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Grand Hero Battle: Navarre


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Completed Ghb Lunatic.


Hector is awesome for this. Provided u can one shot Mr.Hammer


My video only helps Hector unit.


Edited by Ryuke
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2 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Anyone know a good unit that can ORKO Navarre specifically?

Brave Lance units. Or Reinhardt. Or just use a dancer. Or sword breaker.

Edited by Kiran
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5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Anyone know a good unit that can ORKO Navarre specifically?

Reinhardt, Hinoka, Cordelia and maybe Sully and Abel.

Edited by pianime94
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Beat it with 5* team of Lyn, Sharena, Nino, and Karago

my Lyn was there because she has Reciprocal Aid for Karago after the first Dagger Kill, then she could kill the second dagger without dying.  It was kind of straightforward after that.  Funny enough though I almost lost my winning attempt on accident but a healer decided to stay put and not let Navarre though it saved my life lol. 

I would've used my 5* Effie but the defense buffs and greater movement or more helpful for this map plus I was running Nino.


Edited by Locke087
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Super easy for me, did both maps in one try. Eldigan/Azura/Takumi/Kagero

Praise be to the gacha rng blessing me with the exact units to make this a breeze. Well I probably could have subbed takumi for like nino or something, i guess.

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5 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Cordelia and Abel at the very least.

5 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Brave Lance units. Or Reinhardt. Or just use a dancer. Or sword breaker.

2 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Reinhardt, Hinoka, Cordelia and maybe Sully and Abel.

What if I have none of them? ;-;

I don't have Cordelia, Abel, or Hinoka.
None of my brave lance, sword breaker, or Sully are trained (nor will I be able to do so in time).
My Reinhardt is only a 4* sadly so I don't know how that's going to work out.
I do have a maxed out 4* Olivia, so I'll try using her to have Reinhardt attack twice.

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Just now, Falcom said:

What if I have none of them? ;-;

I don't have Cordelia, Abel, or Hinoka.
None of my brave lance, sword breaker, or Sully are trained (nor will I be able to do so in time).
My Reinhardt is only a 4* sadly so I don't know how that's going to work out.
I do have a maxed out 4* Olivia, so I'll try using her to have Reinhardt attack twice.

You don't need to ORKO Navarre. I didn't. My Sully was 4* and just missed the cut

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38 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Anyone know a good unit that can ORKO Navarre specifically?

Navarre has 58 HP, 24 Def, and 25 Res (he has 38 Spd though, so you probably aren't gonna double him without Swordbreaker).

Outside of maybe a heavily boosted Blárblade Linde or Ursula, you aren't going to be OHKOing him, so instead we'll focus on dealing 29 x 2 damage. 

  • This is possible with a blue mage with 45 attack (39 with Triangle Adept 3) and Swordbreaker. 
  • This is also possible with blue lance unit with 45 attack (38 with Triangle Adept 3 or Sapphire Lance) and Swordbreaker
    • A Brave Lance user with the same attack could do the same thing as a non-Brave Lance and Swordbreaker.
    • If you had a Brave Lance user with Swordbreaker but not Triangle Adept (like your friendly neighborhood Abel), you would need 33 attack. 
    • Just for fun, if you really hated Navarre and wanted to destroy him utterly with Brave Lance, Triangle Adept, and Swordbreaker, you'd only need 28 attack on that anti-sword unit. 
  • Also, a unit with Poison Dagger and Swordbreaker could ORKO him with 36 attack. 
Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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2 minutes ago, Kiran said:

You don't need to ORKO Navarre. I didn't. My Sully was 4* and just missed the cut

Here's the thing. The theif with the silver dagger will usually end up behind Navarre.
He'll attack twice, doing decent damage, lowering my defenses, and I believe also poison strike.
Navarre will then finish off that unit.

So yeah, I kinda have no choice but to kill Navarre quickly.

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So Gordin deletes the rogue dagger from above the tiny mountain, which is nice. What then?
The silver dagger one-rounds Abel, the hammer one-shots him. If the hammer is weakened against Eirika, she's destroyed by the silver dagger.
Do I continue to pull back?

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17 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@immatx I don't know if this will help at all, but you can take a look at what I did and see if that helps you with positioning or anything else:



Thanks, that helped a lot. I think I can probably do that using slightly different units once I train up Kagero. The only thing I might have trouble with is the hammer at the end. I'm thinking Seliph should be able to do it.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

So Gordin deletes the rogue dagger from above the tiny mountain, which is nice. What then?
The silver dagger one-rounds Abel, the hammer one-shots him. If the hammer is weakened against Eirika, she's destroyed by the silver dagger.
Do I continue to pull back?

Turn 1: Gordin on the tile above the mountain with the help of dance.

Turn 2: Delete dagger with Gordin. Navarre and dagger move down. Move everyone just out of range

Turn 3: Abel deletes Dagger and Navarre with dance

Turn 4: Erika laughs against the axe

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4 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Here's the thing. The theif with the silver dagger will usually end up behind Navarre.
He'll attack twice, doing decent damage, lowering my defenses, and I believe also poison strike.
Navarre will then finish off that unit.

So yeah, I kinda have no choice but to kill Navarre quickly.

If you have a fast enough unit they can take both Navarre and the Thief and not die. First time I went through (before I did my clean aggro strat) I had Ryoma facetank both Navarre and the thief, and with 38 base spd (42 with Hone Spd) he took both of them just face on.

who do you have? Tsubaki is an option if you want a tank, and he's free.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just now, Vaximillian said:

So Gordin deletes the rogue dagger from above the tiny mountain, which is nice. What then?
The silver dagger one-rounds Abel, the hammer one-shots him. If the hammer is weakened against Eirika, she's destroyed by the silver dagger.
Do I continue to pull back?

Hang back, let Navarre and the Silver dagger get ahead of the fighter and the cleric so you can take them both out on player phase. Abuse Eirika's buffs to get ORKOs with Abel and Gordin on them. The fighter and cleric should heal the first thief while Navarre and the second thief advance, so they'll be a turn behind them.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

So Gordin deletes the rogue dagger from above the tiny mountain, which is nice. What then?
The silver dagger one-rounds Abel, the hammer one-shots him. If the hammer is weakened against Eirika, she's destroyed by the silver dagger.
Do I continue to pull back?

Yes, after Gordin kills the dagger, retreat for one more turn to the south. Navarre and his dagger friend will follow you, while the axe user will probably try to as well, but he's in a bad position for it. This should give you space to have Abel kill Navarre, dance for him and then kill the next dagger while still not being in range of the axe.

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18 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Here's the thing. The theif with the silver dagger will usually end up behind Navarre.
He'll attack twice, doing decent damage, lowering my defenses, and I believe also poison strike.
Navarre will then finish off that unit.

So yeah, I kinda have no choice but to kill Navarre quickly.

Why does everyone do this? Kill the dagger FIRST. Use a dancer if need be. Lots of red/blue units can eat a hit from Navarre but that dagger is troublesome  Back away for a turn if you can't reach the dagger :/

Edited by Kiran
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@Falcom, @Bartozio, @Ether, @Kiran, and others who've veen trying to help me: thank you very much, I beat the map!

Situation before the last action:



Navarre actually strayed to the right of his remaning dagger pal, who was skewered by Abel (he needed a dancing for that, however). Then Abel defeated Navarre and ran away via Ninian. I then tried to bait the axe onto Eirika, but the cleric almost KO'd Gordin, who clinged by the skin of his teeth.

In the end, we came through! Gordin did the final blow, the guy deserved it.



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@Ether Ah, I just checked. That's the one who got Reinhardt, I hadn't noticed that skill.

@Kiran Thanks, mate! Just got 4-Star Navarre with your help!

Had Robin in the lower left corner like you said, and he did distract, and eventually kill, the dagger while Hammerman and the healer healed him, so Robin was never in any real danger (the only way either ninja can damage him through Blarraven and Triangle Adept 2 is Moonbow I think, so unless he eats like 5 or so Moonbows he should survive his duel with the ninja). Reinhardt attacked the ninja that kept killing him, bringing him to I think 6 HP and going down to 9 HP himself, got danced by Ninian and one-rounded Navarre, then Roy finished the ninja who had been giving me trouble. After that, Roy killed Hammerman (and I can confirm that TA3 neutral-DEF Roy takes no damage from him), went after Panic Healer, and Reinhardt came in to finish since -ATK Roy is just short of killing (he would've finished next turn, Panic barely hurt him, but I wanted it over faster).

Overall, it was pretty easy once I took the ninjas out of play. Thank you for your help, mate!

Also, quick question for anyone: Would Henry be able to work in place of Robin for this strategy? He has Raudhrraven and higher DEF and Ignis, but his ATK is crap so I dunno if he could outlast the right-side ninja.

EDIT: To answer your question about why everyone goes after Navarre first instead of the dagger, they might not be seeing Death Blow, and thus assuming that, while Navarre + Daggerbro can kill a unit, Daggerbro on his own would barely be survived. And then be confused when Daggerbro kills the supposedly safe unit. Plus, Navarre's not a generic unit, so it's easy to assume that he'll be more dangerous than his generic buddies. Which, while he probably is dangerous, he can be dealt with pretty easily (I bet 3-Star Level 40 Sharena could beat Navarre if his Daggerbro was removed from the equation), and with their skillsets, his buddies are the true problem here. At least, that's my experience.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
Answering Kiran's question above
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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

@Falcom, @Bartozio, @Ether, and others who've veen trying to help me: thank you very much, I beat the map!

Situation before the last action:


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Navarre actually strayed to the right of his remaning dagger pal, who was skewered by Abel (he needed a dancing for that, however). Then Abel defeated Navarre and ran away via Ninian. I then tried to bait the axe onto Eirika, but the cleric almost KO'd Gordin, who clinged by the skin of his teeth.

In the end, we came through!


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Hmm, the cleric never tried attacking my Takumi for some reason. Anyway, if it works it works. Congrats on your new shiny Navarre.


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Just did both maps pretty easily. The most threatening enemies are the thieves.


1. 5☆ Alfonse Lv. 40 (Swap, Swordbreaker 3)

2. 5☆ Klein +Atk -Def Lv. 40 (Hone Attack 3)

3. 5☆ Priscilla +Atk -Spd Lv. 40

4. 5☆ Nowi +Atk -HP Lv. 40 (Ignis, Vantage 1)


Nowi goes three spaces below hammer fighter to lure Rogue Dagger thief. Nowi tanks him safely and counters for like 16 dmg. Navarre and Silver Dagger thief go down while Cleric physics rogue thief.

Klein moves to the forest diagonal to Nowi and one rounds the silver thief. Alfonse one rounds Navarre thanks to swordbreaker. Priscilla heals Alfonse and Nowi Rally Defenses Priscilla (to avoid a one round from moonbow Rogue thief).

Cleric heals rogue thief, thief doubles Klein, hammer dude doubles Alfonse.

Klein one rounds the injured thief, alfonse finishes off the axe fighter. Priscilla rehabilitates klein to full hp.

Cleric hits alfonse.

Klein glacies cleric.

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Looking around the thread, the general consensus seems to be that most people found this to be the easiest GHB yet.

True, but it's also one of the worst GHs we've had.  His low attack and low defense makes him pretty unusable imo.

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Just now, Lushen said:

True, but it's also one of the worst GHs we've had.  His low attack and low defense makes him pretty unusable imo.

I'm more disappointed in his skills tbh. He just doesn't really specialize in anything. 

  • Narcian has his niche as an anti-lance with Emerald Axe and Lancebreaker.
  • F!Robin has her niche as an anti-blue cavalry mage (suuuper niche but incredibly helpful in the next GHB) (plus you can inherit B Tomebreaker, which is unique to her)
  • Ursula has her niche as an anti-red cavalry (also super niche, but with an inherited Blarblade, she's also an incredible nuker on a cavalry team)
  • Michalis is a flying tank, and even if you don't like him, Iote's Shield is a great unique ability to inherit

Navarre, as far as I can tell at first glance, doesn't have any particular niche not covered by other swords already nor does he have any particularly amazing skills to pass on. 

I think he's a cool character, so I hope other people find a niche for him in the future, but for now I can't see anything that stands out :/

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Managed to beat the Lunatic map using a team consisting of Lilina, Seliph, Catria, and Jakob, all 5* at Lv40.  Since my Jakob is +DEF, he took barely any damage when luring the thief with the rouge dagger, and renewal restored him back to full.  Lilina was used to annihilate the axe fighter.  Catria helped defeat the thieves and Navarre, while Seliph was mainly used for Rally Speed.


Overall, I'm very glad that I was able to clear this map, seeing that I was unable to beat any of the previous Lunatic GHB maps.

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8 minutes ago, Lushen said:

True, but it's also one of the worst GHs we've had.  His low attack and low defense makes him pretty unusable imo.

I'm kinda bummed out on his stats. I really liked his art so I wanted to use him. Plus my only 5* red unit right now is Roy and I wanted a better red unit to replace him. But no dice. I'm going to pin all my hopes on Xander now. 

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