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9 hours ago, mcsilas said:


Also just a quick question before I merge my Ninos- I have a +Atk/-Def and a new +Spd/-HP. Is +Spd still the better boon in the current metagame now? I'm a bit shaky with -HP (I'd rather -Def, and I'm making a Fury Nino anyway), so I just want to know which Nino is the better base.

Also would Iceberg still be the best skill for -Res V!Lilina and V!Lyn? Or is there a better alternative?

+Spd Nino is still a better choice. She get more kill count with this boon but -hp hurt her survival rate. +Spd -def would be ideal for dueling magic but +atk-def can one shot kill on Effie with wary fighter if she gain all buff as she need.

For Iceberg on V!Lilina or V!Lyn, it depend on the tome they use. if they use blade tome I would prefer Glimmer to hit harder with lower charge. If they use other tome then Iceberg will be fine on them. But for V!Lilina, -res make her Iceberg is not an option. Personally, my standard def/res for Iceberg and Bonfire should be at least 30 or higher to be good.

Note: Iceberg will do more constant damage on disadvantage triangle match. Glimmer do higher damage on same color or advantage triangle match.

Edited by Ginko
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7 hours ago, XRay said:

Bonfire and Defense Refinement. I would go with Bowbreaker and Quick Riposte together. Without Quick Riposte that allows them to double, Enemy Phase units are pretty weak.

OK thanks! Should I be worried about heavily merged Reinhardts with only 26 res? The QP Moonbow build with no merges seems to take a lot of her hp out.

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1 hour ago, WyvernQueen said:

OK thanks! Should I be worried about heavily merged Reinhardts with only 26 res? The QP Moonbow build with no merges seems to take a lot of her hp out.

Not as much for Arena since the enemies scale to your team. For Arena Assault, if Team 1 can get a significantly higher score, then you will have to prepare for highly merged units that the rest of your teams will have to face.

If you need a unit at low merges (5*+0 or 4*+10) to handle both BH!Lyn and Reinhardt, Gronnraven mage is better for that role and can usually counter two or three of them in a single battle if built and supported properly.

If you want Fae to handle multiples of them in a single battle, you will probably have to bring along a healer to heal up Fae.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Not as much for Arena since the enemies scale to your team. For Arena Assault, if Team 1 can get a significantly higher score, then you will have to prepare for highly merged units that the rest of your teams will have to face.

If you need a unit at low merges (5*+0 or 4*+10) to handle both BH!Lyn and Reinhardt, Gronnraven mage is better for that role and can usually counter two or three of them in a single battle if built and supported properly.

If you want Fae to handle multiples of them in a single battle, you will probably have to bring along a healer to heal up Fae.

I see. I was planning on bringing her into my arena core to help boost my score but so that should be fine. I think I'm mostly in the unmerged/low merge armor emblem range anyways. Thanks for the help!

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Any good builds for a +def/-res M!Corrin? I want to build him up but I’m not willing to give him high-end skills like steady breath, distant counter, wrath, etc.

And is it worth it to use a blessing if I don’t use the character with the respective Legendary Hero? For example, give my wind blessing to Fir even if I don’t use her with Gunthra?

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9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also would Iceberg still be the best skill for -Res V!Lilina and V!Lyn? Or is there a better alternative?

Someone already replied, but -Res Valentine's Lilina has 22 base resistance since she drops down by 4 with a resistance or speed bane. Without any buffs or passives, Iceberg would only give her 11 additional damage. =Res V!Lilina would get 13 additional damage from her 26 resistance which is a bit better.

I don't know what boon she has, but assuming she's =Atk, then with her default tome, she'd get 14 additional damage with Draconic Aura. A +4 attack buff would bump that up to 15 additional damage on top of her having 51 attack (47 total + 4 buff). With Dragon Fang, =Atk V!Lilina with her default tome would get 23 additional damage while +Atk Lilina would get 25. -Res V!Lilina with Glacies would get 17 additional damage and =Res V!Lilina would get 20.

For -Res Valentine's Lyn, she still has high resistance and I believe that Ward Armor is factored into defense and resistance-based specials, so she can still get good damage from Iceberg/Glacies. Anyway, -Res V!Lyn has 31 resistance, so 15 from Iceberg and 24 from Glacies. If she'd =Atk and is using her default tome, she'll have 58 total attack with Iceberg and 67 with Glacies. +Atk would increase each by 3.

=Atk V!Lyn with her default tome would get 12 additional damage with DA and 21 with DF. A +4 attack buff brings this up to 14 with DA for 61 total attack and 23 with DF for 70 total attack. For a -Res V!Lyn, they would do 1 less damage than Iceberg with a +4 attack buff and Glacies with either a +4 attack or resistance buff. -Res V!Lyn with Iceberg with +4 resistance buff does 1 less damage than with DA with a +4 attack buff.

There's other math involved if you want to deal with it, but I feel like for V!Lilina in general, she should only use DA or DF because her resistance isn't that good to begin with. Otherwise, keep her default Blazing Flame if you like using AoE specials or give her Moonbow or Glimmer, Luna, or whatever. For -Res V!Lyn, Iceberg/Glacies works and so do DA/DF. It'll be a case by case basis depending on which does more damage, but I think Iceberg/Glacies should do more damage in general.

Edited by Kaden
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42 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Anyone have any idea what the ideal IVs for the Valentine's units are yet?

V! Hector want +atk -spd

V! Lilina want +atk or +spd/ -def 

V! Roy want +atk -spd (brave bow make it so low as lower it won't change a thing)

V! Lyn want +atk -res(she still need def to tank some physical damage)

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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Anyone have any idea what the ideal IVs for the Valentine's units are yet?

36 minutes ago, Ginko said:

V! Hector want +atk -spd

V! Lilina want +atk or +spd/ -def 

V! Roy want +atk -spd (brave bow make it so low as lower it won't change a thing)

V! Lyn want +atk -res(she still need def to tank some physical damage)

Lilina wants [+Atk, -Def] for a one-hit kill build or [+Spd, -Def] for a Desperation build.

Roy is [+Atk, -Spd] for a Brave Bow set and [+Res, -Spd] or [+Def, -Spd] for a Guard Bow set.

Hector would use [+Atk, -Spd] for any of the usual armor builds. -Def is also decent because Hector does want to take damage to activate Berserk Armads, and +Res can be used for taking magic a bit better.

Lyn can run any of +Atk, +Spd, -HP, -Spd, -Def, and -Res depending on your intended use for her. [+Atk, -Spd] is used for a strictly player-phase or enemy-phase build (with Bold Fighter for player phase and Vengeful Fighter or Quick Riposte for enemy phase). +Spd is used for a mixed-phase build. -Def lets her deal with tomes and staves a bit better, and -Res lets her deal with physical and dragons a bit better. -HP is best for team compositions that stack Ward Armor or other defensive buffs.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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9 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Hmm... +Atk/-HP or +Def/-Res for LA Lyn? (Already had her inherit Blarowl+, and Close Counter).

+def -res would be better but -hp +atk would be amazing if you want to use her with blade tome.

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2 minutes ago, Ginko said:

+def -res would be better but -hp +atk would be amazing if you want to use her with blade tome.

And I'm assuming for Blarowl+ that she'd be using +Def or +Spd refinements?

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15 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Hmm... +Atk/-HP or +Def/-Res for LA Lyn? (Already had her inherit Blarowl+, and Close Counter).

1 minute ago, Ginko said:

+def -res would be better but -hp +atk would be amazing if you want to use her with blade tome.

I'm going to argue the opposite. [+Atk, -HP] keeps both defenses intact, and units with both high Def and high Res prefer to drop HP over a defensive stat. (Taking 6 damage per hit with 37 HP lets you live 6 hits; taking 3 damage per hit with 34 HP lets you live 11 hits.)

If you're using Blarowl, all the more reason to go with -HP because you can boost her defenses even higher with the weapon's effect and a defensive refine.

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42 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

And I'm assuming for Blarowl+ that she'd be using +Def or +Spd refinements?

+def refinement will make her tank dragon better. +spd refinement give her overall bulk.

Depending on what you want to focus, if you don't care much about arena defense you can go for -hp +atk. Because her hp is low she will get killed easily by popular green anyway (or Micaiah). If you choose +def -res, she may survive with her enough hp not to get one shot by green.

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9 minutes ago, Tragonight said:

I have a Fury Ninian that's +Spd -Def, what's the best refinement option for her default Light Breath?

I'm thinking about Def to patch up that 23 Def, but I could also go Spd to reach 42 Speed and prevent doubles.

+Def refine if you use her to tank more often. +Spd refine if she tank ocassionally.

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@Kaden oh okay, noted.

well just for information's sake my Lyn is +Def/-Res while i have two Lilinas, which is +Def/-Res and +Spd/-Res. I'm thinking +Spd is the way to go.

i guess Lilina would love Gronnblade, and i don't think the +Def is worth doing a Raven build.

Lyn would probably go Blarowl but i also have Blarblade as an option. although i quite like their normal tomes as well, I guess +Spd is the way to go? (Or Res if i want to keep Lyn's Restanking abilities)

actually..what units would like the Gift tomes? I can sort of imagine a bulky ranged check Odin build with the Blue Gift, Guard and quick riposte but i have to think more about it

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My alm is res+/spd+(Eh). I use going to start using him as my new red sword unit, but not sure what build to give him. I was gunna do summoner support with him also and thinking what units to put him with. Of course also giving him his new weapon. So as an A slot im thinking about about death blow, i didnt want fury on him but i was also looking into L&D. B skill I was maybe gonna do renew 3 or sword breaker. I wanna do windsweep but spd is kinda low for that. C skill infantry pulse maybe something else when needed. Special possibly is gonna be Moonbow. S skill i was thinking heavy blade or attck 3. Assist will be reposition

Im thinking what main team including him 



Bunny lucina (+spd -res)

Any healer or preforming arts azura , pf inigo, and Olivia 


Also just got regular hector (Spd+ -res) And thinking i would put in but also thinking about Fae


Im also seeing if lancina would work. 

If anyone has any thoughts feel free to say i really wanna hear your guy's thoughts on him.


Alm feh.webp

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@PB&J Life and Death is a good choice considering to run with Windsweep and Phantom Speed Sacred Seal. Now he has brave sword MT of 16 with no counter from physical unit.

Team option will be Alm, a dancer , a healer (in case you heal him immediately and dance him again). Last unit is a filler unit who can cover Alm weeknesses which are blue mage and bulky blue like Lukas. A DC B!Ike will cover this for Alm. Green mage is decent choice too.

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@PB&J: I think you made a typo. I am assuming your Alm is -SPD/+RES. It depends on what you want him for.


-SPD with Windsweep is still very useful since Summoner support+Phantom SPD3 gives him a total of 39 SPD before including any buffs or A skill.

Renewal 2 so that you heal 3/6 turns consecutively (double heal on turn 1, no heal on 2, single heal on turns 3, 4 and 5, no heal on turn 6, then repeat). This mean that he can kill 2 people on turns 2 and 3 then still have his Double Lion ability on turn 4 without the need of a healer. Renewal 3 will heal more BUT with no consecutive turns giving him more "off" turns.

If you are not planning for drawn out battles where you will need him to fight multiple enemies, any breaker will do to guarantee the death of 1 unit.

Drag Back/Hit and Run are great for allowing him to safely retreat after attacking.

Lunge is fabulous for catching people off guard and netting Arena Def wins. (Knockback is useless unless you have a way to survive the initiation and have allies that can warp to the empty square)

Shield Pulse will give him instant Turn 1 Miracle allowing for guaranteed wing of mercy shenanigans.

QR allows him to have more EP presence.

Cancel Affinity helps him deal with TA blues.


2 CD + Heavy Blade seal: your alm doesn't have upper echelon's ATK so he won't make much use of it, especially against inferno or advanced arena maps. Besides, your Double Lion won't always be active after the first use so 2 CD + QP seal is better.

Sadly also because you won't always have the Double Lion effect, odd numbered skills aren't versatile either. Gale Force+Breaker is a good combo. Once you activate Gale Force, you can immediately retreat and use Reciprical Aid on an ally to fully heal and have Double Lion active again for the next action turn.

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A few questions:

1. Is Handbell sorted before or after Sack O' Gifts in the Skill Search menu?

2. Where are Brazen skills sorted in the Skill Search menu? After Bonds?

3. For units who can use two different exclusive Weapons due to Evolution, are the Evolved Weapons always listed before or after the original Weapon? Or is it sorted by alphabetical order? For example:


Alphabetical / Sorted Before

Dark Excalibur


Sorted After

Dark Excalibur

4. I just want to be sure in case I am not reading the notification correctly, but there is no point in getting S rank or completing higher difficulty in Tap Battle, right?



7 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Any good builds for a +def/-res M!Corrin? I want to build him up but I’m not willing to give him high-end skills like steady breath, distant counter, wrath, etc.

Standard builds are fine. Since Yato is a Player Phase Weapon, I would build him with a Player Phase set with something like Moonbow-Fury-Desperation, as well as Speed +3 Sacred Seal. You might want to give him an ally that can buff his Speed as well to make sure he can reliably activate Desperation as his Speed is not super high.

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

actually..what units would like the Gift tomes? I can sort of imagine a bulky ranged check Odin build with the Blue Gift, Guard and quick riposte but i have to think more about it

Triangle Adept tanking mages can run it well to shut down Blade mages.

I would not use it to tank archers though, due to Brave Bow hitting twice with full force without Raven tomes and Triangle Adept decreasing their Attack by 40%.


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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm going to argue the opposite. [+Atk, -HP] keeps both defenses intact, and units with both high Def and high Res prefer to drop HP over a defensive stat. (Taking 6 damage per hit with 37 HP lets you live 6 hits; taking 3 damage per hit with 34 HP lets you live 11 hits.)

If you're using Blarowl, all the more reason to go with -HP because you can boost her defenses even higher with the weapon's effect and a defensive refine.

For refining the Blarowl, which version would you recommend? I'm thinking either Spd or Def refinements.

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Is Chrom worth promoting? I have 2 Chrom & both of them have + Def while one has -Atk & the other -HP.


I really really want to promote Chrom but I'm very hesitant if I get a better Boon & Bane in the future.

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

Is Chrom worth promoting? I have 2 Chrom & both of them have + Def while one has -Atk & the other -HP.


I really really want to promote Chrom but I'm very hesitant if I get a better Boon & Bane in the future.

I would wait for one that is -Spd since he can be summoned at 4*, but -Res and -HP is not too bad if you really need him now. Chrom does not really need Resistance, but he may still want to keep it for against Fae, and -HP is not a big deal with his Defense being so high.


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I have two L'Arachels. My current is +ATK/-SPD and my newly pulled one is +HP/-DEF. The obvious question is does the extra attack offset the speed or is it better to leave atk and spd neutral. While my current was given Hone Cavalry I have enough Gunters that the SI loss isn't painful(I plan to use the one I don't want for Res Tactic Fodder).

Also I am trying to decide if Neutral Fjorm is better than +SPD/-DEF Fjorm. 31 is an awkward speed but going form 30 to 26 defense just sounds painful. I keep putting this decision off, but I really should make it soon since Fjorm has so many handy skills to give out.

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