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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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1. I don't find Genealogy's story very interesting. More complex and maybe realistic than the others, but it never really engaged me.

2. Yubello (in the original FE3 at least) is actually pretty great. His growths are good, you've got the whole game to train him, and it's not very hard to do so since practically nothing in that game has a res stat. I'll admit he's kind of mediocre in the remake though. I don't know how unpopular that is, but I don't think I've ever heard a positive thing said about him.

3. I feel like most people wouldn't be as fond of the Kaga games if they weren't playing them on emulators. With save states it's bearable, but you have to rely on iffy RNG way too often to play without them. Maybe that one's just me being bad at games though. Also I can't imagine playing them without being able to set the speed to 200 or 300%.

4. Tier lists and the arguments that come with them are kind of pointless. The most objective way to judge units (in an efficiency/LTC setting on the highest difficulty with no grinding or DLC) isn't really helpful since it's a small minority that actually plays like that and those rankings mean nothing to everyone else. But when you broaden the rules you end up with way too many variables to be able to say anything. Plus there's no objective way to weigh different kinds of utility, it's difficult to keep every chapter of a game in mind when trying to argue how a unit does or doesn't contribute, and people's perceptions almost always gets colored by what strategies occurred to them and how their RNG turned out. You just can't win.

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15 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

I've got another unpopular opinion, which I may have already stated before but I'm too lazy to check:

- I despise reclassing. Yes, units can become better through it, but I prefer units to say in their original class because...well, because I feel like they fit their roles well enough (story wise and whatnot). Picking a class Villager style is needed and cool though, and Heart Seals are okay too.

Same here. In addition to it wrecking class-based characterization, I've always felt like reclassing made the game unnecessarily complicated. Go through this class to get that skill, dip into this class so you can reach that boss in that level, etc.

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1 minute ago, KMT4ever said:

Same here. In addition to it wrecking class-based characterization, I've always felt like reclassing made the game unnecessarily complicated. Go through this class to get that skill, dip into this class so you can reach that boss in that level, etc.

I don't really see how, considering you can finish the game without reclassing at all.

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2 hours ago, Harvey said:

Well, dancers tend to have good avoid. Its not reliable true but it has to like be their best thing there is about them.

I suppose it's nice to have that extra insurance, but you don't want your dancers to see combat ever, making their stats far less important than any other unit's. Every time your dancer gets attacked, it's one less time your units can retaliate against the enemy.

So Lalum/Elphin aren't considered to be better dancers than Tethys because of their own stats, but because FE6 is more dancer-friendly than FE8. As far as I know, it's harder to keep Tethys close to the frontline without exposing her to the enemy because FE8 tends to have more, but weaker enemies compared to FE6, and even if she's better at not dying than Elphin/Lalum, you still want all the EP retaliation you can get in FE8.

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For a thread about just stating unpopular opinions, there sure seems to be an awful lot of posts wanting to explain in detail how the other guy's opinion is wrong/unrealistic/unrelatable. Also glad to see Armagon, Harvey, and Glaceon Mage are still at it, at least some things will never change here.

On Topic, my opinion is that Chapter 21 on Binding Blade was hardly a challenge, and this from someone who doesn't use save states or guides and was going in more or less blind. I don't know how unpopular this is, but I've heard quite a few things about how getting 21X is diabolically hard and was expecting something a little more challenging.

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I'm losing track of what I've already said...eheheh...

I love the fanservice in Heroes. A lot of people complain about the Bride costumes, but I don't see the problem? There's nothing remotely sexual about a wedding dress. What, do you go to your Aunt's wedding and see her in her dress and think, mmmm, Auntie Audrey, you look smashing? No. Yes, there's a little cleavage, but nearly every dress has it? Likewise, I'm fine with the swimsuits and the Easter outfits. The swimsuits are literally what you see if you go to a beach. The Easter costumes, while I understand the problem with Camilla, aren't all that bad. Is it just the sexualisation of rabbits in general? Honestly, I think Loppuny is worse. The Halloween characters were fine, Nowi is obviously a topic of her own, but hey ho. The Performing Arts was a brilliant idea and is exactly what you expect dancers to wear. The only one I have a problem with is Christmas Tharja, but other than that...

People are just too prudish nowadays.

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I like Yune in Radiant Dawn a lot. She has some very nice moments like


her first interaction with Ike, seeing how she really feels guilt over the events she caused in the past and the pain you could see in her base conversation with Stefan. I also like her very simple design.


When the final cutscene happened and 


Yune didn't end up leaving like she said and said: "You're right. We will try. One more time." I probably had the biggest smile on my face.


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34 minutes ago, Lau said:

I'm losing track of what I've already said...eheheh...

I love the fanservice in Heroes. A lot of people complain about the Bride costumes, but I don't see the problem? There's nothing remotely sexual about a wedding dress. What, do you go to your Aunt's wedding and see her in her dress and think, mmmm, Auntie Audrey, you look smashing? No. Yes, there's a little cleavage, but nearly every dress has it? Likewise, I'm fine with the swimsuits and the Easter outfits. The swimsuits are literally what you see if you go to a beach. The Easter costumes, while I understand the problem with Camilla, aren't all that bad. Is it just the sexualisation of rabbits in general? Honestly, I think Loppuny is worse. The Halloween characters were fine, Nowi is obviously a topic of her own, but hey ho. The Performing Arts was a brilliant idea and is exactly what you expect dancers to wear. The only one I have a problem with is Christmas Tharja, but other than that...

People are just too prudish nowadays.

Personally speaking, I don't care if these what if costumes are fanservicey (although Christmas Tharja being a thwomp is stretching my incredulity to ridiculous levels), but there's nothing interesting to me about "character, but in a different outfit which somehow changes everything about them".  Brave Heroes did alternate characters in a much more interesting and palatable manner for me.

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18 minutes ago, Refa said:

Personally speaking, I don't care if these what if costumes are fanservicey (although Christmas Tharja being a thwomp is stretching my incredulity to ridiculous levels), but there's nothing interesting to me about "character, but in a different outfit which somehow changes everything about them".  Brave Heroes did alternate characters in a much more interesting and palatable manner for me.

Ooh, I agree with you on the Brave Heroes, but I personally like the seasonal units for a chance to see new artwork. Bride!Caeda was all I needed~

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1 minute ago, Lau said:

Ooh, I agree with you on the Brave Heroes, but I personally like the seasonal units for a chance to see new artwork. Bride!Caeda was all I needed~

Yeah, I can respect other people thinking differently than I do (and yes, Bride Caeda is the best).  I'm just speaking personally, as always.

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

Personally speaking, I don't care if these what if costumes are fanservicey (although Christmas Tharja being a thwomp is stretching my incredulity to ridiculous levels), but there's nothing interesting to me about "character, but in a different outfit which somehow changes everything about them".  Brave Heroes did alternate characters in a much more interesting and palatable manner for me.

I agree and that's also why I never bother with summoning most seasonal units. IS could make the best power creep unit the game could offer and I still wouldn't bother.

On the other hand I really liked the Brave Heroes and the dancer summons because the classes don't seem too far fetched. 

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

Personally speaking, I don't care if these what if costumes are fanservicey (although Christmas Tharja being a thwomp is stretching my incredulity to ridiculous levels), but there's nothing interesting to me about "character, but in a different outfit which somehow changes everything about them".  Brave Heroes did alternate characters in a much more interesting and palatable manner for me.

I agree and that's also why I never bother with summoning most seasonal units. IS could make the best power creep unit the game could offer and I still wouldn't bother.

On the other hand I really liked the Brave Heroes and the dancer summons because the classes don't seem too far fetched. 

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1 hour ago, Lau said:

I'm losing track of what I've already said...eheheh...

I love the fanservice in Heroes. A lot of people complain about the Bride costumes, but I don't see the problem? There's nothing remotely sexual about a wedding dress. What, do you go to your Aunt's wedding and see her in her dress and think, mmmm, Auntie Audrey, you look smashing? No. Yes, there's a little cleavage, but nearly every dress has it? Likewise, I'm fine with the swimsuits and the Easter outfits. The swimsuits are literally what you see if you go to a beach. The Easter costumes, while I understand the problem with Camilla, aren't all that bad. Is it just the sexualisation of rabbits in general? Honestly, I think Loppuny is worse. The Halloween characters were fine, Nowi is obviously a topic of her own, but hey ho. The Performing Arts was a brilliant idea and is exactly what you expect dancers to wear. The only one I have a problem with is Christmas Tharja, but other than that...

People are just too prudish nowadays.

I'm fine with it.

If there is a place where I'm okay with fanservice in Fire Emblem, it's Heroes. The whole game is fanservice.

I'd just prefer they keep it out of the main franchise. If they want to arouse people, let it be through Heroes.

Edited by Slumber
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5 hours ago, Slumber said:

If they want to arouse people, let it be through Heroes.

You fool. You have doomed us all.

7 hours ago, Refa said:

Personally speaking, I don't care if these what if costumes are fanservicey (although Christmas Tharja being a thwomp is stretching my incredulity to ridiculous levels), but there's nothing interesting to me about "character, but in a different outfit which somehow changes everything about them".  Brave Heroes did alternate characters in a much more interesting and palatable manner for me.

For the most part I agree as well - I think Bridelia and SantaLissa are the only two Seasonal Units I've been interested in, and that's mostly just me liking Cordelia(who has avoided me since day 1) and Lissa…so of course I manage to get THREE Spring Xander during the Legendary Hero event, and promptly got Tharja during my hunt for SantaLissa. As my Red Tome Armor Unit would say… "Huzzah?"

Edit! I forgot I like FanOlivia because it's what I think she should have been in Awakening, either as a base Class or as some kind of promotion.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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20 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

On Topic, my opinion is that Chapter 21 on Binding Blade was hardly a challenge, and this from someone who doesn't use save states or guides and was going in more or less blind. I don't know how unpopular this is, but I've heard quite a few things about how getting 21X is diabolically hard and was expecting something a little more challenging.

Its not a hard chapter truthfully speaking. The maps, accessing 21x is not the issue as it is fine for its turn limit.

The main problem with it is its stupid amount of enemy ambush respawns that keep showing up constantly until Murdock gets killed. It also doesn't help that you need a huge amount of halbards, horseslayers, Aircaliburs and bows to deal with the enemies here and in this case, archers are your saving grace. If there are ways to deal the chapter fine, then let me know because as far as I've tried, you need a mage with a chunk full of aircaliburs to like practically kill the fliers here.


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1 hour ago, Harvey said:

If there are ways to deal the chapter fine, then let me know because as far as I've tried, you need a mage with a chunk full of aircaliburs to like practically kill the fliers here.

Worst case scenario, i.e. if you haven't trained any mages or bow users, you can still field one sniper with the Brave Bow, one sniper with a Silver Bow, and one Valkyrie with Aircalibur to lay down some heavy chip on the wyverns. FE6 prepromotes are pretty rad, even if all three of these units will need protection (or at least careful damage calculation) on enemy phase.

I think the biggest mistake you can make in this chapter is to split your forces. That way, you'll just trigger more reinforcements and the individual groups will have trouble killing enough enemies to avoid getting swarmed. Otherwise, status staves can be pretty good - I like to go east initially and berserk the Sage right below the starting location, or sleep a wyvern lord (or two) in an awkward position, or maybe silence the Bolting sage in the throne room. You do have to keep on your toes on this chapter because wyvrerns are always a thread to your squishier units thanks to their mobility, but your own team's strength has basically reached its peak by now, too, and you have plenty of firepower to deal with the wyvern swarms.

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Speaking of Tethys, doesn't Tethys have better defense than most dancers (or better than just Ninian's and Lalum's)?




Elphin>Lalum   ....I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion.



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5 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Elphin>Lalum   ....I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion.

Probably more unpopular because A route > B route and Elphin not being a cute girl (though he could try. :P). Though I don't really worry about either character too much.

Also imoRoy's Journey sucks (Sorry, me beating a dead horse)

Might be unpopular to think that Genealogy probably needs to be designed closer to other titles in the series if it wants to fix a lot of its cracks.

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14 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Probably more unpopular because A route > B route and Elphin not being a cute girl (though he could try. :P). Though I don't really worry about either character too much.


Might be unpopular to think that Genealogy probably needs to be designed closer to other titles in the series if it wants to fix a lot of its cracks.

I don't really hear a lot of people liking Larum for being a cute girl, though.  Really, the only reason I take her route is because I love Gonzalez and want to make him as good as I can.

As for FE4, however, I'm sure there are plenty of other people (myself included) who would appreciate it a bit more if the maps were more like the ones in other games.

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3 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I don't really hear a lot of people liking Larum for being a cute girl, though.  Really, the only reason I take her route is because I love Gonzalez and want to make him as good as I can.

I also only take the A route because Gonzales is better in it, and because Geese has a Brave Axe. I don't really dislike Lalum, but she's my least favourite dancer and I dislike her design.



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SoV is kinda clunky. Especially if you are using the d pad instead of the c stick on your DS.

Both Gaiden and FE1 for all their downsides can be pretty fun.

Stat boosters in FE1 are not that broken unless you abuse them instead of using them like they were intended. Which is boosting the stats of character's who have gotten screwed of simply are trash in that specific area.

Gray in Gaiden was intended to be a Draug.

Shadow Dragon isn't perfect, but despite its issue is most certainly a good game. It had great writing and artwork, as well as entertaining gameplay due to the reclass system and various other new features such as the updated feature of viewing enemy attack range. Also the mechanic of str reducing a weapon's weight works really well with the game.

Thracia 776, while difficult, is not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. The game just  has a horrible habit of not telling you anything.

Virion does not suck in Awakening. His problem is that he is kinda outclassed, and noone ever uses him.

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I don't know how unpopular the following opinions actually are, since I rarely see these topics brought up, but...

  • No game in the series done permadeath well.
  • Taguels are better than Manaketes in Awakening.
  • Pegasus knights are overrated (though their usefulness depends on the game).
  • Knights are underrated (though again, their usefulness depends on the game).
  • Awakenings characters have more depth to them than what meets the eye, and are not just "anime tropes," though with how that games support system works, it's not hard to understand why some people think/feel this way
    • Similarly, the same problems that Awakenings supports suffer from occasionally are present in every game that has supports.
  • I actually find Rudolfs plan to be pretty clever in Gaiden/SoV, though it's not hard to see why many people don't hold the same opinion.
  • The Gaiden mechanic in Shadow Dragon is good idea that wasn't implemented well, and should return with much needed improvements (i.e. it should be possible to get every character without killing anyway, but you have to go out of your way to obtain some of them, and the amount of units you would need to loose to unlock these bonus characters normally needs to be less than it was in Shadow Dragon).
  • Fates was an overambitious fluke and is not the future direction of the series!
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5 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Fates was an overambitious fluke and is not the future direction of the series!

Eh, while true, I do have to admit I admire them for being willing to try. Hopefully one day we'll see a Fates-style FE done right.

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