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Is it just me, or is Cecilia terrible?


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I got her like a million times. It's like this game wants to shove her down my throat. I don't get why, she's just fucking bad. She's slow as fuck, and her only real saving grace is that she can start hitting kind of hard...and that's about it. She has a horse, but it's not like this is FE4. The only reason I bothered getting her to almost lvl.30 is because the game was giving me 5 Orbs for it. 

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I struggled with her at first, until I realised she laughed at bow users for a few hits, at least. I started using her as my bonus unit to draw Takumi towards me ^.^

And, as others have said, start using SI and she does start to become a really good unit. I was just using her vanilla and she was having fun with the bow users, at least. I think even Klein couldn't oneshot her, but I could be wrong.

Edited by Cute Chao
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I don't know. People keep bring her up when discussing Horse Emblem but I think she's pretty rubbish compared to Reinhardt or Ursula. She hits hard but she's way too slow and has terrible defense regardless. She falls into this uncomfortable zone where her defenses aren't good enough to tank but her speed is too low to be a reliable attacker. I suppose she could be decent with TA + Gronraven but I'm unimpressed. She counters Reinhardt which is kind of nice.


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Just now, NekoKnight said:

I don't know. People keep bring her up when discussing Horse Emblem but I think she's pretty rubbish compared to Reinhardt or Ursula. She hits hard but she's way too slow and has terrible defense regardless. She falls into this uncomfortable zone where her defenses aren't good enough to tank but her speed is too low to be a reliable attacker. I suppose she could be decent with TA + Gronraven but I'm unimpressed. She counters Reinhardt which is kind of nice.


I think Horse Emblem is mentioned more for Gronnblade, because of the +6 cavs bonus which helps rocket her attack up higher.

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13 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

I don't get why, she's just fucking bad. She's slow as fuck, and her only real saving grace is that she can start hitting kind of hard

An automatic +24 Atk to any unit automatically makes them viable.

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6 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think Horse Emblem is mentioned more for Gronnblade, because of the +6 cavs bonus which helps rocket her attack up higher.

True but her stats aren't as well distributed as Ursula nor does she have a brave weapon like Reinhardt. Cecilia has +3 attack on Ursula BUT -7 speed, so where Ursula can double a sizable portion of the roster, Cecilia can only manage a modest 31 speed after a Hone Cavalry buff. Yes, she hits like a tank but other characters do it better.


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For Horse Emblem she is basically Top 5 unit in the game

Outside Horse Emblem, she's one of the strongest option for Reinhardt counter. Having 3 Movement makes her utility much higher than majority of choice in this regard if her job of shitstomping Reinhardt isn't needed


I suffer a lot this season entirely because i can't use Cecilia without gimping my score.Then i put Cecilia again and almost went Deathless

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Cecilia is not that good UNLESS she has Triangle Adept (in a non-cav team) or Gronnblade+ (in a cav team) to boost her damage output (and tanking potential in the case of tri-adept). With her vanilla kit, yeah, she's pretty fragile and slow and hard to make use of, but can perform with the right inheritance.

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37 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

I got her like a million times. It's like this game wants to shove her down my throat. I don't get why, she's just fucking bad. She's slow as fuck, and her only real saving grace is that she can start hitting kind of hard...and that's about it. She has a horse, but it's not like this is FE4. The only reason I bothered getting her to almost lvl.30 is because the game was giving me 5 Orbs for it. 

Yes, but as you've obviously noticed, she's incredibly necessary for a ton of missions. She's the only actually good green cavalry option in the game right now, so she's needed for the cavalry missions, as well as her own missions.

she also shows up as an arena bonus hero a lot.

So, yes, she is awful, but it doesn't matter because you have to use her anyway.

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Just upgraded my Cecilia and as long as she has Triangle Adept she's pretty good, she doesn't need Gronnblade + to murder things either Gronrraven + works great.  Personally I think the Raven what she should keep as it gives a greater utility and Ursula is a better blade tome candidate. Really her biggest weakness is her BTS.

Edit: also by the way +spd Cecilia with a +spd Bagde can get a solid 36 speed with Hone Cavalry, 40 with Goad active and well.

Edited by Locke087
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On 5/2/2017 at 2:08 PM, Glaceon Mage said:
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I have no regrets.

Aside from the lack of a spare 4* Roy to sack for T Adept, or a Nino for Gronnblade.

No regrets indeed. 

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Cecilia is just amazing with Gronnblade+ in a Horse Emblem Team running Vantage and Close Counter. Its like "Dont you dare attack me or i will obliterate you before you even hit me!"

I run my Horse team with Leo Reinhardt Cecilia  and Priscilla, all with TomeBlades (ecxept for Priscilla) and she hits by far the hardest of the 3 most of the Time.

Now I just need to replace my Priscilla with Xander :X (why do all the horsies have shit speed ._.)

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1 hour ago, Soul~! said:

Is it just me, or is Cecilia terrible?

It's just you.

As already mentioned, she does well with both a Triangle Adept Gronnraven build as well as a Gronnblade build with Hone Cavalry support depending on what kind of coverage your team is looking for. She doesn't even need to be in a full cavalry team for the latter; you just need one other cavalry unit (like Reinhardt or Olwen) and move them as a pair.

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She's truly at her best in a Horse Emblem team running Gronnblade. I honestly find her too slow (in combat speed) and too fragile for her to be tanking resisted hits as those 2 flaws cause her to be ORKO'd by physical colorless and blue units (though that's just me speaking with a 4-star +Atk/-Def Cecilia). She gets destroyed by Takumi and she gets destroyed by the blue lance in Xander's map.

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Cecilia is terrible with no skill inheritance.

With skill inheritance and proper team support, she's easily one of the most threatening units in the entire game, capable of ORKOing all blues, greens, and colorless units and even many reds. 

She's reliant on inheritance and team support, but she gets far more mileage out of those than most other characters do. 


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She is a good F2P character, or if you are having trouble pulling a better Green Mage. 

She does well, but there are definitely better options.

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4 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I don't know. People keep bring her up when discussing Horse Emblem but I think she's pretty rubbish compared to Reinhardt or Ursula. She hits hard but she's way too slow and has terrible defense regardless. She falls into this uncomfortable zone where her defenses aren't good enough to tank but her speed is too low to be a reliable attacker. I suppose she could be decent with TA + Gronraven but I'm unimpressed. She counters Reinhardt which is kind of nice.


Cecilia taught me to stop fearing Linde & enjoy life. I revere her like a mother.

Besides, why choose when you can have Cecilia AND Reinhardt ? (and Ursula, and Titania, and Gunter, and Peri, and...)

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She filled a much needed spot for me as a general blue/colourless one-shotter with Gronnraven+ and TA3, and someone who can take on green mages with ease due to G Tomebreaker.  It helps that I already like her.  Never again will I have troubles with Linde or Kagero.  She's just very versatile and putting reposition on her can save me from a lot of things due to her 3 move.

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16 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

She filled a much needed spot for me as a general blue/colourless one-shotter with Gronnraven+ and TA3, and someone who can take on green mages with ease due to G Tomebreaker.  It helps that I already like her.  Never again will I have troubles with Linde or Kagero.  She's just very versatile and putting reposition on her can save me from a lot of things due to her 3 move.

Has G Tomebreaker come in handy for you?  I've only been using her for a week and haven't run across any Julias or Ninos just yet, so I don't have any firsthand experience with using it against them.  Escape Route is kind of just there filling a spot at the moment.

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