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Voting Gauntlet: War of the Clerics


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Just now, Arcanite said:

If anything the tempest only gave me resources XD

What did you lose in tempest? Maybe a few stamina potions but I was still able to get everything fine and I only used 4. I maxed out 3 merits during that time!

It certainly gave me a lot! But it also doesn't give you much time to train up characters. I maxed out HM on my two main teams (mage team and cav team) as well as two of my dancers. During that time, I also pulled a couple of characters (like Nowi and Rein) who would have been a ton of help (and probably would have appreciated the HM farming time), but I couldn't raise them up without using stamina that could very well be going towards the Tempest to get prizes. By the end of the Tempest, I wasn't getting any HM, and I didn't need the extra SP.

This time I'm better prepared. I've got a new mage team in the works, and some alternate characters who could use the love. It all depends on the set-up this time around!

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

At the end of the day, the guantlet is as stressful as you make it. Opinions are opinions and whether or not like you or dislike a character doesn't hurt anyone or anything. A character's popularity has very little to do in the grand scheme of things. Whether or not Lucina wins by a landslide, barely wins because of the multiplier, or loses, there are still going to be a TON of people that love her (and also hate her). Same goes for any character. :3 Priscilla will always be my second or third fave.

The mechanics of the gauntlet can certainly be improved upon, and IS has proven that the developers want to find a way to please the majority of people. Personally, I like this event because it doesn't take any extra stamina. I can still work on other quests and whatnot while it's going on. Meanwhile, the Tempest just ate away at my resources...

Oh, I don't get particularly invested into who wins. I'm just saying the individual battles ought to have more significance and definitely should be more varied in some way.

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The only effect flags have on matchups is to make the matchups appear close. In the end, the team with the larger active playerbase will ultimately win. The matchup is very much decided as soon as the first hour elapses... and the score data is revealed.

You try so hard to make the gauntlet matches exciting, Intelligent Systems... but in the end, the winners of matchups are forgone conclusions.

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7 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

It appears that there is no exception: whoever gets the lead first... wins the gauntlet matchup. Elise vs. Sakura is no exception... and Elise vs. Priscilla is no exception.

iirc, Lissa was actually in the lead against Priscilla in the first hour, but we ended up winning. For some reason Lissa never surpassed us despite seemingly having more people.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Lissa was actually in the lead against Priscilla in the first hour, but we ended up winning. For some reason Lissa never surpassed us despite seemingly having more people.

I recall that Priscilla was the one in the lead against Lissa after the first hour passed in the semifinals.

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4 minutes ago, Johann said:

Oh, I don't get particularly invested into who wins. I'm just saying the individual battles ought to have more significance and definitely should be more varied in some way.

There's probably not much they can do about that. The battles are about as varied as they get because your team is going to be incredibly different every time. Sometimes you get to work with great characters. Sometimes you get stuck with someone's -RESIceberg!Ogma.

The only way they could be more significant was if they put a turn limit on them and your score varied depending on how many turns it took you to complete a battle. Adding different stratums like a Lunatic tier might work, but to be honest, that's just complicating things, especially when you can't control who's on your team to begin with.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Welp hopefully someone comes along and tells us who's correct.

Just checked the score tracker.

Lissa scored 69M during the first hour of the semifinals. Priscilla scored 85M.

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My friend just posted this in the Discord


It's over. We lost. Unless a miraculous multiplier comes right about now, there's no way we can beat Elise.


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45 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Overall, I think the multiplier has been a positive element. People of the "no multiplier" camp complain about the possibility of a less popular candidate winning but so far it hasn't happened. What the multiplier has done is close the gap and make things more involved than it would be without it. Maybe Priscilla could have pulled ahead with the right timing, maybe not. The point is, uncertainty is an essential component in a competetive event. Had it been absolutely certain that Elise would win (instead of just highly probable), the event would be completely devoid of tension.

You're forgetting the fact that the multiplier isn't just for show, but also affects your feather income too. People on team Elise have had basically no multipliers all round (and significantly less across all rounds) compared to team Priscilla. It basically punishes the players on the more popular team because they can't possibly get as high of a total score as people on the other teams getting multipliers way more often. Not to mention you have to be around at the time of a multiplayer in the first place. I know less feathers for that reason isn't a massive deal, but I wouldn't call that something positive.  If they're going to keep up the multiplier mechanic, I really hope they change it to not count toward your total score, but just the team score.

And not making a winner so clear cut would be fine, but I'll say it's not very satisfying to win off of a big handicap either. Having it up in the air who might win with the system like this makes me just not really care rather than feel tension.

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19 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Just checked the score tracker.

Lissa scored 69M during the first hour of the semifinals. Priscilla scored 85M.

Oh, RIP me. Where's the tracker at, just on the Gauntlet website?

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10 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

You're forgetting the fact that the multiplier isn't just for show, but also affects your feather income too. People on team Elise have had basically no multipliers all round (and significantly less across all rounds) compared to team Priscilla. It basically punishes the players on the more popular team because they can't possibly get as high of a total score as people on the other teams getting multipliers way more often. Not to mention you have to be around at the time of a multiplayer in the first place. I know less feathers for that reason isn't a massive deal, but I wouldn't call that something positive.  If they're going to keep up the multiplier mechanic, I really hope they change it to not count toward your total score, but just the team score.

And not making a winner so clear cut would be fine, but I'll say it's not very satisfying to win off of a big handicap either. Having it up in the air who might win with the system like this makes me just not really care rather than feel tension.

Less feathers on the total score but more feathers from winning. In the old system, you were being punished for not choosing the popular candidate, so this is more equal, no?

You can tell me it's less satisfying to win because of a multiplier when it actually happens. I had hope for Priscilla to pull a victory out of the jaws of defeat until the very end. Without the multiplier, I'd just roll my eyes, spend all my flags and wait for the event to end.

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10 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

You're forgetting the fact that the multiplier isn't just for show, but also affects your feather income too. People on team Elise have had basically no multipliers all round (and significantly less across all rounds) compared to team Priscilla. It basically punishes the players on the more popular team because they can't possibly get as high of a total score as people on the other teams getting multipliers way more often. Not to mention you have to be around at the time of a multiplayer in the first place. I know less feathers for that reason isn't a massive deal, but I wouldn't call that something positive.  If they're going to keep up the multiplier mechanic, I really hope they change it to not count toward your total score, but just the team score.

And not making a winner so clear cut would be fine, but I'll say it's not very satisfying to win off of a big handicap either. Having it up in the air who might win with the system like this makes me just not really care rather than feel tension.

I think that, if they keep the multipliers, they shouldn't count for purposes of ranking. Or, if they are factored in, their impact should be significantly smaller, maybe by something like a factor of 10. So someone who puts in 200 flags with a bonus unit and a multiplier of 3 would get the 22,000 points, plus the 0.3x of his score from the multiplier, giving him 28,600 points. It's a decent incentive to hit multiplier hours, while not drowning out those who don't get them.

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1 minute ago, NekoKnight said:

Less feathers on the total score but more feathers from winning. In the old system, you were being punished for not choosing the popular candidate, so this is more equal, no?

Actually no. In all versions of the voting gauntlet, people were rewarded for siding with the underdog as the underdog has less individuals, meaning it became easier to rank every individual round, meaning more feathers in the long run. The bonus 500 feathers for winning is pitiful compared to a potential ~1000+ feather gain for earning a good rank on a losing/underdog team.

All that has changed is that with every successive voting gauntlet is that siding with the "clear winner" has been progressively worse, with less incentives to do so strategically.

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2 minutes ago, SageOfAnys said:

Actually no. In all versions of the voting gauntlet, people were rewarded for siding with the underdog as the underdog has less individuals, meaning it became easier to rank every individual round, meaning more feathers in the long run. The bonus 500 feathers for winning is pitiful compared to a potential ~1000+ feather gain for earning a good rank on a losing/underdog team.

All that has changed is that with every successive voting gauntlet is that siding with the "clear winner" has been progressively worse, with less incentives to do so strategically.

Fair enough, I didn't have the exact numbers. I suppose the trade off is seeing your favorite character win.

It's all a silly game to me, both the feather reward and the eventual winner, but I do want to see some competition/even matchups.

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52 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

It appears that there is no exception: whoever gets the lead first... wins the gauntlet matchup. Elise vs. Sakura is no exception... and Elise vs. Priscilla is no exception.

Because whoever gets the lead first, has the larger playerbase. So it is still a popularity contest, as it was described.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Because whoever gets the lead first, has the larger playerbase. So it is still a popularity contest, as it was described.

Mhm. Even the ludicrously huge multipliers did not change the outcomes.

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I barely got booted out of the top 10k for both my team rank and cumulative rank. Had I gone to team Priscilla, I probably would've pulled it off (I say probably because I might not be there when the multiplier happens).

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Oops, looks like I won't get to spend all of my flags! I'll have 220 leftover after my last battle. Oh well, it's not like they would've changed anything. I'm ~19k in army, ~66k cumulative. Buuut.....


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2 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

@Rezzy I find it both amusing and kind of appropriate that I ended up getting your Bride Cordelia for my last battle. :p

I'm glad she helped.  For the last round, I was cheesing it with a level 1.  I just got someone's Ryoma for my last battle.  I got him a lot.

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