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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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34 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Implying the darkest timeline isn't getting darker already.

While a person's worst memories can only get worse, a darkest 'timeline' should be exempt due to the fact that it lies outside our own timeline.

That is, delta T shouldn't change the value of 'dark' with respect to the darkest timeline at all.

The darkest timeline is already as dark as it could get, it's merely the identification of said timeline that could change over time.


I totally learned this in Calculus class.

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I once made a dark timeline since it was all in black pencil. I used a ruler, so it was correct in terms of measurements. Take that.

Also, oh snap, Hector's been holding a bit of a lead over Ike in "same" range.

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11 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

Also, oh snap, Hector's been holding a bit of a lead over Ike in "same" range.

His lead's shrinking with every passing hour, actually. It'll be completely gone within the next two or three hours tops.

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16 minutes ago, Lau said:

Ngl I kinda want Camilla to win the whole thing.

What are the chances of that happening? I heard she could get a well-timed multiplier, but I'm on team Ike so I haven't really bothered to check the exact numbers.

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19 minutes ago, Thane said:

What are the chances of that happening? I heard she could get a well-timed multiplier, but I'm on team Ike so I haven't really bothered to check the exact numbers.

Camilla and Lyn are quite close, but I know that Ike would destroy her because, well, Ike.

5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Why would you?

Because Camilla is the one I like the most, though I'm quite fond of Hector.

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21 minutes ago, Thane said:

What are the chances of that happening? I heard she could get a well-timed multiplier, but I'm on team Ike so I haven't really bothered to check the exact numbers.

It's very likely the way the number are going right now and have been the last few hours.  I'm hoping for some high numbers from Team Lyn in about 3-4 hours to bring Team Camilla's last multiplier sooner rather than later.

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3 minutes ago, KatarinaCS1 said:

It's very likely the way the number are going right now and have been the last few hours.  I'm hoping for some high numbers from Team Lyn in about 3-4 hours to bring Team Camilla's last multiplier sooner rather than later.

I'll go prepare my bomb shelter then in case that happens.

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Oh shit, looking at the prediction doc actually has me worried. I was so sure Lyn would win and then comfortably beat Ike which would make it easier for me to get feathers in the final round. But I really don't want to see Camilla win again, plus this is likely the only chance we have for a pre-3DS winner.

Please Team Lyn, pull through! 

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3 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

Oh shit, looking at the prediction doc actually has me worried. I was so sure Lyn would win and then comfortably beat Ike which would make it easier for me to get feathers in the final round. But I really don't want to see Camilla win again, plus this is likely the only chance we have for a pre-3DS winner.

Please Team Lyn, pull through! 

Yeah... it's like we must not battle for a moment... Well... that's easier to say... I just hope that we can have a multiplier if Camilla can get one. I'll be mad if we lose because of a stupid multiplier in the last hours. Like when Gaius win against Leo.

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6 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

Oh shit, looking at the prediction doc actually has me worried. I was so sure Lyn would win and then comfortably beat Ike which would make it easier for me to get feathers in the final round. But I really don't want to see Camilla win again, plus this is likely the only chance we have for a pre-3DS winner.

Please Team Lyn, pull through! 

Even if Camilla beats Lyn, she'd still have to beat Ike, which very unlikely. I think a pre-3ds winner was assured the moment Lucina dropped out.

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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

Even if Camilla beats Lyn, she'd still have to beat Ike, which very unlikely. I think a pre-3ds winner was assured the moment Lucina dropped out.

If Camilla can beat Lyn by multiplier magic then the same could happen with Ike. Considering that Lyn's legion seems to have taken over a lot of the losers from round 1, there's nothing to say those won't jump to Camilla if Lyn loses. But yeah, I am probably worrying for nothing. It's mostly about my own comfort since I have other stuff to do when the final round rolls around, and if Lyn was up against Ike I wouldn't care too much and could take it easy. If it's Camilla I will actually be invested in the result.

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Good Golly, I got a balanced team for a change.  Ike, Ephraim, CYL Ike.  Yes, Green Ike is most welcome if you insist on fielding Ike as your rep.


It might be a good idea for Team Ike to start unloading Flags.  It looks like Hector will get one more multiplier and forcing it early would prevent him from getting it last minute.

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Good Golly, I got a balanced team for a change.  Ike, Ephraim, CYL Ike.  Yes, Green Ike is most welcome if you insist on fielding Ike as your rep.


It might be a good idea for Team Ike to start unloading Flags.  It looks like Hector will get one more multiplier and forcing it early would prevent him from getting it last minute.

Or it would allow us to get two multipliers :P

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18 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Or it would allow us to get two multipliers :P

Ike is just barely on pace to beat Hector after he gets his next modifier.  Forcing it earlier would all but assure Ike victory, since there's not enough time for two more multipliers, unless Hector overshoots and gives Ike another multiplier, but I don't think the numbers are there for that.

@Anacybele @Tybrosion @DarkLordIvy We should burn a few flags to force Hector's last modifier early.

EDIT: I just got a Camus with Attack Ploy Seal.  I guess we gotta put that 17 base Resistance to work.

Edited by Rezzy
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I've just put my level 22 5* Marth as my lead, he's in training atm, so I thought I'd let him see the world. Go easy on him if you see him.

For VGs, I tend to go with either Takumi or male Robin, but I'm thinking of fielding either Hector or Azura.

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I think it's possible that Hector will overshoot and give Ike another multiplier. If that happens, the results are completely up in the air: one more multiplier from Hector would probably not catch him back up, but if he gets two consecutive multipliers like the other two times Ike got a multiplier, that could give him a late enough lead to stick. But that also depends on if Hector has enough flags left to fully take advantage of that. I sure don't.

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Just now, Othin said:

I think it's possible that Hector will overshoot and give Ike another multiplier. If that happens, the results are completely up in the air: one more multiplier from Hector would probably not catch him back up, but if he gets two consecutive multipliers like the other two times Ike got a multiplier, that could give him a late enough lead to stick. But that also depends on if Hector has enough flags left to fully take advantage of that. I sure don't.

I have enough flags left for exactly one multiplier, mostly because I assumed we'd get at least one today.

Considering how many multipliers we were getting yesterday, I really wonder how much our army has left overall though...

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5 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I have enough flags left for exactly one multiplier, mostly because I assumed we'd get at least one today.

Considering how many multipliers we were getting yesterday, I really wonder how much our army has left overall though...

I've got myself 620 left atm, and I've only used flags during the multipliers. I'm honestly REALLY interested in the outcomes of these matches. I'm almost kind of hoping we end up with a Hector v. Camilla match because it would probably cause a big enough upset for the developers to take a serious look at the multiplier. 

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40 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

If Camilla can beat Lyn by multiplier magic then the same could happen with Ike. Considering that Lyn's legion seems to have taken over a lot of the losers from round 1, there's nothing to say those won't jump to Camilla if Lyn loses. But yeah, I am probably worrying for nothing. It's mostly about my own comfort since I have other stuff to do when the final round rolls around, and if Lyn was up against Ike I wouldn't care too much and could take it easy. If it's Camilla I will actually be invested in the result.

Considering how divisive of a character Camilla is and that she would win only through multiplier shenanigans, since Lyn's team had more members, I'd expect a majority of the people on Lyn's team to jump to Ike.


11 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I have enough flags left for exactly one multiplier, mostly because I assumed we'd get at least one today.

Considering how many multipliers we were getting yesterday, I really wonder how much our army has left overall though...

I only have 405 flags left. I'll use them on the first multiplier we get since I don't want to risk missing it.

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I've got myself 620 left atm, and I've only used flags during the multipliers. I'm honestly REALLY interested in the outcomes of these matches. I'm almost kind of hoping we end up with a Hector v. Camilla match because it would probably cause a big enough upset for the developers to take a serious look at the multiplier. 

I hope they do change it, if that does happen.

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