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On 11/10/2017 at 8:04 PM, Truthblade said:

AS someone who is pretty much new to Fate, I was thinking of getting this game sometime in the future, and I was wondering if there is anything I should know about it in advance.

Hey, I'm not the new guy anymore! I also just started about three weeks ago. For the tips I got when I first started, go to this post and read the next page or two. However, to summarize some of them and to add my own...

1. Maxing out a character is a super long term goal. Most of the gameplay here will be about the journey instead of the endgame. Learn to love what you have.

2. The RNG and Gacha in this sucks. There is only a 1% chance of pulling a 5-star character, and a 3% chance of pulling a 4-star character. The summon currency here (Saint Quartz) is also in low supply. This is a stark contrast to Fire Emblem Heroes where the rates are higher, there are pity rates, and one is swimming in Orbs. (Granted, there are a lot more characters in FEH so the chances of getting who you want is lower, but I digress.)

3. Going off of 1&2, if you like rerolling, it is recommended you do so. Talandar's post explains this in great detail, but to reiterate some of it...
-- A: It is impossible to pull a 5-Star character on your first summon. If you want to head into FGO with a 5-star, you will need to gather more resources for a second summon.
-- B: A 4-Star character is guaranteed on your first summon. Heracles is considered the best of them. Emiya is nice to have as a long-term investment. Personally, I got Tamamo Cat who is a Berserker (glass cannon) similar to Heracles and she is still part of my core team. I hear Stheno sucks and is the worst 4* unit, so it may be advisable to re-roll if you get her.

4. It is recommended that you level up as soon as possible. Leveling up refills your Stamina bar, increases it by one, and allows for more Friends to be on your Friend List. Once you have 40 natural stamina (it can overflow in FGO), do the Level 40 Ember Gathering quest. Not only this will power level your Avatar, but you also get EXP Cards that can be used on your summoned Servants. Jeanne is considered the best support character for this, just make sure the Jeanne you field is from your Friend's List and not a stranger. (She can't use her ultimate ability if she is not from your friend's list.)

5. Send Friend Requests. In FGO one can get a support character and it is not uncommon to be using a "maxed Servant" to carry you through content. Using a friend's servant helps you out by the carry, and they get points if their unit is used!

6. Once you can start doing the Daily Quests reliably, try to get at least 100 Mana Prisms per month. You can buy Summoning Tickets for 20 Prisms each, which equate to one summon in the Gacha. Summoning Tickets are capped at 5 a month.

Serenes FGO Friend Code IDs (NA)


If I missed any, or need to make a correction, let me know!

Last Updated: November 12th, 2017

SecondWorld - 403,067,254 (David)
TheInternetExplorer - 334,836,880 (Hentai)
Sophie - 171,602,417 (Deichtine)
Lord-Zero - 285,321,342 (Lord-Zero)
eclipse - 917,798,708 (eclipse)
MediocreLee - 015,794,040 (MediocreLee)
EmeraldFox - 674,653,620  (Emeraldfox)
Polydeuces - 302,111,199 (Poly)
MrSmokestack - 062,476,598 (MrSmokestack)
Rothene - 750,157,837 (Rothene)
Ebony - 233,925,133 (Hannah)
Sekki - 082,416,051 (Sekki)
Sophie (new account) - 422,345,842 (Sophia)
Talandar - 863,169,679 (Ren)
Sire - 815 519 689 (Sire)
TheGeek - 722,418,335 (Geek)
N30 - 086,951,059 (Arcadia)

Friends List Capped
Zak Something - 883,068,826 (Zak)
Archer of Red - 772,407,206 (Turm)

Inactive Members
Jedi - 212,096,402
Yuki - 052,549,303
Midori Mage - 147,339,240
Rapier - 420,218,475
Ebony (old account) - 202,919,556
Ebony (alt account) - 846,260,209 

Edited by Sire
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Gudao drop get!
Apparently Caesar had enough and wanted to parley with me ... Unfortunately that won't stop me from UBWing the 40 AP Saber stage with double Emiya ( @The Geek's one, thank you btw.) and Nobunaga.

Problem is that I won't be able to actually run all 5 copies of it since I lack the capacity for it. The most I can get with my current level is:
- Emiya
- Oda Nobunaga
- Cu Chulainn (FSN)
- Ushiwakamaru
- Medusa
- 3x Gudao CE
With Support Okita that will put me at 380% multiplier. If I get another Level I could run a 4th one for 410%.
Argh, it's so tempting to buy Ascension materials before the CE or Skulls. I already spent 120 Hiragumos for 3 Talons (because best dog), so I need to restrain myself.

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>Sees Friends list
>Sees he hasn't given his friend code yet

Well shit 

Lemme retify this really fast...
There we go

My IGN is Arcadia and my friend code ID is 086,951,059

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@MrSmokestack ...and accepted

nice Salter you got thar

Just waiting on this event to ascend basically everyone important xD

(EMIYA, Vlad, SN!Cu, Salter, Lu Bu, all the 3* Archers b/c I have all the released ones in NA atm, etc.)

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@N30 Why thank you. I see you have good taste.

My waitlist for ascensions is huge, so clearing the shop of Gears, Hearts, Talons, Shoes, and Crystals at a minimum is so important to me. Right now I’m looking at:









A lot of these guys would be a huge help for the later stages. Hopefully I can get the other 700 Hiragumos for the last CE and Skulls soon so I can get all the materials next.


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I was going to sit on this event after ascending Elisabeth, Tamamo no Mae and Ushiwakamaru, but then I remembered Camelot and Nobunaga's NP hits servants with the riding skill pretty hard. Now I just want four skulls.

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wait Medea's useful for later content? Is it because of the rapid casting+ single target NP?



ugh It's gonna be a total pain to get the skulls and guda ces. fucking scraping up shit every little bit to grab those suckers. thankfully Cu doesn't die easily and support Okita usually hangs on long enough to nuke things.


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@Skurge Yep. Having a on demand buff clearer on standby is rather nice, and reduces the pain you're gonna go through with it down the line.

Not gonna name any specific stuff from what I've found but man she can be clutch.
I'm on the Hira-gumos myself and I've gone through a few apples already (apparently Christmas is gonna be more of a thing when it comes to AP? I dunno)

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13 minutes ago, Skurge said:

wait Medea's useful for later content? Is it because of the rapid casting+ single target NP?

Medea is the bee’s knees. Her NP damage is pretty poor, scaling the same as AOE NP’s, but it offers signifiant refund (100% at max overcharge!) and removes enemy buffs. Lategame is filled with bosses that can buff themselves after losing a certain amount of HP, especially once HP gauges are introduced. Medea being able to clear buffs is invaluable considering how she doesn’t need to charge her NP beforehand.

-Removes Invincibility and Evade

-Ignores Guts if the enemy’s HP falls to zero with Guts active

One particularly nasty situation that Medea can pull through is Medb’s fight in Nerofest. Medb starts with a ton of defensive buffs making her impossible to damage. To remove them, you need to kill the reinforcements alongside her. However, said reinforcements also give her an Atk buff when they’re called in, making Medb progressively stronger as the fight drags on. With the 7+ Atk buffs she ends up with, she can power through class advantage and one-shot most of your party pretty easily, especially considering her 400k body making her hard to take down before she can pull a wipe.

Medea throws a wrench in that by making her Atk buffs go poof. She’ll probably die after getting her NP off (rider lul) but your assassins will love having her around to make their lives easier.

13 minutes ago, Skurge said:

ugh It's gonna be a total pain to get the skulls and guda ces. fucking scraping up shit every little bit to grab those suckers. thankfully Cu doesn't die easily and support Okita usually hangs on long enough to nuke things.

I feel you man.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

-Removes Invincibility and Evade

Are you sure about this? I'm asking because in a run my Tamamo Cat was hit by Rule Breaker and came out unscathed with evasion.

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I believe he means that Rule Breaker removes the Evasion/Invincibility status so that later hits can deal damage.  Rule Breaker's effect kicks in after it deals damage so of course it won't hurt a unit in evasion mode.

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2 hours ago, The Geek said:

I believe he means that Rule Breaker removes the Evasion/Invincibility status so that later hits can deal damage.  Rule Breaker's effect kicks in after it deals damage so of course it won't hurt a unit in evasion mode.

This. Evade and invincible count as buffs, so while her NP won’t do damage, it will leave them vulnerable to your other unit’s attacks.

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28 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

This. Evade and invincible count as buffs, so while her NP won’t do damage, it will leave them vulnerable to your other unit’s attacks.


So the case would apply against Def buff too?(not like it would matter since that thing seems rare lol)

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All of the buffs.

There are a few buffs that Rule Breaker actually can’t remove, usually indicated with a square around the skill. This can include forced Guts on certain bosses, forced damage resist up, or even Grail buffs like with *spoilers*


BEAST-class bosses like Goetia from Solomon and Kiara from the EXTRA/CCC event. In Camelot, Grail buffs depend on the boss but they range from halving all damage taken to increasing NP gained at the end of every turn, like with Gawain and Mordred.

As for forced damage resist up, it is usually temporary in the fights in appears in, but while active most attacks and NPs will do next to no damage 50 damage Shishou NP hype

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As for who I want to Ascend...
- Tamamo Cat: My mainstay and first 4*. She awaits her final ascension, and then I can focus on raising Heracles.
- Heracles: This (I want to raise Heracles since he has better survivability and single-target than TamaCat.)
- Georgios: He is a favorite of mine and I plan on Grailing him to 90. Before that, I need to ascend him up enough...
- Caesar: While I did not like him at first, I learned to love the guy after actually seeing him do stuff in the story and his interlude. He is also my only real Saber.
- Artemis Orion: She is my first 5* and she is supposed to be amazing down the line. I already see her potential since I've been farming the 40AP Saber quest.
- Nobu: Nobu Nobu! (I can use another good Archer character, and I plan on maxing her out. Hopefully I can get all the stuff, my guys are good, but aren't capped.)
- Medusa, Euryale: I feel like raising the Gorgon Sisters. Medusa gets priority after Georgios, then Euryale after Orion (and Nobu). I do not have Stheno yet.

As for the Honnouji event, I am currently trying to farm the Hiragumos so I can get the last 2 Golden Skulls. I'll probably end up skipping its Event CE as I do not have the points value to actually field it. After that, I'll probably take a closer look at what servant needs what so I can farm for materials.

Lastly, I went though the Friend Code ID list and sent a bunch of requests. I also updated the list as well, mainly moving inactive users out and listing the in-game names.

Serenes FGO Friend Code IDs (NA)


If I missed any, or need to make a correction, let me know!

Last Updated: November 12th, 2017

SecondWorld - 403,067,254 (David)
TheInternetExplorer - 334,836,880 (Hentai)
Sophie - 171,602,417 (Deichtine)
Lord-Zero - 285,321,342 (Lord-Zero)
eclipse - 917,798,708 (eclipse)
MediocreLee - 015,794,040 (MediocreLee)
EmeraldFox - 674,653,620  (Emeraldfox)
Polydeuces - 302,111,199 (Poly)
MrSmokestack - 062,476,598 (MrSmokestack)
Rothene - 750,157,837 (Rothene)
Ebony - 233,925,133 (Hannah)
Sekki - 082,416,051 (Sekki)
Sophie (new account) - 422,345,842 (Sophia)
Talandar - 863,169,679 (Ren)
Sire - 815 519 689 (Sire)
TheGeek - 722,418,335 (Geek)
N30 - 086,951,059 (Arcadia)

Friends List Capped
Zak Something - 883,068,826 (Zak)
Archer of Red - 772,407,206 (Turm)

Inactive Members
Jedi - 212,096,402
Yuki - 052,549,303
Midori Mage - 147,339,240
Rapier - 420,218,475
Ebony (old account) - 202,919,556
Ebony (alt account) - 846,260,209 

Edited by Sire
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1 hour ago, Sire said:

As for who I want to Ascend...
- Tamamo Cat: My mainstay and first 4*. She awaits her final ascension, and then I can focus on raising Heracles.
- Heracles: This (I want to raise Heracles since he has better survivability and single-target than TamaCat.)
- Georgios: He is a favorite of mine and I plan on Grailing him to 90. Before that, I need to ascend him up enough...
- Caesar: While I did not like him at first, I learned to love the guy after actually seeing him do stuff in the story and his interlude. He is also my only real Saber.
- Artemis Orion: She is my first 5* and she is supposed to be amazing down the line. I already see her potential since I've been farming the 40AP Saber quest.
- Nobu: Nobu Nobu! (I can use another good Archer character, and I plan on maxing her out. Hopefully I can get all the stuff, my guys are good, but aren't capped.)
- Medusa, Euryale: I feel like raising the Gorgon Sisters. Medusa gets priority after Georgios, then Euryale after Orion (and Nobu). I do not have Stheno yet.

As for the Honnouji event, I am currently trying to farm the Hiragumos so I can get the last 2 Golden Skulls. I'll probably end up skipping its Event CE as I do not have the points value to actually field it. After that, I'll probably take a closer look at what servant needs what so I can farm for materials.

Lastly, I went though the Friend Code ID list and sent a bunch of requests. I also updated the list as well, mainly moving inactive users out and listing the in-game names.

Serenes FGO Friend Code IDs (NA)

  Hide contents

If I missed any, or need to make a correction, let me know!

Last Updated: November 12th, 2017

SecondWorld - 403,067,254 (David)
TheInternetExplorer - 334,836,880 (Hentai)
Sophie - 171,602,417 (Deichtine)
Lord-Zero - 285,321,342 (Lord-Zero)
eclipse - 917,798,708 (eclipse)
MediocreLee - 015,794,040 (MediocreLee)
EmeraldFox - 674,653,620  (Emeraldfox)
Polydeuces - 302,111,199 (Poly)
MrSmokestack - 062,476,598 (MrSmokestack)
Rothene - 750,157,837 (Rothene)
Ebony - 233,925,133 (Hannah)
Sekki - 082,416,051 (Sekki)
Sophie (new account) - 422,345,842 (Sophia)
Talandar - 863,169,679 (Ren)
Sire - 815 519 689 (Sire)
TheGeek - 722,418,335 (Geek)
N30 - 086,951,059 (Arcadia)

Friends List Capped
Zak Something - 883,068,826 (Zak)
Archer of Red - 772,407,206 (Turm)

Inactive Members
Jedi - 212,096,402
Yuki - 052,549,303
Midori Mage - 147,339,240
Rapier - 420,218,475
Ebony (old account) - 202,919,556
Ebony (alt account) - 846,260,209 

my ID is 283,900,798

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