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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

for me it's when they try to highlight a characters  ''fanserviceness'' too much it turns me off.

Yeah, i get it, you are hot. Anything else to you?

The same goes for me personally. Like there’s a time and place for everything. You want to do fan service? save it for the beach dlc. Like I don’t much mind scantily clad characters. I very much so enjoy the T&A as much as the next guy but like why do we have this entire cutscene dedicated to it? It just feels out of place. Like a support conversation of girls talking about bust size is fine or having an accidental pervert scene is also fine at least once in a while but sometimes(as is the case with Camilla) you can really tell the writers are trying to lay the fetish pandering on thick and that generally annoys me.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Honestly, I question the premise that Fates is scummy at all. Yes, it's annoying that they paywall a route split and expect you to choose a side before you've even played the game, but from a financial perspective?

Seriously, are the games worth 40 bucks or are they not?

I maintain that Birthright and Conquest both very much are. They're each full games in their own right, with full campaigns. Getting two Fire Emblem games for the price of a game and a half is a bargain, not a scummy business practice. Hell, even if you add in Revelation and dub it completely devoid of any value whatsoever, that's still two games for the price of two games.

With hindsight I'd have been willing to pay $100 for three 3 houses routes (lol silver snow) to be similar to the fates setup. 

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

for me it's when they try to highlight a characters  ''fanserviceness'' too much it turns me off.

Yeah, i get it, you are hot. Anything else to you?

Though sometimes, not even the "you are hot" part is true for me. The three I mentioned are examples of that.

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3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Any enemy that can teleport to any point on the map and attack immediately after is not fair game design, if you ask me, unless the player has the same ability. Siege tomes have always been a challenge to avoid, but there are strategic ways of dealing with them, and the enemies using them can't move to any place on the map that they want to.

Yeah, it really punishes real, strategy, and there isnt any enjoyment out of a forced death on the players side.

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Hm, is that so?

As someone who is playing SoV for the first time, I'll reserve judgement on that. That said, I'm trying to remember if I ever encountered that on any other SRPG's I've played...

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

So are we just ignoring the existence of Revalations then?

It becomes less of a choice, since the third route likes to arbitrarily kill characters for no good reason.  Meanwhile, you talked about the Deen vs. Sonia thing.

8 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Echoes is hardly one to get a free pass for shitty business practices. 20 bucks for an entire separate game is a bargain. Meanwhile Echoes' DLC is so overpriced you have to spend 15 bucks just to unlock all the final promoted classes.

Also, more to the point, Rise of the Deliverance costs 65% of the cost of getting the other (good) Fates story route while only being 4 chapters long.

I think the entire point of the original joke went over your head.

I also think that no one has figured out what I meant by my original comment.

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Just now, Alastor15243 said:

What joke? It's a common thing Fates gets ripped for, and text is mute to sarcasm, so I assumed you were being genuine.

The original joke was made by Jotari.

And the original point of what I said is going to take a lot of thought to understand.

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Here's one I'm fairly sure will be unpopular. PoR is inferior to RD in just about everything except learning about the characters. RD has better animation, better game play, better map design, better conflict, and I just plainly enjoy RD more than it's predecessor. Of course this isn't me saying PoR is a bad game, PoR is great... RD is just better.

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16 hours ago, Jotari said:

Yes, I was being theoretical. My point, probably better expressed at the end of your post, is that Awakening leans into the gimmicks way harder than any other entry and that can make them feel one note and cliche. Whether they are or not isn't really the point as by that point as a player to whom it doesn't work has already given up caring if they are.

Yeah, again, I don't blame anyone for holding such an opinion, even if I do find it annoying when people present the criticism while only bringing up the surface aspects of a character. I am still glad that IS listened to those criticisms and took steps make changes, given how Echoes cast is a lot more down-to-earth and while some of the characters of Three Houses are still kind of tropey, it's not quite at the forefront like how Awakening and Fates introduced it's characters. Things like base conversations and the monastery also gave the cast an opportunity to speak outside of supports, giving the player an idea of what they were like even if they haven't used them much.


Also, given that witches were brought up, I do agree that they are not a good design choice. Relying on a schizophrenic AI to balance an overpowered ability only means that they won't screw over the player some of the time, and confronting Sonia to recruit Deen is something I'm probably only going to do once since that entire map was hoping that the AI wouldn't act, and if they did it would do something foolish (still managed to beat it on my first try, with the only turnwheel uses being from me overestimating Leon's ability to kill Sonia in one round while also underestimating the crit power of Excalibur on an enemy. Now that I think about it, you'll be fighting a boss with a high crit chance not matter which character you choose to confront). They're definitely not an enemy type I wish to see return in the series.

With that said, I do believe they have some saving graces. Unlike arcanists and cantors, they only have basic magic spells like fire and thunder, which hurt but aren't quite the magical truck their competition is. They're also incredibly fragile, and their high avoidance can be countered with another mage or combat arts. Finally, if there is a witch on the map, you know what you're in for and can prepare accordingly. Contrast this with things like ambush spawns and fog of war, where the player is punished for not knowing something the game doesn't tell you, and the only counters are either trial-and-error, looking up the enemy locations and timing online, or being paranoid about every fort and unknown section of the map. This doesn't make witches a good design choice by any means, but I'll take something I can take steps to prepare for over having to go to outside resources to not to be screwed over by something the game doesn't tell me.

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14 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

Echoes is hardly one to get a free pass for shitty business practices. 20 bucks for an entire separate game is a bargain. Meanwhile Echoes' DLC is so overpriced you have to spend 15 bucks just to unlock all the final promoted classes.

Also, more to the point, Rise of the Deliverance costs 65% of the cost of getting the other (good) Fates story route while only being 4 chapters long.

Yeah it's kind bad in Echoes.

I only bought the Cipher characters (Which I'm saving for a second playthrough) and the Rise of the Deliverence DLC because "Overclasses" (which to me screams "Here's OP classes for real world money!") and Grinding maps, in a game where arguably part of it's problem is too much grinding (Since constantly respawning enemies on the overworld, plus you can just go into a dungeon if you ever need to grind.) is kinda scummy so I only bought the ones that seemed to actually add any content that wasn't just breaking the game's balance over it's knee.

23 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

I don't like the recent trend of more in-depth narratives with stories you have to do shit like moving from place to place to advance. Things that you can't just skip without consequence once you've seen it. It makes replaying games like Echoes and 3H a pain in the ass.

While I prefer Echoes to my admittingly little experience with 3H's Monestary (Since in Echoes i just click on menus to quickly go through stuff in towns instead of having to physically move through the monestary where Byleth has to constantly stop running for a second to let the game load constantly.), Enemies respawn way too quickly on the overworld, Want Alm to double back and make your weapons better with Forging/promote units? Maybe you even realised you forgot to finish a side quest well ten, better get ready to kill the same enemies on the map you already captured with Celica at least twice before he actually gets back to continuing the main plot.

I've killed way too many knights in repeated Forest battles, they really should have lowered the spawn rate on the counterattacks, it's not like they're needed for grinding since Dungeons exist.

So they massively pad out the game's runtime since you have to do battles that you will do almost exactly the same way you did it the last 300 times you did it since it's usually the exact same enemies too, You pretty much just start playing the battles on auto-pilot, having everyone move and perform almost exactly the same attacks each time.


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2 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

Maybe you even realised you forgot to finish a side quest well ten, better get ready to kill the same enemies on the map you already captured with Celica at least twice before he actually gets back to continuing the main plot.

I hate that too. I never bothered with the sidequests because I didn't want the unavoidable free exp that comes from going in any direction other than forward. At one point I considered using a villager's pitchfork to reclass Valbar into a nigh-unkillable mercenary and have him solo every random battle, so nobody would gain any exp except the guy I don't use for any other purpose, but... it didn't work out so well.

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My worst experience with witches is always warp ---> crit. Every time, it happens a few times on the same map. A huge part as to why I dont like them, the luck involved in that is ridiculous.

Edited by lightcosmo
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10 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

My worst experience with witches is always warp ---> crit. Every time, it happens a few times on the same map. A huge part as to why I dont like them, the luck involved in that is ridiculous.

Especially since the original Gaiden provides no viable means to resist critical hits.

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1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

Especially since the original Gaiden provides no viable means to resist critical hits.

Maybe if the A.I was forced to target high res units first, it would be bearable.

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53 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Anything the player can'T react to is highly unfair and shouldn't be a thing.

Teleporting witches who can act after warping aren't any different from Same turn reinforcements, both shitty mechanics

At least same turn reinforcements only appear in certain spots.

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3 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

At least same turn reinforcements only appear in certain spots.

If you mean "at least you always know what spots they CAN appear on", unfortunately a lot of games have broken even the "forts, staircases and edges of the map" rule.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Same turn reinforcements

I hate this. The player should always be allowed to adjust their strategy based on any new threats. While not exactly STR, I lost Rhys on Ch. 11 of PoR because I didn't realize the BK could move after coming out of the house he was in. One thrashing later, Rhys was dead. There was no way of knowing that he would move.

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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I hate this. The player should always be allowed to adjust their strategy based on any new threats. While not exactly STR, I lost Rhys on Ch. 11 of PoR because I didn't realize the BK could move after coming out of the house he was in. One thrashing later, Rhys was dead. There was no way of knowing that he would move.

I don't know. If an enemy appears on the map and isn't guarding a sieze point, it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume they can move. You expect the Black Knight as a map element to only be there to kill you if you step in like four certain tiles?

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5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I don't know. If an enemy appears on the map and isn't guarding a sieze point, it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume they can move. You expect the Black Knight as a map element to only be there to kill you if you step in like four certain tiles?

When it’s only the eleventh chapter, my units aren’t that strong yet, and there’s no way of knowing that certain death will be within five spaces of my healer, yeah, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that the most powerful enemy in the game wouldn’t move until the next turn.

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3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

When it’s only the eleventh chapter, my units aren’t that strong yet, and there’s no way of knowing that certain death will be within five spaces of my healer, yeah, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that the most powerful enemy in the game wouldn’t move until the next turn.

Well if he spawned on you suddenly in the middle of player phase then I'm with you, I believe he spawns when you attack the boss, so if you've already moved someone into range that kind of sucks. But if you just wandered into his range expecting him to sit still, that's a different matter.

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:39 PM, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Here's one I'm fairly sure will be unpopular. PoR is inferior to RD in just about everything except learning about the characters. RD has better animation, better game play, better map design, better conflict, and I just plainly enjoy RD more than it's predecessor. Of course this isn't me saying PoR is a bad game, PoR is great... RD is just better.

I whole wholeheartedly agree with this. I also don't think it's an unpopular opinion? I think a good amount of people prefer RD to PoR for the reasons you mentioned. 

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4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Well if he spawned on you suddenly in the middle of player phase then I'm with you, I believe he spawns when you attack the boss, so if you've already moved someone into range that kind of sucks. But if you just wandered into his range expecting him to sit still, that's a different matter.

Yeah, I had just killed the boss, and Rhys happened to be within five spaces of where BK spawns (Rhys had already moved), catching me completely off guard when he got destroyed. 

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32 minutes ago, Ashe02 said:

I whole wholeheartedly agree with this. I also don't think it's an unpopular opinion? I think a good amount of people prefer RD to PoR for the reasons you mentioned. 

Perhaps it isn't? But around here it seems to be. Many people hold up PoR as the pinnacle of FE and that's fair. It's still a good game.... I just think RD is better lol.

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