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Do you think giving Sharena Blue Flame and Wrath (from the Olwain manual) is a good choice? Her weapon already wants her to be close to allies and those skills have nice scores for Arena, where she's a bonus unit every once in a while

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2 hours ago, Rinco said:

Do you think giving Sharena Blue Flame and Wrath (from the Olwain manual) is a good choice? Her weapon already wants her to be close to allies and those skills have nice scores for Arena, where she's a bonus unit every once in a while

I would not prioritize giving Blue Flame to anyone now that Ruptured Sky is a thing. If the main purpose is to give Wrath to Sharena, then it is fine to give her Blue Flame as a bonus. If you just want to give Sharena a 500 SP skill, and Wrath is the cherry on top, then I do not recommend giving the Owain manual to Sharena. I am not sure if that made sense.

Basically, Wrath is the more important skill to fodder, and you should base your decision on whether or not you want the unit to have Wrath.

Edited by XRay
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11 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would not prioritize giving Blue Flame to anyone now that Ruptured Sky is a thing. If the main purpose is to give Wrath to Sharena, then it is fine to give her Blue Flame as a bonus. If you just want to give Sharena a 500 SP skill, and Wrath is the cherry on top, then I do not recommend giving the Owain manual to Sharena. I am not sure if that made sense.

Basically, Wrath is the more important skill to fodder, and you should base your decision on whether or not you want the unit to have Wrath.

Yeah, it made sense. 
Ruptured Sky is a little hard to get. I do have a F!Byleth that I can sac, but I was waiting for a unit that would want Fury 4 and R.Sky to pass both. Would that make sense on Sharena? I can probably wait for next month to see if they'll make any changes on the summoning pool. Maybe there's a demote that will change my plans. But I'd like to build the Askr Trio for Arena, to guarantee I'll always have a useful unit there.

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4 minutes ago, Rinco said:

Yeah, it made sense. 
Ruptured Sky is a little hard to get. I do have a F!Byleth that I can sac, but I was waiting for a unit that would want Fury 4 and R.Sky to pass both. Would that make sense on Sharena? I can probably wait for next month to see if they'll make any changes on the summoning pool. Maybe there's a demote that will change my plans. But I'd like to build the Askr Trio for Arena, to guarantee I'll always have a useful unit there.

Oof. F!Byleth does have a lot of good skills to fodder. Hm...

Depending on how much you like Sharena, you could give her the following skill set, which fully utilizes Owain and most of F!Byleth.

Fensalir [Atk]
Ruptured Sky
Time's Pulse
Brazen Atk/Spd

You first give Sharena Bonfire, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, and Spur Spd 1.
Then you sacrifice Owain to give Blue Flame, Wrath 1, Spur Spd/Def 1, and Spur Spd/Def 2.
Then you sacrifice F!Byleth to give Ruptured Sky, Fury 4, Wrath 2, and Wrath 3.
You will still have to get Time's Pulse from somewhere else though.

The only thing you will be missing out on will be F!Byleth's Even Atk Waves. Alternatively, you can give up Owain's Spur Spd/Def instead and have Owain give Blue Flame and Wrath 3; and then you have F!Byleth give Ruptured Sky, Fury 4, and Even Atk Wave 2. You will still missing out on Even Atk Wave 3 though.

The build basically turns Sharena into a one shot nuke. You let her get hit first to get her into HP range, and she will probably kill the opponent with a Ruptured Sky to their face in retaliation. If the foe does not die and you are lucky enough to not get Wings of Mercy'd, she will most likely be in HP range by now and she will have Ruptured Sky fully charged again once it is back to your turn, and you can smack the foe with another Ruptured Sky. Once in HP range, Sharena will basically always have her Special ready at the start of every turn.

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Is Lilina still worth building? Since we're getting the Death Blow seal in the upcoming TT+, I thought it might be a good time to build her given that I pulled a +Atk copy recently. I'm not looking to invest in her(budget build) but I am willing to give her a couple merges. 

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3 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

Is Lilina still worth building? Since we're getting the Death Blow seal in the upcoming TT+, I thought it might be a good time to build her given that I pulled a +Atk copy recently. I'm not looking to invest in her(budget build) but I am willing to give her a couple merges. 

I think so. She might have less value for blue whales who can +10 the latest units, but for other users who cannot afford to +10 the latest mages, Lilina is perfectly fine in my opinion. She should hit about as hard as Kiria if she is against the target she or her ally debuffed; against non debuffed targets though, she hits less hard.

I recommend Special Spiral to further boost her damage output with a 2 cooldown Special or a Blazing Special

Special Spam:
Special Refinement
Moonbow — Glimmer — Ruptured Sky
Death Blow
Special Spiral
(Any C)
Death Blow — Hardy Bearing

Blazing Spam:
Special Refinement
(Any Blazing Special)
Life and Death
Special Spiral
(Any C)
Heavy Blade

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8 hours ago, XRay said:

I would not prioritize giving Blue Flame to anyone now that Ruptured Sky is a thing. If the main purpose is to give Wrath to Sharena, then it is fine to give her Blue Flame as a bonus. If you just want to give Sharena a 500 SP skill, and Wrath is the cherry on top, then I do not recommend giving the Owain manual to Sharena. I am not sure if that made sense.

Basically, Wrath is the more important skill to fodder, and you should base your decision on whether or not you want the unit to have Wrath.

Why should blue flame be ignored just because ruptured sky exists? 

Wrath can be found on Astram, so I don't see how that is the more valuable fodder than blue flame. 

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I recommend Special Spiral to further boost her damage output with a 2 cooldown Special or a Blazing Special

If Special Spiral and Chill skills are not options, would -Breaker skills be the next best thing? If so, I would assume SwordBreaker would be the next best given the number of sword units in the game, especially when speedy sword units like to run skills like Close Call/Repel. Mostly using her in non-Arena modes so I would assume that red tomes are less common. 

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4 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Why should blue flame be ignored just because ruptured sky exists? 

Blue Flame has a cooldown of 3.

For Special skills that only deal damage, the skill's cooldown is more important than anything else.

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56 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Blue Flame has a cooldown of 3.

For Special skills that only deal damage, the skill's cooldown is more important than anything else.

If that were true, specials like ignis, bonfire, etc. would never be used. 

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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

Why should blue flame be ignored just because ruptured sky exists? 

26 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

If that were true, specials like ignis, bonfire, etc. would never be used. 

You need to time your units' Specials properly, usually meaning that it needs to activate during every round of combat for consistent and maximum damage output.

Enemy Phase units can generally activate a stronger Special compared to Player Phase units, since they can rely on being initiated on, and the slower ones can further press that advantage by relying on being doubled.

For Sharena's case in the above build, assuming Sharena only does one round of combat per turn, Wrath and Time's Pulse guarantees that Sharena will always activate a Special during every round of combat.

1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

Wrath can be found on Astram, so I don't see how that is the more valuable fodder than blue flame. 

This depends on the player. As a paying player, I much rather spend Orbs on skills than Grails on skills. I can always get another copy of Wrath, but I cannot get another copy of Astram once I use him all up. I much rather build 2 or more copies of a Grail unit +10 than to use them as skill fodder.

1 hour ago, Flying Shogi said:

If Special Spiral and Chill skills are not options, would -Breaker skills be the next best thing? If so, I would assume SwordBreaker would be the next best given the number of sword units in the game, especially when speedy sword units like to run skills like Close Call/Repel. Mostly using her in non-Arena modes so I would assume that red tomes are less common. 

Breakers are always good budget options. If you are swimming in Breakers, it is not a terrible idea to give her every Breaker she can learn, so you can just switch her Breaker depending on your needs for a specific map. But yeah, Swordbreaker is a good default Breaker in my opinion.

Dull Ranged is another budget one that might be useful against a ranged enemy heavy map.

Edited by XRay
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4 hours ago, Icelerate said:

If that were true, specials like ignis, bonfire, etc. would never be used. 

No, the point is not to have a shorter cooldown. The point is to have the correct cooldown to match the rest of your build so that your Special is timed to activate exactly when you need it to without wasting charges.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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4 hours ago, Icelerate said:

If that were true, specials like ignis, bonfire, etc. would never be used. 

My Male Grima build would like to have words with you, since he runs Aether and that's a cooldown of 5...


The point is as Ice Dragon and others have, your special needs to match your build.


For example my Male Morgan (+10 +Atk) runs a Player Phase build, so skills like Moonbow, Glimmer and Ruptured Sky are his best choices for their shorter cooldowns.


For Male Grima however who runs a mostly enemy phase build, he mostly wants more powerful specials because he's usually almost always running Vengeful Fighter and likes getting doubled as much as humanly possible while negating the enemy's ability to get their special off.


In otherwords the build your charcter has massively impacts what special that you should give them.


Anyone have any idea when Male Morgan might get a refine and what would make it worthwhile to run his native Grima’s Truth tome over a blade tome?

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46 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Anyone have any idea when Male Morgan might get a refine and what would make it worthwhile to run his native Grima’s Truth tome over a blade tome?

Your guess is as good as anyone else's on timing.

As for making a weapon worth using over Litrblade... that's hard. Weapons that compete with Litrblade without having the Litrblade effect do so usually by having a powerful passive B skill effect (Tome of Thoron, Holsety, Missiletainn), by having a powerful support effect (Prayer Wheel), or by being an enemy-phase-focused weapon (Corvus Tome).

Morgan himself has nothing particularly special in his stat spread (it's basically identical to Tharja's), so I think he could double down on a support role. Getting Constant Dagger's effect would be pretty cool since it would allow a support partner to more easily capitalize on the buffs and debuffs from his base weapon effect. Alternatively, they could double down on the Smoke effect and add Panic Smoke and/or Pulse Smoke or make it safer for him to initiate combat (because his primary competition is Veronica) with the effect of Kagero's Dart's refine as a reference to Dragonskin.

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38 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Anyone have any idea when Male Morgan might get a refine and what would make it worthwhile to run his native Grima’s Truth tome over a blade tome?

For raw damage output, normal Blade effect is probably the best and easiest effect to run. A debuff Blade effect like Blizzard on the other hand is much less ideal, although it would not be too bad if they increased the debuff to all stats -6, but I think a regular Blade effect is still much better.

Slaying and/or Special Spiral effect would be the next best thing. Ideally you want both like Ares's Mystletainn, but having either one is fine. Having either one allows him to be a Blazing mage. Having both allows him to do some crazy stuff like running Watersweep/Windsweep in conjunction with Hardy Bearing.

Wrath is also a decent substitute for Slaying effect, although the Blazing can only trigger a Blazing effect reliably once per turn instead of during every round of combat. If you limit his combat to just once per turn though, then it is not that much different from Slaying effect. Having Wrath and Special Spiral on the Weapon is better than having Slaying and Special Spiral on the Weapon though, since you can run double Special Spiral to run Blazing Specials and Wrath on top would add more damage.

Brave or Meister effect would also be good. Not the best effect for raw damage output, but still pretty decent.

For non raw damage output, Firesweep is really good, and it gives him a niche as a Firesweep mage.

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So, my second copies of Kliff (+Atk, -Res) and Nah (neutral) showed up instead of any of the focus units for Familial Festivities banner.

Getting the easy one out of the way: Nah became a combat manual since my first one is +Atk, -Res and if I were to merge her, +Atk being her base seems like a good deal. So, convince me to give Bonus Doubler to someone. I don't have legendary Marth, so I can't run Bonus Doubler 6 on him as amusing as that would be. Nor do I have Gray who could stack a lot of stats with Laid-Back Blade's effects and Bonus Doubler as his A passive. Otherwise, Astram, Rebecca, Saizo for Bonus/Penalty Doubler shenanigans, or any infantry unit with a Distant Counter or -blade weapon. I remember seeing Osian as a suggestion.

As for Kliff, my first one is +Spd, -HP which works for me. He has 40 base speed, so more doubles or avoids more doubles. Since I don't really want to give him a different tome or invest in him much, +Atk is a weird case for him since his base neutral attack of 30 is average unlike with Henry, Selena, and Subaki who have low base neutral attack and their low attack check is more lenient at foe's Atk >= their Atk+3 to Kliff's foe's Atk >= his Atk+5. Although, for Selena and Subaki, their in-combat stat boosts is weaker in return. Point is Kliff goes from 44 Atk with his tome to 47 with +Atk, thus, the requirement for his foe's Atk goes from 49 Atk to 52 Atk. For +Atk Henry, he hits 40 Atk and his foe has to have at least 43 Atk while for +Atk Selena and Subaki, they hit 43 Atk and their foe needs to have at least 46 Atk. In all three cases, easier to meet than for Kliff.

This also brings up a question that I might have asked somewhere before. Considering resplendent adds +2 to all stats, that wouldn't affect Selena and Subaki that much they would prefer a +Spd, +Def, or +Res over +Atk, right? They would both go from 29/35 to 31/37 which is essentially Kliff's neutral offenses and they already have a more lenient attack check compared to Kliff. In Subaki's case where he has easy Atk/Spd buffs through Goad Fliers along with Def/Res buffs through Ward Fliers for that matter and his Golden Naginata has a Killer effect and deals 7 damage when he's at >= 70% HP, I could see +Def or +Res being useful to mitigate damage while he continues to deal damage.

Edited by Kaden
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So I finally managed to get Edelgard after spending way more money than I should have. But I am still happy as Edelgard is worth quite a lot to me.

Would Edelgard be considered superior to the Flame Emperor? The one I got has a bonus to attack and a flaw in resilience. Is her basic abilities considered good? What could complement it? I guess additional abilities that trigger if she has no allies within two squares?

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12 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Getting the easy one out of the way: Nah became a combat manual since my first one is +Atk, -Res and if I were to merge her, +Atk being her base seems like a good deal. So, convince me to give Bonus Doubler to someone. I don't have legendary Marth, so I can't run Bonus Doubler 6 on him as amusing as that would be. Nor do I have Gray who could stack a lot of stats with Laid-Back Blade's effects and Bonus Doubler as his A passive. Otherwise, Astram, Rebecca, Saizo for Bonus/Penalty Doubler shenanigans, or any infantry unit with a Distant Counter or -blade weapon. I remember seeing Osian as a suggestion.

Bonus Doubler is best on a Spd tank.

I do not really recommend it for Player Phase units since it would make them over reliant on buffs to work, and other premium A skills are better. Bonus Doubler with full Tactics gives 12/12 when buffed, but 0/0 when not buffed. In contrast, Life and Death with full tactics gives 13/13, and you still have 7/7 when not buffed. And since Player Phase units mostly only care about Atk/Spd, they are not using the full potential of Bonus Doubler.

24 minutes ago, Kaden said:

As for Kliff, my first one is +Spd, -HP which works for me. He has 40 base speed, so more doubles or avoids more doubles. Since I don't really want give him a different tome, +Atk is a weird case for him since his base neutral attack of 30 is average unlike with Henry, Selena, and Subaki who have low base neutral attack and their low attack check is more lenient at foe's Atk >= their Atk+3 to Kliff's foe's Atk >= his Atk+5. Although, for Selena and Subaki, their in-combat stat boosts is weaker in return. Point is Kliff goes from 44 Atk with his tome to 47 with +Atk, thus, the requirement for his foe's Atk goes from 49 Atk to 52 Atk. For +Atk Henry, he hits 40 Atk and his foe has to have at least 43 Atk while for +Atk Selena and Subaki, they hit 43 Atk and their foe needs to have at least 46 Atk. In all three cases, easier to meet than for Kliff.

His tome is pretty bad in my opinion though. If he does not have enough Atk, he cannot kill anything, but if he gets too much, he loses the buffs from his Weapon.

If you change your mind in the future and give him a Blárblade, I would go with +Spd since that is generally better for a standard Player Phase build. Since yours is -HP as well, and if you can give him Fury 4, I strongly recommend keeping him unmerged until you can get him to +5 or higher at once, since a few extra points in Atk/Spd is not worth the increase in bulk. In Aether Raids with Fury 4, he can get into Wings of Mercy range extremely quickly by stepping on a Level 1 Bolt Trap and doing one round of combat; that totals to 18 points of damage, which gets him to under 50% HP since he only got 33 HP. If he gets merged to +1, he will have 38 HP which means it will take him longer to enter into Wings of Mercy range.

He can sort of go Counter-Vantage, but his Atk is a bit low, even with +Atk. Blárblade, Brazen Atk/Stat, and full Tactics gives him 50 Atk, so with his base 33 Atk, he is only hitting 83 Atk, which is a bit low in my opinion.

47 minutes ago, Kaden said:

This also brings up a question that I might have asked somewhere before. Considering resplendent adds +2 to all stats, that wouldn't affect Selena and Subaki that much they would prefer a +Spd, +Def, or +Res over +Atk, right? They would both go from 29/35 to 31/37 which is essentially Kliff's neutral offenses and they already have a more lenient attack check compared to Kliff. In Subaki's case where he has easy Atk/Spd buffs through Goad Fliers along with Def/Res buffs through Ward Fliers for that matter and his Golden Naginata has a Killer effect and deals 7 damage when he's at >= 70% HP, I could see +Def or +Res being useful to mitigate damage while he continues to deal damage.

I personally prefer +Atk. Their damage output feels too low without it in my opinion. For Selena, if she is going Player Phase, I think she really needs +Atk.

For Enemy Phase Selena and Subaki, they are a little less dependent on +Atk since they can rely on being initiated to activate a stronger Special, but not running +Atk means that they are still losing out on 8 points of damage. Losing 8 points of damage is not that big of a deal for normal tanks with decent Atk, since their normal attacks are pulling their own weight in damage output and the Special will deal enough damage to finish the job. For Selena and Subaki though, their regular attacks do not feel like they are pulling their own weight, and relying on Specials alone for damage output might not be enough to kill stuff.

56 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

So I finally managed to get Edelgard after spending way more money than I should have. But I am still happy as Edelgard is worth quite a lot to me.

Would Edelgard be considered superior to the Flame Emperor? The one I got has a bonus to attack and a flaw in resilience. Is her basic abilities considered good? What could complement it? I guess additional abilities that trigger if she has no allies within two squares?

As a Player Phase player, I am heavily biased against armor units, so keep this in mind. But yes, I think Edelgard is vastly superior to the Flame Emperor. Edelgard is so much easier to use with regular 2 space mobility, and she has guaranteed follow up attacks on both phases.

[+Atk, -Res] is also a really good nature. Her vanilla kit is pretty decent right out the box, but there are still some room for improvement if you want to spend more on her. I recommend optimizing her for a dual phase build since she is one of the few units who can do dual phase combat somewhat decently, and it is cheaper to keep as much of her vanilla kit the same as possible. Keep in mind that dual phase units have poorer performance compared to Player Phase units and Enemy Phase units, but in exchange for poorer performance, dual phase units can fight during a phase that the enemy is weak in.

Dual Phase:
Victorious Axe
Bonfire (with Heavy Blade) — Moonbow (with Atk/Def) — Ruptured Sky (with Atk/Def)
Atk/Def Solo — Atk/Res Solo
Lull Atk/Def
Rouse Atk/Def — Rouse Atk/Res (not yet released)
Heavy Blade — Atk/Def
Just replace Dull Close with Lull Atk/Def whenever you can afford it, and she will basically be fully optimized for melee physical combat. If she faces a lot of dragons though, then you will want to run Atk/Res Solo to balance out her bulk, as well as giving her Rouse Atk/Res whenever that gets released.

Victorious Axe
Atk/Def Solo — Atk/Res Solo
Lull Atk/Def
Rouse Atk/Def — Rouse Atk/Res (not yet released)
Heavy Blade
Similar to the above build, but you run Galeforce instead, so she is trading combat performance for more mobility.

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49 minutes ago, XRay said:

Bonus Doubler is best on a Spd tank.

That makes me think Osian, but also Annette, dreamy and sweaty F!Corrin, Echidna, Sothis who I don't have, Velouria, and I guess Norne, but for pure ranged tanking, stacking Distant Def might work better for her. Perhaps Gerik and Hilda as well. Astram's Mercurius works well with Bonus Doubler and as noted legendary Marth can stack Bonus Doubler from his Exalted Falchion. Problem is they're both red which might not be the best for tanking.

49 minutes ago, XRay said:

His tome is pretty bad in my opinion though. If he does not have enough Atk, he cannot kill anything, but if he gets too much, he loses the buffs from his Weapon.

As I was typing the post, I had a statement of not wanting to invest in him, but deleting and rewording things... Welp, I didn't notice I never kept it in when I posted. Sagittae is finicky where for him given his average base neutral attack, +Atk doesn't seem that great unless you want him to run a different weapon. With Blarblade, though, Tailtiu comes with it by default and can choose between it or Tome of Thoron, Odin's attack is low, but he makes up by having decent bulk and having a personal -blade tome, and there are other, lower rarity or grail shop blue mages with higher attack than Kliff for Blarblade nuking let alone the wacky blue ranged nukes like Alfonse & Sharena, legendary Chrom, legendary Julia, Ophelia, or the ever enduring Reinhardt.

49 minutes ago, XRay said:

For Enemy Phase Selena and Subaki, they are a little less dependent on +Atk since they can rely on being initiated to activate a stronger Special, but not running +Atk means that they are still losing out on 8 points of damage.

Resplendent would lower that to losing 6 points of damage. That's still a lot. Had +Atk not been superassets for them, then it would be 6 points prior to resplendent and 4 points after. That would be an ever worse situation when they would only hit 28 base attack with +Atk instead of 29.

Edited by Kaden
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36 minutes ago, Kaden said:

As I was typing the post, I had a statement of not wanting to invest in him, but deleting and rewording things... Welp, I didn't notice I never kept it in when I posted. Sagittae is finicky where for him given his average base neutral attack, +Atk doesn't seem that great unless you want him to run a different weapon. With Blarblade, though, Tailtiu comes with it by default and can choose between it or Tome of Thoron, Odin's attack is low, but he makes up by having decent bulk and having a personal -blade tome, and there are other, lower rarity or grail shop blue mages with higher attack than Kliff for Blarblade nuking let alone the wacky blue ranged nukes like Alfonse & Sharena, legendary Chrom, legendary Julia, Ophelia, or the ever enduring Reinhardt.

I would at least give him Blárblade without the +, if you got any spare Odins and Tailtius around. If you give him Odin, you can also pass on Moonbow at the same time. Sagittae just feels too gimmicky to be practical. Selena, Subaki, and Henry got gimmicky Atk comparison Weapons too, but those Weapons got other effects as well, so they are not overly reliant on that one gimmick effect.

40 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Resplendent would lower that to losing 6 points of damage. That's still a lot. Had +Atk not been superassets for them, then it would be 6 points prior to resplendent and 4 points after. That would be an ever worse situation when they would only hit 28 base attack with +Atk instead of 29.

They are still losing 8 points of damage with or without Resplendent stats. Resplendent stats does not get rid of their superboon in Atk. With Resplendent stats, +Spd Selena will have 27 Atk, which is still 4 less than +Atk Selena's 31 Atk.

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Does Tome of Thoron's +10 damage consistently out damage a blade tome? I've heard that +Atk is better at +10 but I'm not convinced her PRF's +10 damage will be worth it over a +Spd blade tome build.

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54 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Does Tome of Thoron's +10 damage consistently out damage that a blade tome? I've heard that +Atk is better at +10 but I'm not convinced her PRF's +10 damage will be worth it over a +Spd blade tome build.

If you can consistently keep Taitiu buffed with at least +6/6 and aren't fighting against units with Lull or Dull effects, Blarblade is better. Otherwise, Tome of Thoron is better as long as you can activate Wrath's effects.

Basically, Blarblade gives you 24 extra damage on every hit when fully buffed (and additional Special damage on every fourth hit) while Tome of Thoron gives you 18-26 damage on every other hit when Wrath is active.

If you're using +Spd Blarblade against +Atk Tome of Thoron, then you want a minimum of 15 points of buffs to match instead of 12.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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56 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Does Tome of Thoron's +10 damage consistently out damage that a blade tome? I've heard that +Atk is better at +10 but I'm not convinced her PRF's +10 damage will be worth it over a +Spd blade tome build.

Blade tome is still better for damage output in terms of a regular Desperation build.

However, Tailtiu can be a semi-Blazing mage with Tome of Thoron. As long as she fights only one round of combat each turn, besides the damage boost, Wrath effect is indistinguishable from Slaying effect. As a Blazing nuke, her performance is better than as a regular Blade mage.

Challengers List: Against Hard List, both sides +10 with 6/6/6/6 buffs. Challengers at 1 HP.


Tailtiu (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Tome Of Thoron  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Upgrade Path: 5  
Tailtiu (5*+10 +spd -hp)  
Weapon: Blarblade+  
Special: Moonbow  
A: Brazen Atk Spd 4  
B: Desperation 3  
S: Brazen Atk Spd 3  
Tailtiu (5*+10 +atk -hp)  
Weapon: Tome Of Thoron  
Special: Blazing Wind  
A: Life and Death 4  
B: Special Spiral 3  
S: Hardy Bearing 3  
Upgrade Path: 1  


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10 minutes ago, Jave said:

So I have two Amelias I intend to merge. Which boon is better, +Spd or +Def?

If you're planning on refining her weapon, it's definitely better to go with Spd. With +Spd, she'll have 42 Spd at +0 merge with her weapon effect active. Additionally, +Spd changes her first merge stats from HP and Def to HP and Spd, giving you 43 Spd at +1 merge.

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