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This trials weren't very kind to me the last 2 days, at best I could do 6k a day using a 20% bonus unit (Lukas) which was awfully slow for my tastes. I'm glad today I got an Alm from a YOLO pull this morning, now I can go full gears on the trials and have an A/A score every time. I'll have to use like 5 or 10 Stamina Potions today, but I swear I'll get to 40k to make up for how badly I was scoring two days ago.

I'm at 25k right now, I hope I won't get burned too fast.


Edited by Alexmender
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At 41.2k. Rank 938. Feels kinda weird having this much a couple days in when I was around 10-15k the first trial. This trial is a breeze. I hope they're all this easy. Some of the Mystery of the Emblem stages are really irritating though.

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Finally got my 5* Tobin! But wow are people going fast. Last time going about 8k a day netted me safely within top 5k. This time I'm going at 10k a day and I'm just on the border of top 5k. 

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5* Tobi-poo is now mine as my last run put my score at 30,112. Have to say, my Alm is loving these Tempest Trials as all the SP he has been getting has allowed me to unlock Renewal 3 and Reciprocal Aid so he can be a Falchion cleric now. As such, my A Team is now comprised of Alm/Lukas/Kagero/Katarina, with Katarina booting out Lachesis to provide my team with a good mage that and she could use the SP. Once Alm maxes his merits (he just passed 1500 not long ago), I suppose I'll have to shake my team up again starting with inserting Boey as the new bonus unit but I'll worry about that more once Alm gets really close to max.

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Geez. I slacked off a bit, but then picked up the pace with stamina potions. Now at 30k, and got 5* Tobin.

As for Tobin himself, it's a shame that he has an armorslayer. I've yet train him, so I'll see if he ends to be a decent unit. Either way, I'm not benching him.

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After seeing his stats. Tobin is incredibly average. It appears he could either be a worse Brave Sword Chrom/Alfonse or a Ruby Sword user, maybe with QR since he's got quite a bit of bulk. He may like Distant Counter but no one is going to give this guy a Hector. I may train him but he'll be benched for quite some time, he's at the literal bottom of my priority list.

So my team is Faye/Olivia/Nino/Medic Marth. Think Faye/Xander/B!Caeda/Wrys|Sakura would be a better combination? Nino puts in work but she's a green and the final map is almost ALWAYS a big heap of red units so she becomes virtually useless and it's almost impossible to get perfect runs. 

Everyone but Faye and M!Marth have maxed HM though (Nino just hit 2000) so should I just redirect to other units and start grinding HM and SP instead? 

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Tobin is best looked at as a "weaker but bulkier" Seliph/Alfonse/Alm.

Personally I wouldn't go the Brave Sword rout on him. 31 attack is noooot particularly outstanding, which you need for Brave Sword use. Save that for Chrom.

What he does have, is more Def and Res than those other three units that were mentioned. More speed than Seliph/Alfonse but less than Alm, only one point less in HP than Seliph. I think the best way to take advantage of the fact that his 5 extra BST was dumped into Def/Res would be to slap on the Ruby Sword or Silver Sword and then give him either Distant Counter, Distant Defence, or Close Defence. He's never going to be an offensive powerhouse, what you're really deciding with him is if you want him to specialize against one particular colour or be decent against 2 colours. Fury works as always but its not helping his offence much at all.

Another way to go about it would be to give him the Silver Sword and make Triangle Adept his A slot: give up ranged counters/specialized bonus defences in exchange for more damage. 

Pity they gave a half-hearted attempt in boosting up his speed. If it was down at Seliph levels he could have had more attack or even more defences. 

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Tobin's attack is on-par with Palla/Stahl, and both do just fine with a Ruby Sword.  33 Def/26 Res is a pretty good for a mixed tank.  He'd definitely do well with Distant Counter/Distant Defense (none of which I have).  For skills, I'd probably do Bonfire/Fury/Renewal or Quick Riposte/Threaten Something - Fury mostly to make Bonfire a better number, and to drop the number of things that will double him.

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12 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Tobin's attack is on-par with Palla/Stahl, and both do just fine with a Ruby Sword.  33 Def/26 Res is a pretty good for a mixed tank.  He'd definitely do well with Distant Counter/Distant Defense (none of which I have).  For skills, I'd probably do Bonfire/Fury/Renewal or Quick Riposte/Threaten Something - Fury mostly to make Bonfire a better number, and to drop the number of things that will double him.

Distant defense would be great, didn't think about that.  He'd be even tankier than Lukas in most scenarios.

edit: I bet that's what they were going for with him - a red Lukas with some resistance.  He just isn't quite as good though, imo.

edit 2: Though, the extra speed from Fury might help his survivabillity more since he's so close to being safe from doubles.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

On a scale from 1 to 10, how fucked am I?


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Depends on everyone's skills.  If Soren can one-shot Klein, and if you have someone with Draw Back, you might survive!

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17 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Depends on everyone's skills.  If Soren can one-shot Klein, and if you have someone with Draw Back, you might survive!

Nope, Soren only one-rounds Klein, can’t one-shot him. Oh well, I’m still going through with it, because life is suffering anyway.

EDIT: Lilina died for our sins :(

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Nope, Soren only one-rounds Klein, can’t one-shot him. Oh well, I’m still going through with it, because life is suffering anyway.

Good luck~!

But if you DID have someone with Draw Back:

1. Soren murders Klein.
2. Get Soren out of the way.
3. Have Rein nuke Takumi.

Jagen shouldn't be able to ORKO Rein, which means you're free to wreak havoc.

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34 minutes ago, eclipse said:

But if you DID have someone with Draw Back:

Lilina had Draw Back. Yeah, I should have zapped Takumi with Reinhardt. I’m a master tactician, welp.

EDIT: without Lilna I wiped on the next map where there was an enemy Soren. Awesome. Horses go.

EDIT EDIT: Eldigan is a champ.

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Wound up doing the final map's equivalent in Echoes today. I'm going to be creative and say that Tobin and Alm were great archers. Even if Alm has a pitiful 3 range (never thought I'd say 'pitiful' and '3 range' in the same sentence).

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This isn't Tempest Torture for me anymore. I have to say, M!Robin is so OP here, with TA3. And with less Reinhardt/Olwen in there, it's so much easier...

And Blade Katarina is so much satisfaying. She's not +Spd, but she double easily the foes she faced, and with great damage. See the spoiler for my A team.


M!Robin+1 (+Spd -Res) | (Blarraven+, Swap, Bonfire) | (TA3, QR2, Fortify Def 3, Fortify Res 1)

Katarina (+Atk -HP) | (Rauorblade, /, Glacies) | (Swift Sparrow, /, Atk Ploy 1, Hone Def 1) (Just got Rauorblade+ at the time I write this)

Alm+1 (+Spd -Def) | (Falchion, Ardent Sacrifice, Dragonic Aura) | (Darting Blow 3, Renewal 2, Hone Spd 1, Spd+1)

Michalis (Neutral) | (Hauteclere, Reposition, Bonfire) | (Fury 3, QR2, Threaten Def 3, HP+3)

I have to say, I love my team right now. And I can play this Tempest game now I now I can have fun.

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WWWWAAAAYYYY off topic, but can anyone tell me why they decided to use Celica instead of Jedah? Is it because they couldn't come up with a complete stat for the guy?

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9 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

WWWWAAAAYYYY off topic, but can anyone tell me why they decided to use Celica instead of Jedah? Is it because they couldn't come up with a complete stat for the guy?

To... limited the spoils ? Or because he's not out actually ? We got Veronica and not Validar for the last TT. So it's... the same, in one way.

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2 minutes ago, Ledrert said:

To... limited the spoils ? Or because he's not out actually ? We got Veronica and not Validar for the last TT. So it's... the same, in one way.

But fighting Celica is more of spoiler than fighting Jedah & I figure they use Veronica bcuz of the whole Xenologue 2 thing.

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Just now, Zangetsu said:

But fighting Celica is more of spoiler than fighting Jedah & I figure they use Veronica bcuz of the whole Xenologue 2 thing.

I... don't think so ? Because I'm not here on Echoes actually, so I was thinking they use Celica because she's a powerful unit, or because she's the heroine of this game. They'll be using Alm, I'll didn't think much.

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