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Welcome to Zeo’s wall-post cause part 3 I’m a busy fuck who only just had the time to finish this so now here’s my thoughts on everything page 10.

22 hours ago, Fable said:

Makaze-Thinks he's above having to explain why he thinks the thing for some reason. Tried to engage him twice and he ignored me both times meanwhile he seemed content to push me anyway. Maybe biased but he seems more interested in bulldogging a lynch through than determining alignments. 

Evan-Thought the "why don't I have reads 5 minutes into the game" thing was weird but sure I can believe he plays like that. My problem then is I would think he would try harder to get reads but he hasn't which seems off to me. 


Page 10:

*Fable starts off with this, accusing Makaze of not explaining things, and it’s fair, his posts until this point have been very useless (I have him as null read as there is no content to push him to either side) however, you are doing the same thing and are just as null but with less interactions and reads. Also, Evan has been non-existent since his first string of posts, but you have been here. Your attempt at reads is posted, but again, no explanation. I’d like you to try harder to have meaningful content, too.


21 hours ago, Fable said:

Also reminder that I play a lot differently than what I think typical site meta seems to be. 

I don't wall post and i don't live in my own little bubble. 

I need people to interact with me if you want me to do stuff. 

*Why do you not reach out to others? See a comment in a wall-post you find odd? Ask about it. Ask anything. Why do we have to come to you to try and get reads, why can you not come to the rest of the game? Do you really have nothing of value to say unless you are being interviewed?

*Makaze asking for the same interviews as Fable.


18 hours ago, Fenrir Aesir said:
On 6/19/2018 at 4:16 AM, Junk said:

Satsuma is bothering me a bit. They said they would be up to lynch nadroj for "interactions" but we're fairly early into the game and now they seem to be throwing shade onto athena but not committing. I know makaze said the same thing about wanting to lynch fable for the day but at least they're voting fable i'm pretty sure. I was under the impression they're going to make a bigger post but these random tidbits without real commitment feels like he could be setting up voting options if need be. I guess they'd be slightly below athena

What did you think of fenrir's response to radicate saying that fenrir ignored your vote athena? You say he ignored your vote on nadraj but he does make a response to this later (to radicate) that I didn't see you address.  Radicate thinks fenrir genuinely didn't realize what your vote meant to his theory. What do you think about that?

I'm mindmelding with Junk regarding the thought process here (indicated in my thoughts on page 7) and so a lesser extent his earlier read on Athena which came around the time mine did, so I have  Junk as a townlean.

*Agreeing with Fenrir here, as it did seem Junk was setting up a possible lynch on Xand early with his “info lynch” plan. It also seemed like a backtrack when he mentioned that it would only be as a last resort. This is also around the time when Xand started to get lynched (iirc Bart and Athena lynch on him sometime after Junk’s initial “info lynch” post). Leaving Xand as a possible easy lynch option N1? Possibility that 1 of these three (Junk, Bart, Athena) could be scum?


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9 minutes ago, EvanManManMan said:

The way that Fable responded to Makaze voting again was scummy. They said "why are you obsessed with me" which shows that they care more about being scumread than why they are being scumread, which is something mafia does.

And I really liked the way that Makaze was interrogating Mack on page 5. 

I disliked Stasuma's first post about Makaze tunneling me. They weren't. If anything they were tunneling Fable. It seems defensive of me where they don't need to be.

Right now I am at Athena Bartozio Junk Makaze Mack as town and Xandroj Rapier Fable and Satsuma as scum

"Mak why are you wolf reading me" = Fable doesn't care about why Mak is wolf reading him. 

Fucking amazing. 10/10 analysis  

Also the satsuma point is ridiculous, why would he defend you as a wolf? He had no reason to and satsuma has also defended me so this point is completely bogus. 

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Also like 80% of the game is pushing satusma, I don't think ever ever flips wolf in any world at this rate. 

I also don't think any of the things he's being pushed on are valid so I don't know how it happened in the first place. 

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2 minutes ago, Fable said:

"Mak why are you wolf reading me" = Fable doesn't care about why Mak is wolf reading him. 

Fucking amazing. 10/10 analysis  

Also the satsuma point is ridiculous, why would he defend you as a wolf? He had no reason to and satsuma has also defended me so this point is completely bogus. 

You didn't say "Makaze why are you wolf reading me." You said "Makaze why are you obseesed with me" which implies that you have a problem with the amount of focus he is putting on you. It also doesn't seem like you are trying to figure out why Makaze has you as mafia.

And I hadn't got to where Satsuma defended you but I don't like the way that they did it. It was kind of like "no don't vote Fable" and then they left. Nagl

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9 minutes ago, Fenrir Aesir said:

@Rapier re: question about AIs, I mistakenly interpreted your earlier comment about Athena/Bartozio as serious, which was why I initially asked where you were heading with it. Is there a reaction you got that stood out to you wrt discerning Athena's alignment though?

I've established my having this sentiment already, but I feel like Fable's ignoring a lot of what Makaze says that doesn't relate to him (Fable) specifically. Yes, Makaze hasn't been explaining his reads initially but when prompted to he tends to give further insight, which goes against the idea that he "thinks he's above having to explain his reads." I also don't think Makaze seems concerned with "bulldogging a lynch," something which I referenced earlier (his questions towards Mackc2 seem focused towards determining alignments). I'm not sure what I think of this, as Fable seems primarily concerned with Makaze's attitude towards only Fable himself as opposed to the rest of the thread which is NAGL, but I also think scum!Fable is capable of making a better case if he's pushing for a Makaze lynch.

I'm switching trains, should be back on soon.

In my defense I've spent 90% of this phase tilted af because I've had to spend the entire time defending shit that's completely NAI. 

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4 minutes ago, Fable said:

Evan with taking pot shots rather than trying to solve. 

That's not a pot shot. I quoted that post to help prove the point I made earlier that you are caring more about being scumread than why.  I think that I have been pretty solvy so far too so I don't know where that came from.

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2 minutes ago, Fable said:

@Zeonth I have asked things but people are not willing to interact with me. 

It has to be a two way street IMO. 

Can you provide some examples of questions you have asked where they have gone ignored? Specifically ones NOT directed at Makaze. I've failed to see anything of note from you from pages 1-10. 

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1 minute ago, EvanManManMan said:

That's not a pot shot. I quoted that post to help prove the point I made earlier that you are caring more about being scumread than why.  I think that I have been pretty solvy so far too so I don't know where that came from.

You've been afk 80% of the phase and your our vote before coming back now was a sheep lmao. 

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1 minute ago, Zeonth said:

Can you provide some examples of questions you have asked where they have gone ignored? Specifically ones NOT directed at Makaze. I've failed to see anything of note from you from pages 1-10. 

I've tried interacting with mack and fenrir off memory but it never went anywhere. 

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4 minutes ago, EvanManManMan said:

You didn't say "Makaze why are you wolf reading me." You said "Makaze why are you obseesed with me" which implies that you have a problem with the amount of focus he is putting on you. It also doesn't seem like you are trying to figure out why Makaze has you as mafia.

And I hadn't got to where Satsuma defended you but I don't like the way that they did it. It was kind of like "no don't vote Fable" and then they left. Nagl

You are literally doing mental gymnastics to defend your point now. Asking why he's wolf reading me IS FUCKING TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY HE'S WOLF READING ME

You either don't know what words mean or are wolf. 

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Welcome to Zeo’s wall-post cause part 4 I’m a busy fuck who only just had the time to finish this so now here’s my thoughts on everything from page 11 to page 12 (stops at my very first post).

16 hours ago, XnadrojX said:

So why aren't you actively changing the gamestate?

Page 11:

*Xand calling Maka out!? Get rekt, Maka!


16 hours ago, Makaze said:
18 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Call it a gut feeling but something is tonally off about Bartozio's responses, I can't quite figure out what it is though. I need a bit of time to re-evaluate my reads and see if they are still valid 

What reads are you re-evaluating? As of which post did start you have reads/what set you on your path?

17 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

I feel like Xan vs Bart is town vs town, I feel if one of them where mafia they would have tried to back down by now especially since their interactions haven't drawn any extra votes their way or started any wagons. 

What felt tonally off about Bart to you? How does it fit in with this town vs town narrative?

*Going back to the post above this one, I feel this is the first time Makaze is actually attempting to ask questions about others players, and some good ones, at that. This is the first time I am able to get a read on him as he questions Mack. ((This quote will also come into play with a later post he makes about Mack on page 13)).

Page 12:

*For all his pushing and only having interactions with Xand (replies) and Athena, Bartozio now moves off Xand lynch and onto Fable. Why is it that after everything you have provided against Xand, do you feel it’s a better move to switch to Fable (Xand has 2 votes with you, your switch gives Fable 2 votes). It feels like you have a much weaker case on Fable and dedicate only a sentence to explaining your switch.


16 hours ago, Makaze said:

Mixed Pings (Scumsided)

@Mackc2 (Mentor: @Magnificence Incarnate - Marth) // Seems to ask a lot of useless questions and avoids taking strong stances. In general doesn't touch real content with a ten foot pole. If this continues, going to call it more than caution, but I don't like this when I have more decisive pings.

*Makaze establishes Mack as a scumlean.

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30 minutes ago, Fenrir Aesir said:

@Rapier re: question about AIs, I mistakenly interpreted your earlier comment about Athena/Bartozio as serious, which was why I initially asked where you were heading with it. Is there a reaction you got that stood out to you wrt discerning Athena's alignment though?

I've established my having this sentiment already, but I feel like Fable's ignoring a lot of what Makaze says that doesn't relate to him (Fable) specifically. Yes, Makaze hasn't been explaining his reads initially but when prompted to he tends to give further insight, which goes against the idea that he "thinks he's above having to explain his reads." I also don't think Makaze seems concerned with "bulldogging a lynch," something which I referenced earlier (his questions towards Mackc2 seem focused towards determining alignments). I'm not sure what I think of this, as Fable seems primarily concerned with Makaze's attitude towards only Fable himself as opposed to the rest of the thread which is NAGL, but I also think scum!Fable is capable of making a better case if he's pushing for a Makaze lynch.

I think I addressed that already, so I don't know what else to say wrt Athena's alignment.

Also, I agree with that read on Fable. Yes, I also don't like how he's been insisting on Makaze and voted for him since early D1. He seems to have opinions on other people but makes no effort to scumhunt or ask them questions (I think he asked Mack a question before but regardless they didnt commit to their other reads). I dont really see much productivity from lynching him now though compared to other players who have more presence within the game.

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17 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

@Fenrir Aesir Do you think if Athena intended to pocket Xan that something as weak as Bart's argument would have made him back off? Assuming he is pocketing what would swapping to vote that person serve to accomplish? 
Do you think that Athena is more likely to flip scum than Satsuma?
Also general question for everyone, does Fable have any reason to be unco-operative as scum? Wouldn't scum want to do the exact opposite?

See my earlier comment on why Athena may have switched to voting for Xnad as scum (being paranoid about receiving more suspicion than just Bart's). I also think what someone else mentioned about abandoning the pocket attempt because they saw Bartozio's case as having potential is a possibility and that Athena and Satsuma both have decently high chances of flipping scum. Where I'm at now probably looks something like Athena=Satsuma>Evan with Evan being not as strong a lean due to his current lack of content, and Makaze, Junk, and Xnad as town.

Does Fable have a reason to be uncooperative as town, though?


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21 minutes ago, Fable said:

You are literally doing mental gymnastics to defend your point now. Asking why he's wolf reading me IS FUCKING TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY HE'S WOLF READING ME

You either don't know what words mean or are wolf. 

And I'm saying that you didn't ask why he had the read on you.

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So evan came in and did nothing but shade this thread's favorite target for playstyle things and misrepping wording  along with the current vote leader and did no actual solving. 

Someone please tell me why he's a villager. 

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