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I'm just going to do Camelot as I do any other story, which means I'll probably run my usual team and enjoy the story. If/When I start reaching roadblocks, then I'll go tryhard mode.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs (NA)

I did ask if anyone wanted me to upkeep a JP code list, but no one replied. Guess I'll stick with NA unless anyone says otherwise.


If I missed anyone or need to make a correction, let me know! (Use the [@UserName] feature so I get a notification, or just quote one of my posts.)

[UPDATE LOG - June 28th, 2018]
-- Added Scoot and Alexmender.

Active Members
SecondWorld - 403,067,254 (David)
eclipse - 917,798,708 (eclipse)
MediocreLee - 015,794,040 (MediocreLee)
MrSmokestack - 062,476,598 (MrSmokestack)
Rothene - 750,157,837 (Rothene)
Ebony - 233,925,133 (Hannah)
Zeratul  - 863,169,679 (Ren)
Sire - 815 519 689 (Sire)
TheGeek - 722,418,335 (Geek)
N30 - 086,951,059 (Arcadia)
JSND Alter Dragon Boner - 283,900,798 (JSND)
Czarpy - 356,589,556 (Czarpy)
Phillius the Crestfallen - 961, 944, 081 (Time)
Jingle Jangle - 812,852,640 (Jingles)
Glaceon Mage -  171,099,109 (Glaceon Mage) Note: Please notify Glaceon Mage if adding as a friend in FGO.
Scoot -  999,540,146 (Nat)
Alexmender - 423,824,954 (Alexmender)

Friends List Capped
Zak Something - 883,068,826 (Zak)
QKumber - 314,369,629 (QK)
Emeraldfox - 674,653,620  (Emeraldfox)
Lord-Zero - 285,321,342 (Lord-Zero)
Polydeuces - 302,111,199 (Poly)
Sekki - 082,416,051 (Sekki)

Edited by Sire
Updated the Friend List
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Kintoki is at NP5 where he belongs.  Shout-out to the person on my friends list who had a MLB box CE on Ibaraki.  Also shout-out to a certain someone's Jack with the box CE. . .had to do the 6M raid boss to level up, get the stamina refresh, and grind out the rest.  Used surprisingly few apples for this stunt.

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2 hours ago, eclipse said:


Kintoki is at NP5 where he belongs.  Shout-out to the person on my friends list who had a MLB box CE on Ibaraki.  Also shout-out to a certain someone's Jack with the box CE. . .had to do the 6M raid boss to level up, get the stamina refresh, and grind out the rest.  Used surprisingly few apples for this stunt.

Hey that is nice! Hope you also grabbed all his ascencion itens aswell!

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26 minutes ago, QKumber said:

Hey that is nice! Hope you also grabbed all his ascencion itens aswell!

Fortunately, the damage ladder was a lot easier.  Thanks~!

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@Sire If you can add me to the list I'd be glad. My FC is: 423,824,954


Phew! I managed to get Euryale to level 90 just before the dailies reset. Now my shame rests lies in her 10/4/10 skills. Now the next servant to finish leveling in line is Liz, she's been stuck at 74 for a while now and that won't do.

Edited by Alexmender
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"Let's do a yolo roll or two, maybe I'll get Serenity, Touta, or if Sehai-kun willing- Lancelot"


I got Ozymandias



-Ain't complaining. I know I just got Kintoki, but this is totally welcome. Now I can truly wreck the shit outta caster bosses.


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Well, um. Ok.


First 10-roll too. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin my chances of rolling Saber Fran later today.

I was planning on streaming all of Camelot in one sitting, but my phone unsurprisingly can’t handle that much abuse. I’m going to split the entire run across four streams. Finished the first four chapters a while ago and will mostly likely continue tomorrow.

In case anyone is interested in following this. Mostly rushing with meta teams but planning on soloing several of the boss fights.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Well, um. Ok.


First 10-roll too. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin my chances of rolling Saber Fran later today.

I was planning on streaming all of Camelot in one sitting, but my phone unsurprisingly can’t handle that much abuse. I’m going to split the entire run across four streams. Finished the first four chapters a while ago and will mostly likely continue tomorrow.

In case anyone is interested in following this. Mostly rushing with meta teams but planning on soloing several of the boss fights.

uh why do i get the feeling that Ozy is going to bless a lot of SF fgo players.

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So yeah


I literally make out like a bandit from this banner, despite quite a bad start

Expect to see a certain L100 Saber once i finished raising him up AKA suffering in Medal Hell

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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10 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

So yeah


I literally make out like a bandit from this banner, despite quite a bad start

Expect to see a certain L100 Saber once i finished raising him up AKA suffering in Medal Hell

Is there a single servant on rate-up here that isn't worthwhile for this banner lmao?

Ozy/Saberlot are top tier. Nito is like one of the best farmers, and the two 3* ones are new and handy.

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6 minutes ago, Mister Rogers said:

Is there a single servant on rate-up here that isn't worthwhile for this banner lmao?

Ozy/Saberlot are top tier. Nito is like one of the best farmers, and the two 3* ones are new and handy.

not really no

I guess Nito isnt worth past the first, but i wont be surprised if theres a utility you can pull off from high NP level on her

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2 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

not really no

I guess Nito isnt worth past the first, but i wont be surprised if theres a utility you can pull off from high NP level on her

Nito is totally worth it because waifu.


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5 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Say that if your waifu is the other SR


and she spook you THREE times


Because thats what happened on my roll

if we're talking about getting spooked by fucking Saberlot, then I find absolutely no negatives here.

Hell, np3 Saberlot? Yes please.

I got spooked by Ozymandias.


wait isn't Ozy like one of the top 5 support servants in JP?

oh he'll be getting me the FP.

but fuuuuck the ascension items since I really wanted him to be FA before entering camelot lol. Oh well.

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6 minutes ago, Mister Rogers said:

if we're talking about getting spooked by fucking Saberlot, then I find absolutely no negatives here.

Hell, np3 Saberlot? Yes please.

I got spooked by Ozymandias.

I got spooked by 3 nito,  Ozy, and a Tamamo from this banner

Watch as @The Priest got spooked by Ozy and SF will get second coming of MHX

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2 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

I got spooked by 3 nito,  Ozy, and a Tamamo from this banner

Watch as @The Priest got spooked by Ozy and SF will get second coming of MHX

nah the second coming of MHX will involve MrSmokestack trying to get saberlot and getting np4 Ozy, while eclipse chimes in that she just pulled Ozy.

To be fair, all of us getting Ozy is a lot better than MHX, who gets shafted and thoroughly outlcassed by a welfare like a month after her event lol.

Do not tempt me to spend my potential guaranteed gacha money on rolling for NIto pls.


Huh the only non-limited/storylocked SSR Cavalry Class servants I'm missing are Drake/Waver. Add in storylocked and the list includes Medb/Cu Alter.

I don't think I'll roll the guaranteed gacha for horsemen. It's too risky for me since I don't want a dupe. Besides the last thing I need is np2 Nightingale.

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4 minutes ago, The Priest said:

Jokes on you, I'm not pulling from this banner. I think you're mixing me up with eclipse.

is there a correlation between this and everyone's good gacha luck?


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19 minutes ago, The Priest said:

Jokes on you, I'm not pulling from this banner.

Let it be known that the Priest did not smile today.

I only did that one ten roll just for kicks. I’m saving the other 614 quartz for Artoria Archer.

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4 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Let it be known that the Priest did not smile today.

I only did that one ten roll just for kicks. I’m saving the other 614 quartz for Artoria Archer.


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6 minutes ago, Mister Rogers said:


Yes, people can save quartz and not roll as soon as they see the number “3”.

That’s about the only useful thing I learned while I was still playing FEH, to be honest.

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