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"Ask Fire Emblem Heroes Questions and Get Them Answered Here" Thread


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27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't really see power creep as too significant of an issue right now.

Power creep in weapons has been slow for the last two years, and refines have been keeping pace with brand new weapons.

Recent inheritable passive skills have pretty much all been side-grades. Only Save and Trace really stand out, and those are pretty old at this point and have gotten no real changes recently other than the combinations of stats they give and their availability.

Some of the most popular to use units are ones who has the most effects in their weapons and Prf skills, which can easily be seen in the likes of Brave units, Legendary/Mythic units, and apparently alts of units who had Prf skills on their Legendary/Brave alts, plus stacking even more bonuses onto those same units. Not to mention almost every other new unit comes with some form of Damage reduction that weapon refines available to common units don't get.

It's not like it makes the base game that hard, but PvPcpu is pretty much a game of trying to break through effect after effect.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Some of the most popular to use units are ones who has the most effects in their weapons and Prf skills, which can easily be seen in the likes of Brave units, Legendary/Mythic units, and apparently alts of units who had Prf skills on their Legendary/Brave alts, plus stacking even more bonuses onto those same units. Not to mention almost every other new unit comes with some form of Damage reduction that weapon refines available to common units don't get.

It's not like it makes the base game that hard, but PvPcpu is pretty much a game of trying to break through effect after effect.

We have a bunch of units and builds that are capable of just ignoring most effects.

Units with Sweep effects can pretty much just ignore every common effect the opponent has that isn't Null C-Disrupt. Units with the ability to spam AoE Specials typically only need to worry about damage reduction that applies to AoE Specials, which is less common than damage reduction in general. Units with effective damage can typically one-hit kill offensive units even through damage reduction. Litrblade becomes more viable with more competition in the B slot for Lull, and we're getting more units that use an ally's Bonuses or the opponent's Penalties instead to boost damage.

All the effects in the world don't really do much against just dealing a shitload of damage or getting free attacks. No, this won't solve all of your problems, but it covers a lot of the common annoying units.

And if you aren't playing competitively, then you really don't need to worry all that much about the PvP modes. The only difference between the Arena rewards for tier 18 and tier 20 is the number of Divine Codes you receive. Even if you play competitively, the game gives you a decent number of free losses in each competitive game mode, with Arena Assault requiring a 78% win rate and infinite retries, Arena requiring a 71% win rate, and Aether Raids only requiring a 62% win rate..

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Yeah, getting back into it depends on your personal goals. Power creep helps the new player provided they're happy to dedicate their orbs to the acquisition the new powercreeped units instead of playing favourites. Not just because the units themselves are a level above, but because it bypasses the grind for all the secondary resources you otherwise need to make units competitive.

Looking at some calculations other people have done, you'll have access to about 3000 orbs available from permanent content available to you when you start fresh. You'll be severely hampered by a lack of stamina potions of course, but this is content that won't disappear so you focus on the temporary events first. If you efficiently use those orbs to get guaranteed top-tier units - sparking* them for ~150 orbs apiece - that's about 20 of the best units in the game, guaranteed. Conservatively I would estimate you'd get a further 20 excellent units on the way to those sparks, and 20 decent ones. That'll probably leave you with an average power level higher than my idle barracks. 😛

* Sparking is where you get to freely pick of a focus unit you get after pulling 40 units on a banner. Not all banners feature a spark, but it's not hard to find a couple of banners a month where you'd want to do it as a new player with lots of orbs. These free picks come in addition to the units you get from the actual summons.

Edited by Humanoid
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48 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

Would it be worth investing in Linhardt for Arena? I have enough copies to x10 him if I get the feathers, but don’t know his starting BST and if it would be worth it at all.

Investing in Linhardt would be good in the short run because merges are generally more important for your score than any other factor (other than blessings), but isn't good in the long run because staff units have a lower score ceiling (the Assist skill with the highest SP cost for staves costs 300 SP compared to 400 SP for other classes, and the Special skill with the highest SP cost for staves costs 300 SP compared to 500 SP for other classes) and also have lower availability of skills worth the maximum SP (Rally+ and Aether are much easier to get than the highest-scoring skills for staves in those slots).

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Units with Sweep effects can pretty much just ignore every common effect the opponent has that isn't Null C-Disrupt.

I can't help but think this luxury is timed. Null C-Disrupt is still very limited in availability yes, and it is an effect that does not have a [Bonus] form, but I feel like the moment one unit gains the ability to pass it on via a skill that that'll be it, Firesweep is effectively dead now that all the high-tier players will be running said unit, Medeus, and whatever combination of Save tanks they want.
Ascended Fjorm is one of the only units who has even a partial version of the effect, and she continues to be an annoyance to me when she appears.

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16 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I can't help but think this luxury is timed. Null C-Disrupt is still very limited in availability yes, and it is an effect that does not have a [Bonus] form, but I feel like the moment one unit gains the ability to pass it on via a skill that that'll be it, Firesweep is effectively dead now that all the high-tier players will be running said unit, Medeus, and whatever combination of Save tanks they want.
Ascended Fjorm is one of the only units who has even a partial version of the effect, and she continues to be an annoyance to me when she appears.

We can cross that bridge when we reach it. Worry over what might happen in the future shouldn't stop you from dealing with what's in front of you now.

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Okay, I downloaded FEH. I summoned the free Legendaries. Legendary Eirika and Legendary Sighed are amazing. But after the prologue, it became way too much for my brain. There were far too many things going on, so many things on the screen.

Oh well, it was well worth a shot.

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52 minutes ago, Yuyu said:

Okay, I downloaded FEH. I summoned the free Legendaries. Legendary Eirika and Legendary Sighed are amazing. But after the prologue, it became way too much for my brain. There were far too many things going on, so many things on the screen.

Oh well, it was well worth a shot.

When you're just starting the game, you can get through quite a bit of content ignoring everything except for (1) what color the unit is, (2) how far the unit can move, and (3) what range the unit attacks from.

As far as game modes, focus on the main story maps (they give you orbs).

You can also go to the Special Maps section and run the Special Training maps. They're the most stamina-efficient way to level up units. Today's map is for melee units.

I assume by "free Legendaries", you're referring to the Choose Your Legends banners. Those are typically referred to as "Brave" units due to the name of the first banner of that type. Legendary Heroes are something different.


Also try checking out the Heroes' Path quests, which are visible near the top of the home screen. They're meant to be a tutorial into the other features in the game.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I got a -Atk/+Spd Lif from the Three Hopes banner (because of course those are the IVs I got) before hitting either Spark. Is it worth trying to get another copy, or even going up to the first Spark just to get as many copies of him as possible, given how his sword works?

Thanks in advance, all!

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7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I got a -Atk/+Spd Lif from the Three Hopes banner (because of course those are the IVs I got) before hitting either Spark. Is it worth trying to get another copy, or even going up to the first Spark just to get as many copies of him as possible, given how his sword works?

Thanks in advance, all!

I would say the most important consideration is to have a plan, and not to just do it because it's theoretically valuable. Factors to consider:

1) Do you have multiple sword units you want to build up either right now or in the near future?
2) Do you have a plan and the required fodder to set up the multiple premium inheritance chain? i.e. up to two other valuable things to pass onto units besides his weapon and his Menace skill, since the whole idea of the scheme is to multiply them.
3) Assuming a monthly schedule for the release of new Rearmed heroes, can you envisage another weapon type which may prove more attractive to you and your orbs? A release of a bow or dagger Rearmed hero may be particularly attractive given their weapon can be inherited without regard to colour.

I guess the general point is that fodder tends to decrease in value as time passes and power creep bites, and orbs increase in value for the exact same reason. So don't spend orbs to hoard fodder for its own sake.

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

1) Do you have multiple sword units you want to build up either right now or in the near future?
2) Do you have a plan and the required fodder to set up the multiple premium inheritance chain? i.e. up to two other valuable things to pass onto units besides his weapon and his Menace skill, since the whole idea of the scheme is to multiply them.
3) Assuming a monthly schedule for the release of new Rearmed heroes, can you envisage another weapon type which may prove more attractive to you and your orbs? A release of a bow or dagger Rearmed hero may be particularly attractive given their weapon can be inherited without regard to colour.

Those are some good questions, hmm... thank you very much!

To be honest, it's annoying that Arcane Weapons score like inheritable ones so I can't give it to my OG!Eirika. I figured I could keep a Lif or two on hand just in case I decide to build someone for AR (a Save Tank most likely), but that would require a whole lot of fodder in and of itself too. And this year's given us some great sword units for merge projects, but the biggest ones have Prfs anyway so that option's not that valid either.

As you can see, you've given me a lot to think about. I'll see if I have anyone that would be worth using his weapon on, and if there are two or more I'll visit this topic (and maybe ask for feedback before committing either way) again. Thank you again!

(If anyone wants to offer some easy suggestions, I'd love to hear them!)

Edited by DefyingFates
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33 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

I got a -Atk/+Spd Lif from the Three Hopes banner (because of course those are the IVs I got) before hitting either Spark. Is it worth trying to get another copy, or even going up to the first Spark just to get as many copies of him as possible, given how his sword works?

Thanks in advance, all!

If you are close to the spark, it's pretty much always worth it to go for it since it's a guaranteed 5-star of your choice.

If you are far from the spark, it depends on how much you value Shez. If both Lif and Shez are of value to you, then I think it's probably worth going for the spark since you have almost a double focus rate while sniping red on this banner.

If you don't care about Shez, then it depends on how much you think you're going to be utilizing Lif's weapon inheritance and his ability to duplicate skills. It's worth noting that Lif's ability to duplicate skills is somewhat hampered by him being cavalry, as cavalry really only have Trace as a worthwhile B skill to duplicate, and it might be worth waiting for a Rearmed Hero of a different class if you are prioritizing duplication and don't really make use of the skills he has access to (since fliers have access to pretty much everything cavalry do).

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5 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

(If anyone wants to offer some easy suggestions, I'd love to hear them!)

Generally, the units you would give Rearmed Weapons to are:
1. Units with unusable or shit Refines (e.g.: Hinata, Lloyd)
2. Units unlikely to get Refines or exclusive Weapons (e.g.: Dancers/Singers, Special Heroes and associated Grail units without exclusive Weapons)
3. Units with Refines that are not necessarily bad, but are completely or mostly outclassed (e.g.: Joshua, Seliph)
4. Units with Refines that are so different from the Arcane Weapon, that the unit can fulfill a different role (e.g.: Corrin: Fateful Prince is normally a support unit, but he can be a combat unit with Arcane Éljúðnir; Mia is normally a player phase unit, but she can be a dual phase or enemy phase unit with Arcane Éljúðnir)

Units in the first two categories should have dibs on Arcane Weapons, since they need it the most. I would not recommend giving units in the third category Rearmed Weapons, since their Refines are decent enough already, but if you use those units a lot, then it may be worth it to give them Rearmed Weapons to eke out some extra performance and make your life easier. I would not recommend units in the fourth category either since those units already have a well defined niche, but if you really hate using them in their default niche, then you may want to consider changing their Weapon and use them in a play style more to your liking.

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7 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

(If anyone wants to offer some easy suggestions, I'd love to hear them!)

43 minutes ago, XRay said:

Generally, the units you would give Rearmed Weapons to are:

Also make sure it's a unit you actually intend to use.

As far as good options,

  • Summer Lyon: Arcane Eljudnir is literally just an upgraded version of Coral Saber, and his stats are competitive with other similar units despite being a 4-star unit. Unlikely to ever get an exclusive weapon.
  • Skasaher: Basically Summer Lyon, but in the standard summoning pool. His stats are also competitive with other similar units, but he sacrifices his Res stat for more Spd and Def. Recently released, so it will be a long time before he gets an exclusive weapon.
  • Spring Bartre: Basically Skasaher, but with a bit more HP and a bit less Def. Unlikely to ever get an exclusive weapon, but as a unit released a long time ago, he needs a lot of Dragonflowers to boost his stats. Otherwise, after Dragonflowers, his stats are still competitive.
  • Galzus: Has the same Atk stat with an Asset as the above three units, but is also fast. Arcane Eljudnir trades his ability to deal with fast units running Null Follow-Up for the ability to function as a wall breaker against pretty much everything that doesn't have both Null Follow-Up and follow-up prevention. It'll be a long time before he gets an exclusive weapon.
  • New Year Hrid: Benefits from being able to inherit Trace skills from Lif. Unlikely to ever get an exclusive weapon. Also needs a lot of Dragonflowers.
  • Winter Manuela, Valentine Ike, and Winter Zephiel: Arcane Eljudnir is a good weapon on enemy phase and can help with Near Save builds as long as you stay away from Brave Eirika.

As much as it's meant to be a joke, I think Mirabilis could also be a decent option. Her combat stats are okay, and she can also inherit Trace skills.

There unfortunately aren't many options for sword cavalry, as Bertram and Kent are the strongest options that don't have an exclusive weapon or have an outdated refine. However, it can be worth giving Arcane Eljudnir to Legendary Seliph, as his remix is still more than a year away, and his base weapon is worse than Arcane Eljudnir.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Who's this?

3 hours ago, XRay said:

Generally, the units you would give Rearmed Weapons to are:
1. Units with unusable or shit Refines (e.g.: Hinata, Lloyd)
2. Units unlikely to get Refines or exclusive Weapons (e.g.: Dancers/Singers, Special Heroes and associated Grail units without exclusive Weapons)
3. Units with Refines that are not necessarily bad, but are completely or mostly outclassed (e.g.: Joshua, Seliph)
4. Units with Refines that are so different from the Arcane Weapon, that the unit can fulfill a different role (e.g.: Corrin: Fateful Prince is normally a support unit, but he can be a combat unit with Arcane Éljúðnir; Mia is normally a player phase unit, but she can be a dual phase or enemy phase unit with Arcane Éljúðnir)

Thank you very much for the advice, both of you! I got Lif after just 15 pulls so it's not like the spark is right around the corner unfortunately. But there's still two weeks to go, so I'll think on it some more. And who knows, maybe the next GHB or TT unit will be a sword unit I really like? Something like that would definitely tip me over the edge.

So thank you both! And if you or anyone else has any further suggestions, please let me know!

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so......can Julia: Scion of the Twelve inherit Light and Dark II? i don't have her, but if she can that would be an amazing support skill for her, and she needs it badly. I would pull for her if that's possible.

Speaking of pulls, i have the free pick summon on Julia's remix banner, and i'm debating between Mareeta, Julia, or Ishtar. I can't think of what fodder i could use from Mareeta as i don't normally use melee infantry units so Regnal Astra is fairly unattractive; the rest of her fodder i find even less impressive, but i keep wandering if that Regnal Astra may not in fact come in handy down the road. Ishtar does have great fodder with L&D 4, but L&D4 i feel has become some what outdated; in units where i could think to build up their Atk/Spd i find myself wanting other skills like Surge Sparrow or Atk/Spd Ideal 4 more, and Times Pulse in the C slot conflicts with other stuff i want to run too. I'm not sure if a merge is that good. Finally, Julia does offer Atk/Res Menace, which although niche, i find a very good spot for: S!Micaiah, who really should have had it from the very start if not for IS favoritism but oh well. BUT, if Light and Dark II CAN be inherited to Scion Julia, I would definitely do that.

For reference, the only units i'm trying to build atm are base female Corrin and speed Deirdre. My planned Corrin build would be like this:

Gloom Breath

whatever support


Atk/Spd Ideal

Lull Spd/Res

Atk/Spd Menace


I have no idea what do with her honestly. I feel infantry units with a single tile of attack range are bad and underwhelming compared to the barrage of powerful horse lords we have been getting since last year, i feel like their only possible spot may be as enemy-phase speed/res tanks. I felt that with her decent speed and the effects of her weapon, Corrin may want to be a player-phase nuke. thoughts? this all for fun btw, i don't pretend even for a second that she'll stand a chance in any competitive mode.






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9 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

so......can Julia: Scion of the Twelve inherit Light and Dark II? i don't have her, but if she can that would be an amazing support skill for her, and she needs it badly. I would pull for her if that's possible.

A unit with the first version of a given Prf skill cannot inherit the second version. They must have come with it originally in order to be able to learn it, so FluffyHat Julia and Fallen Julia cannot learn Light and Dark 2.

9 hours ago, Sil/phire said:

Speaking of pulls, i have the free pick summon on Julia's remix banner, and i'm debating between Mareeta, Julia, or Ishtar. I can't think of what fodder i could use from Mareeta as i don't normally use melee infantry units so Regnal Astra is fairly unattractive; the rest of her fodder i find even less impressive, but i keep wandering if that Regnal Astra may not in fact come in handy down the road. Ishtar does have great fodder with L&D 4, but L&D4 i feel has become some what outdated; in units where i could think to build up their Atk/Spd i find myself wanting other skills like Surge Sparrow or Atk/Spd Ideal 4 more, and Times Pulse in the C slot conflicts with other stuff i want to run too. I'm not sure if a merge is that good. Finally, Julia does offer Atk/Res Menace, which although niche, i find a very good spot for: S!Micaiah, who really should have had it from the very start if not for IS favoritism but oh well. BUT, if Light and Dark II CAN be inherited to Scion Julia, I would definitely do that.

For most units Vital Astra (which you've been calling Regnal Astra) simply offers a 2-cooldown special that provides consistent damage in the form of a percentage of the units Spd. If you don't have any plans to build a unit who would be able to use at least that much, it'd be safe to skip on Asc.Mareeta.
Honestly yeah Asc.Ishtar's fodder is kind of generic. If you use her often enough then maybe merging her would be a good option?
Even without the ability for other Julia's to receive Li/Da2 Julia still does offer the good ARmenace skill, so if you really want Summer Micaiah to have the skill there's no better time to grab the fodder for it.

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On 9/21/2022 at 10:44 AM, Ice Dragon said:

As far as game modes, focus on the main story maps (they give you orbs).

Alrighty. Anything else that gives orbs so that I don't worry too much about everything?

On 9/21/2022 at 10:44 AM, Ice Dragon said:

I assume by "free Legendaries", you're referring to the Choose Your Legends banners. Those are typically referred to as "Brave" units due to the name of the first banner of that type. Legendary Heroes are something different.

Right, I meant Brave Eirika and Brave Sigurd. My b. ^^"


Also try checking out the Heroes' Path quests, which are visible near the top of the home screen. They're meant to be a tutorial into the other features in the game.

I noticed those. I got a free Reinhardt, and I'm happy about that.


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16 hours ago, Yuyu said:

Alrighty. Anything else that gives orbs so that I don't worry too much about everything?

Pretty much every game mode gives orbs, but story maps are the easiest to clear at the start of the game before you have your units leveled up all the way.

Hall of Forms is currently running in the events list and has you use "rental" units, so you don't need to worry about your own units being leveled, though it can be a bit daunting if you aren't familiar with the game's huge catalog of skills.

Once you're comfortable with the game, try poking at the special maps and other events. You probably don't need to bother with the Summoner Duels event yet, though.

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Has green Olwen's refine held up at all? Just got her on my final summon on the Lif banner, and always did want to try and get a copy of her.

Also Annand? Guessing she's just fodder. Free summoned her on the new banner and have no clue what to do with her

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3 hours ago, Faellin said:

Has green Olwen's refine held up at all? Just got her on my final summon on the Lif banner, and always did want to try and get a copy of her.

Also Annand? Guessing she's just fodder. Free summoned her on the new banner and have no clue what to do with her

Technically speaking Thunderhead Olwen's refine does exactly the job it needs to do, being Spd/Res Rein 5 on a unit who has a Bladetome. The main problem is that more units have ways of either ignoring her stat bonuses (ergo losing a lot of Atk) or inflicting Panic to make said bonuses detrimental to Olwen. The existence of Lulls means for most units Olwen is only getting a +12 Atk boost instead of +24, and in the case of defensive units running Lull Atk/Def or Atk/Res she's losing even more Atk because that bonus is being ignored.
It still works if you can get it to work, just keep in mind that Bladetome may not be the most overwhelming strat as it once was.

Annand is... barely fodder, let's be honest. If you have a unit who already wants Sturdy Impact, or if you have a unit who wants Guard Bearing, then yes she is a fodder unit. Unbound Blade is technically a good weapon for defensive Sword units (if you don't have access to a spare copy of Rearmed Lif anyway.) But that's all circumstantial.

Edited by Xenomata
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Need some suggestion because it's been a while since the last time I can't decide which unit to spark.

A!Lif Banner: Another Lif for more fodder, neutral M!Shez  to replace my -spd + res copy, or 1st A!Hilda for floret. Monica is not being considered cuz I have a +spd copy, and her fodders are rare but not too useful for me so I'm gonna hoard no matter how many copy of her I got anyway.

I am out of orbs as usual and while it is gonna be up for 8 more days, I don't feel like pushing my luck since I already got 3 out of 4 banner units within 40 pulls

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5 hours ago, Faellin said:

Has green Olwen's refine held up at all? Just got her on my final summon on the Lif banner, and always did want to try and get a copy of her.

Green Olwen isn't anything special, but Thunderhead is still Litrblade with an additional effective +5 Atk/Spd, so it can't really age too poorly. With the release of more B skills for infantry, Lull skills are probably going to decrease in prevalence, which should make Litrblade a bit more consistent to use.


5 hours ago, Faellin said:

Also Annand? Guessing she's just fodder. Free summoned her on the new banner and have no clue what to do with her

Tanith is straight-up better than her in pretty much everything, so there's no reason to really use her outside of playing favorites. Tanith needs 5 fewer Dragonflowers, has better offensive stats with max Dragonflowers (due to having a superboon in Spd that Annand lacks), more physical bulk, and is available from the 3- to 4-star pool.

Annand's skills are also not particularly great. Unbound Blade is okay at best. Sturdy Impact is situational, but does have its uses and can save you from foddering a copy of Tibarn if you're merging him. Guard Bearing has a niche use on Spring Maria and Haar.


36 minutes ago, MagicCanonBalls said:

Need some suggestion because it's been a while since the last time I can't decide which unit to spark.

A!Lif Banner: Another Lif for more fodder, neutral M!Shez  to replace my -spd + res copy, or 1st A!Hilda for floret. Monica is not being considered cuz I have a +spd copy, and her fodders are rare but not too useful for me so I'm gonna hoard no matter how many copy of her I got anyway.

I am out of orbs as usual and while it is gonna be up for 8 more days, I don't feel like pushing my luck since I already got 3 out of 4 banner units within 40 pulls

Personally, I'd lean towards Lif since he won't be added to the standard pool after the banner is over. If you have an immediate use for Hilda's floret, she's might be worth more to you than Lif, though.

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