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Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!


Voting Gauntlet: Choose Your Legends!  

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

That's not very nice.  I won't go all SJW, but could we not be mean to Team Camilla?  It's supposed to be fun.

I don't think it's SJWish to not wish pointless hate on others. It's just being a decent human being. 

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As expected, ranking is pretty tough on Team Ike, I really need to be in the right time with those multipliers. Just barely within top 50,000 but I still have 2,600 flags and the arena quests to finish off. Was completely unranked last round.

I hope Ike gets a lot of multipliers

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Everyone on team Ike who has a sword lord as their rep please stop. I keep getting insanely outmatched battles. My last one was 2 Ike's and a Lyn against Olwyn Xander and a Catria. It was the first battle I ever lost in the gauntlet. If you don't have a dancer at least get some weapon variance on your rep :/

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

As expected, ranking is pretty tough on Team Ike, I really need to be in the right time with those multipliers. Just barely within top 50,000 but I still have 2,600 flags and the arena quests to finish off. Was completely unranked last round.

I hope Ike gets a lot of multipliers

Unless the numbers really get wonky, I don't think Ike will be getting any more multipliers.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Unless the numbers really get wonky, I don't think Ike will be getting any more multipliers.

Oh dang, well at least I managed to catch one when I woke up. Maybe i'll spend 200 flags next time instead of 100 if ever there's a multiplier again.

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1 minute ago, immatx said:

Everyone on team Ike who has a sword lord as their rep please stop. I keep getting insanely outmatched battles. My last one was 2 Ike's and a Lyn against Olwyn Xander and a Catria. It was the first battle I ever lost in the gauntlet. If you don't have a dancer at least get some weapon variance on your rep :/

I had the displeasure of facing Delthea backed by Azura and Maria on the Fates ravine map with 3 Ikes. At least, it wasn't during a multiplier hour so I didn't lose much.

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Just now, LuxSpes said:

I had the displeasure of facing Delthea backed by Azura and Maria on the Fates ravine map with 3 Ikes. At least, it wasn't during a multiplier hour so I didn't lose much.


I feel like people don't understand that having ally units that are who you are supporting doesn't give the bonus like it does if you yourself use that unit. Hopefully it won't make a difference, because Ike is ahead by a lot, but it's something I noticed in the other gauntlets too and it can cost a lot of points in the long run.

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Unless the numbers really get wonky, I don't think Ike will be getting any more multipliers.

6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Oh dang, well at least I managed to catch one when I woke up. Maybe i'll spend 200 flags next time instead of 100 if ever there's a multiplier again.

If Camilla overperforms again on her next Multiplier (not the current one) there is a chance that she could overshoot and give Ike one last bonus.

She will need the same crazy amount of participation that she had in hour 5 though...

Edited by Hawk King
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4 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I had the displeasure of facing Delthea backed by Azura and Maria on the Fates ravine map with 3 Ikes. At least, it wasn't during a multiplier hour so I didn't lose much.

I once got an Eirika (from a friend who's since been deleted) and a Jaffar to go with my Ike while there was a Triangle Adept Male!Robin among the enemy team. It was during a multiplier hour too so I was forced to use two Light's Blessings just to get the win. Not fun.

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

I once got an Eirika (from a friend who's since been deleted) and a Jaffar to go with my Ike while there was a Triangle Adept Male!Robin among the enemy team. It was during a multiplier hour too so I was forced to use two Light's Blessings just to get the win. Not fun.

I'm seriously considering deleting anyone with Ike from friend list since I've been getting Ikes as allies way too often.

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Camilla overperformed this time, but not enough to take the lead.  She is currently projected to get her next multiplier at 6:00 EDT and win the Gauntlet by a pretty wide margin.  The only way to prevent that would be to make that multiplier happen much earlier or to prevent it from happening altogether, which is very unlikely.

Just now, Anacybele said:

lol as expected, Camilla didn't pass us. Not by a long shot.

This looks good for Ike. He should squeak out a win in the end at this rate.

Camilla is actually projected to win now, getting her next multiplier too soon for Ike to recover.


Edited by Rezzy
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So, those mountains of salt right?

OK, I haven't been following it too much, as I sided with Hector until the final, where I bandwagoned on Ike.

I had one with Eirika, Ninian and Xander against Robin, Celica and Alfonse on the map based off of MotE chapter 8. I managed to lose as Celica 1-rounded Ninian to my surprise and the other two couldn't do a thing to Robin.

Anyone consider any of these matches interesting?

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I think I've gotten an Ike ally very early on back in ... round 2 or something from an IRL friend. After that, I don't think I've had any regular Ike allies, and I don't have one myself so no 3-Ike team for me.

When I was on team Roy, though, the three reds thing was a major problem.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

lol as expected, Camilla didn't pass us. Not by a long shot.

This looks good for Ike. He should squeak out a win in the end at this rate.

I don't know...the chart I'm looking at looks pretty bad for Ike at the moment...

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Dropped in from lurking to say that everyone on Team Ike should probably start pushing their flags in. Camilla's going to get a late multiplier, and that would mean the death of us. Our best hope is forcing that multiplier earlier because there's really no way we can slow our growth that much to prevent a multiplier.

Or, you know, we can just go with it and generate more salt than the universe can handle.

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1 minute ago, SageOfAnys said:

Dropped in from lurking to say that everyone on Team Ike should probably start pushing their flags in. Camilla's going to get a late multiplier, and that would mean the death of us. Our best hope is forcing that multiplier earlier because there's really no way we can slow our growth that much to prevent a multiplier.

Or, you know, we can just go with it and generate more salt than the universe can handle.

I think it may very well end up happening sooner.  I don't think Camilla can maintain the 330M or so they have her projected to get per hour.  The only question is if Ike can keep pulling in the numbers that her has been, or if people who don't know the rules very well will let up.

Team Ike, if you have tons of Flags, use them now.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well fuck. Camilla really doesn't deserve this. Ike deserves the win. And I'm so sick of female gauntlet winners. Ike has to win some way.

Same, if Ike loses I'm gonna be pissed. Although I have yet to win a guantlet.........so that's not looking to great for Ike :(

But I was Hector originally so maybe the curse won't get to him.....

Edited by immatx
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19 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

I'm seriously considering deleting anyone with Ike from friend list since I've been getting Ikes as allies way too often.

I've fortunately been mostly getting an non-red as my friend unit this round whether it's @Rezzy's Titania, @Rafiel's Aria's Amelia or @Locke087's Brave!Lucina. There is a Seth that I've been getting from someone who I don't think is an SF user but I haven't gotten screwed by that yet.

I was also getting @SageOfAnys's Catria (who's done some damn fine work for me, for the record) quite a bit last round but I don't believe she's shown up in this one so far.

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