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Voting Gauntlet: Shadow in the Mirror!


Voting Gauntlet: Shadow in the Mirror!  

174 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom are you going to support?

    • Celica, Caring Princess
    • Celica, Imprisoned Soul
    • Takumi, Wild Card
    • Takumi, Empty Vessel
    • Robin, High Deliverer
    • Robin, Fell Reincarnation
    • Zelgius, Jet-Black General
    • Black Knight, Sinister General

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  • Poll closed on 03/08/2018 at 05:00 AM

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So my options are BK, Fallen Takumi and Robin M. Have a Takumi in main and a Celica in second both normal.

...i feel like cheesing with with lv1 Robins though but i feel like rank may be annoying with a popular character.

endgame support would hopefully be Celica or Takumo. Don't think BK will make it to finals

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I know this is probably out of place, but damn am I sick of the betrayal meme. Every time Takumi appears anywhere I get to read 5000+ posts of "Blame!!", "Betrayal!" or "Tacomeme!". Never mind that he is actually a very interesting character on his own, let's freak out about random stock phrases. That's much more fun apparently. I hate how memes can reduce good characters to absolute jokes in the eyes of the fandom. And I am really going to hate this next gauntlet am I? Just everyone going "BETRAYAL!111" at me.. maybe I'll just stay off all social media for the duration of it.  

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Thanks for making me choose between Takumi and m!Robin, game.

I'll be going with one of the two. Normal versions, not possessed versions.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Join the kind Celica!

But crazy is hot.

8 minutes ago, Nanima said:

I know this is probably out of place, but damn am I sick of the betrayal meme. Every time Takumi appears anywhere I get to read 5000+ posts of "Blame!!", "Betrayal!" or "Tacomeme!". Never mind that he is actually a very interesting character on his own, let's freak out about random stock phrases. That's much more fun apparently. I hate how memes can reduce good characters to absolute jokes in the eyes of the fandom. And I am really going to hate this next gauntlet am I? Just everyone going "BETRAYAL!111" at me.. maybe I'll just stay off all social media for the duration of it.  

Personally, I see it as a means of being less salty. Why be salty when you can just meme.

Edited by silveraura25
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I’ll be joining Fallen Takumi for this one. It’s a good thing VG adjusts to whatever level your unit is because I probably won’t have Takumi at 5* and built by the time it starts.

edit: @ZeManaphy sent you a request. Currently have Serra as the lead

11 minutes ago, Nanima said:

I know this is probably out of place, but damn am I sick of the betrayal meme. Every time Takumi appears anywhere I get to read 5000+ posts of "Blame!!", "Betrayal!" or "Tacomeme!". Never mind that he is actually a very interesting character on his own, let's freak out about random stock phrases. That's much more fun apparently. I hate how memes can reduce good characters to absolute jokes in the eyes of the fandom. And I am really going to hate this next gauntlet am I? Just everyone going "BETRAYAL!111" at me.. maybe I'll just stay off all social media for the duration of it.  

Y̶o̶u̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶i̶n̶e̶a̶p̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶m̶e̶s̶.̶ ̶I̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶B̶e̶t̶r̶a̶y̶a̶l̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶a̶c̶o̶ ̶p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶e̶

To be fair, having a meme associated with a character doesn’t really take away what makes them interesting but it is tiring to consistently see it brought up whenever said character is involved.

Edited by NegativeExponents-
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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Join the kind Celica!

Works for me.

As always, anyone joining Caring Princess Celica is welcome to send or ask me to send them a friend request; my code is 8566518658. I’ll probably mix up my lead between Tana, Jeorge, and Fae/Julia.

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2 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Y̶o̶u̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶P̶i̶n̶e̶a̶p̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶m̶e̶s̶.̶ ̶I̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶B̶e̶t̶r̶a̶y̶a̶l̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶a̶c̶o̶ ̶p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶e̶

To be fair, having a meme associated with a character doesn’t really take away what makes them interesting but it is tiring to consistently see it brought up whenever said character is involved.

How could I? Although Pineapple seems mostly harmless in comparison to the others

No it doesn't, but it does lead to many people not really taking the character seriously and reducing them to the memes. It's sad when general fandom can't see a character past the memes anymore. Doesn't help that Takumi has several of these going for him, so there's no escape.

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2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Works for me.

As always, anyone joining Caring Princess Celica is welcome to send or ask me to send them a friend request; my code is 8566518658. I’ll probably mix up my lead between Tana, Jeorge, and Fae/Julia.

Hooray, again fighting at your side, like in good ol’ times! I’ve missed your Julia so much, I really have.

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11 minutes ago, Nanima said:

How could I? Although Pineapple seems mostly harmless in comparison to the others

No it doesn't, but it does lead to many people not really taking the character seriously and reducing them to the memes. It's sad when general fandom can't see a character past the memes anymore. Doesn't help that Takumi has several of these going for him, so there's no escape.

I see past the memes. But I still enjoy using them. Though the soup store meme has to be revived. And isn't being memed good. Look at Dorcas and Lute. They'd have never been in Heroes if the power of memes hadn't helped them. And because of that, people who don't know them are curious as to who these characters are.

Edited by silveraura25
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7 minutes ago, Nanima said:

How could I? Although Pineapple seems mostly harmless in comparison to the others

No it doesn't, but it does lead to many people not really taking the character seriously and reducing them to the memes. It's sad when general fandom can't see a character past the memes anymore. Doesn't help that Takumi has several of these going for him, so there's no escape.

Unfortunately it will be the worst time for the memes because the actual Possessed Takumi is part of the VG.

Although I guess it would be interesting to see normal Takumi winning over the Fallen Takumi, and maybe it will generate more wholesome "I conquered my bad side" memes?

The Takumi/Celica round 2 will surely be interesting though...

Hmm I think the BK bracket would have the best ranking initially. That said...I have a fully built BK so going to battles with that and no Armor March support is going to be....annoying. I mean there's Armored Boots but I rely on Vantage..

Looking like cheesing it with lv1 M Robin is the most appealing way to go. And hey if he wins because of his popularity that's an extra 500 feathers.

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I was thinking of putting ToD!Jakob w/Brave Bow+ as my rep up until I remembered Vax is going to be on my team. Eh, I'll think of something though you're than welcome to make suggestions/requests, fellow members of Team Caring Princess.  

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

I was thinking of putting ToD!Jakob w/Brave Bow+ as my rep up until I remembered Vax is going to be on my team.

Aww, it’s so cute of you to be so caring about me! I’ll be fine with any kind of cancer on my side though, so don’t mind me and put whomever you want.

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8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I see past the memes. But I still enjoy using them. Though the soup store meme has to be revived

I mean, I do sometimes call him a pineapple myself as a nickname, so I can certainly see that. It's just hard to tell what others are thinking when everywhere Takumi is discussed has memes being dropped en masse.

3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Unfortunately it will be the worst time for the memes because the actual Possessed Takumi is part of the VG.

Although I guess it would be interesting to see normal Takumi winning over the Fallen Takumi, and maybe it will generate more wholesome "I conquered my bad side" memes?

The Takumi/Celica round 2 will surely be interesting though...

Yeah that's what I am not looking forward to. I guess more people will join P!Takumi, just because he's free and has memes..  Though I am actually looking forward to the fanart on this one for the reason you mentioned.

Unless we are seeing another Shanna event, I don't think Takumi is going to beat Celica. With how popular she's proven in the last cyl, people will flock to her. Both as her own fans and as an assurance for victory feathers.

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2 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Yeah that's what I am not looking forward to. I guess more people will join P!Takumi, just because he's free and has memes..  Though I am actually looking forward to the fanart on this one for the reason you mentioned.

I'm just doing it for Skadi. It's bonkers.

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I guess it's finally time to see how dominate the waifu female characters really are. Celica might be the only female contender bbbbuuuuttttt she did win the CYL 2 & got 2nd place overall. Not even Marth combine votes could beat her, even though he barely lost by the hundreds.


1 hour ago, Roflolxp54 said:

...You could say that his body wasn't ready.

You stop that right now


1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

And the VG makes a comeback after its lengthy hiatus. Will Takumi triumph again? Or will BETRAYAL get the better of him? 

Sadly Mr. Pineapple never won. Apparently he lost & it was clean match in the last 7 hours.


1 hour ago, Water Mage said:

This Voting Gauntlet seems harmless. There won’t be as much salt, hopefully.

I once had share this optimism. To think there ever a day I was this naive......


Seriously there shouldn't be this much salt.

C'mon guys


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I will also be jumping on the Celica bandwagon since I have both versions of her, but I'll be support Caring Princess first. I guess the good part about this VG is that in the first round even if the character you support lose you can still support their other version in the semi-finals.

Now I have to decide whether to set my leader as a blue or green unit.

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10 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Sadly Mr. Pineapple never won. Apparently he lost & it was clean match in the last 7 hours.

If you are talking about the Shanna match, while not outright won due to multiplier, the mere existence of it was essential for Shanna's victory. In the last few hours Team Takumi had to be constantly worried about pushing Shanna into one too many multipliers, while Team Shanna could just go crazy with their flags. This is not to cheapen the victory or shit on Team Shanna, but there's no evidence that Shanna would have won under the old system, which I have seen people claim.  

Edited by Nanima
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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

If you are talking about the Shanna match, while not outright won due to multiplier, the mere existence of it was essential for Shanna's victory. In the last few hours Team Takumi had to be constantly worried about pushing Shanna into one too many multipliers, while Team Shanna could just go crazy with their flags. This is not to cheapen the victory or shit on Team Shanna, but there's no evidence that Shanna would have won under the old system, which I have seen people claim.  

Correction: Being as clean as a Voting Gauntlet can be.

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