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1 hour ago, jameslove001 said:

The Forging Bonds angle makes great sense. I have been trying to get through it as soon as I could. And basically I was running Claude, Dimitri, Idunn and Osian all day since I pulled them before and up to the first spark.

Yeah, that'd do it.

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On 8/18/2020 at 5:55 AM, XRay said:

For ANF!Claude, I would replace his Weapon with Brave Bow or Firesweep Bow if you want to do pure Player Phase. His bow might be okay if it does not replenish his HP with Blazing Specials, but I have to wait for the update on the calculator and double check to be certain whether it is better than Brave Bow. I would also run Desperation. If you want him to do dual phase or enemy phase, his Weapon is fine under those scenarios, but make sure to replace his A, B, and Sacred Seal with a skill appropriate for the phase you want to use him in.

@Darkmoon6789 For pure player phase, to get around Wind Parthia's incompatibility with Desperation and Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers, you can give ANF!Claude a Blazing Special. I just checked and his Weapon does not heal if an area-of-effect Special is used. The issue with Blazing nuke approach is that since he is not an infantry unit, he cannot function as a proper Blazing nuke without Special Spiral, so his damage output crashes dramatically during the off rounds when Blazing Special is not charged. Heavy Blade Sacred Seal can somewhat alleviate that issue so ANF!Claude will have his Blazing Special ready every other round of combat, but if you want consistent performance, I would stick with Brave Bow.

If ANF!Claude was not nerfed with healing on his Weapon, then Wind Parthia is slightly worse than Brave Bow in terms of performance.

Challenger List: 


Claude (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Wind Parthia  
Special: Blazing Wind  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Desperation 3  
😄 Atk Spd Rein 3  
S: Heavy Blade 3  
Claude (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Brave Bow+  
Special: Luna  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
😄 Atk Spd Rein 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Claude (Brave) (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Wind Parthia  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
😄 Atk Spd Rein 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Claude (Brave) (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Wind Parthia  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
😄 Atk Spd Rein 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  


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So, I am glad to see some talk about the new characters. I pretty much run base kits, but an wondering about Lysethia. Is Dark Spikes really the best fit? Are the bonuses that great or should she be running something else? 

Follow-up, I have one of each unit after two sparks, but noticed my Claude is -Atk, -Sp. Should I keep going to get a better version?

Final follow-up - does support add onto the already existing buffs? For instance I have made Claude and Dimitri best buddies and they shared S-Support, would Dimitri get that added to all of the other support for having Claude next to him?

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32 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

So, I am glad to see some talk about the new characters. I pretty much run base kits, but an wondering about Lysethia. Is Dark Spikes really the best fit? Are the bonuses that great or should she be running something else? 

Dark Spikes helps ANF!Lysithea take out Wary Fighter tanks due to guaranteed follow up and Desperation effect. Regular Blade mages sometimes get walled and killed due to Wary Fighter.

32 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Follow-up, I have one of each unit after two sparks, but noticed my Claude is -Atk, -Sp. Should I keep going to get a better version?

Depends on how much you are willing to spend. Since I am a pretty liberal spender, I spent and got all four guaranteed summons. I think the guaranteed summons are a really good deal, so I would always go for them.

32 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Final follow-up - does support add onto the already existing buffs? For instance I have made Claude and Dimitri best buddies and they shared S-Support, would Dimitri get that added to all of the other support for having Claude next to him?

There are two different types of Supports. There is Ally Support and Summoner Support.

Summoner Support only affects 1 unit (or up to 3 if you have FEH Pass), and it provides a visible stat boost.

Each character can only have 1 Ally Support, so if you support ANF!Claude with ANF!Dimitri, then all your copies of ANF!Calude will have Ally Support with all your copies of ANF!Dimitri. Ally Supports give in combat buffs, but it does not stack with itself, so putting two ANFClaudes next to ANF!Dimitri will not give ANF!Dimitri more stats.

Assuming you got all Supports to S rank, if you give ANF!Claude and ANF!Dimitri both Summoner Support and have them Ally Support each other, then both units will have a visible boost of HP+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2, and both units will receive an in combat boost of Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2 if they are adjacent to each other or Atk/Spd/Def/Res+1 if they are 1 space away from each other.

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53 minutes ago, XRay said:

Summoner Support only affects 1 unit (or up to 3 if you have FEH Pass), and it provides a visible stat boost.

Each character can only have 1 Ally Support, so if you support ANF!Claude with ANF!Dimitri, then all your copies of ANF!Calude will have Ally Support with all your copies of ANF!Dimitri. Ally Supports give in combat buffs, but it does not stack with itself, so putting two ANFClaudes next to ANF!Dimitri will not give ANF!Dimitri more stats.

Assuming you got all Supports to S rank, if you give ANF!Claude and ANF!Dimitri both Summoner Support and have them Ally Support each other, then both units will have a visible boost of HP+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2, and both units will receive an in combat boost of Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2 if they are adjacent to each other or Atk/Spd/Def/Res+1 if they are 1 space away from each other.

Thanks! Where I didn't know if they were stackable was something like Dimitri's Atk/Def or Joint Hone Attack making them both just absolute monsters. If I am not mistaken, unless a skill says "Does not stack," the Ally Support bonus should stack onto the already enhanced skill, but have never been certain.

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5 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Thanks! Where I didn't know if they were stackable was something like Dimitri's Atk/Def or Joint Hone Attack making them both just absolute monsters. If I am not mistaken, unless a skill says "Does not stack," the Ally Support bonus should stack onto the already enhanced skill, but have never been certain.

Ally Support should stack with other stuff.

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5 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Thanks! Where I didn't know if they were stackable was something like Dimitri's Atk/Def or Joint Hone Attack making them both just absolute monsters. If I am not mistaken, unless a skill says "Does not stack," the Ally Support bonus should stack onto the already enhanced skill, but have never been certain.

You are correct. 

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9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Masked Marth, if you want to boost her Atk or Spd. She has a Super Boon in Def, but I believe she will enjoy more the offensive stats.

Gangrel needs the Res boon to reach 170 BST and score higher.

Units that require an especific stat to be better: Bride Fjorm and Aversa requires high HP, so being +HP help them, while units like Mila and Brave Dimitri would enjoy more Def.

Next month we may have Awakening Forma Heroes, so maybe one of them can interest you?

Depends on which ones, merge projects sure I'll maybe bite, but if not then I won't be spending forma souls on them.

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@Othin, I am not sure if it was you or another person who asked about the Divine Code amounts, but there is a recent Notification about FEH Channel mixing up Ephemera 7 with Part 1 earlier this month. I cannot remember exactly if they already gave us 120 Ephemera 7s or not, but I think they have, so it seems like they are not going to be giving out anymore Ephemera 7s.

I Compiled NS!Leo, ASS!Linde, Silas, and Echidna, so that means I used 800 Ephemera 7s. I am currently sitting at 90 Ephemera 7s left, and it seems like a strange amount to have left over. I am pretty sure I got every Ephemera 7 possible, and if that is true, then that means they have given out 890 Eogernera 7s if I did my math right.

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23 minutes ago, XRay said:

@Othin, I am not sure if it was you or another person who asked about the Divine Code amounts, but there is a recent Notification about FEH Channel mixing up Ephemera 7 with Part 1 earlier this month. I cannot remember exactly if they already gave us 120 Ephemera 7s or not, but I think they have, so it seems like they are not going to be giving out anymore Ephemera 7s.

I Compiled NS!Leo, ASS!Linde, Silas, and Echidna, so that means I used 800 Ephemera 7s. I am currently sitting at 90 Ephemera 7s left, and it seems like a strange amount to have left over. I am pretty sure I got every Ephemera 7 possible, and if that is true, then that means they have given out 890 Eogernera 7s if I did my math right.

That is the correct number.

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7 hours ago, XRay said:

@Othin, I am not sure if it was you or another person who asked about the Divine Code amounts, but there is a recent Notification about FEH Channel mixing up Ephemera 7 with Part 1 earlier this month. I cannot remember exactly if they already gave us 120 Ephemera 7s or not, but I think they have, so it seems like they are not going to be giving out anymore Ephemera 7s.

I Compiled NS!Leo, ASS!Linde, Silas, and Echidna, so that means I used 800 Ephemera 7s. I am currently sitting at 90 Ephemera 7s left, and it seems like a strange amount to have left over. I am pretty sure I got every Ephemera 7 possible, and if that is true, then that means they have given out 890 Eogernera 7s if I did my math right.

Yeah, that was me. Seems like they aren't averse to making it irregular numbers, so people are free to miss some.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

With our current Ephemera 8 which units are the best bang for the code buck?

I recommend getting both 5* manuals, since they have pretty good skills. Tana has Guidance, which is a pretty nice support skill that is only present in 5* Heroes that are not in the New Heroes pool anymore and on Legendary Ryoma, and Festival Ryoma has Sky Maiougi, which is effective against armored units and also has Hardy Bearing effect.

From the 4* manuals, it depends on your need. I recommend Cain, for Wing of Mercy 3 fodder. If we get enough for 2 4* manuals, then check your barracks to see what you need from the others skills.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

With our current Ephemera 8 which units are the best bang for the code buck?

As always, I suggest going for the two 5*s. Assuming there's enough for two 4* manuals as well, my plan is to get Cain and Roderick, because there's never enough WoM3 and dual Rally fodder, but it depends on what you're using most. Personally I use dual Rally fodder a lot to keep bonus units high-scoring, if I think it'll be relevant. 

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11 minutes ago, Hurry can said:

Got an 5* Arvis.


Should I even bother investing in him? That health ring he came with seems like it'd be better suited on someone else.


The ring is exclusive to him and can't be given to anyone else.

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7 minutes ago, Hurry can said:

Got an 5* Arvis.


Should I even bother investing in him? That health ring he came with seems like it'd be better suited on someone else.


His Recover Ring skill is locked to him, no other unit can use it.

I don't think he's considered particularly powerful right now, but he should get a lot stronger in a few months since he's due for a refine. No reason not to train him up and try him out, but I imagine he'll spend most of his time on the bench until that refine releases. I certainly haven't used my own Arvis much in a long time, since he's a pretty outdated unit right now.

I do want to point out that it's not like you just summoned him randomly. If he's at 5*, it's because you spent 20k feathers to promote him to 5*, presumably because you wanted to use him. Which you can do regardless of whether or not he's any good.

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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

The ring is exclusive to him and can't be given to anyone else.

Right. Thanks.

I was just wondering how he stands among other tome units, like the event lysithea.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:


I don't think he's considered particularly powerful right now, but he should get a lot stronger in a few months since he's due for a refine. No reason not to train him up and try him out, but I imagine he'll spend most of his time on the bench until that refine releases. I certainly haven't used my own Arvis much in a long time, since he's a pretty outdated unit right now.

Right. I'd I'm just going for a thematic element w/ FE4 units. HAD more feathers than i knew what to deal with.

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3 minutes ago, Hurry can said:

Right. Thanks.

I was just wondering how he stands among other tome units, like the event lysithea.

Both versions of Lysithea are far stronger than Arvis, at least right now. Arvis was released almost three years ago, both stats and skills have had a ton of power creep since then.

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Just now, Hurry can said:

Right. I'd I'm just going for a thematic element w/ FE4 units. HAD more feathers than i knew what to deal with.

Makes sense. It's even relevant, since we've been getting challenges that call for units from specific games. So I'd recommend finishing training him up to 40, and then if nothing else, he can be useful to have on hand for those challenges.

Personally, I recently caught back up with my project to have a 5* level 40 copy of every unique hero I've obtained. It certainly takes a lot of time, and many of them don't do much, but I think it makes perfect sense to value even weak units. Especially since weak units can become stronger later on.

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10 minutes ago, Hurry can said:

Right. Thanks.

I was just wondering how he stands among other tome units, like the event lysithea.

He's completely different, not much of a nuke at all. If you want to use him, his role is to debuff enemies with quad-ploys, what is commonly called the Ploy Boy build that he shares with Saias. His weapon already debuffs the enemy Atk and Res, and his C-skill their Def. Just add the Spd Ploy seal and he'll debuff all four stats.

The limitation, of course, is that the target's Res needs to be lower than his, and given that he's an older unit, his Res is not quite as high as you might like it. It can of course be increased by merges, and soon by changing his boon to +Res, but that's a lot of investment and so he really ought to be a personal favourite of yours to warrant such investment.

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6 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

and so he really ought to be a personal favourite of yours to warrant such investment.

Probably not going to invest too much in him. Although, he was always one of my favorite s as far as FE villains go.

You guys did get my hopes up that he might get a buff though..

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14 minutes ago, Hurry can said:

Probably not going to invest too much in him. Although, he was always one of my favorite s as far as FE villains go.

You guys did get my hopes up that he might get a buff though..

To elaborate, they've generally been giving refines to one GHB/TT unit per month. Of the GHB/TT units that seem eligible for refines right now, Arvis is the second oldest, after Valter. They might skip September, since apparently they're doing CYL2 refines that month, but I think the most likely scenario is Valter in October followed by Arvis in November. There are all sorts of possible changes they could make to the order, though, so it's certainly not a guarantee.

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1 hour ago, Hurry can said:

Should I even bother investing in him? That health ring he came with seems like it'd be better suited on someone else.

Practically all mages are usable for player phase since they have access to Blade tomes and it is super cheap to build too. For a budget player phase build, you can give any mage the following:
(Any Blade tome)
Moonbow — Glimmer
Fury — Life and Death
Desperation — (Any Breakers)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd) — Brash Assault (with Desperation; for slow units)

Genealogy has a lack budget mage nukes, with the only one being Tailtiu, and there are no red mages with an offensive Weapon outside of DB!Julia (she can also do dual phase and enemy phase) who is 5* exclusive.

If you are a paying player though, a lot more possibilities open up. In addition to DB!Julia, there is COL!Julia, Ishtar, Lewyn, and maybe Ced, and they are all pretty strong player phase nukes, or at least pretty decent.

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