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Heroes needs to be made easier.


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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

What you said IS very rude. Just because I share my mom's data doesn't mean I'm a child. For your information, I'm 25, going on 26 in three months. Watch what you say next time, please. (believe me, this is good advice. I try to follow it often myself)

Sorry again. I had replied to eclipse earlier, that I am apologetic for that.

The learning curve to get into the mechanics of fire emblem can be steep. As I said earlier, I am to oldest of 3, and would often help my siblings out with the game. , and  I  very wrongly projected this image / assumption, which definitely comes across as rude and I am apologetic :( 

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I would probably raise Virion myself if not for the fact that:

1. I pulled Jeorge at 5*

2. Virion is a male and I prefer my ladies.

3. Sharon and Anna gets priority for raising out of the starters :D

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6 hours ago, Thany said:

really, just give me a Thany, even at 3 stars, and ill be Happy with any characters i get. for now tho. getting new characters is fun and exciting to me.

Can you take my Thanys? I keep pulling her, but I only need one. ;-; While I didn't care much for her in Binding Blade, she's my favorite Pegasus Knight thus far.

To Ana: for the Training Tower, I highly recommend getting a healer, it'll make training much easier. Just bait and lure, get into choke points. I know you don't have a healer right now, but you can snag Wrys tomorrow, and you can ditch him for Lissa whenever she comes up, and then ditch Lissa once you get a healer above 3 stars (I'm kind of sad you ditched Clarine, especially if she had the skill Reconcile, since that makes training easier). You don't have to include your healer in your main pack, but definitely have one on hand.

If you stocked up on Azure Badges in the Training tower, I recommend using Robin and upgrading him to 4 stars. I had the same mentality of being like "I don't want to use a character if they can come at a higher pull", but because you're struggling, I think you can throw that rule out. The cost from 3 to 4 stars isn't terrible in hindsight, and you can alwas merge him with a Robin you will eventually get (or may never get, dang randomness). Since you upgraded your castle to the 80% more exp, training Corrin and Robin now before the Training Tower has double stamina costs would be very prudent!!

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As people said earlier (although it wasn't clarified as well as it should have been), just be patient. Yes, the game has inherent flaws in relation to its gameplay, but for a gacha game it's actually one of the most fair I've played. What I recommend you do, especially if you're interest in the game is diminishing is simply; save up. 

Focus on completing the monthly quests, the daily log-ins and such for free feathers and summon orbs, just save up as much as you can. Forget about completing the story mode as fast as possible, just do the training grounds section for the small amounts of EXP (assuming you can't do higher levels) of like 10-20 EXP per kill or previous story missions you have already completed. Just keep saving up until a Tellius banner happens where you can pull for Ike, Elincia and whoever else you like there. Whilst as you mentioned, you're not using only characters you like, it's still an influential factor towards team building. This is the case for me as well, however fortunately for me, characters I like such as Lyn, Hector, Tiki and Ryuuma are top tier. In your case, I guarantee because of the inherent nature of gacha games/power creep, Ike will be extremely strong, if not top tier. Remember, Ike's summon rate will be around 3% (for focus & 5* summon pool, but he'll be competing with others, I'm not sure the exact percentages). 

I know it's frustrating, but it's obvious from your pulls you have been getting unlucky, getting as many duplicates as you did (and no 5*'s) was very unfortunate. Just be patient and slowly work on a solid team until a Tellius banner or Awakening banner come out that you can pull from.

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Ana is right about the EX gains. It is annoying past LV20 because without the chapter maps for the first time...they will get next to no EXP and the Sixth Sactum is pretty hard to tread there.

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Yeah there's a noticeable hump around there but I don't think it's that much beyond annoying. And for first run of leveling I think how they distribute difficulty and levels (it doesn't continue from the final chapter of the previous so the around the mid point on levels would naturally have more chapters to play if my understanding is correct)  puts more story chapters to play around that point. And depending on unit feeding kills to a unit much lower than the rest of your team and the level of training tower seems pretty feasible. 

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I've no issues with the difficulty. The massively scaled down maps and movement numbers pretty much beg for the ability to reposition units on startup though.

As for Narcian, I agree that everything about the hard version of his map just sucks (+20 levels for 1 more rarity compared to the usual, the map, the enemy setup) but it's rather silly to continue bitching about getting only a 3* character from such a hard map considering not many people will want to use him anyway and that upgrading from 2* to 3* is pretty cheap.

Now if they can just do something about that cost to upgrade from 4* to 5* by cutting the feather requirement in half...

Edited by Dr. Tarrasque
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12 hours ago, Iris said:

To Ana: for the Training Tower, I highly recommend getting a healer, it'll make training much easier. Just bait and lure, get into choke points. I know you don't have a healer right now, but you can snag Wrys tomorrow, and you can ditch him for Lissa whenever she comes up, and then ditch Lissa once you get a healer above 3 stars (I'm kind of sad you ditched Clarine, especially if she had the skill Reconcile, since that makes training easier). You don't have to include your healer in your main pack, but definitely have one on hand.

If you stocked up on Azure Badges in the Training tower, I recommend using Robin and upgrading him to 4 stars. I had the same mentality of being like "I don't want to use a character if they can come at a higher pull", but because you're struggling, I think you can throw that rule out. The cost from 3 to 4 stars isn't terrible in hindsight, and you can alwas merge him with a Robin you will eventually get (or may never get, dang randomness). Since you upgraded your castle to the 80% more exp, training Corrin and Robin now before the Training Tower has double stamina costs would be very prudent!!

I've been having Lissa help, and it's worked to a degree, but I wouldn't say it's made leveling up MUCH easier. Just a little. But I'll take what I can get here for now. I actually have gotten Virion to four stars. He also has his silver bow and Night Sky. Next skill I'll give him is dat Astra. It sounds freaky good.

I need a few more blue badges to upgrade Sharena to four stars as well though. Hopefully I'll get that while leveling up Virion again in the meantime.

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The only thing I can see it being a bitch is Stamina. It's basically "fake difficulty" thrown in there for...some reason. The fact that you can't exactly afford to constantly restart maps to make re-adjustments (used to do this a fuckton until they started costing 9-10 Stamina). Suddenly, I heavily have to consider the kind of enemy I'll be facing without having had seen them or the actual map layout.

I used to think this was going to be waaay to easy, until it started proving me wrong. Game is surprisingly well-made, to the point it's about FE Nohr-level hard.

And I don't see the fuss in the stars. An important amount of my better peeps are/have started at a low level. If you think you need to either pay or get super lucky with *5s, you may want to reconsider.

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4 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Game is surprisingly well-made, to the point it's about FE Nohr-level hard.

Hum, not really, I would not go that far. Heroes is leagues behind Conquest from a gameplay, map design balance and difficulty perspective, even if it is really well-made for a mobile game.

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Today, the colour of the earned badges is random so it's a bit harder to get what you want.

As for stamina, it's refilled at a pretty generous rate in all fairness. But even then, there will be some people willing to use orbs to refill their stamina if they really need some more badges to promote their favourite/best units. It's just one way to gate your progress so you either take your time through the game or you pay to reach your desired results faster. On that note, they did give a fuck-ton of free stamina pots which helped me finish the story in Lunatic rather quickly.

I would still love nothing more than to have the stamina cap hit 100. If you sleep for 8 hours, you've lost almost 4 hours of stamina unless you're sharing an account with some other person across the world.

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1 minute ago, Raven said:

Today, the colour of the earned badges is random so it's a bit harder to get what you want.

As for stamina, it's refilled at a pretty generous rate in all fairness. But even then, there will be some people willing to use orbs to refill their stamina if they really need some more badges to promote their favourite/best units. It's just one way to gate your progress so you either take your time through the game or you pay to reach your desired results faster. On that note, they did give a fuck-ton of free stamina pots which helped me finish the story in Lunatic rather quickly.

I'm aware.

Orbs don't refill stamina, stamina potions do. :/ And I have a bunch of those from quests, so...

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I'm aware.

Orbs don't refill stamina, stamina potions do. :/ And I have a bunch of those from quests, so...

I do believe you can use orbs to replenish stamina if you have no stamina potions. Just like you can use orbs to refill arena duels.

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9 minutes ago, Raven said:

I do believe you can use orbs to replenish stamina if you have no stamina potions. Just like you can use orbs to refill arena duels.


I guess orbs are pretty much the equivalent of Disney Magic Kingdoms's gems then. Yeah, I think I actually know more about these gacha games than I realized, I just didn't know they were called gacha games or that there were a lot of them and such. Disney Magic Kingdoms doesn't require as much luck as this game, but it does require a LOT of patience. Character tasks can take hours if you decide not to use gems to end them faster. Gems are also used to open chests faster or unlock more parade floats and some buildings and attractions (while some others require magic). You can use them to get more magic too, but magic is so easy to get once you've built up the park pretty well (every attraction and building generates magic after periods of time). There is still some luck involved, as you have to be lucky to land some of the character tokens. Their rarity ranges from common to "epic" or "legendary." Upgrading your guest happiness all the way can increase the chances of token drops by 10%, but you still have to get pretty lucky to get the "epic" and "legendary" tokens. Gems can be earned in game, but pretty slowly, just like Heroes's orbs. You can buy them though, of course.

I guess I never had much of an issue with DMK because it doesn't have THAT big of a luck factor, just more of a patience requirement. Heroes is more of a balance of both, I suppose. But now kind of I see what a "gacha" game is. And I can be less harsh on it now that I have a better understanding of them.

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14 hours ago, Anacybele said:

What you said IS very rude. Just because I share my mom's data doesn't mean I'm a child. For your information, I'm 25, going on 26 in three months. Watch what you say next time, please. (believe me, this is good advice. I try to follow it often myself)

I decided to pick Virion back up since I don't feel like I'm ever going to get another archer (remember, all my colorless summons have been healers and those summons at all have been few and far between). Of course, it's hard because he's freaking two star, but what choice do I have...

While what they said was rude, don't get ahead of yourself. Maturity =/= Age, as eclipse essentially said.

Many people here judge your reputation for your actions, not your age.

This thread:

You're judging units with your preconceived notions. While luck based on actual characters you like, it gives you everything you need. The probability that you will pull a fair variety of weapons and support units... coupled with your guaranteed rally attack Sharon/Sharena and combo of 2 range (while sucky) Viole/Virion... you are statistically likely to get a good enough balance of units with your first two set of 20 orb pulls to get through Normal Mode.

Arena is also scaled to your level depending on your choice.

Heroes is not as bad of a game as you make it out to be.

38 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

The only thing I can see it being a bitch is Stamina. It's basically "fake difficulty" thrown in there for...some reason. The fact that you can't exactly afford to constantly restart maps to make re-adjustments (used to do this a fuckton until they started costing 9-10 Stamina). Suddenly, I heavily have to consider the kind of enemy I'll be facing without having had seen them or the actual map layout.

Stamina is there in free-to-play games to limit you intentionally from binge playing.

Unless you want to use up orbs or potions.

It isn't fake difficulty. But it is scummy.

With a full time job, you essentially get full stamina at breakfast, lunch, and at the end of the workday.

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Pretty much. I also play a card game hosted on Kongregate called Spellstone. The game has its in-game currency called "shards" which are like orbs here. It also uses energy to complete the story missions, like Heroes' stamina. But it refills a lot slower at 8 minutes per energy. The shards are doled out in small numbers through active play, but if you want a lot of these shards, you must buy them. And they are not cheap. And you need a lot of shards to buy the best cards. The big difference between Heroes and this card game is this: The card game has premium cards that you can buy ONLY with the in-game currency. And it comes down to luck which cards you will pull from a box (like the summon sets in Heroes). The better cards are harder to get. What's more, you need 4 of the same card to merge them together and it as strong as it possibly can get. There is also a "basic" set, which are cards you can buy using the in-game currency of Gold, which is earned through playing the game. The basic set of cards are mostly crap in comparison to the premium set, and when you do open a pack of cards, it's completely random what you get, with common, rare, epic, legendary cards able to be dropped. Common and rare cards are shit. All the better players use epic or legendary cards, but the chances of obtaining them are (on average) 5 epic cards a week, and 1 legendary card a fortnight, assuming you are an active player.

Such games are designed in a way to keep players coming back on a regular basis as opposed to completing it in one long sitting as you may do with regular games, mainly thanks to the stamina system. and the slow but steady income of orbs. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if my next 5-unit pull will be in a week's time or more.

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4 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Heroes is not as bad of a game as you make it out to be.

No, I suppose it's not.

EDIT: Yeah, I do see the appeal of getting players to keep coming back. Thing with DMK is though, I feel like I have to open it constantly so my guest happiness doesn't drop below the max. It will decrease after periods of time. Which is rather irritating... You go away for like one day and the happiness goes below the max again or almost below it. This is really the only issue I have with DMK.

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19 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

You bring up a fair view and perspective on the subject.

However, I still believe the OP is running into problems that are pretty much directly their own expectations' fault from lack of experience.

Agreed there.  I've had to explain this to friends who play FGO with similar expectations.  In games like these, I get my favorite character and then the bare minimum needed to do what I need to do, and then hoard the premium currency until another favorite or "necessary" unit for my team shows up in the gacha/focus.  Too many people are in a rush to get everything ASAP, just use their premium currency as soon as they get it because "why not", or don't realize that the cost:benefit ratio once you get to a certain level isn't worth the risk of rolling.  Then something they really want comes along and they have no means of getting it outside of dropping a not insignificant amount of real life money.

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1 minute ago, GinRei said:

Agreed there.  I've had to explain this to friends who play FGO with similar expectations.  In games like these, I get my favorite character and then the bare minimum needed to do what I need to do, and then hoard the premium currency until another favorite or "necessary" unit for my team shows up in the gacha/focus.  Too many people are in a rush to get everything ASAP, just use their premium currency as soon as they get it because "why not", or don't realize that the cost:benefit ratio once you get to a certain level isn't worth the risk of rolling.  Then something they really want comes along and they have no means of getting it outside of dropping a not insignificant amount of real life money.

On that note, after managing to save up another 20 orbs today and being left deflated for not getting myself a Raven or Hector, I'm saving all orbs I get from here on out for the next focus group.

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36 minutes ago, Raven said:

On that note, after managing to save up another 20 orbs today and being left deflated for not getting myself a Raven or Hector, I'm saving all orbs I get from here on out for the next focus group.

Yea, with the next focus comming a few days away, its a nice idea to save the orbs for ether the focus characters comming in an update. or other 5 star characters that wernt the focus before.

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12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hm, maybe I should buy more orbs and try for Takumi one more time. I dunno. But then again, maybe Ryoma will be in the next focus group and I want him even more.

Feel free to treat yourself if you have the disposable income to spend money on orbs, but just like last time you bought orbs, you may still not get Takumi this time, either.

As is the life of a Gacha addict. High highs sometimes, low lows most times, sad bank account at all times. Don't do it if you know you can continue playing and enjoying the game even without Takumi.

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7 minutes ago, Raven said:

Feel free to treat yourself if you have the disposable income to spend money on orbs, but just like last time you bought orbs, you may still not get Takumi this time, either.

As is the life of a Gacha addict. High highs sometimes, low lows most times, sad bank account at all times. Don't do it if you know you can continue playing and enjoying the game even without Takumi.

That's what's terrible with Gatcha, and it's even more awful with Heroes because you know the characters, you'd like to have all the focus characters, and if you don't do it immediately, they'll disappear, or get much more rare.

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