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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:


Effie can use both dangerously, though it requires her to have Armor March to receive the full benefits of such.

Charlotte is one of the higher ATK Lancers right now, and I can attest to her being a good Brave Lancer. No word on with Galeforce...

As for Virion... 34 attack on a Brave Bow is decent, but 34 speed is very low for good-speed standards, never really outspeeding anything and never being outsped. Virion would need support to get to a better speed tier, and even then it's at the cost of his also average attack.

I'd stick to +Atk.

Ah yes I remember that developer map with the Brave Lance + GF Effie.

Thanks for the answers. Sadly I have none of those units with good natures, but I'll keep those in mind if I ever get another pitybreaker Cordelia.

@sdgj1994 Depends on your playstyle. If you lie using player phase high Atk units, go Heavy Blade. If you like baiting in enemy phase, QR is the way to gol

That said, QR is the more consistent of the two since you will always double if you have enough HP. Heavy Blade also relies on your enemy's Atk stat.

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58 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

So... I’m at 100 Sacred Coins again, and I’m a little unsure on my next upgrade. Do I go for Heavy Blade or Quick Riposte? Whichever one I don’t pick now I will upgrade next, but SCs aren’t the easiest things to get, which just makes deciding this harder for me. So I thought I’d get some other opinions on this. Fire away!

 Up to your preference, Heavy Blade for more offensive. QR for defensive. 

But I will cheer for QR first, Heavy Blade later.


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3 hours ago, sdgj1994 said:

So... I’m at 100 Sacred Coins again, and I’m a little unsure on my next upgrade. Do I go for Heavy Blade or Quick Riposte? Whichever one I don’t pick now I will upgrade next, but SCs aren’t the easiest things to get, which just makes deciding this harder for me. So I thought I’d get some other opinions on this. Fire away!

QR is the more useful seal, but HB gains more from the level 3 upgrade. The QR seal, like the skill itself, works almost as well at lower ranks whereas HB becomes much easier to proc if upgraded.

I suppose arena points are a factor to consider, but a fairly minor one comparatively.

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Trying for Sanaki and Ike, I got my second Siegbert (-ATK). I won't merge him, but I also don't want to waste him as Death Blow fodder. 

I can't think of an ideal recipient for ATK tactics. Perhaps a flier with the Guidance seal? Airzura for example? 

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Asking again just in case, but since I don't feel the need to use 5* Marisa over 4* Marisa due to already having a number of better sword users, should I use 5* Marisa for merge fodder, Wo Dao+ fodder, or Infantry Pulse fodder?

merge fodder: I intend to use the 4* Marisa over 5*, so the 5* would be merged into 4* once 4* is promoted to 5*.

Wo Dao+: I don't actually know who I'd give Wo Dao+ to. Following are all the Swords I own and the sword they primarily wield at the moment...


Alfonse - Fólkvangr

Marth (neutral, +Spd -HP at 4*) - Falchion (Altea ver)

Alm (+Spd -Def) - Falchion (Valentia ver)

Gray (+Spd -HP) - Zanbato

Roy (+Atk -Def) - Binding Blade

Lyn (+Spd -Res) - Sol Katti (unforged)

Eirika (+Spd -HP) - Sieglinde

Joshua - Audhulma

Ike (+Atk -HP) - Ragnell

Masked Marth - Falchion (Ylisse ver)

Male Corrin (+Atk -HP) - Yato

Ryoma (+Def -HP) - Raijinto

Selena (+HP -Spd, +Spd -HP at 3*) - Armorslayer+ (most likely to inherit if no other would benefit strongly)

Soleil (neutral) - Firesweep Sword+

Arden - Brave Sword+

Black Knight - Alondite

Cain (+Spd -Res) - Firesweep Sword+

Sigurd (+Spd -Def) - Divine Tyrfing

Eldigan (+Spd -Atk) - Mystletainn (unforged)

Brave Roy (neutral) - Blazing Durandal

Eliwood (+Atk -HP) - Blazing Durandal

Seth (+Atk -HP) - Ruby Sword+

Xander - Siegfried

Siegbert (+Spd -Def) - Dark Greatsword

Caeda (+Def -Res) - Armorslayer+

Elincia (+Spd -Res) - Amiti

HNY Camilla (+Spd -HP) - Kadomatsu+

4* Olivia (+Spd -HP) - Ruby Sword

4* Hana (+Spd -HP) - Armorslayer

4* Chrom (+Atk -Res) - Silver Sword (Falchion Ylisse ver)

4* Lazlow (+Atk -HP) - Silver Sword (Silver Sword+)

4* Lloyd - Silver Sword (Royal Sword)

My issue with using her for Wo Dao+ is that Karel and Athena, one being 5* exclusive and the other at 4* and 5*, both already give Wo Dao+ and it'd feel like a waste of an exclusive unit.

Infantry Pulse: I feel like Infantry Pulse is a very niche skill that can be good when used right, but is otherwise a fairly mediocre skill. Plus most of my infantry have terrible HP stats and none of who do have good HP synergize well with other infantry. However, the skill IS otherwise exclusive to Summer Xander and Dorcas...

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32 minutes ago, Koumal8 said:

Do we have any idea when they might re-release old seals? I lost a bunch of them, most notably QR3...

You can create seals like Close Def, ATK smoke, Brash Assault via Sacred Seal Forge. I guess they will make the other seals available there too, perhaps with the next update? 

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46 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Infantry Pulse: I feel like Infantry Pulse is a very niche skill that can be good when used right, but is otherwise a fairly mediocre skill. Plus most of my infantry have terrible HP stats and none of who do have good HP synergize well with other infantry. However, the skill IS otherwise exclusive to Summer Xander and Dorcas...

Some Infantry Pulse user you might consider to use.

1.+hp Chrome with renewal build 

2.+hp Ninian with +5 hp on A slot or other skill up to you(maybe summoner rank S support too)

3.Any dragon with high hp.(more hp after lightning breath upgrade)

4.Seliph at 47 hp neutral or +hp at 50


Edited by Ginko
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2 hours ago, Koumal8 said:

Do we have any idea when they might re-release old seals? I lost a bunch of them, most notably QR3...

They'll add them to the Seal Forge after a few updates.


2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Infantry Pulse: I feel like Infantry Pulse is a very niche skill that can be good when used right, but is otherwise a fairly mediocre skill. Plus most of my infantry have terrible HP stats and none of who do have good HP synergize well with other infantry. However, the skill IS otherwise exclusive to Summer Xander and Dorcas...

It doesn't matter that the unit has high HP, just that it has high enough HP unless you really, really want to future-proof the build.

In an extreme and (maybe) unrealistic case, you can make a team with Nino (33 HP), Katarina (34), Linde (35), and Sakura (36) and run Infantry Pulse on everyone but Nino despite their extremely low HP values.

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14 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I want to confirm something about the Tactic skills. On a team that consists of 2 infantry, 1 flier, and 1 cavalry unit, no one would get the boost from the Tactic skill, right?

opposite, everyone in this team got Tactic buff normally.

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Cheers to everyone for the opinions on the Sacred Seal upgrade, I went ahead and upgraded Quick Riposte in the end. It is currently on my Nowi who is on Arena Defense, whether that will help me get a win or not, we shall see...

Something else I wanted to ask. I have a spare Spring Chrom which I have no idea what to do with. Nature is +Res -Def which  is the opposite of my current one (in other words, its garbage lol). I would prefer to do a fun build with someone using his Carrot Axe+, but I have no idea who to give it to. In most cases I think the other axe users function better with what they have already. Merging my other Spring Chrom to +1 would only be something I would consider as a last resort as I’m normally not too fussed on merges. Or I could just continue to wait and see if any more axe users appear, idk.

The current candidates are: Anna, Raven (+Spd -Res), Summer Tiki (+Def -Res), Sheena (+Res -Def), Hector (+HP -Atk), Titania (+Res -Def), Frederick (+Atk -Def), Michalis and NY!Azura (Neutral). Anyone with a prf weapon is probably not gonna get it but I thought I’d list them anyway.

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46 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I want to confirm something about the Tactic skills. On a team that consists of 2 infantry, 1 flier, and 1 cavalry unit, no one would get the boost from the Tactic skill, right?

Tactic skills work on any unit where there are 2 or fewer of that movement type on the team. Because your team of 2 infantry, 1 flier, and 1 cavalry are all 2 or fewer, all units are able to be targeted by Tactic skills.

The only time Tactic skills don't work is if there are 3 or more of a movement type. For example, if you had a team of 3 infantry and 1 flier, the 1 flier can receive Tactic buffs, but the 3 infantry cannot.

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Q: For Summoner Support, when changing characters, does the rank reset back to C or stay at whatever rank it was at? (I changed from Cherche who was S Rank to Marisa, and I am wondering if I switch back to Cherche if she will remain S Rank or if I will have to build up the ranks again.)

Q: What is high-end Arena (tiers 17-19) like these days? I haven't touched the mode since October of last year and wonder if my tried and true team (Ephraim, Ryoma, Nino, + Bonus) will still be sufficient to run 7 Advanced deathless runs.

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16 minutes ago, Sire said:

I haven't touched the mode since October of last year and wonder if my tried and true team (Ephraim, Ryoma, Nino, + Bonus) will still be sufficient to run 7 Advanced deathless runs.

You can repeat the first match of Arena Assault as many times as you want for free to test out your team against the current meta, and it has the same matchmaking rules as regular Arena for Advanced difficulty.

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8 hours ago, Ginko said:

opposite, everyone in this team got Tactic buff normally.


7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Tactic skills work on any unit where there are 2 or fewer of that movement type on the team. Because your team of 2 infantry, 1 flier, and 1 cavalry are all 2 or fewer, all units are able to be targeted by Tactic skills.

The only time Tactic skills don't work is if there are 3 or more of a movement type. For example, if you had a team of 3 infantry and 1 flier, the 1 flier can receive Tactic buffs, but the 3 infantry cannot.


7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Everyone but the unit with the tactic skill equipped. 

I get it now. Thanks. 

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@Sire You'll have to restart from C, but I think I read somewhere that it'll rebuild faster if you already had an S Rank before switching the Summoner Support to someone else.

Okay, so I have a +RES/-DEF Genny, and I've given her Summoner Support and Wind Blessing so she can reach 46 RES when on a team with Gunnthrá and run Ploys for free debuffing. So I was thinking of running this build on her during Wind seasons:

Absorb+ (Wrathful Refine) | Recover+ | Miracle | RES +3 | Quick Riposte 3 | RES Ploy 3 | ATK Ploy 3 Sacred Seal

Stats w/ Summoner-S & Wind Blessing: 40 HP | 44 ATK | 27 SPD | 20 DEF | 46 RES

With this setup, Genny should be able to tank mages pretty well (I tested on KageroChart, and if I recall the results correctly, she can survive +ATK Death Blow Hone Cavalry'd Reinhardt even if Moonbow activates, and with QR she can either counterkill or deal enough damage that he can be finished off on Player Phase) and regain HP with Absorb+ to act as a longer-lasting anti-magic tank. Her high RES makes Ploys pretty much guaranteed debuffs (I have yet to run into an enemy with 40+ RES in the Arena, though I think I saw a couple in Lunatic 7 Tempest Trial runs), so she gets RES Ploy to deal more damage (and thus regain more HP via Absorb+, plus it's 5 extra damage for Gunnthrá) and ATK Ploy to reduce the damage she (and her allies) take from enemy attacks (also more damage for Gunnthrá if the enemy getting Ployed isn't the same enemy being Chilling Seal'd). Quick Riposte gets around Genny's low SPD to ensure that she'll double when attacked (I think only Watersweep and Wary Fighter can prevent this, since there's no Staffbreaker at the moment, and Genny might maybe be able to keep herself above QR's threshold thanks to Absorb+ healing). Miracle is chosen for the Special since Genny will most likely be run alongside Marisa or Dorcas, who have Infantry Pulse and more HP than Genny and thus can lower Miracle's cooldown to 4 so that it will be charged after one round of combat against any foe that doubles Genny, so maybe I could have her survive a physical attack or a Special hit or something, plus IMO her healing is already good enough without Imbue. Wrathful Refine is chosen so that Genny deals regular damage and thus regains more HP with Absorb+. Recover+ is chosen to recover 32 HP, which is a pretty good amount I think.

Can this build work?

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I actually got another Takumi, and I'd like to finally give Merric a true chance now with Close Counter. What would be a good boon/bane and skillset to go along with CC? I have a +Atk/-HP Merric that I think could be good, but perhaps it'd be better to wait for something else?

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19 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Trying for Sanaki and Ike, I got my second Siegbert (-ATK). I won't merge him, but I also don't want to waste him as Death Blow fodder. 

I can't think of an ideal recipient for ATK tactics. Perhaps a flier with the Guidance seal? Airzura for example? 

Now I changed my mind and Cordelia became first candidate. I could buff my arena team (BH!Roy, Cherche) on seasons without flying bonus units. 

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1 hour ago, Marcodian_Elite said:

So I managed to get a 2nd Shiro in recent summons, hes +hp -atk, I got my 1st rather recently and he;s -def + res, do I sacrifice the new one (because -atk is never good) into the 1st Shiro I got or is it work using him for SI for Steady Stance for someone?

Steady stance is nice, but also DEF tactics is worth to inherit if you run mixed teams from time to time. Personally I don't merge units I don't use in arena, except they don't have anything to offer SI-wise (like masked Marth, Ephraim and so on). 

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1. Got another Siegfried in the legendary summon but with bad IVs. One I had already has bad IVs so which is better among the 2 poisons? both are + def and with spd and atk bane.

2. Also was reading the above about the tactic skill and the explanation made me confused on what I thought was right. Why does the 3 infantry units not get the buff when their movements are 2 spaces? Why does the cavalry get the buff when its movement is more than 2? I thought only units with less than 2 movement spaces get the buff?

3. Is there any other way to edit your reserve teams? I always have to go into 1 arena assault stage then at the 2 stage I edit my teams then surrender. Is there a better way in doing this?

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