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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

295 members have voted

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36 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

I just sent it since I have been busy today I just saw your post, my user name is Rain.  I guess I should put my id again for anyone on team Ike that wants Innes it is, 6148672165

I've just accepted :) Hopefully he'll pop up ^.^

Let me know if you need anyone other than Reinhardt. I have various colourless, green and blue units, though Reinhardt is my best. 

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4 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

Wtf, Camilla's 4.5x only scored 20 million more than her 3,6x did.

Why the heck was the 3.6x so massive?

Who knows?  Camilla seems to underperform a lot with multipliers.

Ike got almost twice as many votes as his last multiplier.  We'll see where we are next hour.  We need to make sure Camilla's last multiplier happens early enough to be able to recover from it.  Camilla may not even pull ahead after this multiplier if she performs like last hour.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Who knows?  Camilla seems to underperform a lot with multipliers.

Ike got almost twice as many votes as his last multiplier.  We'll see where we are next hour.  We need to make sure Camilla's last multiplier happens early enough to be able to recover from it.  Camilla may not even pull ahead after this multiplier if she performs like last hour.

Ike probably got more on this one since more people are awake for it. I know I slept through the first few Ike multipliers.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Damn, Camilla would be lucky to even overtake us at all after how much Team Ike skyrocketed. :P

The chart also backs that up: she's not projected to get back in the lead here. But she should get another multiplier later, and since she won't be as far behind then (just the regular 10% rather than recovering from an Ike multiplier), that one seems likely to put her ahead. Chart predicts Ike narrowly getting back in the lead by the end, but that'd fall apart if she overperforms... which often happens, but Camilla doesn't seem to have been doing it? But who knows.

This trajectory looks strikingly similar to the last two rounds. Hopefully we can make it look more like Ike vs Hector than Lyn vs Camilla, with that last multiplier being early enough to recover from.

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2 minutes ago, libtard snowflake said:


Okay, what is a thot?  I keep seeing that, but I'm 31, and that word wasn't a thing when I was cool.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Damn, Camilla would be lucky to even overtake us at all after how much Team Ike skyrocketed. :P

Yeah, you guys went significantly harder than was projected. It actually shook up the predictions quite a bit. It's now suggesting a much narrower win for Ike.

6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Who knows?  Camilla seems to underperform a lot with multipliers.

Ike got almost twice as many votes as his last multiplier.  We'll see where we are next hour.  We need to make sure Camilla's last multiplier happens early enough to be able to recover from it.  Camilla may not even pull ahead after this multiplier if she performs like last hour.

It's entirely possible that we won't. However, I've been holding back a bit on the earlier multipliers and intend not to on this one. If other members of Team Camilla do so as well, it could push our next multiplier back significantly.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Okay, what is a thot?  I keep seeing that, but I'm 31, and that word wasn't a thing when I was cool.

It means 'That Ho Over There' which I find to be pretty tasteless honestly...

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4 minutes ago, libtard snowflake said:




Can we please not? I don't want Camilla to win either, but there's already been too much shit against Camilla and her supporters.

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Just now, mcsilas said:

@Rezzy Can I add you on Team Ike? I think I'll need your Titania since I haven't been getting any greens recently

Also @Cute Chao are you on Ike as well? I'll need 3 more battles with colorless so hopefully I can get your Innes again ^^

I think I have room for exactly one more, if I take off the last one who hasn't been on in a week.  What's your ID?  I can add you, name is Rezzy.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

@Rezzy Can I add you on Team Ike? I think I'll need your Titania since I haven't been getting any greens recently

Also @Cute Chao are you on Ike as well? I'll need 3 more battles with colorless so hopefully I can get your Innes again ^^

Do you mean my Innes? I was asking for blue team mates earlier and @Cute Chao said I could add her for her Reinhardt.  If that what you meant then feel free to add me.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Name is Kensei and number is 0945856578 :)

Current representative is Brave Lyn

Request sent.  Titania is my lead.

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I completely missed that multiplier but it gave us a huge lead. I'm guessing Camilla has one now? I hate how the gauntlet now is more about timing when you play and spend flags to move your opponent's multiplier instead of just playing as much as you can to support your team. Like you basically always just have to assume it's going to come down to the last few hours and whichever team is the luckiest can basically win regardless of anything else.

I was thinking about it and maybe a way they could deal with the multiplier is having a limit of how many times it can happen for a team, and/or set milestones like if a team doesn't have a certain amount of points proportionate to the opposing team by a certain time then they get a multiplier (to prevent a team from getting a huge multiplier in the last hour).

Edit: btw my ID is 5230421904 and I have Klein as my lead right now  (may switch to Lukas later) for anyone on team Ike who needs help getting flags

Edited by Book Bro
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6 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Do you mean my Innes? I was asking for blue team mates earlier and @Cute Chao said I could add her for her Reinhardt.  If that what you meant then feel free to add me.

I remembered Cute Chao had an Innes in the previous round, but sure I'll add you as well :D

I'll swap my lead for my own Reinhardt then as well if you need more blue

@Rezzy Thanks! I saw you now :)

Anyone know who Lemmy is? Also I'll add you @Book Bro as well 

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

I remembered Cute Chao had an Innes in the previous round, but sure I'll add you as well :D

I'll swap my lead for my own Reinhardt then as well if you need more blue

@Rezzy Thanks! I saw you now :)

Ok I was on team Lyn so I didn't know and right now I am doing good for blues I finally stopped getting only red allies.

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9 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

It means 'That Ho Over There' which I find to be pretty tasteless honestly...

That's not very nice.  I won't go all SJW, but could we not be mean to Team Camilla?  It's supposed to be fun.


Pending whatever numbers we end up with after this multiplier, Ike is projected to barely eek out a win after Camilla's next multiplier.  It's predicted to happen at 9:00 EDT tomorrow, but they also have Camilla pegged as getting around 330M votes per hour, when she was already dropping well into the 200Ms before the multiplier.  Ike is predicted to get about 459M per hour, which is more in line with what Ike had been pulling per hour, assuming Ike doesn't really let off the gas in the coming hours.

2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I remembered Cute Chao had an Innes in the previous round, but sure I'll add you as well :D

I'll swap my lead for my own Reinhardt then as well if you need more blue

@Rezzy Thanks! I saw you now :)

Anyone know who Lemmy is? Also I'll add you @Book Bro as well 

Honestly, anything that isn't Red is great.  I see more Ikes than in the 1950's White House.

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