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5 hours ago, Faellin said:

Got pity broken by a random Bernie and can really use that spd/def lull for my next big merge project.

So my question is, is there anything she does that a +speed Claude at +2 merge level can't do that would make it worth keeping her?

As a raw damage nuke under player control, Bernadetta rivals SK!Alm in damage output. She is one of the few units who does not need to switch over to Brave Bow for that role. On defense under AI control though, Bernadetta has farther reach, but SK!Alm is a bit better for combat performance since it is more difficult to work around Luna Arc.

If you are using Claude as a raw damage nuke on the other hand, Cunning Bow is inferior to Brave Bow, so if you want maximize his raw damage output, he will need Brave Bow.

Bernadetta is basically a far better Claude in my opinion, as she is not dependent on buffs to work. I recommend keeping both for Arena Assault and to give yourself more options.

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52 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Summer Lute - +Spd or +Atk?  I went fishing for fodder and wound up with one of each.

I would keep one of each if you do not mind duplicates.

For just general purpose stuff, I would go with +Spd. +Spd works really well for Player Phase for doubling, and if you ever need her to swap kit and do Enemy Phase, it helps her avoid doubles.

For Counter-Vantage, I would go with +Atk. Counter-Vantage units only care about Atk.

If you are just going to keep one, I lean towards +Spd for being more useful and well rounded over all.

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Just now, XRay said:

I would keep one of each if you do not mind duplicates.

For just general purpose stuff, I would go with +Spd. +Spd works really well for Player Phase for doubling, and if you ever need her to swap kit and do Enemy Phase, it helps her avoid doubles.

For Counter-Vantage, I would go with +Atk. Counter-Vantage units only care about Atk.

If you are just going to keep one, I lean towards +Spd for being more useful and well rounded over all.

I have a decent pity rate, so I might take my chances.  Thanks.

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So had a few dupes lately with good natures, just wanting some second opinions on what to do:

1.) Original S!Cordelia is +Spd/-Atk. Now have a +Atk/-Res one from the summer freebie. Is Spd better vs Atk these days? I guess Spd is great for the Repel swordies, but I'm still unsure of what weapon to give her (was using her native, but maybe I'll go Slaying?)

2.) Similarly, original Snowthis is +Spd/-Atk but now summoned a +Atk/-HP one. Loved using the Spd one before but now that I have Atk (and a superboon), which to use as a base for general or arena use? 

Or, because of her nice fodder, do I just use the +Atk one and keep the other one for fodder?

3.) Lastly, any ideal units that want S!Lute's weapon? I got a +Def/-Spd 5 star one in the same circle as a 4 star +HP/-Def one. +HP seems better overall and I don't really have the orbs to look for Atk or Spd, so just wondering if it's worth just merging the two to +HP or foddering her weapon to someone (a lot of blue tomes seem to have prfs).

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Got the only copy of Harmonic Mia I will ever get.  So what builds if any do they want?  Bare in mind they are -HP/+Atk.

That is really good, -HP is great! I personally favor +Spd more, but +Atk is still really nice.

I assume you are going to use her manually yourself, so I would just give her Moonbow, replace her B with Desperation, and run whatever C slot your team needs.

Standard Player Phase:
Summer Strikers
Swift Sparrow
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

If you are using her in Resonant Battles a lot, I also recommend giving her Pass, Wings of Mercy, Escape Route, and Renewal as side options. The former three give her better mobility. Renewal is less useful in my opinion, but it gives her extra healing that she may need to tank a hit or something in case you ever need it. You may also want to consider Guard, but I do not remember seeing a lot of foes with Specials, so I would only give it to her if the need comes up. Breakers are also good to counter other Breakers or Wary Fighter, but there are a lot of different Breakers, so I would only give it to her on a as-needed basis.

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

1.) Original S!Cordelia is +Spd/-Atk. Now have a +Atk/-Res one from the summer freebie. Is Spd better vs Atk these days? I guess Spd is great for the Repel swordies, but I'm still unsure of what weapon to give her (was using her native, but maybe I'll go Slaying?)

I recommend +Spd. Generally speaking, +Spd is better for future proofing and for performance overall. The primary reason for a unit with a Player Phase stat line to go +Atk is if they are using a Brave Weapon, being some type one shot nuke (Blazing nukes, Ignis/Glacies bombs, etc.), or going Counter-Vantage. I do not think she is suitable for Counter-Vantage. If you are going with Slaying for a standard build, then you want +Spd. If you are using her to Galeforce, I think either +Atk or +Spd is fine; since she only has access to Heavy Blade, +Atk helps her win the stat comparison more often, while +Spd helps her double more often.

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

2.) Similarly, original Snowthis is +Spd/-Atk but now summoned a +Atk/-HP one. Loved using the Spd one before but now that I have Atk (and a superboon), which to use as a base for general or arena use? 

Or, because of her nice fodder, do I just use the +Atk one and keep the other one for fodder?

Same as above. +Spd is better. Since she cannot use Galeforce and is not suitable for Counter-Vantage, there is no reason to use +Atk in my opinion.

A super Asset with a merge is only going to get her BST to 189, which is not enough to take her to the next scoring bracket, so I would just stick with +Spd for performance.

You can use her as fodder, as Distant Counter and Special Fighter is really nice, but merging is fine too. It depends on how much you need that fodder.

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

3.) Lastly, any ideal units that want S!Lute's weapon? I got a +Def/-Spd 5 star one in the same circle as a 4 star +HP/-Def one. +HP seems better overall and I don't really have the orbs to look for Atk or Spd, so just wondering if it's worth just merging the two to +HP or foddering her weapon to someone (a lot of blue tomes seem to have prfs).

Her Weapon is not that great, since Blade tomes outshine it. If you are going to fodder her, I would prioritize Spd Tactic.

Personally, I would just merge her, but I would use +Def as the base. +HP makes getting into Desperation range more difficult, and if you use her in Aether Raids, she will be vulnerable to Level 1 Bolt Traps.

Edited by XRay
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Hi all, so I have a +6 Blyn, I was wondering if I merged it into a forma Blyn, would that Forma Blyn be +7, and would I be able to change the skills on that +7 forma blyn to something from my +6 Blyn. I got a few skills I like on the forma, but not all. 

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28 minutes ago, Navv said:

Hi all, so I have a +6 Blyn, I was wondering if I merged it into a forma Blyn, would that Forma Blyn be +7, and would I be able to change the skills on that +7 forma blyn to something from my +6 Blyn. I got a few skills I like on the forma, but not all. 

The only difference between a regular unit and a Forma unit is that Forma units cannot be gotten rid of, similar to the Askr Trio. This means that if you get a better nature for BH!Lyn later, you CANNOT switch to a better nature because you cannot use Forma units as merge fodder.

Like regular units, any skills acquired or learned will transfer over to the Forma unit if you merge into them.

Personally, I recommend keeping your main BH!Lyn and Forma BH!Lyn separate. I would keep Forma BH!Lyn unmerged and unFlowered for following guides, and you can do whatever you want with your main copy.

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Turns out Say’ri is wicked fun to use, she ends up a little too squishy. What’s the best way to fix this? I’ve contemplated my usual slap-Aether-on-it fix, but without a Breath Skill I’m not sure she’ll be reliable with it, so would Sol be better for her? Also C Skill as usual, I’m thinking a RES Wave because her stats seem to want to skew towards a mage tank, but would a DEF Wave be better to shore up her weaker stat?

I also apparently had a L!Ryoma, so I was excited and sacked him for Marisa without thinking only to realize I don’t think she can use Close Call very well. Anyone wanna weigh in on that? I need to figure out if I’m going to take her a different direction or sack a spare Say’ri(I pulled another one so it’s spare) to max the Stance out and load up Close Call.

This incidentally leads me to a question I’ve been thinking about for a bit now: Are Stances generally better than Breaths in the A Slot for EP or Mixed Units, and why?

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42 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Turns out Say’ri is wicked fun to use, she ends up a little too squishy. What’s the best way to fix this? I’ve contemplated my usual slap-Aether-on-it fix, but without a Breath Skill I’m not sure she’ll be reliable with it, so would Sol be better for her? Also C Skill as usual, I’m thinking a RES Wave because her stats seem to want to skew towards a mage tank, but would a DEF Wave be better to shore up her weaker stat?

I do not recommend Aether if the unit cannot activate it consistently, and in this case, she will need an A slot Breath to do that, ideally Darting Breath. Even then, Aether-Breath combo would still mean that Say'ri is still going to be squishy since healing damage is nowhere as good as preventing damage, and she would also lose the Guard effect.

I do not recommend Sol. Sustainability skills on a combat unit is inferior to just run a dedicated healer alongside the tank. Aether-Breath combo is okay for less difficult modes since it still does damage, but Sol does not deal any. Leaving foes alive after combat is just not a good idea in general.

I also do not recommend Wave skills as it is unreliable and makes her vulnerable to Panic. It is also much more efficient to have a support unit to provide buffs.

Enemy Phase Spd Mixed Tank
Reposition — Swap
Steady Posture
Quick Riposte — Lull Atk/Spd — Close Call (if she has Drive Spd support or is significantly faster than most foes)
Atk Smoke — Panic Smoke
Steady Posture — Quick Riposte

Enemy Phase Spd/Res Tank
Reposition — Swap
Swift Stance (tier 3 not released yet)
Quick Riposte — Lull Atk/Spd — Close Call (if she has Drive Spd support or is significantly faster than most foes)
Atk Smoke — Panic Smoke
Swift Stance — Quick Riposte

Is there a particular mode you are using her in? It is a good idea to know what you are trying to accomplish with your unit.

Edited by XRay
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Mostly general purpose, the idea is run her out into everyone's range and let them all crash against her, that's how I usually run my EP Units. Assuming you're talking about Say'ri, if you're talking about Marisa I haven't really done much with her beyond her base kit, which is pretty meh. If this were on my main account I'd just say screw it I have Brave Lucina so she gets Aether, but apparently my alt doesn't have Lancina so that limits me somewhat. As for Close Call, from my admittedly limited experience Say'ri outspeeds just about anyone not named Larcei if they initiate, sadly Larcei seems to neuter her stat bonuses due to her sword so Larcei outspeeds and beats her. I've yet to fight a Shannan though, he might take her too.

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41 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Mostly general purpose, the idea is run her out into everyone's range and let them all crash against her, that's how I usually run my EP Units. Assuming you're talking about Say'ri, if you're talking about Marisa I haven't really done much with her beyond her base kit, which is pretty meh. If this were on my main account I'd just say screw it I have Brave Lucina so she gets Aether, but apparently my alt doesn't have Lancina so that limits me somewhat. As for Close Call, from my admittedly limited experience Say'ri outspeeds just about anyone not named Larcei if they initiate, sadly Larcei seems to neuter her stat bonuses due to her sword so Larcei outspeeds and beats her. I've yet to fight a Shannan though, he might take her too.

Say'ri's overall bulk is not the best, so you need to patch her Def. If you are going to throw her against all types of enemies, then I do not recommend Close Call either as the skill does nothing against foes around the same Spd as her.

Enemy Phase Spd Mixed Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Steady Posture
Lull Atk/Spd
Atk Smoke
Quick Riposte

Steady Posture provides Guard as well as buffs her Spd and Def. Lull Atk/Spd shuts down enemy buffs. Atk Smoke further mitigates damage. Quick Riposte will allow her to double foes around the same Spd as her. I highly recommend bringing a healer to heal her HP rather than run healing skills on the combat unit itself. Aether and Sol simply are not strong enough to keep up with foes' damage output.

— — — — — — —

If you want to use Close Call, you will need to give her enough Spd buffs to take her to at least 60 Spd, which is not exactly easy unless you are using her as a super tank. You will want that Spd to be even higher for Aether Raids depending on which nuke you want her to reliably tank; she preferably wants at least 65 Spd to make sure she can double and kill SK!Alm without using Quick Riposte, or at least 70 if you need her to go against Mareeta.

Enemy Phase Spd Mixed Tank:
Reposition — Swap
Steady Posture
Close Call
Atk Smoke
Steady Posture

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Okay thanks for the input. One more question- I have a +Atk/-HP and +Res/-HP Caineghis and would like to merge. I use him both for AR defense (mostly to time out enemies with Wary Fighter) and also for just general gameplay (back to VF when under my control). Is Atk better than Res in general? Either way more HP would help with the tanking.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Okay thanks for the input. One more question- I have a +Atk/-HP and +Res/-HP Caineghis and would like to merge. I use him both for AR defense (mostly to time out enemies with Wary Fighter) and also for just general gameplay (back to VF when under my control). Is Atk better than Res in general? Either way more HP would help with the tanking.

For Enemy Phase units in general, I recommend +Def/Res for slow tanks and +Spd for Spd tanks.

If you use him as a Galeforcer to tackle cav line, I recommend +Res to balance out his bulk and reduce his chances of accidentally killing things in one shot.

I would only recommend +Atk for dual phasing with Bold Fighter-Quick Riposte, or if you plan to turn him into a strictly Player Phase unit for some reason. For dual phasing, technically +Atk/Def/Res all work, but I lean towards +Atk as I assume players are going to take out the most threatening units first, and once those are gone, +Def/Res becomes less necessary for performance and survival.

Edited by XRay
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I got an extra Loki, and I'd like to use her as C Duel Infantry fodder for some common unit I can merge up, to make them viable for high-point Arena battles. What common colorless infantry units would be most effective in Arena Offense using C Duel Infantry and other high-SP skills? Probably involving Aether and a 300 SP Rally, since I don't have a great supply of high-SP assists or specials.

Virion seems like the most obvious candidate, but I'm not sure how effective he really is. Kronya seems good in general, but not being able to use a relevant A slot or special seems like it would be an issue for her. It'd be nice to have a support unit, but Tethys doesn't have a high-SP dance skill and any healers wouldn't be able to access a high-SP special. Gangrel might work once he gets added to the grail shop, I guess? Wouldn't get much of a BST boost, though - at that point it seems like it could be better to just ignore the Duel skill and go for Close Counter. He'd still score about as well as my current arena team members (BK, Gwendolyn, and Winter Jaffar) that way, anyway.

The ones I currently have plenty of copies of are Gaius and Kagero, but neither of them seem like they'd be that exciting. Sothe and Setsuna are likely to get refines in the next few months, although I've used a lot of copies of them as skill fodder so they could take a while to merge.

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36 minutes ago, Othin said:

I got an extra Loki, and I'd like to use her as C Duel Infantry fodder for some common unit I can merge up, to make them viable for high-point Arena battles. What common colorless infantry units would be most effective in Arena Offense using C Duel Infantry and other high-SP skills? Probably involving Aether and a 300 SP Rally, since I don't have a great supply of high-SP assists or specials.

Virion seems like the most obvious candidate, but I'm not sure how effective he really is. Kronya seems good in general, but not being able to use a relevant A slot or special seems like it would be an issue for her. It'd be nice to have a support unit, but Tethys doesn't have a high-SP dance skill and any healers wouldn't be able to access a high-SP special. Gangrel might work once he gets added to the grail shop, I guess? Wouldn't get much of a BST boost, though - at that point it seems like it could be better to just ignore the Duel skill and go for Close Counter. He'd still score about as well as my current arena team members (BK, Gwendolyn, and Winter Jaffar) that way, anyway.

The ones I currently have plenty of copies of are Gaius and Kagero, but neither of them seem like they'd be that exciting. Sothe and Setsuna are likely to get refines in the next few months, although I've used a lot of copies of them as skill fodder so they could take a while to merge.

Nowadays the best investment of Duel-skills are going to be units relegated almost strictly to support to make your arena life easier - in the case of colorless, Virion and Tethys make the most sense (worth pointing out however that Tethys scores up to six points less than Prf-weapon users with a high-scoring assist).  High-bulk healers are not bad choices either.  That being said, I'm tempted to just say hold on to Loki and invest in the now 3/4 star Norne instead if you really want a colorless arena unit.  She hits the 170 score bin after one merge and without the Duel skill, freeing up the A-slot so she can be a more competent fighter.    

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29 minutes ago, Othin said:

I got an extra Loki, and I'd like to use her as C Duel Infantry fodder for some common unit I can merge up, to make them viable for high-point Arena battles. What common colorless infantry units would be most effective in Arena Offense using C Duel Infantry and other high-SP skills? Probably involving Aether and a 300 SP Rally, since I don't have a great supply of high-SP assists or specials.

Virion seems like the most obvious candidate, but I'm not sure how effective he really is. Kronya seems good in general, but not being able to use a relevant A slot or special seems like it would be an issue for her. It'd be nice to have a support unit, but Tethys doesn't have a high-SP dance skill and any healers wouldn't be able to access a high-SP special. Gangrel might work once he gets added to the grail shop, I guess? Wouldn't get much of a BST boost, though - at that point it seems like it could be better to just ignore the Duel skill and go for Close Counter. He'd still score about as well as my current arena team members (BK, Gwendolyn, and Winter Jaffar) that way, anyway.

The ones I currently have plenty of copies of are Gaius and Kagero, but neither of them seem like they'd be that exciting. Sothe and Setsuna are likely to get refines in the next few months, although I've used a lot of copies of them as skill fodder so they could take a while to merge.

C Duel Infantry wrecks a unit's combat performance, so I recommend giving it to a support unit. Virion fits that profile the best in my opinion, since he can forgo his special Refinement for any stat Refinement for more HP. I lean towards Atk Refinement so he can try to one shot fliers. At max investment, Virion can reach 62 HP.

The units who can reach 180 BST and higher have base HP of 50 or less. The ones with 50 HP are Surtr and Flame Emperor, and neither is going to have more HP than Virion unless they HP stack, which is highly unlikely in my opinion.

Virion can also run Pulse Ties, Chills, or Ruses on his B. His Sacred Seal can be Chills or Feints. I personally prefer double Chills, but you can run Ruse-Feint combo if you do not mind the positioning hassle.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

C Duel Infantry wrecks a unit's combat performance, so I recommend giving it to a support unit. Virion fits that profile the best in my opinion, since he can forgo his special Refinement for any stat Refinement for more HP. I lean towards Atk Refinement so he can try to one shot fliers. At max investment, Virion can reach 62 HP.

The units who can reach 180 BST and higher have base HP of 50 or less. The ones with 50 HP are Surtr and Flame Emperor, and neither is going to have more HP than Virion unless they HP stack, which is highly unlikely in my opinion.

Virion can also run Pulse Ties, Chills, or Ruses on his B. His Sacred Seal can be Chills or Feints. I personally prefer double Chills, but you can run Ruse-Feint combo if you do not mind the positioning hassle.

I'm not interested in spending Divine Dew on a non-special refine, and I don't think he's desperate enough for extra HP for it to even be a good idea over a huge stat boost when he does enter combat. I'm not even sure how relevant the Panic effect really is in Arena, especially with the enemy positioning requirement.

I can certainly do double Chill. My only concern is that I'm not sure how much I want to dedicate a unit to debuffing in Arena. It seems kind of wasteful.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

I'm not interested in spending Divine Dew on a non-special refine, and I don't think he's desperate enough for extra HP for it to even be a good idea over a huge stat boost when he does enter combat. I'm not even sure how relevant the Panic effect really is in Arena, especially with the enemy positioning requirement.

I can certainly do double Chill. My only concern is that I'm not sure how much I want to dedicate a unit to debuffing in Arena. It seems kind of wasteful.

Even with the stat boost, I do not think his combat performance is going to be that great, especially with his A slot being gone too. Even with +Spd Asset, he is only going to reach 55 Atk and 44 Spd if the stat boosts kick in. Factoring in Tactics, that is 61 Atk and 50 Spd, which is not exactly great especially with B and Sacred Seal slots being support skills rather than combat skills. The latest melee units like Say'ri and Shannon are already nearing 50 Spd with merges and Flowers alone, and factoring in the rest of their skill kits will easily take that to mid 50s or higher, which would be more than enough to double Virion and kill him.

Just because a unit has a special Refinement does not mean you have to use it, especially if it is not actually good enough. In a vacuum, Nino's and Cordelia's Refinement looks okay, but once put into practice on the field, they are kind of crap. Dancers/Singers can already provide buffs, so there is no point in having Nino buff herself in my opinion. Cordelia's special Refinement simply does not work with Desperation very well, let alone Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers.

As for the enemy positioning requirements, there are a few maps that separates each team into two pairs, but even then, enemies still tend to clump up after a while.

I have not paid much attention to buffs though, so I am not sure how useful Panic would be.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Even with the stat boost, I do not think his combat performance is going to be that great, especially with his A slot being gone too. Even with +Spd Asset, he is only going to reach 55 Atk and 44 Spd if the stat boosts kick in. Factoring in Tactics, that is 61 Atk and 50 Spd, which is not exactly great especially with B and Sacred Seal slots being support skills rather than combat skills. The latest melee units like Say'ri and Shannon are already nearing 50 Spd with merges and Flowers alone, and factoring in the rest of their skill kits will easily take that to mid 50s or higher, which would be more than enough to double Virion and kill him.

Just because a unit has a special Refinement does not mean you have to use it, especially if it is not actually good enough. In a vacuum, Nino's and Cordelia's Refinement looks okay, but once put into practice on the field, they are kind of crap. Dancers/Singers can already provide buffs, so there is no point in having Nino buff herself in my opinion. Cordelia's special Refinement simply does not work with Desperation very well, let alone Wings of Mercy Dancers/Singers.

As for the enemy positioning requirements, there are a few maps that separates each team into two pairs, but even then, enemies still tend to clump up after a while.

I have not paid much attention to buffs though, so I am not sure how useful Panic would be.

I don't need it to be "that great". Having a fourth unit available to pitch in occasionally with mediocre combat performance is still very helpful, and I don't want to give up on some huge bonuses to that. The fact that there are units he can't fight doesn't change the fact that there are units he can.

If a unit doesn't have a special refinement worth using, I'm not spending dew on them. There's not enough dew for me to spend 200 of it on some tiny stat boost, and it's not likely for 60 HP to not be enough. Or for it to even be significant if he misses on an occasional crazy high-HP target. If I merge Virion, he gets 200 dew for his special refinement and no more.

My armors tend to have little difficulty baiting enemies out from clumps and destroying them. However, I do sometimes have problems with individual enemies I can't crack open even after clearing out all the others, and Sabotage effects are useless there. Although that's also when Chill skills are at their best.

I did some playing around in the Arena to get an idea of what to expect. I did notice a fair amount of buffs, and no enemies with 60+ HP. So Panic does seem relevant enough, and he should be fine with 60 HP. Now to see how long it takes for me to get another three copies of Virion, I guess.

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33 minutes ago, Othin said:

I don't need it to be "that great". Having a fourth unit available to pitch in occasionally with mediocre combat performance is still very helpful, and I don't want to give up on some huge bonuses to that. The fact that there are units he can't fight doesn't change the fact that there are units he can.

If this is for normal arena and not Arena Assault, you only need a three-unit core and a bonus unit. Virion wouldn't outscore any of your current arena core so he's not worth investing in.

I would give C Duel Infantry to Tethys or a staff unit. They score slightly less, but unless you're on the verge of going up/down a tier it doesn't make a difference, and in that case you can just use your current core.

Edited by Baldrick
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18 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

If this is for normal arena and not Arena Assault, you only need a three-unit core and a bonus unit. Virion wouldn't outscore any of your current arena core so he's not worth investing in.

I would give C Duel Infantry to Tethys or a staff unit. They score slightly less, but unless you're on the verge of going up/down a tier it doesn't make a difference, and in that case you can just use your current core.

He wouldn't outscore them, but depending on the bonus unit, it could enable overall better team compositions. It'd be nice to be able to get the same scores without having three armors that have to be glued together, and two of them being melee units. And I want to build some sort of colorless unit just because I haven't done that yet.

When I've gotten into T21, it's always been on pretty narrow point margins. I don't really have points to spare.

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Free pulled Deidre, is she worth SI or merge?

I would merge her.

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