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Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach!


Voting Gauntlet: Battle on the Beach poll!  

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1 minute ago, ruruo said:

Found you @Anacybele. Think that cutie is your Robin ;)

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It looks like we'll not get another multiplier. Shame, I thought Gaius had the bigger team since Fred got the multiplier first.

I guess Team Gaius just happened to throw some flags/battle wins first.

And yeah, that's me.

But wtf who gives a 5 star Frederick a silver axe over his hammer? At least the hammer gives him extra damage vs armors and lets him kill Hector and Effie! Glad to see some people besides me use 5 star Freddys though!

Frederick is still more popular than candy boy in the end here though, which I'm keeping in mind despite my disappointment that we lost. So yay for that!

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Current score is 184100 with a rank of 1539 with 870 spare flags. Unfortunately, after this hour, I will be going to bed, and then waking up and going straight to uni with little regard for Heroes- and I won't have the chance to pick up for the remainder of this round.

Might 400 now. Reckon I could stay in 1000-5000 even without the Frederick bonus?

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3 hours ago, Korath88 said:

Honestly, team corrin is in the worst spot when it comes to feathers since even though they will likely win the gauntlet, they won't get many multipliers due to the ridiculous curbstomp and it will be very hard to rank in the team due to its size

Because Team Corrin only got 1 bonus it's not to difficult to be in the top 1000 as long as you were able to spend 400 flags during the bonus. Lots of people missed it and therefor have no chance in hell of making the cut for the top 1000. For me, I set a timer for 29 mins after every battle so I will have almost as high a score as possible. Of the potential 90 battle in the round, I will finish with 80-83 battles and I was there for the bonus hour so I should make top 1000 and save as much as 700 flags for the next round.

The 1500 feathers for victories offsets the poor total score rank. As long as I finish top 1000 in all 3 rounds, I will make 10,000 feathers + whatever my total rank ends up being.

2 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I'm rank 645 right now but it's kinda hard to keep track of the multipliers. I was gonna get it a few hours ago but fell back asleep...

Save them for a little while. Elise will get at least 2 bonuses after her bonus next hour. possibly 3.

If anyone was smart enough to hang on to all of there flags on Team Elise, now is the time to spend them. Your score will be absolutely absurd if you spend 400 flags on all of her bonuses from here on out.

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43 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

If anyone was smart enough to hang on to all of there flags on Team Elise

That seems a little harsh lol



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22 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

That seems a little harsh lol



Lol, not trying to be mean. It's just that with the massive curbstomp that is taking place, it is not hard to predict that there will be bonuses later on. Skipping the first 6 or 7 should have been obvious. In this case, skipping the first 10 or 11 bonuses was the best strategy, LOL.


The Final might be a bigger curbstomping than Corrin v Elise is right now...

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1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

Lol, not trying to be mean.

It kind of sounded like those on team Elise who didn't save their flags r dum 


3 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

It's just that with the massive curbstomp that is taking place, it is hard to predict that there will be bonuses later on. Skipping the first 6 or 7 should have been obvious. In this case, skipping the first 10 or 11 bonuses was the best strategy, LOL.

Well here's to hoping Elise can pull out the clutch win!

4 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

The Final might be a bigger curbstomping than Corrin v Elise is right now...

The final is always the biggest curbstomp

It's just covered by the bonuses heh

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9 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Lol, not trying to be mean. It's just that with the massive curbstomp that is taking place, it is hard to predict that there will be bonuses later on. Skipping the first 6 or 7 should have been obvious. In this case, skipping the first 10 or 11 bonuses was the best strategy, LOL.


The Final might be a bigger curbstomping than Corrin v Elise is right now...

Yeah, I kind of missjudged the situation a bit. I'm not spending anything on this bonus so I have 400 flags left for the last one I see. Still feels like a waste...

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2 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

The final is always the biggest curbstomp

It's just covered by the bonuses heh

Actually the past 2 Finals weren't too bad Compared to the first two gauntlets

Tharja v Robin was really close. Team Tharja was only like 40-50% larger. And Team Elise was only about 3x larger than Team Pris.

Right now, Team Corrin is about 7x larger than Team Elise, and the Final could end up being 10:1.

1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

Yeah, I kind of missjudged the situation a bit. I'm not spending anything on this bonus so I have 400 flags left for the last one I see. Still feels like a waste...

There is a pretty good chance that Elise will get it in the final hour. That 7.5 multiplier will go a long way for you. Odds are that most people got excited and blew their flags way too early.

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14 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

There is a pretty good chance that Elise will get it in the final hour. That 7.5 multiplier will go a long way for you. Odds are that most people got excited and blew their flags way too early.

The problem is that I'm not going to be awake in the final hours of a round...

Still, I think I'll be able to catch one more multiplier before calling it a day, and after that I'll just have to hope there won't be another one (if the next multiplier comes in about 6-7 hours, I should be good) or that people have already used their flags as you said.

Welp, I'll see how it all turned out tommorow anyway, and there's not a lot I can do about it now.

Edit: My rank seems to have only dropped about 1k spots in team Elise after the multiplier (top 3k to top 4k), so I should be fine.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

But wtf who gives a 5 star Frederick a silver axe over his hammer?

They want the extra might over Armor emblem coverage!

9 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Right now, Team Corrin is about 7x larger than Team Elise, and the Final could end up being 10:1

Would that increase the odds of getting a multiplier at the last second in the final round since her team would be so big they'd give us the multiplier very easily because their score would increase a lot faster than the opposite team?

What are the chances Xander gets the multiplier at the last second btw

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5 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

They want the extra might over Armor emblem coverage!

Yeah, but if you don't have a red mage or good Nino or Ike or something, Hammer Freddy is a great counter to Effies and Hectors who can be annoying.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but if you don't have a red mage or good Nino or Ike or something, Hammer Freddy is a great counter to Effies and Hectors who can be annoying.

Most people trust their red unit to deal with Hector I'm sure (most decent swordies can beat him), and Effie can be dealt with by pretty much any mage if you have a dancer/repostion unit. No need to outfit Fredrick for that.

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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Most people trust their red unit to deal with Hector I'm sure (most decent swordies can beat him), and Effie can be dealt with by pretty much any mage if you have a dancer/repostion unit. No need to outfit Fredrick for that.

Well, okay. But if Frederick should inherit any weapon, it's a Brave Axe+. He should be a major terror with that.

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8 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

What are the chances Xander gets the multiplier at the last second btw

Pretty sure that Elise is the only one who will get anything. The other Teams all have 0% chance for a multiplier.


9 minutes ago, Oboro! said:

Would that increase the odds of getting a multiplier at the last second in the final round since her team would be so big they'd give us the multiplier very easily because their score would increase a lot faster than the opposite team?

Whoever the unlucky man is in the final will have a shit ton of bonuses and the scores will get way too high to even have a chance to catch up, let alone take any kind of lead.

If it is actually 10:1 or more, Corrin's opponent could have as many as like 30 bonus hours...

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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

Most people trust their red unit to deal with Hector I'm sure


My Lyn does jack diddly squat to him

So I have to use Nino

5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but if you don't have a red mage or good Nino or Ike or something, Hammer Freddy is a great counter to Effies and Hectors who can be annoying.

Yup you're right. He probably wins a few more match ups against others with silver ax though

If you don't have a red unit or epic mage of doom anything like that it's pretty hard to fight them

1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

Pretty sure that Elise is the only one who will get anything. The other Teams all have 0% chance for a multiplier.


Good! Leo has this one in the bag


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1 minute ago, Oboro! said:


My Lyn does jack diddly squat to him

So I have to use Nino

Which is why I said a decent swordie.

Eh, +atk Lyn, or Fury Lyn should be able to take him out 1v1 in two rounds of combat if you let Hector engage first. Multiple Hectors would be scary if she's your only answer to him though.

Besides, isn't your team plan to have Nino deal with everything anyway?

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Woohoo for you guys.

Meanwhile, my team has lost already... Oh well, at least Robin pulled ahead of Tiki. Looks like she'll win after all and I can go to her next. If not Freddy, his wifey! Well, the wifey I give him. lol I have her too anyway, so I still get the bonus! I have a complete Freddy x Female Robin Emblem team sans some SI for Summer Female Robin. ^^

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Woohoo for you guys.

Meanwhile, my team has lost already... Oh well, at least Robin pulled ahead of Tiki. Looks like she'll win after all and I can go to her next. If not Freddy, his wifey! Well, the wifey I give him. lol

Hey, at least your team didn't get completly crushed into the ground...

5 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

This is very good news! I was scared I wouldn't get to be on his team. 

Did it ever look like Leo would lose?

1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

She can't find it in herself to hurt her husband :(

LynxHector OTP! If she would just come home already...

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