleviates a lot of FE!Edelgard's mobility issues, FE!Edelgard still has some glaring mobility issues due to Armor Stride's positioning requirements, and that is just based on her use in Arena, so I am very hesitant taking her into Aether Raids due to that. Having mobility issues in Arena is not that hard to compensate for since I use Reposition and Dancers/Singers, and more competitive players can just use Armor March.

In Aether Raids, the most immediate issue is that FE!Edelgard is extremely slow to start unless you run Armor March on your team or give her Armored Boots, and running another armor unit or Armored Boots just to fix FE!Edelgard's mobility issue sounds rather sketchy. You can isolate FE!Edelgard to one side of the map and leave a gap between her and the rest of your team, but that is not really ideal most of the time either I think. Having mobility issues on turn 1 is not a big deal in Arena since you have a lot of time to set up, but it is a big no-no for Aether Raids in my opinion where the clock is ticking.

On to the actual builds, for Arena, I tried both Amyr and Brave Axe, but I have not noticed much difference between them in my score range of 728-738. The Special makes more of play style difference than the Weapon in my opinion. I would say Aymr is a bit better for dealing with red units due to better bulk and she is less likely to be walled off by high Def red units, but for everyone else, I think Brave Axe is a bit better since she can double and she can afford the loss in Atk and bulk in that scenario.

I tried both Ruptured Sky and Galeforce, and both are good. While Aether does take longer to charge compared to Ruptured Sky, the concept for both are still the same in that they deal extra damage, so the playstyle in most cases for Aether should not be too far off from Ruptured Sky in my opinion. Between Ruptured Sky and Galeforce, I would say Ruptured Sky is more practical and safe since it allows her to kill things more consistently, but Galeforce is definitely a shit ton more fun. If you are using FE!Edelgard as the bonus unit, then I would definitely go for Ruptured Sky (or stick with Aether in your case). If she is not a bonus unit, you can use either Special, but I lean towards Galeforce because it is just that much more fun; she does not care too much about combat performance as a supporting core unit and you probably do not want her to kill anything anyways.

For example, if you are facing off against a team of 3 swords and 1 lance, and you accidentally used another unit to kill the lance enemy too early, if FE!Edelgard is the bonus unit, she might have issues securing a bonus kill against a red unit if she does not have Ruptured Sky; if she is not the bonus unit, then it does not matter that she cannot kill any of the 3 sword units since that is the bonus unit's or another teammate's job.

I have not tried Heavy Blade on A yet, but I do not think it makes much of a difference whether Heavy Blade is on A or on the Sacred Seal.

I have not tried double dipping stat boosts on both A and Sacred Seal either. It would definitely impact a Galeforce build and probably Aether too, but I am not sure it makes much difference for a Ruptured Sky build.

Aymr — Brave Axe
(Any Rally Assist) — Harsh Command — (Any positioning Assist) (if you can afford the drop in score)
Galeforce — Ruptured Sky
(Any A that boosts Atk, Atk/Def, Atk/Res) — Heavy Blade
Raging Storm
Armor Stride
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Atk/Def, Atk/Res) — Heavy Blade

Thanks, that's really helpful. About my previous build in case someone is interested. 


It capitalised on both her weapon and B slot and was for extremely functional and strong (with the fairies she tanked all of July's Abyssals) but also really fun. I used Raging storm to weaken/kill a foe while moving to a better position simultaneously or to simply move to a  safe position to tank. In enemy phase Aymr with QR and Mirabilis created a crazy tank that could stand and tank the Abyssal foes for ages. However, that role will be covered by Brave one that has better mobility and most likely more stats. 

What you mentioned about Aymr giving her good defences is what scares me and prevents me from going full brave axe (then again quading dragons/beasts can be a beautiful thing). I think HB4 is objectively the best A slot for her unless someone lacks a source he is willing to give up or has in mind an A slot that grants over 6 Atk for a build. But HB is needed for Galeforce. 4 even more as it grants 5 true damage that is extremely helpful when trying to one-shot a red, death blow and soon enough a Atk/Stat solo seal will give her Atk. I am not that crazy about Raptured Sky as Aether is great as well. However, Galeforce allows for sweeping only she can do. My build would be 

  • Aymr
  • Smite/scoring skill
  • Galeforce 
  • HB4
  • Raging Storm 
  • Armored stride 
  • Death blow/ Atk/Res solo (when available as I am not willing to give up stats for Quickened pulse) 

I am now wondering how to help her at the beginning of the battle to get ahead without falling back and set the killing machine do it's job. What I originally did was have Leila teleport her but she is good with many units and she isn't always there to help Edelgard.

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5 hours ago, SuperNova125 said:

What you mentioned about Aymr giving her good defences is what scares me and prevents me from going full brave axe (then again quading dragons/beasts can be a beautiful thing). I think HB4 is objectively the best A slot for her unless someone lacks a source he is willing to give up or has in mind an A slot that grants over 6 Atk for a build. But HB is needed for Galeforce. 4 even more as it grants 5 true damage that is extremely helpful when trying to one-shot a red, death blow and soon enough a Atk/Stat solo seal will give her Atk. I am not that crazy about Raptured Sky as Aether is great as well. However, Galeforce allows for sweeping only she can do. My build would be 

Stat boost on A and Heavy Blade on Sacred Seal makes Heavy Blade easier to activate.
Death Blow-Heavy Blade has 8 Atk.
Atk/Stat Solo-Heavy Blade has 7 Atk.

Heavy Blade on A and stat boost on Sacred Seal gives more damage, but only if Heavy Blade activates.
Heavy Blade-Death Blow/Atk/Stat Solo has 6 Atk, with a potential additional 5 damage.
Heavy Blade-Sturdy Blow/Mirror Blow has 4 Atk, with a potential additional 5 damage.

Personally I have not experienced much difficulty with activating Heavy Blade, but if you are going with Brave Axe, there is an argument for Death Blow on A since she may have more issues with activating Heavy Blade with her lower Atk. If you are using Aymr, I think I would go the other way and lean towards Heavy Blade on A for dealing more damage, since Aymr should let her win the Atk check in most cases.

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15 hours ago, XRay said:

I have not tried Heavy Blade on A yet, but I do not think it makes much of a difference whether Heavy Blade is on A or on the Sacred Seal.

You're sleeping on 5 true damage per attack with Heavy Blade 4.

Edited by Karimlan
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2 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

You're sleeping on 5 true damage per attack with Heavy Blade 4.

Yes, but that is only if you win the stat check. I do not see a lot of high Atk armors in my score range, so Brave Axe with A slot Heavy Blade is probably fine for me, but I am not sure that set up will do so well for higher scoring defense teams with more high stat armor units.

We also do not have Atk/Stat Solo yet for the Sacred Seal, so players for now will have to be content with Sturdy Blow/Mirror Strike, further eroding A slot Heavy Blade's advantage in the short term.

For Aymr, I would definitely lean towards Heavy Blade on the A slot, especially once Atk/Stat Solo comes out.

Assuming all skills are out and we have everything we need:
Death Blow-Heavy Blade
Heavy Blade-Atk/Stat Solo
Atk+6, potential Damage +5

If you are running Aymr, Heavy Blade on A seems the way to. If you are running Brave Axe though, I think you might want to check the stats of your enemies from time to time to make sure A slot Heavy Blade still activates frequently enough if you score higher than me.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yes, but that is only if you win the stat check. I do not see a lot of high Atk armors in my score range, so Brave Axe with A slot Heavy Blade is probably fine for me, but I am not sure that set up will do so well for higher scoring defense teams with more high stat armor units.

The key then is to get a +Atk Legendary Edelgard and actively seek merges to win those eventual matchups, which is definitely orb-intensive.

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30 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Not for much longer!

True, you just have to get merges, which are smack-dab what I was referring to being orb-intensive 😉 

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2 hours ago, Karimlan said:

The key then is to get a +Atk Legendary Edelgard and actively seek merges to win those eventual matchups, which is definitely orb-intensive.

That gives her 58 Atk at +10 merge without other skills. With Death Blow 3 as her Sacred Seal, that's still only 64 Atk.

For perspective (all units +10 with +Atk),

  • Duma has 67 Atk with his base kit, 73 Atk if Fell Breath's effect is active.
  • Duo Ephraim has 66 Atk with his base kit, and his base Lull Atk/Def 3 lowers Edelgard's Atk to 61 and nullifies bonuses.
  • Hrid has 64 Atk with his base kit.
  • Male Grima has 64 Atk with his base kit.
  • Surtr has 63 Atk with his base kit and is the only unit on this list Edelgard will actually get Heavy Blade 4 to activate against.
  • Male and female Kris have 60 Atk without any passive skills, and Blade/Spear of Shadow's effect lowers Edelgard's Atk to 59. With +Spd instead of +Atk and including their base kits, they have 61 Atk and still lower Edelgard's Atk to 59.
  • Duo Alm has 58 Atk with his base kit excluding Bonus Doubler, and his base Lull Atk/Spd 3 lowers Edelgard's Atk to 61 and nullifies bonuses, and if Scepter of Love's effect is active, raises his Atk to 68 and lowers Edelgard's Atk to 51.
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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That gives her 58 Atk at +10 merge without other skills. With Death Blow 3 as her Sacred Seal, that's still only 64 Atk.

For perspective (all units +10 with +Atk),

  • Duma has 67 Atk with his base kit, 73 Atk if Fell Breath's effect is active.
  • Duo Ephraim has 66 Atk with his base kit, and his base Lull Atk/Def 3 lowers Edelgard's Atk to 61 and nullifies bonuses.
  • Hrid has 64 Atk with his base kit.
  • Male Grima has 64 Atk with his base kit.
  • Surtr has 63 Atk with his base kit and is the only unit on this list Edelgard will actually get Heavy Blade 4 to activate against.
  • Male and female Kris have 60 Atk without any passive skills, and Blade/Spear of Shadow's effect lowers Edelgard's Atk to 59. With +Spd instead of +Atk and including their base kits, they have 61 Atk and still lower Edelgard's Atk to 59.
  • Duo Alm has 58 Atk with his base kit excluding Bonus Doubler, and his base Lull Atk/Spd 3 lowers Edelgard's Atk to 61 and nullifies bonuses, and if Scepter of Love's effect is active, raises his Atk to 68 and lowers Edelgard's Atk to 51.

So when using Brave Axe it's better to stack as much Atk as you can (using her base A slot and DB3 seal for example), while using Aymr the A slot can have HB4 (especially when running Galeforce). I will do some playtesting (friend mock battles and TTs) to see whether I prefer Aymr's more consistent damage or Brave Axe's two hits that might be weaker. 

Another unrelated question. How is Atk calculated while having weapon triangle disadvantage? For example a unit has 60 Atk at base, death blow and a +6 Atk buff. That unit in combat would normally have 72 Atk. When at disadvantage it will become 57 (72 * 0.8)? And if unit has a star comparing skill, will it compare the original or the reduced Atk? 

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2 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

Another unrelated question. How is Atk calculated while having weapon triangle disadvantage? For example a unit has 60 Atk at base, death blow and a +6 Atk buff. That unit in combat would normally have 72 Atk. When at disadvantage it will become 57 (72 * 0.8)? And if unit has a star comparing skill, will it compare the original or the reduced Atk? 

Weapon triangle effects are calculated after all other effects that boost your Atk stat. The weapon triangle is technically part of damage calculation, not Atk calculation, so stat comparisons are unaffected by the weapon triangle.

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For male Kris, what would be the best A slot and seal for him be? Guessing distant counter to go with his damage reduction, sustain, and cooldown reduction effects.

I'm honestly a bit surprised with him showing up, this is the fastest i've ever gotten a new character after their debut banner ended.

Also is there anything that he does that fallen Ike doesn't? They seem to share the role of speedy damage reduction sustain tanks. Still going to be using Kris regardless as new mystery is my favorite game in the series, but i'm just curious as they seem to be very similar units.

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9 minutes ago, Faellin said:

For male Kris, what would be the best A slot and seal for him be? Guessing distant counter to go with his damage reduction, sustain, and cooldown reduction effects.

It really depends on what you want him to do since he has the ability to run pretty much all of the standard player-phase, dual-phase, and enemy-phase builds.

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