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21 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

A cute Japanese girlfriend.

but would you "send her back to japan" if she disliked the english language? Or is that only for chinese women?

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1 hour ago, Nobody said:

but would you "send her back to japan" if she disliked the english language? Or is that only for chinese women?

If she didn't like the English language, she'd be free to go back of her own free volition.

Oh, and if you're going to quote me in future, at least have the common decency to get the quote right.

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There's one rule and only one rule in this thread gentlemen. Keep it chill; don't be dicks to eachother. That being said. I'm going to put out a general advisory against dating Hooters girls (to make that one work--you have to be super duper secure in your relationships and have absolutely zero jealously issues)

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12 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

If she didn't like the English language, she'd be free to go back of her own free volition.

Oh, and if you're going to quote me in future, at least have the common decency to get the quote right.


"Why don't you go back to China, then?"


only you would construe what she said as a serious statement, but you're not doing yourself any favours

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23 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

A cute Japanese girlfriend.

^^^i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that statement. I just think most Westernerners have very unrealistic expectations of what that relationship would look like from the caricature of Japanese culture in anime and manga and pornhub that reaches the west.

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1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

^^^i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that statement. I just think most Westernerners have very unrealistic expectations of what that relationship would look like from the caricature of Japanese culture in anime and manga and pornhub that reaches the west.

and if this was by itself, i wouldn't give a shit personally. in fact, i'm just saying that in response to what nobody was referring to, and what I linked.

that one was a racist statement he has never apologised for and still feels is worth defending now evidently to tell someone that jokingly says that english is a shit language to go back to China. even if they were serious it's not an appropriate response.

this isn't hard

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And now this topic has been besmirched. 

This is why I wasn't exactly overjoyed to see these topics revived. You can't catching lightning in a bottle (save for the white kind), it is nigh impossible to engineer what spontaneity had wrought so wonderfully. I enjoyed the madness, and contributed to it insofar as my rationale allowed, but you have to know when let to things go.

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I don't think this thread is particularly dead. It just lacks a topic for some to discuss. (aside from a few getting heated up). I know the subject is about underwear but since this thread is geared at men i could ask something i think i'd prefer a male's advice/perspective on. That is....weight loss


Someone told me that by building muscle it'll slowly chip away at the fat but as far as i know and how long i've been keeping up my routine all i'm doing is gaining more weight (since muscle mass tends to be more than fat) but now you can see my muscle definition. What i wanted from the beginning was to get "cut" but not the "ripped" kind. Sorta like the Swimmers in pokemon. I tried dead lifts, lunges, squats, regularly running at the park for 40 minutes x4 a week and none of it is helping. People keeping saying  weight loss is 20% work out and 80% diet but i have no clue what to do about changing my eating. I cut out coke (pretty much all carbonated drinks) but after 3 months, nothing. 


Any other tips? I don't want to do that meal replacement thing with the shakes since i end up just starving later on even after i drink one.

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...yeah I got nothing. I'm living by the Ron White philosophy of health and fitness. When they put me in the coffin they're not going to say he looks good. They're going to say wow. He partied.

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you have better places to find information about that tbh (like what nobody said). from what i know, which isn't much, jogging (not sprinting or anything) is the way you want to go.

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Don't we have a general exercise thread over in general discussion? For the purposes of this one I'll just say: if you're doing the sex right, that's good cardio.

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1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

Don't we have a general exercise thread over in general discussion? For the purposes of this one I'll just say: if you're doing the sex right, that's good cardio.

They advise the exercise should last at least half and hour, though.

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9 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

Alright. I'll go looking around. I"m not good at disciplining myself so dieting sounds impossible. @Rezzy and @Shoblongoo you both already went in that interview thread right? Didn't it feel like invasive or weird just being asked questions?

I didn't mind too much.  If someone asks something too personal, you can always decline to answer.

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12 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

Someone told me that by building muscle it'll slowly chip away at the fat but as far as i know and how long i've been keeping up my routine all i'm doing is gaining more weight (since muscle mass tends to be more than fat) but now you can see my muscle definition. What i wanted from the beginning was to get "cut" but not the "ripped" kind. Sorta like the Swimmers in pokemon. I tried dead lifts, lunges, squats, regularly running at the park for 40 minutes x4 a week and none of it is helping. People keeping saying  weight loss is 20% work out and 80% diet but i have no clue what to do about changing my eating. I cut out coke (pretty much all carbonated drinks) but after 3 months, nothing. 

Any other tips? I don't want to do that meal replacement thing with the shakes since i end up just starving later on even after i drink one.

I'm a pretty skinny dude and for me, gaining weight is as difficult for me as losing weight is for others, but bear in mind that what works for other people might get the same results because it's just how your body is designed. It sounds like the things you're doing are fairly healthy though. I don't know anything about your body, but if the things you're doing now are rather different than what you've always done, it's going to take longer than 3 months to see long-term changes.

Cutting down on sugar and excessively salty foods helps, because they screw with your sense of taste and make you crave unhealthier foods simply because they've got those tastes. The body needs to have fat, and it's designed to make you want to eat things that it thinks will help it survive. It's also why long-term weight loss is so difficult-- you're working against survival instincts that, if you weren't food secure, would likely be in your best interest.

There's a shitload of misinformation out there about nutrition and health, to the point where you practically have to read peer-reviewed scientific articles to get a real answer (and most aren't exactly conclusive on matters). A good rule of thumb is that if something sounds catastrophic, you might want to keep researching if just to see if that's only hyperbole.

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@Rezzy yeah. I guess so. The thread sounds fun but scary as well. 


@Johann I didn't know about salty foods but I did hear something about sugary foods a few times here and there so I guess it is agreed apon by most of the community. 


@Shoblongoo I never heard of Ron White but I want to be strong and healthy not for looks but for the sake of having the capacity to do things. If the zombie apocalypse happens gotta be able to outrun those head munchers. But at the same time I want to swing a big war axe and slaughter hundreds of them if I need to stand my ground. Plus I want to cosplay as some characters and make it look right. Like the Radiant Dawn version of Ike. I could try the Black Knight too. Aside from FE there are other outfits I want to do too. Like Ryu from Street Fighter, Regal from Tales of Symphonia (yes I will do the hand cuffs and master movement without arms), various others. I loved the Tales series. 

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21 hours ago, Rezzy said:

They advise the exercise should last at least half and hour, though.

Related image


8 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

 I never heard of Ron White 

Image result for ron white quote

 "Those who say alcohol is empty calories are getting shitty booze cause mine is full of joy, courage, and bad decisions. Usually in that order." -Ron White-


10 hours ago, Johann said:

Cutting down on sugar and excessively salty foods helps


8 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

I never heard of Ron White but I want to be strong and healthy not for looks but for the sake of having the capacity to do things. If the zombie apocalypse happens gotta be able to outrun those head munchers. But at the same time I want to swing a big war axe and slaughter hundreds of them if I need to stand my ground. Plus I want to cosplay as some characters and make it look right. Like the Radiant Dawn version of Ike. 

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk that. I just wanna be baseline healthy enough to not pull a John Belushi or a Chris Farley.

Stick around for a while. Make it to a ripe old age. Not leave any kids I may or may not be having in the near future young and fatherless. 

But still--as long as I've got good years left in me--keep 'em filled with bourbon and bacon strips. (if I make it to ~80, I don't give a shit what I look like. Life well lived.)

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44 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk that. I just wanna be baseline healthy enough to not pull a John Belushi or a Chris Farley.

Stick around for a while. Make it to a ripe old age. Not leave any kids I may or may not be having in the near future young and fatherless. 

But still--as long as I've got good years left in me--keep 'em filled with bourbon and bacon strips. (if I make it to ~80, I don't give a shit what I look like. Life well lived.)

I've gone so long without foods loaded with that stuff that beans + rice + cheese is a flavor explosion. Like seriously, I could eat those 3 combined every day and never get sick of it. Meanwhile, I've long lost interest in red meat, which tastes flavorless and boring (and when you think about it, what makes meat taste good is the curing/seasoning anyway).

I've always been an extremely energetic person, so staying in shape is easy and fun since I rely on things like dancing and stuff to get exercise.

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@Shoblongoo Well i can see the appeal. I want to be like this one guy i met do BCT. He was in his 70s + and was running laps around us. I mean he wasn't just fit, he was like a 70 year old Spartan. At this one obstacle course where we were going to scale up and down a wall that was more than 50 feet he grabbed that rope and RAN VERTICALLY DOWN LIKE A NINJA. I mean his body was parallel to the ground. None of us could keep up with him when we all first got there. Best drill sergeant ever. 


@Johann you know, i'm definitely going to have to try to get where your are at. i never noticed flavor when it came to food since i grew up just vacuuming it up as fast as possible so i can get back to the action of whatever i was doing but even now i realize i have no sense of smell (which is vital for eating). I mean i can still smell road kill if pass it up, or crap if it's like a few feet away, or a homeless person if i'm down-wind or they are like a foot away, but candles? fruit?, soap? minty fresh breath? arm pits? Can't smell them even if i stuck my nose in any of those things. my nose degenerated :lol:

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6 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

 you know, i'm definitely going to have to try to get where your are at. i never noticed flavor when it came to food since i grew up just vacuuming it up as fast as possible so i can get back to the action of whatever i was doing but even now i realize i have no sense of smell (which is vital for eating). I mean i can still smell road kill if pass it up, or crap if it's like a few feet away, or a homeless person if i'm down-wind or they are like a foot away, but candles? fruit?, soap? minty fresh breath? arm pits? Can't smell them even if i stuck my nose in any of those things. my nose degenerated :lol:

Not sure if having a weak sense of smell is caused by diet, I think that's usually caused more by stuff like smoking or chronic exposure to certain chemicals. Do you smoke?

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