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6 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Inigo's level 40 confession is now my favorite thing ever. It's absolutely beautiful. Actually Shigure's is really good too, but Inigo's was just super duper sweet.

Wow, you're fast. Granted, I've been at work all day, but I haven't even found out the stats of mine yet xD

Looking forward to them, though :) I've loved their spoken quotes. Both are just so adorable :D

Thinking of finally switching my main unit out from Summer Gaius to Shigure for a bit ^.^

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Well I managed to have 82 orbs for this banner and I managed to grab both guys who are the two I wanted most.  I also ended up with Leon who is a new unit for me.  I will save up orbs for now and maybe towards the end of the banner I will try again for Azura.

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

Wow, you're fast. Granted, I've been at work all day, but I haven't even found out the stats of mine yet xD

Looking forward to them, though :) I've loved their spoken quotes. Both are just so adorable :D

Thinking of finally switching my main unit out from Summer Gaius to Shigure for a bit ^.^

It's my weekend. XD I basically got off of work, turned on Netflix for background noise, and got to training because my sweet musical children are my new priorities. XD I'm super exciting to put Inigo and Laslow on a defense team next week. 

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I had 9 orbs, with 3 more to get from TT on my next run, so that would get me to 12. Not enough to do 3 pulls. So I decided to take a shot on 2 pulls and managed to get Olivia, which is the one I wanted the most. She is +Atk/-Def, but that's ok. I just have to use her to attack mages and keep her away from archers, if I'm going on combat with her.

Now I can safely go with blue and green and not be afraid of colorless hell.

@MrSmokestack, I did it earlier today. 
My first team was Blade Leo, Reinhardt, Raven Cecilia and Azura. They got me to 12-1 and killed one unit there (I did a mistake on my positioning here and could probably take one or two more with the 3 units I had left from Ch11 part). Then I switched to Brave Lyn, Julia, Sanaki and Ninian. Sanaki and Julia can counter very well the 2 dancer mages while Ninian and Lyn were for support/sniping. I have to say that I barely made it. Only had Lyn on my last turn.

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200 orbs in and wound up with:

  • Azura (Neutral IV)
  • Olivia (+Attack, -Res)
  • Inigo (-Speed, +Defense)
  • Shigure (-Speed, HP)
  • Sonya (+Speed, -Res) <- This was such a pleasant surprise since my other two Sonya pulls were -Speed
  • Jakob (-Speed, +Def)  3 orb final pull on the same session as Sonya.

Probably to no one's surprise, I'm absolutely amazed at my luck on this banner.  I have no more orbs, but don't need any until next banner.

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1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

I'd use all 200 of my orbs I have left.

@Ice Dragon would be very very happy to see this.

7 minutes ago, Rinco said:


My first team was Blade Leo, Reinhardt, Raven Cecilia and Azura. They got me to 12-1 and killed one unit there (I did a mistake on my positioning here and could probably take one or two more with the 3 units I had left from Ch11 part).

It seems like Red -Blade is basically required for Brave Ike. My Tharja leaves him with 5 HP on Map 1 and 11 on Map 3. Lyn is even worse since she does too much damage to Boey even with Raven and Bowbreaker up.

Paralogue 12 is much easier though. Armor Emblem shenanigans carried me through the first two but Hector needs more oomph to OHKO Shigure with Vantage on Map 3. Only had Zephiel left by the end on that one.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

would be very very happy to see this.

My Ninian senses are too fast for you, apparently.


1 minute ago, shadowofchaos said:

Didn't you say you were reluctant to spend so much on this banner since you only get one paycheck a month instead of biweekly?

It means I have to pace a whole month's worth of pulls at the beginning of the month instead of pacing each banner separately.

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

It seems like Red -Blade is basically required for Brave Ike. My Tharja leaves him with 5 HP on Map 1 and 11 on Map 3. Lyn is even worse since she does too much damage to Boey even with Raven and Bowbreaker up.

Paralogue 12 is much easier though. Armor Emblem shenanigans carried me through the first two but Hector needs more oomph to OHKO Shigure with Vantage on Map 3. Only had Zephiel left by the end on that one.

Yeah, his main role was to kill Ike, but he's also supporting Cecilia, which helped her take less damage and do more damage on counters to Lyn. I also have Rein using Fortify Cav to help with Cecilia's tanking capabilities and to have Leo do more damage with his Blade tome. I should probably have given Leo Axebreaker, tho. Mine has Swordbreaker and I think that only came up once, when I could hit Roy with Leo and let Rein kill another unit (Lucina, I guess). He needed dance to kill Ike, at least on map 3 that I remember.

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I GOT INIGO! Aaaaaaa!!

I am honestly surprised! After getting 5* Camilla and a second bLucina last night I assumed this banner was going to continue the trend of Gaius being my only seasonal pull, but hooray not the case!! He also brought Merric along with him meaning the only green mage from the general pool that I don’t have is Sonya. 

Minor downside, he is -spd/+res but that can be patched up with darting blow so no sweat of my back!

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Guess who got the new Azura on her free summon?! This girl! I was just at the bus stop and was like, y'know what? Let's do it now, and oh gosh, it was Azura! If I wasn't in public, I'd have squealed.

And now, it's just the hoping game that I'll get Inigo and Olivia.

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5 minutes ago, Lau said:

Guess who got the new Azura on her free summon?! This girl! I was just at the bus stop and was like, y'know what? Let's do it now, and oh gosh, it was Azura! If I wasn't in public, I'd have squealed.

And now, it's just the hoping game that I'll get Inigo and Olivia.

there needs to be a "summoned azura with free pull" group

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Pulled 5* Genny  and green Azura, this is there I stop taking pulls for now. If the rumors about Fe4 Banner on next month are true, I should spare what I have now and give it all in case Deirdre can be pulled. I also hope that she will be the only green unit on that banner (I can't imagine another color for nor). But I have to wait, it's only a possibility. 

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I got some good news today, so I decided to use a few orbs on the banner just for fun. After a few I ended up with a +Att/-Def Nohr Azura, so I'm quite happy to stop with that. Olivia would be cool but I don't think I would be able to get her.

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6.00% pity rate broken by Brave Lyn. God, my luck is awful on this banner.

EDIT: Next summon set has Elise. Okay, game.

EDIT: My third 5-star from this banner is Tana. I'm not sure I'm pulling from the correct banner anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

6.00% pity rate broken by Brave Lyn. God, my luck is awful on this banner.

Or you actually have some amazing(ish) luck. At least it was broken by Brave Lyn and not someone like Jakob...


I managed to get Olivia and Azura and then I stopped myself as I didn't really want to dip below 100 orbs.

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8 minutes ago, Callisto said:

Or you actually have some amazing(ish) luck. At least it was broken by Brave Lyn and not someone like Jakob...

I already have a +10 Brave Lyn [+Atk, -Def]. This one is [+Spd, -Res], which is not particularly useful.


On a side note, I finally got Shigure.

... And then a Julia on the next set. I'm still not convinced I'm pulling from the correct banner.

EDIT: Barracks is 1000/1000 again. Time to take a break from this, eat lunch, and get back to work.

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