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I like these character. Alm is great, Lukas is a really solid infantry (loved have one), Faye has a unique weapon (and I like her design) and Clair seems to be a good flier.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Just out of curiosity, for anyone who has pulled Lukas (sadly I couldn't get him, or anyone from new focus..), can Fortress Defense be passed on to healers?

Might be a good skill for Azama or something

That's a good question. If no one beats me to it, I'll test it out in a little bit, when I get home.


Edit: Checked, yes it can.

Edited by Dylan Corona
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8 hours ago, Ledrert said:

I like these character. Alm is great, Lukas is a really solid infantry (loved have one), Faye has a unique weapon (and I like her design) and Clair seems to be a good flier.

Clair isn't very good.  She's essentially a resistance version of Subaki.  Which I would say is worse since Subaki (naturally as a peg knight) has plenty of resistance.  I think the defense Subaki offers is better in almost every scenario.  Tanking mages as 1rng unit is not ideal.  Essentially, this just makes them good at attacking dragons and a falchion is better.  I'd rather have Subaki as a 1rng physical tank and a mage/archer with good resistance as a 2rng magical tank. 

Unfortunately, she's all I got so I have to build her for arena.

Edited by Lushen
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Subaki actually has quite weak res, but I won't dispute that Defense is the more useful stat for a lance unit. 

I kinda want Alm, but not enough to actually try pulling lol (not with my luck, fark that). Gonna save my orbs to see if Celica's focus has anyone cool or for tellius/magvel characters...

Edited by BANRYU
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I pulled Alm and Clair, aside from a Cordelia. I'm very happy with Cordelia and Alm (nice artwork and apparently very nice skillset) and I think I have potential now for a Flier Emblem team.

These are the stats for comparison:

Alm is 22 HP, 25 (6 without Falchion) Atk, 6 Spd, 5 Def, 5 Res.

Clair is 19 HP, 22 (7 without Silver Lance+) Atk, 8 Spd, 5 Def, 8 Res.


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9 minutes ago, Pimalai said:

I pulled Alm and Clair, aside from a Cordelia. I'm very happy with Cordelia and Alm (nice artwork and apparently very nice skillset) and I think I have potential now for a Flier Emblem team.

These are the stats for comparison:

Alm is 22 HP, 25 (6 without Falchion) Atk, 6 Spd, 5 Def, 5 Res.

Clair is 19 HP, 22 (7 without Silver Lance+) Atk, 8 Spd, 5 Def, 8 Res.


You mean 9 without Falchion lol. Your Alm is +HP -Def

Your Clair is +HP - Res, which is kind of unfortunate since Res is one of her best stats.

I pulled both of them as well (along with Ryoma and Sanaki, really good luck this banner). My Alm is +Atk -Def, and Clair is +HP - Def.

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56 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Nope, but bets of Effie and/or Kagero being part of it again?

I don't trust my luck, but I hope so. Kagero is the last colorless unit I really want (aside from Lucius, I guess, but I'm not pulling just for another healer), and I couldn't get her during the last banner. I wouldn't mind another chance.

I wonder if we'll see Florina, since she's a blue heavy spear user. Probably not what people are hoping for, since she's common and not the best unit... but she's my favorite pegasus knight so I couldn't complain. But then, great hero battle banners seem hard to predict.

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1 hour ago, Mister Cold said:

Anyone know what banner we going to get for the GHB?

Banner images are now stored as a different file type. I don't think the hackers have cracked it yet (otherwise someone would have posted it by now).


1 hour ago, Elieson said:

Nope, but bets of Effie and/or Kagero being part of it again?

Oboro is more likely due to her high Def and Heavy Spear. Kagero doesn't seem too likely on a Grand Hero Battle with a focus on an armored character. I'd expect something at least 1 mage, 1 armor-effective weapon, and 1 lore pick.

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It's honestly hard to guess at the Battling Zephiel banner without knowing what other units besides Zephiel are going to be there, but I think Oboro or Est are pretty safe bets because of their Heavy Spear. Alternatively (or even additionally?) they could have a blue mage in there (I'm actually going to cry if Linde is there because I just blew all of my orbs on the SoV banner).

As far as lore goes, if Narcian weren't a GHB unit I'd suggest him just because it'd be funny, but aside from that... Roy? Cecilia? Who knows really.

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@Mister Cold @Elieson

I could see Effie being on the banner, since she's a generally good unit... but I don't think so. Effie needs some time to rest.
Kagero though... no. This is a GHB against an Armor, who I'm betting will be flanked by more Armors to give Zeph those sweet +6 Armor buffs. Poison Dagger won't be much help here, so Kagero most likely won't be seen on this one. As for who I would bet will be on the banner...

Lilina is a smart bet, since she'd be targeting Zephiel's RES (which I'm betting Zephiel won't have as much of as he will DEF, so this would probably come in handy) and comes from the same game as Zephiel.

I could also see Florina getting on the banner, since she has a Heavy Spear and thus would deal effective damage to Zephiel while mitigating a bit of Zeph's damage by having WTA over him, and she's in the prequel to Zephiel's game. Although, as @Ice Dragon pointed out, Oboro is also an option, thanks to her higher DEF while still having most of Florina's advantages (except that Florina can fly, but I'm not sure how much that would matter). I could see either of these two getting on the banner, to be honest, though I might lean a bit more toward Oboro since she'll be more effective.

Maybe F!Corrin as well, since she has WTA, has solid DEF, targets RES and can debuff Zephiel and his armor buddies with Dark Breath+ if they're all bunched up (which they would have to be, if they're buffing Zephiel).

And perhaps Jaffar, since these two were in a chapter together in FE7 (where Jaffar came pretty close to offing a younger Zephiel IIRC), and his Deathly Dagger could be useful for softening up Zephiel and his armor buddies for the rest of your team to take out.

For one final possibility that I could see happening but wouldn't want: Roy, who was the protagonist of Zephiel's game, but wouldn't be that useful unless Zeph was flanked by Green armors (so he could take them on with Triangle Adept 3).

So that's my guess: Lilina/Florina or Oboro/F!Corrin/Jaffar. Roy would probably take F!Corrin's place if he got on the banner.
I wouldn't be too excited about this banner, honestly (Lilina's the only character I would want, since I already have Jaffar and Roy, Oboro doesn't interest me, and I already have a couple of F!Corrins and Florinas lying around), but I think it would make sense.

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2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

(except that Florina can fly, but I'm not sure how much that would matter)

Zephiel's Grand Hero Battle map has zero terrain other than walls, so flying and infantry movement are functionally identical.

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Ok, I did managed to complete all the parts in World of Shadows in Normal, Hard, and Lunatic Mode, but I have to say that Lukas in the Luntaic Mode in Xenologue 5-3 that Lukas was a real tougher opponent than Effie, he doesn't received damage from Ryoma and Lukas literally ko'ed Ryoma without a sweat, and Takumi doesn't flinch Lukas without the Vengeance skill activated despite that Lukas is not an Armored unit in Heroes, and Chrom does flinch Lukas using the Aether move only in Lunatic Mode. But, I managed to survive the battle without a game over.

Also, I did saw the conversation from Xenologue 5-1 explained why Faye was using the bow:


I did saw the conversation in Xenologue 5-1 that Veronica told Faye it would be better to use a Bow to get better experience if she wanted to save Alm from badguys. (I kinda wondered if the developers from Heroes were expecting for female villagers have an optional promotion with Archers, but they might already got the meno about that female villagers can't promote to Archers in Echoes and figured to alternate the dialogue to explain why Faye is using a bow?)


Edited by King Marth 64
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16 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

RZephiel's Grand Hero Battle map has zero terrain other than walls, so flying and infantry movement are functionally identical.

Sorry to go off-topic, but how do you know this? Was the map data-mined?

So, with this knowledge, I would bet on Oboro over Florina for Battling Zephiel. Otherwise, I think the rest of my picks work.

So now my banner guess would be Lilina/Oboro/F!Corrin or Roy/Jaffar.

@King Marth 64 Lukas is only tough if you lack a good mage, since his RES isn't all that great (though I used Hone Cavalry-buffed +ATK Reinhardt to delete Lukas in every run of the World of Shadows maps, so I could be wrong here).

I'm still kinda surprised that Faye's an archer here when she can't be in Echoes, but I'm not complaining.

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3 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Sorry to go off-topic, but how do you know this? Was the map data-mined?

Yes. It's buried like a million pages deep in the general discussion thread by now, though.

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I wouldn't expect any recent banner units to be a focus again here, so probably not Jaffar or Effie

I'm going with Lilina, Florina/Oboro, Male/Fem Corrin and Fae/Sully.

Lilina is the obvious choice: hits res, is the enemy from her game.

Florina/Oboro depends on if they want somebody from the same series or from Fates for its popularity. Lean slightly towards Florina due to me thinking one of the Corrins is going to have a time to shine.

Which Corrin depends on the other enemies on the map. If there are say, green calvary I can totally see Male!Corrin being the pick due to Obstruct + Red. If there is nothing like that probably Fem!Corrin for good defence + hits with magic. Either way Corrin is a very popular character and hasn't had a focus. Robin got to at the start of the game, they won't keep avoiding Corrin having one. This one seems like a logical one to add them into.

Fae is my pure wildcard pick. Same game, I could see there being Blue Knights and thus her being a good option against them. For a more serious pick I'd probably go with Sully. Very much an anti-sword unit, is from Awakening. Only question how many blues they're willing to put on such a banner at once.

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On 4/15/2017 at 10:30 AM, TheNiddo said:

I wouldn't expect any recent banner units to be a focus again here, so probably not Jaffar or Effie

I'm going with Lilina, Florina/Oboro, Male/Fem Corrin and Fae/Sully.

Lilina is the obvious choice: hits res, is the enemy from her game.

Florina/Oboro depends on if they want somebody from the same series or from Fates for its popularity. Lean slightly towards Florina due to me thinking one of the Corrins is going to have a time to shine.

Which Corrin depends on the other enemies on the map. If there are say, green calvary I can totally see Male!Corrin being the pick due to Obstruct + Red. If there is nothing like that probably Fem!Corrin for good defence + hits with magic. Either way Corrin is a very popular character and hasn't had a focus. Robin got to at the start of the game, they won't keep avoiding Corrin having one. This one seems like a logical one to add them into.

Fae is my pure wildcard pick. Same game, I could see there being Blue Knights and thus her being a good option against them. For a more serious pick I'd probably go with Sully. Very much an anti-sword unit, is from Awakening. Only question how many blues they're willing to put on such a banner at once.

I don't think they'll do Fem!Corrin since she was a giveaway for the Android users recently.

Instead, maybe Nowi could be likely. It would be likely that there would be ranged units in the GHB, and Nowi deals with those with her 2-range Breath and has great defense for battling against Zephiel himself while hitting his Res.



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Soo, the next banner is upon us! 

What do you guys think? Celica banner this time around? Or will Nintendo put a hold on that to coincide with some Echoes release date?

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2 hours ago, r4v1sh said:

Soo, the next banner is upon us! 

What do you guys think? Celica banner this time around? Or will Nintendo put a hold on that to coincide with some Echoes release date?

I think they will wait for the international release of echoes with Celica. I thought so before, but with these grand hero battles returning I'm even more convinced, since they probably don't want the two to interfere with each other. The real question is what they will do though.

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