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Blessed Gardens Mode

Water Mage

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42 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

[...] we know the rhythm mode will give out some, too [...]


34 minutes ago, Stroud said:

 [...] And don't forget that the mode itself will grant us some blessings. [...]

Where do people get the info on rewards? Did I miss the memo? We can assume stuff, but personally, I don't care about assumptions, so if you have a source for those claims, I'd like to see them. When I look on reddit or whereever, I only see the restrictions for the new mode, the quests that will follow for the tap mode, etc., but no concrete rewards. And while I assume getting one blessing in the upcoming TT and one free from the inevitable Ike we'll get, I'm still curious about those claims.


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18 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Where do people get the info on rewards? Did I miss the memo? We can assume stuff, but personally, I don't care about assumptions, so if you have a source for those claims, I'd like to see them. When I look on reddit or whereever, I only see the restrictions for the new mode, the quests that will follow for the tap mode, etc., but no concrete rewards. And while I assume getting one blessing in the upcoming TT and one free from the inevitable Ike we'll get, I'm still curious about those claims.

Sadly I realize that I skipped over the main page. But at least it's confirmed that we will get Blessings on the new Training maps.
And the Notification hints that Blessings will be available in "Events" (I know that they include TT, because we already had this). 

Thus one can assume that the new Legendary mode will give us Blessings. But you are right, they're worthless. 


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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Wait, the mode in the upper left isn't the tap battle mode? Where did people find out that this is some legendary hero mode?

From the in-game notification concerning the 2.2 update.




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Well the only legendary hero I have is Fjorm so I really hope they are going to give out several blessings so I can make more then one team.  I will have to carefully plan out who gets what blessing.  I just hope I am not forced to pull on legendary banners just to play this mode.  

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I'm hoping that they eventually give out some more Legendary Heroes for free. This mode is at least another reason to vote for Ike in the A Hero Rises event, since that's another hero everyone could use. Maybe they'll eventually make the Askr trio Legendary Heroes, too. As of right now, though, the Legendary Heroes + Blessing requirement just seems really limiting, especially for F2P players like myself. I don't think the Blessing mechanic has been as popular as they thought it might be, but they seem to be pushing it more and more. I know I don't particularly care for it, so I'm a bit disappointed that they're doubling down on it. Ah well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what's in store for us!

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Well, even if I have to bring in a team of four, I'm good to go. I have RD Ike, Gunnthra, Fjorm, and a Summer Freddy with an earth blessing. But I do agree that more free legendary heroes would be nice.

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Dammit IS, I wanted to horde blessings :|

Well, guess I'll have to start doling them out to the units I actually use the most.

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5 minutes ago, Thane said:

Kind of surprised they went down this route considering I have only head people complain about the blessings. I know I'm not the biggest fan of them. Hopefully the mode itself will be fun and rewarding. 

I dont mind the blessing

Infact i am building Teams around Legendary Heroes that synergyze well and can make use of their blessing, its just that their blessings are too limited.
If they fix the limited amount of blessings available and rotate the Legendary Heroes on Arena i wont have an issue with it.

For example my Fjorm Team revovles around units that can capitalize on her SPD blessing with Desperation etc.
my Gunnthra Team is a Team that revolves around debuffs and bulky units
my L!Ike Team revolves around very high attack units or brave weapon units.

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I've never seen anyone complain about blessings. Why would anyone dislike them? I think they're interesting. I'm just never sure who to give them to. xP Summer Freddy was the only sure choice so far because I knew I wanted to use him with RD Ike sometimes. Well, and I'd like to give regular Freddy a fire blessing if the first fire hero we get is someone I'd like to use, since I know Freddy likes fire. :P But other than that, I don't know who to give them to.

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've never seen anyone complain about blessings. Why would anyone dislike them? I think they're interesting. I'm just never sure who to give them to. xP Summer Freddy was the only sure choice so far because I knew I wanted to use him with RD Ike sometimes. Well, and I'd like to give regular Freddy a fire blessing if the first fire hero we get is someone I'd like to use, since I know Freddy likes fire. :P But other than that, I don't know who to give them to.

I think some people are dissatisfied with blessings because they're so...permanent? I don't mind them myself, but a few critiques I've seen is that they're incredibly rare and valuable which makes using them feel kind of risky. Some people don't like being forced to use the legendary heroes on their teams to get the benefits of the blessings, especially if it means replacing someone else you really like using. And then there's the fact that once you use it, you're stuck with it. You can always put on another one, but that means erasing the previous one from existence which wastes a rare resource. At most, every player who has actively played since the blessing's release can have Fjorm, two water blessings and one wind blessing (which you may or may not be able to use if you've been lucky enough to pull Gunnthra). If V!Ike wins the voting thing, folks will have an Earth blessing as well, so you could make one full team for the mode with V!Ike, Fjorm, and the two blessing recipients.

They're interesting, but for those who are not RNG-blessed, they feel pretty niche. I've been lucky enough to get an addition Fjorm, Gunnthra, and a pity breaker V!Ike, but I've still only used one blessing because I'm worried there's someone else who might use that resource better down the line. That being said, they're not BAD (kind of annoying when you're trying to stay in tier 20)...just not always the most convenient for f2pers or people who haven't been RNG blessed---You could get that legendary hero, or you could get 3 ridiculous seasonal heroes instead.

This mode is probably a way to encourage people to pull more on legendary banners. If the rewards are good (like orbs , feathers, sacred coins, and ore good), it may be worth it to try for at least one extra hero--and if V!Ike wins, every player should be able to play it with one full team. Or if IS plans to give us another legendary hero for free/through rewards themselves, but IDK what the likelihood of that is.

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I think some people are dissatisfied with blessings because they're so...permanent? I don't mind them myself, but a few critiques I've seen is that they're incredibly rare and valuable which makes using them feel kind of risky. Some people don't like being forced to use the legendary heroes on their teams to get the benefits of the blessings, especially if it means replacing someone else you really like using. And then there's the fact that once you use it, you're stuck with it. You can always put on another one, but that means erasing the previous one from existence which wastes a rare resource. At most, every player who has actively played since the blessing's release can have Fjorm, two water blessings and one wind blessing (which you may or may not be able to use if you've been lucky enough to pull Gunnthra). If V!Ike wins the voting thing, folks will have an Earth blessing as well, so you could make one full team for the mode with V!Ike, Fjorm, and the two blessing recipients.

They're interesting, but for those who are not RNG-blessed, they feel pretty niche. I've been lucky enough to get an addition Fjorm, Gunnthra, and a pity breaker V!Ike, but I've still only used one blessing because I'm worried there's someone else who might use that resource better down the line. That being said, they're not BAD (kind of annoying when you're trying to stay in tier 20)...just not always the most convenient for f2pers or people who haven't been RNG blessed---You could get that legendary hero, or you could get 3 ridiculous seasonal heroes instead.

This mode is probably a way to encourage people to pull more on legendary banners. If the rewards are good (like orbs , feathers, sacred coins, and ore good), it may be worth it to try for at least one extra hero--and if V!Ike wins, every player should be able to play it with one full team. Or if IS plans to give us another legendary hero for free/through rewards themselves, but IDK what the likelihood of that is.

Okay, yeah, I can see how being permanent kinda stinks. But otherwise, I think they're fine. I just think we need more of them so we feel less like we've wasted them sometimes.

And it does also stink for those who couldn't get Gunnthra or RD Ike. So I do hope IS addresses that too.

So I do get where you're coming from now.  But yeah, I still wouldn't say that they're a bad thing.

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

It seems the coming missions will give enough (13?) blessings:

I count 11 there. Well, technically there 13 if you count Light's Blessings but they're a little less desirable than the other blessings I suspect. :P

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So 11 upcoming blessings from missions, plus presumably a 12th from the next TT. Assuming we get Ike and another free Earth Blessing with him, and counting the stuff that's available so far, that'll be a total of 16 free blessings and two free legendary heroes by the time the mode starts, plus more free blessings over time. Even without pulling any legendary heroes, that's a plenty reasonable start, and even free players can get away with going for legendary heroes occasionally.

I think this is fine.

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Tallying up each blessing from the new content:

3 Water
3 Wind
3 Fire
2 Earth

When added with the free blessings previously available, we get:

5 Water
4 Wind
3 Fire
2 Earth

Odd that Earth has the lowest number when it already has a Legendary Hero associated with it, and Fire doesn't. Earth will presumably get one more once buff Ike wins the vote for the free Hero, admittedly, but still, would be nice to see the numbers swapped with Fire.

@OthinI'd still be uncomfortable using blessings for which I have no hero though. For example, the logical thing to do with Wind Blessings is to use them on horses to leverage a Gunnthra-based horse team. But there's every chance I'll end up getting the next Wind hero instead of Gunnthra, and they might not be on a horse. Without knowing I can't really spend those blessings without potentially wasting them. So we still have the potential issues of only the Water and Earth blessings being able to be used "safely" for the time being.

Still, being able to field a full Water team will hopefully suffice for the first round of this content in March. With Olivia and Bridelia already holding the first two blessings, I'm thinking a mage, a tank, and possibly a healer to round out the team, all infantry for now. Say a Falchion, a Blade mage and Maria. That said, we don't know if the new mode is based on single maps or endurance challenges so maybe the healer is unnecessary, in which case an Axe would be good.

Geez, I wish I had an Axura for the Earth blessing, would work great in a team alongside buff Ike.

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My current problems with the blessings are:

  • I don't have the Legendary Hero (Gunnthra and VaIke)1000?cb=20160428055839
  • Blessings are permanent, so I have to build a team around that Legendary Hero and their blessing.
  • Blessings aren't always active. I have to wait for the right season.
    • One affinity is the main for the month, so that is the best time to use the team, but if it is not the main affinity, then it takes 2-3 weeks to rotate back.

I think the blessings overall are a great concept to boost the stats of your heroes. I want a second summoner support, so this is the closest I think IS will give us.

It will be nice to get more blessings, but without the Legendary Heroes, they have no effect. 

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11 blessings....I know for sure that the next 3 Water Blessings are going to my main arena core because they synergize well with Fjorm.

The Earth ones will go to a blue Blade mage (Tailtiu probably because she's easy to merge), B!Ike or Hector and B!Lyn I think. Those three will pair nicely with RD!Ike.

The Fire and Wind ones will go units I want to train quickly because I'm not going to pull for Gunnthrá and the Fire Hero because Legendary banners suck.

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I really don't like this. I wasn't actually planning on using Fjorm or VIke long term, and just leveling them to get their level 40 convos + Tempest Trial boost...The fact that I have to build a whole team around them, and then plan out the blessings accordingly is going to be a big enough pain that if the rewards aren't worth, or it isn't particularly fun to me it will just end up like Arena Assault. I'll play it every now and again, and then ignore it for weeks just because I don't want to bother :/

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