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Tempest Trials Mini: Shrouded by the Storm!


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On 2/2/2018 at 8:37 PM, Glennstavos said:

Got lucky enough to snipe Guunthra and raised her up. She's too frail to join the auto battle team, but adds good magic damage to the bonus run team compared to Summer Xander. Up to now, both teams were completely the same except I sub out the 4 star healer for Genny who has better healing for the bonus runs. I should nab as many kills as possible with Guunthra since -Res seems to kill her base kit and I need more SP for alternative skills.

yeah if you have -Res shoot for something like Fury in the A slot and Hone/Fortify in the C slot. She works quite well on horsie emblem, I use her in tandem with my close counter leo and she does work

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Got to 50k, will spend the rest of the TT levelling all the other bonus units and other 5* units (and Shanna) I haven't got to 40 yet.

Nohrzura hit 3.5k hero merit, she'll be sitting out for a bit.

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Is it just me or is Gunntra's B-skill kinda broken? She has been absolutely tearing shit up in these TTs with it, and any time I face her in the Arena it's like she puts one of my units in "timeout" until I can kill her. It can be a real pain when I need that character to counter another dangerous threat.


Final push for 200k begins today. My current score of 156,692 is only good for rank #589 as of right now. It is stupid how competitive this TT is.

I feel like at least 175k would be needed to stay in the top 1000. They really need to expand the rewards for the crazy people like myself. Reward the people who are willing to put this much effort into it. 

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@Hawk King Yeah Chilling Seal is insane. Particularly when it hits multiple units at the same time. NEVER have two or more units with the same defense on your team. That really sucked. Having multiple glass cannons eat -6 ATK/SPD is just beyond terrible. It makes nightmares look friendly.

As for ranking I don't really have the patience to grind that high. That said I am thinking of trying to break the 50k rank for an extra 1k feathers. My final bonus run happened at 49k or so which left me fairly high in the 50-100k bracket. So maybe a few extra runs wont' hurt. I did get a Gunnthra that would probably be happy to get more SP than she could ever want afterall. And with 24 SP a kill and extra stats I probably won't find a better time.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

@Hawk King Yeah Chilling Seal is insane. Particularly when it hits multiple units at the same time. NEVER have two or more units with the same defense on your team. That really sucked. Having multiple glass cannons eat -6 ATK/SPD is just beyond terrible. It makes nightmares look friendly.

As for ranking I don't really have the patience to grind that high. That said I am thinking of trying to break the 50k rank for an extra 1k feathers. My final bonus run happened at 49k or so which left me fairly high in the 50-100k bracket. So maybe a few extra runs wont' hurt. I did get a Gunnthra that would probably be happy to get more SP than she could ever want afterall. And with 24 SP a kill and extra stats I probably won't find a better time.

The best part about using Gunnthra is that her Chilling Seal is like a plague that just keeps moving on to the enemy with the lowest Def. Cleaning up the final enemy on a map is just so easy with her.

I'm mostly doing a lot of TT runs for the bonus feathers from HM. A nice side effect is that I am able to train a bunch of units and I get 10,000 extra feathers when it is all said and done. The double EXP and SP period going on right now makes this a fantastic time to spend Stamina potions and grind up as many characters as possible.

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3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

114,347 is rank 2399. Seems like my predictions turned out to be right. Top 5k will end around 115-130k (I'd say 120k should be safe enough). 

I guess you're right, but this needs to suffice since I'm tired:


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My 86000-ish points were good for about rank 8600 when I woke up some 5-6 hours ago, but are just about to drop out of the top 10k. As in, I'm rank 9973 with 86739 points. Time to hop back onto the treadmill.

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Decided today I would give up on the top 5K ranking, as I usually do. My last runs sometime after last reset put me around rank 6300, and I bet that if I didn't do any more runs I'd still be sitting pretty in the top 10K. Staying stalwart in that bet because I'm now rank 9365 and I like a little danger.

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I've done it.

200,120 is only rank #116. Damn, that's way more people who reached 200k than I thought there would be.

One more Lunatic-7 run for a quest puts me to 200,825.  rank #108

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118k is safe enough, it is rank 3700 atm, might fall around 4,200 if people grind like crazy these last 20 min but no way they'll catch up enough to make me drop out of the top 5k.

Still, having to go this far for some feathers is insanity. Stuff like this makes me remember how proud I was when I reached the top 5k during the 1st TT (and that was a super low score like 106k). 

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15 minutes left and my 90-odd thousand points are rank 9500ish, going to have to burn another potion to be safe. :( And here I was thinking I could break through the fabled 300 stamina potion barrier soon.

91149 points for rank 9346 right now.


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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

Stuff like this makes me remember how proud I was when I reached the top 5k during the 1st TT (and that was a super low score like 106k). 

Well 106k in first TTs is equally insane! They didn't have the bonus rounds, no boosted bonus units, enemy dancers, random unexpected skills (Vantage, WoM) and I guess your team was less ready than it is now. 

I was around 60k then and super happy to have gotten the QP seal (free stuff now for everyone). 

56 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Good luck to everyone! Hope you stay in the bracket you wanted!

Thanks, I'm pretty sure I made it to top 5k again. 

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12 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Well 106k in first TTs is equally insane! They didn't have the bonus rounds, no boosted bonus units, enemy dancers, random unexpected skills (Vantage, WoM) and I guess your team was less ready than it is now. 

I was around 60k then and super happy to have gotten the QP seal (free stuff now for everyone). 

Actually, I didn't found it that hard. I had Lucina as a healbot, Nino as a nuke, Olivia and B!Caeda as a secondary nuke I think. Outside of some BS matchups in the map with the tree I was able to get an A/A score semi-consistently. Although I'll admit that the grind was insane, having to get around 8k a day doing nothing but Lunatic 7 was pretty harsh.

Edit: I remembered wrong! I had Lukas as a tank, provider of Hone Spd and as a Reposition bot for Nino.

My final rank was 4,050. I managed to stay in the top 5k so that's nice.

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I think my score was something like 125k or so, finished with a rank of 2,383.

For me, 8k feathers is fine. I really don't think the use of so many stamina potions is worth the extra 2k feathers - I felt that securing a rank above rank 5k was already enough of a drain on stam pots.

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2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Decided today I would give up on the top 5K ranking, as I usually do. My last runs sometime after last reset put me around rank 6300, and I bet that if I didn't do any more runs I'd still be sitting pretty in the top 10K. Staying stalwart in that bet because I'm now rank 9365 and I like a little danger.

rank #10050. lol that'll show me.


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No idea whether that final potion ended up being necessary, but ended up a safe rank 8541. 72000 feathers now which means I can safely fritter some away for merges and to clear up barracks space.

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Rank 4478, good. 

8 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

rank #10050. lol that'll show me.


Ouch, too much danger then?

24 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Actually, I didn't found it that hard. I had Lucina as a healbot, Nino as a nuke, Olivia and B!Caeda as a secondary nuke I think. Outside of some BS matchups in the map with the tree I was able to get an A/A score semi-consistently. Although I'll admit that the grind was insane, having to get around 8k a day doing nothing but Lunatic 7 was pretty harsh.

Edit: I remembered wrong! I had Lukas as a tank, provider of Hone Spd and as a Reposition bot for Nino.

My final rank was 4,050. I managed to stay in the top 5k so that's nice.

I only got very few A/A scores then, because usually my first team was too damaged to finish Veronica and Co. I even put in some 4* units in my starter team (Effie, Robin, Hana), to have my prime team finish the last map. My last resort were two 4* Lilinas to finish Veronica if team 1&2 failed. 

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