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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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12 hours ago, XRay said:

Fuck! I keep making stupid mistakes. Wasted like 10 to 20 Dueling Swords fishing for score until I keep fucking up on the last battle. I really wish they could implement a system to allow Enemy Phase units get a battle preview.

I so agree with this. There are so many invisible stat boosts it is really easy to mess up. I can't tell you how many times I am all 'WHAT THE HELL?!' and then 'crap, I forgot to calculate for X dang nab it'. Makes enemy phase units much harder to use if you ask me. With PP there is little excuse for losing a match up between your unit and another since the game literally tells you what will happen(not that I haven't done it before of course), not so if you are going to bait a unit with an EP unit. The real problem, of course, is such a battle preview, short of an entire enemy turn preview, would be rather clunky I would think. It would have to let you set your planed end of phase positions and then let you select an enemy to preview its attack on your unit. Since rallies go first it would also have to let you set whether the attacking unit will have been rallied. I would still like such a preview though. Those invisible stat boosts are absolutely the worst when trying to figure out if your unit will survive or not or kill or not.


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46 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wait, I thought you were all nukes?

In Arena, I am having Anna tank hits and do most of the kills. I can run Desperation-Brash Assault similar to my Alfonse, but she cannot do it as well as he can and that does not score as high as an Enemy Phase build.

She is running:
Nóatún (I will probably switch it to Slaying or Wo)
Distant Counter
Drive Res
Atk/Def Bond

On Arena Assault though, yeah, I am using mostly nukes with some counters as back up. Aether Raids is purely nukes with Olivia as the Dancer.

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35 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

im 2222 short from being in level 19!!
(I am sticking in Advanced ;-) ).


omg. this could actually happen!

Good luck! 

1 hour ago, XRay said:

In Arena, I am having Anna tank hits and do most of the kills. I can run Desperation-Brash Assault similar to my Alfonse, but she cannot do it as well as he can and that does not score as high as an Enemy Phase build.

I forgot about the baby-sitting for one second. That's an expensive Anna though. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

That's an expensive Anna though. 

It is actually pretty cheap except for Distant Counter. Aether just costs Feathers, well, and a Chrom too, but he is like a dime a dozen.

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I went from 22,458 to 7998.  - so i'm back in Level 19!
I did several deathless runs in advance in a row and i just.shot up. (it was really touchy, as i had to face a Takumi Emblem and then Veronica and an amped up Nino, but Minizura is a champ. (I am going for the deathless run not the bonus as someone worked it out for me). and I just shot up. (sigh) two more days. crap. this is stress. 

Advanced is stress

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3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Advanced is stress

Welcome to real PVP, where the game you once loved stops being fun, stresses you out all the time, but you can't stop playing and you start hating everybody and all of humanity because they are either cheaters who are better than you or weaklings who are standing in your way of getting to the top.


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7 hours ago, dethneer said:

Welcome to real PVP, where the game you once loved stops being fun, stresses you out all the time, but you can't stop playing and you start hating everybody and all of humanity because they are either cheaters who are better than you or weaklings who are standing in your way of getting to the top.



yay? lol

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

dont worry after a while you dont give a damn anymore because between the BST crap and power mcreep stuff you cant keep unless you take out the big bucks!

understood. :)
well i am roughly around 8000 points. (i had another deathless run)
I think this is it, unless disaster happens. 

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18 hours ago, Hilda said:

dont worry after a while you dont give a damn anymore because between the BST crap and power mcreep stuff you cant keep unless you take out the big bucks!

Get rid of the stat total calculation, and you'd just get Aether Raids without map-building where my team simply steamrolls through everything because enemies don't have stats.

It is currently easier to accidentally win an Aether Raid map than it is to purposefully win an Arena map.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Get rid of the stat total calculation, and you'd just get Aether Raids without map-building where my team simply steamrolls through everything because enemies don't have stats.

It is currently easier to accidentally win an Aether Raid map than it is to purposefully win an Arena map.

just the BST crap, but we had that discussion before and the Ship has sailed with Duell Skills.
Besides Arena is different because you need to get the Kills with the bonus unit.

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15 minutes ago, Hilda said:

just the BST crap, but we had that discussion before and the Ship has sailed with Duell Skills.
Besides Arena is different because you need to get the Kills with the bonus unit.

The best counter to my armor team is another armor team because they can actually sometimes survive initiating combat. If I suddenly started getting matched against Reinhardts and shit like that, I'd seriously have it easy.

And you're talking to someone who averages only about 10-13 bonus kills per season, granted I'd probably have more if the enemies weren't all armors that make it difficult for bonus units to get kills.

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I keep on losing in arena assault for some reason. Usually I can do a perfect streak but I keep messing up this week for some reason. 

B!Hector at +10 is pretty insane. Even two triangle adept axe users (Arthur 4*+9 and 5* Titania) can barely damage him. I could have beat him but lost due to a miss-click. 

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Having a blast using LEirika, supriisingly tanky and her damage output is off the charts. Kind of sad how awkward her solo skills stuff works out though

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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Hah. I was just checking if I needed to do something in Arena or if 3730 was plenty and decided to check AA score too. I forgot I had done some tests with Gunnthra using AA where I just auto surrendered after seeing damages. So with a score of 0 I am rank 144527 and will get 11 stones and 11 coins and 800 feathers. All for opening a battle and surrendering. I wish I realized a score of 0 was so useful earlier. I often skip AA because it annoys me so. But opening a battle and surrendering is cake and nets you a bit at least. The Feathers are probably the biggest difference from my normal placement when really trying.

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IMO it gets easier when you fight the 720+ in Arena, because dancers and cavalry healers become less common.  I use my +10 Camilla and Tiki, +8 Kagero, and X season unit (currently Dreammilla).  Haven't lost with them yet, since Camilla mows through all the Nowis and Effies, even though my team has absolutely no sync together.

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4 hours ago, Usana said:

Hah. I was just checking if I needed to do something in Arena or if 3730 was plenty and decided to check AA score too. I forgot I had done some tests with Gunnthra using AA where I just auto surrendered after seeing damages. So with a score of 0 I am rank 144527 and will get 11 stones and 11 coins and 800 feathers. All for opening a battle and surrendering. I wish I realized a score of 0 was so useful earlier. I often skip AA because it annoys me so. But opening a battle and surrendering is cake and nets you a bit at least. The Feathers are probably the biggest difference from my normal placement when really trying.

You'd get even higher if you killed even a single enemy. Probably the simplest thing you can do would be to field a single unit, and then pick the easiest foe each round. You'd end up with a score of about 2772 or so and all you'd have to do is fight 7 battles against 7 individual enemies. I have no idea how high that would rank, but it's definitely enough to get a few more coins/feathers/stones

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Since I'm demoting back to tier 20 this week anyway, I'm running NY Azura with my Adrif Camilla to fully flier buff her. It's an absolute pleasure watching these nuclear blasts from Camilla kill even Legendary Tikis on defense tiles. Even if it's just as a typical flying blade mage, she's still the most fun new unit I've used in a while.

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My ranking for this week is pretty decent.

2 hours before the end:

T21 Arena - 3,793 Score - Rank 702/1519

Arena Assault - 5,272 Score- Rank 420

Never noticed how much legendary Tiki inflated the arena assault score during earth seasons... Last week during an earth season, I had a score of 5267 and was rank 1085. Non-earth season and just 5 points more and I am 665 rank higher... My arena core is earth based though, so I can just replace my 4th unit with Legendary Tiki in February if I can get some good merges on her from the January legendary banner.

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