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Four-Fanged Grand Hero Battle: Lloyd


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51 minutes ago, Othin said:

I recommend against expecting a new passive. It's possible that they're just being generous with the new banner units to get people to spend orbs on them when they wouldn't otherwise be exciting, and don't feel the need to give free GHB units that treatment. So extrapolating based on the banner units seems uncertain, and it's the only basis for expecting a new passive. It's certainly a possibility, and it'd be cool if it happens, but better to not expect it and be happy if it shows up than to expect it and be disappointed if it doesn't.

There are certainly cool things they could do with his passives even without including a new one, such as giving him one of the ones that was added through a rare banner unit, to make it more available. Heavy Blade, for example, requires a 5* Ike to inherit from, which is a tall order but would get easier if Lloyd was an option. So that would be cool, although I think it's still on the optimistic side.

Yeah, you are probably right. Even if a passive is released on a Grand Hero, I guess it would be one with some very circumstantial uses like Iote's Shields. 


30 minutes ago, Lushen said:

As far as new passive goes, I would have expected it to be datamined with the rest of this so I wouldn't expect any new skills on Lloyd.

Never know though.

I still think (other than his hands) the default pose is fine.  And it and the facial portrait is all I ever really see cause I have combat animations turned off.

I agree with you about the default pose, his hands look a bit off but the rest is fine. However his attack and injuried poses are not so good. As a Swordmaster, I was expecting him to have a respectable battle stance like Hana and Lon'qu. His injured pose is pitiful and his attack pose would look better if he had his mouth closed. He is really different from his original design, it could have been way better.

Well, but he's still Lloyd. I have always wanted to recruit him, so Nino is still going to fight a lot of battles alongside her brother.


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I guess Zephiel was only in his 30s in FE6? Heroes makes him look a bit older than that, but not unreasonably so. I liked his art.

Ursula does have a bit of a different demeanor, but I feel like her Heroes art still looks fine and looks like her. Can't say either of those about Lloyd. If someone showed me his Heroes art and said it was some random FE2 character I've never heard of, I'd believe them. (Or a new one from Echoes, but FE2 was already the game I knew the least about.)

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

I guess Zephiel was only in his 30s in FE6? Heroes makes him look a bit older than that, but not unreasonably so. I liked his art.

In FE7 we meet him as he was preparing for his coming-of-age ceremony. How old should a man be in Elibe to be considered of age? Probably 16 to 18.
FE 6 is set 20 years later (15 years since the Roy and Lilina epilogue), which may make him 36 to 38 in that game.

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Lloyd's art is okay. Not great, but not bad. I think my biggest problem with the it is just that his stubble isn't conspicuous enough and his jaw isn't square enough for his stubble. For the damaged art, its that his face and hair make him look too old and generic.

My only problem with Zephiel's art is that it makes him look older than he actually is. And that Eckesachs doesn't look quite as awesome as Yamada Koutarou's Eckesachs (but part of that is because Yamada Koutarou's Zephiel is just far too awesome). I don't really mind, though.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Lloyd's art is okay. Not great, but not bad. I think my biggest problem with the it is just that his stubble isn't conspicuous enough and his jaw isn't square enough for his stubble. For the damaged art, its that his face and hair make him look too old and generic.

Interesting, I think his art makes him look too young.  I do agree though there isn't enough stubble to warrant it being there. 

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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

Interesting, I think his art makes him look too young.  I do agree though there isn't enough stubble to warrant it being there. 

His idle looks young, but that's mostly because of the stubble being mostly not there and how pointy his chin is.

His damaged looks too old because of the wrinkles around his eyes and the fact that the scratch marks look too much like even more wrinkles on his face. Also I think his face is a bit too rounded, which accentuates the looking old.

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

In FE7 we meet him as he was preparing for his coming-of-age ceremony. How old should a man be in Elibe to be considered of age? Probably 16 to 18.
FE 6 is set 20 years later (15 years since the Roy and Lilina epilogue), which may make him 36 to 38 in that game.

If we go by ye olden times, he might be even younger like 14 or something. Whatever the case, he's probably in his mid 30s in Sealed Sword.

Edited by NekoKnight
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8 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

If we go by ye olden times, he might be even younger like 14 or something. Whatever the case, he's probably in his mid 30s in Sealed Sword.

It's possible to look that old if you're stressed enough

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32 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

In FE7 we meet him as he was preparing for his coming-of-age ceremony. How old should a man be in Elibe to be considered of age? Probably 16 to 18.
FE 6 is set 20 years later (15 years since the Roy and Lilina epilogue), which may make him 36 to 38 in that game.

Yeah, I was originally going to say 38, but then I realized that wasn't certain. Did some looking around and found one place saying 36 but I'm not sure if they have anything concrete to go on.

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Goddamn is that Lloyd art is rough... his hands are all janked up, especially in the damaged pose...
It's not so much because the previous art is better or anything. Just the proportions are off in some respect and his ability to create depth with the limbs is lost. so he comes off very awkward looking.. The eyes im ok with, but the arm proportions are almost as bad as Anna's arms
But that's just my perspective being an Art graduate...

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4 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Can we just give the Regal Sword to Raven? That's what I did in Blazing Sword.

We can't because Raven has S rank on axes.

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If this is the sane brother, I'm looking forward to the insane one.

So do we have a pattern on Battling banners? I'm expecting some kind of flier to be on this one, and I'd like to know which.

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2 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

If this is the sane brother, I'm looking forward to the insane one.

So do we have a pattern on Battling banners? I'm expecting some kind of flier to be on this one, and I'd like to know which.

The pattern is that the units are effective against the GHB map's units. 

Aside from that your guess is as good as mine. There hasn't been any noticeable trend in terms of unit color, movement type, weapon type, gender, range, or any of that as far as I can tell. 

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Battling Robin: 2-1-0-1. Two physical, one magical, one manakete. All infantry. One Akaneia, one Ylisse, two Elibe. Tiki related.

Battling Ursula: 0-1-1-2. Three physical, one magical. Three infantry, one armour. One Elibe, three Fates. Nino related.

Battling Michalis: 2-1-0-1. All physical. Two infantry, one cavalry, one flier. Two Akaneia, one Elibe, one Fates. Minerva related.

Battling Navarre: 2-0-1-1. Three physical, one magical. Two infantry, one flier, one armour. One Akaneia, one Elibe, two Fates. Caeda related.

Battling Zephiel: 1-1-2-0. Two physical, one magical, one manakete. Two infantry, two cavalry. One Jugdral, two Ylisse, one Fates. No related.

Battling Xander: 1-1-2-0. Three physical, one magical. Three infantry, one flying. One Akaneia, two Ylisse, one Fates. No related (unless you count Arthur).

Well... I can only pick up on how common physicals and infantry are. Also, we're less likely to get Nino, and not just because that doubles up on banners- the related thing seems to have disappeared.

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Seems like Elibe units don't have as good as art that portray the orginals as much (i.e. Eliwood)? Not that I've played the games, but when comparing to other art it seems they got the short end of the stick. (That said, I like Zephiel and don't mind Ursula)

I was looking forward to knowing more about Lloyd because of his original design, but the art is disappointing. Just give him longer hair and more noticeable stubble and I'll be happier. Still hope he's a good unit at least!

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Seems like Elibe units don't have as good as art that portray the orginals as much (i.e. Eliwood)? Not that I've played the games, but when comparing to other art it seems they got the short end of the stick. (That said, I like Zephiel and don't mind Ursula)

I was looking forward to knowing more about Lloyd because of his original design, but the art is disappointing. Just give him longer hair and more noticeable stubble and I'll be happier. Still hope he's a good unit at least!

Raven and Hector seem great to me. Lyn's boob job and higher skirt annoy me a bit, but hers also seems okay.

...I won't mention Florina. Serra is fine - not great, but fine.

...We won't mention Rebecca or Lucius.

Roy and Lilina don't seem too bad. Shanna's also looks great to me, as does Clarine's. Klein is amazing, Ninian's okay. Karel and Jaffar are great, as it Matthew.

I personally like Ursula and Zephiel. Ursula's perhaps a bit too crazy looking, but nothing massively out there. For someone who was horribly poisoned and who has become insane, Zephiel looks fine to me.

So we don't have to despair too much over Elibe... yet. I'm still waiting to see how Kent looks...

...But yes, Lloyd does disappoint me. He shouldn't look so ugly >.<

Edited by Cute Chao
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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Ninian, Raven, and Priscilla redeem everything and everybody.

I forgot Priscilla, but yes, hers is also great :)

I also forgot Gwendy. They replaced her trousers for hot-pants and gave her Awakening style feet... urgh.

Let's carry on having hope for future units. I'm praying Kent and Sain are done well. Please, please let them be done well. Particularly Kent, his ciphers are... not good imo -.-

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Well it was more a comment to Eliwood/Rebecca/Gwendolyn's tiny waist really since they seem to be the more unpopular ones

I personally like Hector's the most. Shanna, Priscilla and Matthew are great, too (I was imagining Lloyd would look great with Matthew's artist)

What is Lloyd like in the actual games, stat-wise?

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Lloyd's Heroes artwork is the first Heroes artwork i don't like. Why does he have lizard hands? And when you see his face, you can tell even he is suffering.

Hopefully, he's good in battle but i doubt i'll use him much because i already have a 5-Star Eliwood as my red sword unit (i say that but i want to use Xander and Zephiel too, as well as Roy when i get him, also is it me or are 90% of GHB units red units? Actually...)

Red GHB units: Navarre, Zephiel, Xander, Lloyd. Total count: 4

Blue GHB units: Ursula, Camus (when he happens) Total count: 2

Green GHB units: Narcian, Michalis, F!Robin Total count: 3

Did i miss anybody?

30 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

...I won't mention Florina.

...We won't mention Rebecca or Lucius.

I can understand Rebecca's art because the eyes but are Florina and Lucius' Heroes art really that bad? I think their fine (i use a 5-Star Florina myself, mainly because she's one of my favorite Elihe characters+her Heroes artwork looks cute) but then again, i'm pretty chill with all the artwork Heroes has shown us.......except Lloyd's. He looks like a younger Wrys now that i think about it.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I can understand Rebecca's art because the eyes but are Florina and Lucius' Heroes art really that bad? I think their fine (i use a 5-Star Florina myself, mainly because she's one of my favorite Elihe characters+her Heroes artwork looks cute) but then again, i'm pretty chill with all the artwork Heroes has shown us.......except Lloyd's. He looks like a younger Wrys now that i think about it.

It's all personal opinion, of course, but Florina's face looks horrible to me. Her eyes and forehead are huge and she had the sort of art style I really dislike. Others may feel differently.

I actually don't mind Rebecca's attacking, special and damaged art, but urgh for that standing.

Lucius has an odd slasher smile. I expected him to be all pastelly and pretty but he's just garish.

Again, personal opinion, though. Eliwood is fine to me if not for his eyes -.-

Lloyd is just... urgh. One last disappointment to me from the whole thing. I was so excited for him, and now he's going to be levelled to forty and benched -.- I was planning to 5* him and everything, regardless of skills.

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