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My Hero Academia Mafia - Game Over


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10 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

They're not. The demotivation thing is a point in his favour, but due to his reads being way different than mine I'm still scumleaning on him.

weren't you guys also talking about demotivation being a thing for a possible scum bro when you saw that tuvy flipped?

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3 minutes ago, dyachei said:

weren't you guys also talking about demotivation being a thing for a possible scum bro when you saw that tuvy flipped?

Yeah, but Shinori's saying he prefers playing scum and that he would therefore try harder if he were scum. Based on my experience with him I could see that being true, someone like Marth/Snike/Via/Weapons who's played more with him probably knows better though.

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3 minutes ago, dyachei said:

How likely is it that people will show up by the end of day on this site?

I think it's usually fine, but with these players/this activity I wouldn't count on more than half being here at EoD. Ending time also kind of sucks for me (1:30 AM) so I will leave around 2 hours before DL. Bartozio is in the same time zone so I doubt he'll be here either.

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3 minutes ago, dyachei said:

Who would you vote today if I were off the table?

People I'd lynch are Alette/Shinori/Snike, I'm kind of hoping RAD gets a sub but worst comes to worst I guess I'd consolidate there.

Not sure about the ordering yet, I'm hoping Marth has something to say on them when he gets back, I've been agreeing with a lot of what he's been saying this game. I should probably take a look at how the wagons currently  look, I'll get back to you on that.

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If I didn't miscount votals are something like:

Snike - 2 - Shinori/Marth

Mackc - 1 - Snike

Weapons - 1 - Dya

Shinori - 2 - Bart/Mackc

Dya - 3 - Athena/Weapons/Fleet


If I had to pick somewhere to consolidate I'd go Shinori>Snike>all others, I think I'd go Alette over Snike if that were a possibility though.

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I'm not sure. Maybe rad? They've made very little impact and I suspect that the mafia is letting village hang itself. Might be willing to go alette if no other options.


I liked that snike thought the same things about Mack that I did as I was doing my read through but maybe that's bad if he's played with Mack before and Mack is doing the things he does as town 

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2 hours ago, Athena_57 said:

I'm tempted to believe the demotivation-meta defense tbh, but his reads are like, almost opposite to mine which puts him back down. What's off about his tone to you? I don't see anything good/bad in it.

Okay I sort of speed read his ISO and upon reading again realised it was just confirmation bias, well sort of, more a mislabelling I suppose, but its the fact that he seems to be really stuck on this meta thing and brings it up when it doesn't really seem relevant (see his second most recent post at this time), its as if they like to remind us that they can't be scum because it doesn't fit their meta, meta is still a terrible argument to make especially for yourself, cause it shows you know your own meta and can easily subvert it. 

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Read Dya's posts so far, kind of just lost my suspicion on him with the overall tone, and I agree with Alette that they just seem to be asking for more details.

##Unvote: dyachei

The only other person I find suspicious is Shinori after reading Mack's latest posts, but others do believe that he would probably be more active as scum. So I dunno, not really sure what to make of him.

Btw when was the last time RAD ever posted in this thread?


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Uhh I would reconsider going on me because I am not scum. I feel bad about this game now, but that is part of the reason I'm voting Snike or Marth today. I feel like their vote on corrobin is bad and personally I want to know if Marth would be unafraid to bus.

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1 minute ago, dyachei said:

Rule of thumb with alette is that if you think she's mafia, she's probably town. If you think she could be town, she's probably mafia. Which is why I'm so unsure on her right now 

Sounds like the rule of thumb with bart

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On 9/26/2018 at 2:24 AM, Athena_57 said:

In response to Dya's "How alette things tuvy and athena could be a team is astonishing"

This bugs me a lot. Me catching the Tuvy slip isn't new knowledge. You knew this yesterday as well, yet you've had me as top scumread, but now that someone calls you out on it, you immediately back off. Why was it not a reason to townread me yesterday, but is it a reason to do so today? @Alette

Because I really didn't see a slip with tuvy in the first place. I'm not observant is one thing and it seemed like you were acting weird last day phase. That's how I see it 

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