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Favorite Dragon Appearance


Favorite Dragon Appearance  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Which transformed state do you like the best?

    • Corrin
    • Fae
    • Myrrh
    • Ninian
    • Nowi
    • Tiki (Adult)
    • Tiki (Young)

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 So we have 7 dragons now. Seems like we should decide which of the lucky 7 have the best transformed appearance. Is it the Chicken Dragon? The Beefy Dragon? The Lettuce Dragon? I am running out of food dragon puns so lets move on.

For me it has to be Myrrh. She is just so FIERCE. Second place would have to go to Ninian for just being down right gorgeous. It is actually really tough to pick between those two if you ask me. Third Place is Tiki (Young), it looks like she became a bit wilted in her old age, yes?

I could I suppose order the other four, but I figure top three is a good enough list to me. I will say though that I never cared much for the Fate's dragon appearance. So that is pretty much bottom of the barrel there.

And now so that you don't have to hunt down there looks I will put each in a spoiler.
















Tiki (Adult) | Tiki (Young) - The first battle my main dragon team(Myrrh, Tiki (Adult), Nowi, Ninian) went in just worked out so well since it served up Tiki (Young) for me. I just couldn't help having these two stare each other down!



So there you have it. Share you favorite, vote away! I don't think I saw a thread for this yet anyways. And even if there was it was probably before Myrrh's release so reason enough to do it again if it has been done once before. And lets hope I did the poll right. First time doing one on this forum I think.

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I think I like Ninian's the best in this game. It just seems elegant and pretty, and it's nice to see her transforming without going wild. It's not my favorite in the whole series, though; Tiki in Warriors looks the best to me.

(By the way, IS, settle on a consistent form for Tiki for both ages plz)

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8 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Myrrh's head looks too big to me.

It's not the size of her head that bugs me, but rather the size of her feet. It isn't a big enough deal to bump her down, but boy does it make Ninian much harder competition. Ninian is just so . . . perfectly proportioned. But the lack of wings is kind of a minus for me.

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1 minute ago, Usana said:

It's not the size of her head that bugs me, but rather the size of her feet. It isn't a big enough deal to bump her down, but boy does it make Ninian much harder competition. Ninian is just so . . . perfectly proportioned. But the lack of wings is kind of a minus for me.

Well, it's not like all dragons in mythology necessarily have wings. :P

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3 minutes ago, Usana said:

It's not the size of her head that bugs me, but rather the size of her feet. It isn't a big enough deal to bump her down, but boy does it make Ninian much harder competition. Ninian is just so . . . perfectly proportioned. But the lack of wings is kind of a minus for me.

I went young Tiki. Decently proportioned and dragon like. Though, the neck joint could use some work.

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7 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

Well, it's not like all dragons in mythology necessarily have wings. :P

Yeah I know. The Asian Serpent dragons can be quite breathtaking to look at. However Ninian looks more like Salamander than an Asian Dragon. Anyways for me it is a matter of bulk. I like the really long skinny dragons to not have wings and the heavier set ones to have wings. Ninian is fairly bulky looking so for me she looks not quite complete without wings. Though now that I think about expecting the 'light' dragons to not have wings and the bulky heavy ones to have wings kinda flies in the face of physics, doesn't it?

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Myrrh is my favorite. She looks the most like what I think when I hear "dragon," though young Tiki is a close second.

The Awakening dragons (Nowi and Tiki) have a neat artstyle, but I'm not a big fan of the leafy seadragon look. If they were all water dragons I would like it more, but they aren't, so...

Corrin is also a sea dragon of some form. I can tell it is based on some Eastern mythological creature (a Kirin/Qilin?) but its appearance just isn't my favorite.

I understand the look they were going with for Ninian as well, also looking like a sea dragon or so, but it also simply isn't my favorite in terms of looks.

Fae would be my least favorite, but still, props for being a feathery, fluffy dragon. It's something I would never have thought of.

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Everyone looks like a Pokemon to me except Ninian's. So Ninian.

Edit: Just to clarify what I mean.

Corrin looks like Dialga

Myrrh looks like Charizard

Fae - can't remember but looks straight up like a pokemon

Young Tiki doesn't look like a Pokemon, but looks like the Blue Eyes White Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh

Anad Adult Tiki and Nowi look vaguely similar to Charizard, but the truth is I just really don't like the way they look.

Ninian looks like a very aquatic dragon, reptilian dragon, and somewhat more realistic than the others. I like the color of her skin too, and she just looks the coolest to me.


Edited by Ae†her
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Myrrh has my vote. Very fierce looking even though she's an adorable cinnamon role. A close second would probably be fae because she's the only feathery dragon that I know of that looks like chicken. My least favourite is Corrin because her dragon form confuses me so much. 

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18 minutes ago, SavageVolug said:

I voted for Myrrh since of the options I like her's the best. Where's Kurthnaga though? He and his father have the coolest dragon forms that I have ever seen.

I was just including the ones currently in heroes. Afraid that outside of Sacred Stones my non-3ds fire emblem experience is rather non-existent. Google does seem to agree that if he ever makes it to heroes that he would likely be giving Myrrh a run for her money.

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Myrrh isn't my favorite character of the bunch but she has my favorite design that's for sure!

I just love how savage she looks. All the other dragons look sort of 'calm', Myrrh on the other hand looks ready to go on a war path.

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Was juggling between Ninian and Myrrh for a while, but in the end Myrrh's fierceness won over, even if I find her proportions a bit off-putting. The combination of small feet (how come, she wasn't even in Awakening) and a rather big head is just kinda awkward, plus her wings feel a bit small.

Ninian's second, I really like the color scheme, long, slender body and the somewhat aquatic look she has. Fae for third, that ball of feathers is just really adorable and fun. For the rest, young Tiki > Nowi > adult Tiki > Corrin. Fates and Awakening really went to weird directions with their dragon designs in my opinion, especially Fates (though Awakening's dragons actually look better in Heroes than they did in their original game I think). I prefer Nowi's color scheme over adult Tiki's.

Thank Corrin for saving my favorite character of the bunch from last spot.

Also, no love for the generic dragons lol? It's the same design as young Tiki (poor Tiki), but with black main body and claws and some other details in shades of their weapon color. Green > Red > Blue for me, the blue they used disappears into that black body, while the red used is a bit too striking though not bad.


2 hours ago, Ae†her said:

Fae - can't remember but looks straight up like a pokemon

You're probably thinking of Goodra https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:706Goodra.png

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I mean

Myrrh's is great because she looks threatening like a dragon should be

But I think I still have to go with chicken dragon because WTF

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I have to admit, ever since I saw it, I always preferred Corrin's stylised dragon form over the more conventional appearances (and Fae's less conventional chicken look). 

Although if Nasir ever makes it into the game, I'd probably go for him. Always loved his white dragon form. Kurthnaga and Deghinsea are pretty cool, too. Never really liked Ena's. It was an odd faded pink colour. Can't remember Gareth overly. 

Edited by Cute Chao
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Young Tiki's is the one I'm the most used to looking at but Ninian's has the most majestic appearance so I'm going to say that's the best one. Myrrh's is the most conventional appearance but despite the authenticity of it to it's source material it almost looks out of place in this game I have to say.

  • Ninian - If a dragon could be "Beautiful" this is probably what it would look like. Really suits her as she's just as graceful in dragon form as she is in her regular appearance.
  • Y!Tiki - Always looked awesome to me, I enjoy her look.
  • Fae - PET THE CHICKEN, PET THE CHICKEN! (Points if you get the reference). She is cute to look at and the most huggable. Not menacing in the least though.
  • Myrrh - Always though she looks awesome. Her human form is very unassuming, but somehow it's jarring in this game still.
  • F!Corrin - I like what they were trying to do but she just makes me think of some sort of edgy reindeer with wings. It just... doesn't do much for me.
  • Nowi - Hideous. One of the ugliest dragons I've ever seen. At least the color scheme is nice though.
  • A!Tiki - Ugly. UGLY.
Edited by Zeo
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The order for me would be 

  • Corrin- She has the most unorthadox dragon form and I just really like the design and how lean it is, doesn't stop me from hating her though.
  • Ninian- Elegant dragon form for an elegant Manakete not much else to say 
  • Myrrh- Her dragon form is fierce but the proportions are a bit off 
  • Fae- Chicken Dragon 
  • Nowi- Dragon form isn't anything special but the colour pallet is my favourite of the bunch 
  • Y!Tiki- It doesn't strike me as particularly fierce or elegant its just meh 
  • A!Tiki- Nowi's bad dragon design added to a boring colour pallet= boring dragon  
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As for rating the dragons already in:

No to the Holy Chicken Fae. Unless they are baptized in the Purifier Deep Fryer. Fae is cute though.

Corrin the Metallic Mutant Deer would be fine if they weren't being called a dragon. But as a dragon they are too different, too thin, and too bad.

The only good thing about being a Giant Seahorse, is that it means she doesn't actually get pregnant, her husband does, which is a thought worth exploring more ?. Although they turned down the thinness of the Giant Seahorse here so it is admittedly less Seahorsey, but that only helps Nowi so much.

Grown Tiki the White Giant Seahorse is no better.

So by process of elimination, my top three ingame so far are:

The Great Dragon is greatly generic, but Myrrh is still relatively good.

Ninian Ice Dragon is cool.

Child Tiki the original playable Divine Dragon roughly ties with the Ninian, but just a little better.


3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Although if Nasir ever makes it into the game, I'd probably go for him. Always loved his white dragon form. Kurthnaga and Deghinsea are pretty cool, too. Never really liked Ena's. It was an odd faded pink colour. Can't remember Gareth overly. 

Ena was pink due to being both White and Red in heritage. White from Nasir's child, Red from the other.

Unfortunately RD used this to give her nonexistent (20) Str and high (50) Mag growth while being a Red Dragon so she could only deal physical damage. When she gets into FEH, her getting Glacies would be good (her Res growth in RD is 50 to 15 Def), but she has Miracle in both Tellius games, so I expect she'd get that. Low Def, low Spd, High Res, ? Atk possibly if going by RD standards. PoR Ena is a very different beast. Boon and a buff to replace and mimic Blood Tide would make her a decent support unit.


And while I'm not going to point out what all potential additions would look like, I will show off Nils:


I think he is supposed to be the one to the right, Ninian being on the left (it doesn't look exactly like her, but given the context in which it shown, it should be her).

Not bad, maybe its just being further in the back, but you get a sense of age difference between the two, and Ninian's necklace shows she's more special and is feminine.

I'm a Nils fan. :Nils:


By the way, why haven't there been Seasonal Breaths yet? Breath being Seasonal sounds ridiculous? Seasonals are by definition ridiculous. What would be the problem with Valentine's Day Gatrie getting a magical bottle of Cologne du Dragonne and killing things with Perfumed Breath? Or Delthea eating way too many sweets on Halloween and her upset stomach causing her to turn into a monster and belch Sugary Breath? 

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