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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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Meh. This one was pretty boring to me. Kind of an overdone joke and felt kind of forced. Just my personal opinion, though.

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I will say that this is another one of those comics that just as easily could have been a 4koma for the original game, given the lack of characters from outside of Three Houses. Kiran almost doesn't count because their presence is almost an "insert character here" slot, given how minor a character they are in this comic.

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Eh... I read this one first in Japanese, and I feel like the English translations kind of missed the mark, namely in terms of tone.


Byleth's "Such as Lysithea" in panel 2 should be more like "Right, Lysithea?" In a "this is a suggestion, but I'm not going to allow you to refuse" tone.

Byleth's "We can always try" in panel 3 should be more nonchalant in contrast to the surrounding panels. In the same way that Petra, Yune, and Lilith "dismounting" is "normal".

And all three of the reactions in panel 4 don't have anywhere near enough WTF in them. Dimitri makes no mention of sound in Japanese, just "WTF is that?" And "ballista"... misses the pun. The word used in Japanese roughly translates as "cannon battery", but the word for that is written with the characters "a cannon on a stand", which is literally what it is.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Eh... I read this one first in Japanese, and I feel like the English translations kind of missed the mark, namely in terms of tone.


Byleth's "Such as Lysithea" in panel 2 should be more like "Right, Lysithea?" In a "this is a suggestion, but I'm not going to allow you to refuse" tone.

Byleth's "We can always try" in panel 3 should be more nonchalant in contrast to the surrounding panels. In the same way that Petra, Yune, and Lilith "dismounting" is "normal".

And all three of the reactions in panel 4 don't have anywhere near enough WTF in them. Dimitri makes no mention of sound in Japanese, just "WTF is that?" And "ballista"... misses the pun. The word used in Japanese roughly translates as "cannon battery", but the word for that is written with the characters "a cannon on a stand", which is literally what it is.

Huh, interesting. Thank you! I think the "Such as Lysithea" line is hilarious too, mainly because it makes me think Lysithea was just walking by and Byleth just randomly grabbed her xD

But if there's really such a discrepancy between the English and Japanese...maybe it's time to light the @Coolmanio Signal?

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20 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Eh... I read this one first in Japanese, and I feel like the English translations kind of missed the mark, namely in terms of tone.


Byleth's "Such as Lysithea" in panel 2 should be more like "Right, Lysithea?" In a "this is a suggestion, but I'm not going to allow you to refuse" tone.

Byleth's "We can always try" in panel 3 should be more nonchalant in contrast to the surrounding panels. In the same way that Petra, Yune, and Lilith "dismounting" is "normal".

And all three of the reactions in panel 4 don't have anywhere near enough WTF in them. Dimitri makes no mention of sound in Japanese, just "WTF is that?" And "ballista"... misses the pun. The word used in Japanese roughly translates as "cannon battery", but the word for that is written with the characters "a cannon on a stand", which is literally what it is.

Ahhh yeah, that makes it better, especially the cannon on a stand thing!

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LOL Anna scamming Anna! Nice one. XD

Though tbh, even in real life we have shipping costs and all, so it's not all that scummy, really. 😛

Edited by Anacybele
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I see Apotheosis Anna is using her delivery service to good use by scamming her own sister XD

All of that for a bunch of meh rewards, not a single orb!

Also I never realize the two Anna had different shade of red until now.

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22 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I think we're sorely underestimating the value of a decently sized backpack.

Now I'm reminded of the merchant Gorons and their huge packs in Zelda: TWW...as well as Beedle and his huge beetle-shaped bag in Zelda: BotW. lol

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While all the Annas mostly look the same, and seem to be nonchalant and friendly towards the others, the reality is that among the sheer number of Annas, more than a few bad apples have come to exist.


In the most extreme instance, several Annas sought to establish their own exclusive monopoly over all trade on a particular continent in a given world. When competition in the economic sector became utterly inconclusive, the Annas hijacked the governments of those countries, starting with indirect manipulation and ending with coups and assassinations when they felt frustrated working in the shadows. From there, they warred for a couple decades, establishing colonial empires on the foreign continents for new markets as their armies frittered away their lives trapped in stalemate. Desperation drove them to accept the annihilation of the potential markets they had long been fighting for- they resorted to the use of super-concentrated magic in the form of explosives and giant lasers, the result was the countries and their colonial markets alike were reduced to rubble and ruin, 40% of the global population was directly killed from the apocalypse, a great many more died from the collapse of human civilization and the anarchic struggle to survive in the aftermath, ultimately reaching an estimated 85%.

The two rival Annas who lead the competing sides survived in their bunkers, but the total annihilation of society across most the world meant that economics receded to nonexistence, humanity was falling back to a neolithic hunter-gatherer with non-intensive agriculture in the soils not so badly scarred from the magic bursts lifestyle. They had forced themselves on politics to achieve economic goals, their power waned with their commercial empires turned to dust. Technically they could've retreated via an Outrealm Gate to regroup and gather the necessary war materials to become queen of the wastelands. That didn't happen. Defended though they were by zealots loyal to them to the death, the Annas succumbed to violence from others, including fellow Annas, before they could get there. For truth be told, the history of this world had many Annas, and ones who served the leading two were not without their own ambitions manifested in ever-changing and ephemeral alliances and internal conflicts, some killed, others were killed. Indeed, neither of the two great Annas at the time of armageddon were the Annas who started this all-consuming war over economic domination of the continent, they had died of unnatural and been replaced years prior. After a few more Annas died in vain to control the good vestiges of this corpse of a world, but the remainder sobered up and accepted their dreams of wealth beyond belief were in the dust.Of those last Annas, some ventured off for greener pastures in other realms to pursue those pecuniary fantasies, but surprisingly, most chose to remain where they were. It was pure despair, accompanied in some by a sense of profound guilt at having been directly responsible for the end of days. They married to repopulate this planet and took on ordinary lives, changing their names to recede from history and bury the shame they bore. 

One particularly sorrowful Anna, upon encountering a little girl, physically scarred and naked, took all the clothes off her back and gave them to the girl. When the girl said she was hungry, and the Anna noticed how thin she was, she gave her all the food she could find and left none to sustain herself, and when the girl cried she was still hungry, the Anna cut off her earlobes and carved into her own breasts out of desperation to help. The girl fed, this Anna, prior to this wandering as but a shell of a person, forswore all private belongings and personal comfort, whatever she came to be in possession of, she would give away to others in need whom she met. The people this Anna met came to care for her and worry about her health, and they convinced her to eat enough to live, but nothing more than that. Her actions led them to follow in her footsteps, and this Anna became known as the Annakara.

Those who sought to emulate her most closely abandoned all clothing and belongings the same, but avoiding bodily mutilation besides the castration of men and a degree of mastectomy on the women. A second sect later developed coexisting with the first, but abandoning those painful body alterations in exchange for an oath of celibacy, though the shaving of all body hair, barring the head hair which was pulled out, was universal to both sects and sexes. Lay devotees were not forced to do any of this, instead sustaining the two orders with the minimal food and austere shelters they required, as well as writing and iconographic materials for the collections of principled stories and prose and poetic precepts. The sects stressed the need for selflessness in life and detachment from craving for material things, real fulfillment in this world of pains and sorrows came from helping others through the bad, not personal indulgence. These egoless people grew some of their own strictly vegan food in their communities themselves, they accompanied their moral teachings with the learning of the good medicine of apothecaries to heal their communities, and the traveling members would show a willingness to help with the most menial of tasks such as sweeping the houses of complete strangers in exchange for naught barring maybe a roof and meal.

This was the creation and life of what became known as Merchainism, derived from a word whose original meaning had become lost in this world, but it was written down that the Annakara called herself one- a "Merchain" of the Human Condition. All who would emulate her while she she lived and after would aspire to be the same, but the Annakara was first among equals for showing the light in the long age of darkness that had been caused by the greed of the race of giants that once ruled the world and perished. Now it was filled by dwarves, who arose from the soil as the sentient Earth writhed in agony pleading for relief when the dead giants' blood began to seep in. The dwarves as they emerged absorbed the giants' blood and the vile sin it contained, and so they became anathema to the planet and each other. To become a Merchain was to realize this, and that the only way to become one with the world, free from its hostilities, was to shed and purify away the sin inherited from the giants and to not add to it. By doing so, one could eventually return to the mud and forever be in its good embraces, never spiritually expelled up again from the source of all for having polluted it with corruption. The Annakara herself never spoke of these things, but by the time the canon was firmly established, this account of the world, relayed by another great Merchain four generations later, became universally accepted.

An unserious comic strip makes me write up something 100x longer, going on a total tangent, and serious. Inspiration is a wonky visitor.😅

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36 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

And here I was thinking Fallen Anna on next year's banner would simply be Communist Anna.

Was there a Fallen Anna exist in the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game? I don't recall there was Fallen Anna in any of the games exists yet since there was a Fallen Ike appeared in the Trading Card Game.


Too bad that the Order of Heroes Anna gets her money swiped from Apotheosis Anna by tricking the other heroes for unfair scammed payment delivery towards OoH Anna for helping out.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I can’t get over “Laslow’s Seduction School” like when the fuck did Inigo have time to set this up?! You think Xander or Olivia would’ve put a stop to it by now. Like it’s just so ridiculous and I love it

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20 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I ...I don't get it. Is Echidna a house-builder in her source game?

In her supports in her home game (Binding Blade), she plans on building a village for the people who lost their homes because of the war.

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